A Nightblood Sentry | 36-40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Obelisk of Lost Souls | No | 5.4138% |
A Nightblood Shadowrage | 42-43 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 5.4138% |
A Galebreaker Pilgrim | 48 ^ | Everfrost | No | 5.4138% |
Asajj An'duuth | 44-46 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 5.4138% |
An Anchor Reconditioner | 50 v to ^ ^ Heroic | The Vestibule | No | 5.4138% |
A Lamia Savage | 39-40 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 5.4138% |
A Lamia Deathcaller | 42-43 v | Rivervale | No | 5.4138% |
Verishu | 39-40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | No | 5.4138% |
A Lamia Soulsiren | 39-40 ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 5.4138% |
Gorusk Flayfist | 45 ^ ^ Heroic | The Obelisk of Lost Souls | Yes | 5.4138% |
A Nightblood Tormentor | 43-44 ^ to ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 5.4138% |
A Lamia Assassin | 39-40 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 5.4138% |
A Skyshield Maiden | 42-43 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Everfrost | No | 5.4138% |
A Galebreaker Maiden | 42-43 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Everfrost | No | 5.4138% |
Avulsor | 43 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Obelisk of Lost Souls | Yes | 5.4138% |
Zhroska L'starnavia | 40 v v v | Rivervale | No | 5.4138% |
Countess Satrinah | 42 - | The Forbidden Sepulcher | Yes | 5.4138% |
A Nightblood Firefury | 43-44 v | Rivervale | No | 5.4138% |
A Disciple Of Shadow | 46 ^ ^ Heroic | The Obelisk of Lost Souls | No | 5.4138% |
A Succubi Defender | 40 v v v | Rivervale | No | 5.4138% |
Archfiend Izzoroth | 40 ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | Nektropos Castle | Yes | 5.4138% |
Bondur Flayfist | 45 ^ ^ Heroic | The Obelisk of Lost Souls | Yes | 5.4138% |
N`Kzak The Unnatural | 42 ^ ^ ^ Epic x3 | Enchanted Lands | Yes | 5.4138% |
A Manifestation Of Echoes | 49 v | The Obelisk of Lost Souls | No | 5.4138% |
A Lamia Intimidator | 40-42 ^ | Rivervale | No | 5.4138% |
A Nightblood Seeker | 41-42 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Obelisk of Lost Souls | No | 5.4138% |
Gale Monarch E'yildir | 44 ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | Icespire Summit | Yes | 5.4138% |
Sky Marshal Brynhild | 40 v | The Fanged Sea | Yes | 5.4138% |
Ethruia Aj'dora | 40-42 ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 5.4138% |
An Ice Guardian | 43-44 ^ ^ Heroic | Icespire Summit | No | 5.4138% |
A Cloudsong Maiden | 42-43 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Everfrost | No | 5.4138% |
A Lamia Oppressor | 40-42 ^ | Rivervale | No | 5.4138% |
A Lamia Deathcaller | 42-43 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 5.4138% |
Baz'Tarog The Corrupter | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Enchanted Lands | Yes | 5.4138% |
A Windrider Maiden | 42-43 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Everfrost | No | 5.4138% |
An Anchor Reconditioner | 48-50 v to ^ ^ Heroic | The Obelisk of Lost Souls | No | 5.4138% |
A Nightblood Harrower | 42-43 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 5.4138% |
A Lamia Medicia | 40-42 ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 5.4138% |
A Shadowed Liquidite | 42 ^ ^ Heroic | The Obelisk of Lost Souls | No | 5% |
The Harbinger | 42 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Obelisk of Lost Souls | Yes | 5% |
Chortle The Imp | 45 v v v | Steamfont Mountains | Yes | 5% |
A Darkwhisper Chanter | 48-50 v to ^ | The Obelisk of Lost Souls | No | 5% |
A Shadowed Acolyte | 41 ^ | The Obelisk of Lost Souls | No | 5% |
A Shadowed Protector | 41 ^ | The Obelisk of Lost Souls | No | 5% |
The Keeper Of Nihility | 45 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Obelisk of Lost Souls | Yes | 5% |
The Medium Of Lysis | 48 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Obelisk of Lost Souls | Yes | 5% |
The Medium Of Cron | 50 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Obelisk of Lost Souls | Yes | 5% |
A Shadowed Torturer | 41 ^ | The Obelisk of Lost Souls | No | 5% |
A Shadowedman Seed | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | The Vestibule | No | 5% |
A Shadowed Deconstructor | 43 ^ | The Obelisk of Lost Souls | No | 5% |
The Creator Of Shadows | 44 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Obelisk of Lost Souls | Yes | 5% |
The Medium Of Dyrt | 48 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Obelisk of Lost Souls | Yes | 5% |
The Medium Of Iza | 49 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Obelisk of Lost Souls | Yes | 5% |
A Shadowed Soulflayer | 43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Obelisk of Lost Souls | No | 5% |
A Shadowed Mistscreamer | 41 ^ | The Obelisk of Lost Souls | No | 5% |
The Medium Of Odris | 48 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Obelisk of Lost Souls | Yes | 5% |
A Fire Imp | 47-48 - | Lavastorm | No | 5% |
The Keeper Of Nihility | 45 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Obelisk of Lost Souls | Yes | 5% |
A Shadowed Soulcrusher | 43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Obelisk of Lost Souls | No | 5% |
The Medium Of Hykor | 50 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Vestibule | Yes | 5% |
The Medium Of Norrath | 49 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Obelisk of Lost Souls | Yes | 5% |
A Huuptic Hunter | 35-36 ^ to ^ ^ Heroic | The Feerrott | No | 4.4138% |
A Huuptic Fetcher | 35-36 v | The Feerrott | No | 4.4138% |
Chieftain Iceburn | 47 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Everfrost | Yes | 4.4138% |
A Huuptic Elder | 37 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Feerrott | No | 4.4138% |
Shaman Snowfell | 47 - | Everfrost | No | 4.4138% |
A Numbfoot Hunter | 46-47 v v v to ^ | Everfrost | No | 4.4138% |
A Huuptic Idler | 35-37 ^ to ^ ^ Heroic | The Feerrott | No | 4.4138% |
Cartographer Vuladis | 59 - | The Silent City | No | 2.500% |
An Academy Teacher | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
A Feeding Elder | 46 ^ ^ ^ Epic x4 | The Crypt of T'Haen: Vengeance | No | 2.4138% |
Tamli Warmweather | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 2.4138% |
Jimmie Gearbender | 40 - | Greater Faydark | No | 2.4138% |
A Bitterwind Pioneer | 41-42 ^ ^ Heroic | Everfrost | No | 2.4138% |
Spirit Of Marr's Chosen | 48 ^ ^ Heroic | Spirits of the Lost | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Dark Negotiator | 41-43 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
A Fanatical Sentry | 40-42 ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | The Unkempt Vale: A Lordly Confrontation | No | 2.4138% |
An Elder Persecutor | 40 - to ^ | Dire Hollow: Barrow Ruins | No | 2.4138% |
An Elder Theurgist | 40 - to ^ | Dire Hollow: Barrow Ruins | No | 2.4138% |
Eurynomis | 45 ^ | Steamfont Mountains | Yes | 2.4138% |
Terryn Brookwaters | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Scribe | 41-43 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Writer | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Ritualist | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
A Hired Assassin | 38-40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of Betrayal | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Scribe | 41-43 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Gimble Tinkerton | 42 - | Steamfont Mountains | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Pupil | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Krozk Bonebraka | 42 - | The Feerrott | Yes | 2.4138% |
An Academy Artificer | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Thaumaturge Ranollious | 42 - | North Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Rukir Pineleaf | 46-48 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | Yes | 2.4138% |
A Highwayman | 41 - | Antonica | No | 2.4138% |
Kanto Guinders | 43 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 2.4138% |
T'rath The Usurper | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen: Endless Twilight | Yes | 2.4138% |
Lodo Bightn | 43 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Enchanted Lands | Yes | 2.4138% |
A Corrupted Seamstress | 37-38 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 2.4138% |
Chon Ar'edij | 45 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Feerrott | No | 2.4138% |
Borbin The Prevailer | 43 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | Yes | 2.4138% |
Japhet L'Zon | 42 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Feerrott | Yes | 2.4138% |
Arch Protector Dolis | 45 ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | The Unkempt Vale: A Lordly Confrontation | Yes | 2.4138% |
An Academy Surveyor | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Researcher | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
A Modinite Fugitive | 38-40 v | The Feerrott | Yes | 2.4138% |
A Bitterwind Explorer | 41-42 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Everfrost | No | 2.4138% |
Augurer Arnon | 40 ^ | South Qeynos | Yes | 2.4138% |
Pugden Mistymorn | 37 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 2.4138% |
A Bloodless Pirate | 46-47 v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2.4138% |
A Fanatical Ranger | 40-42 ^ ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | The Unkempt Vale: A Lordly Confrontation | No | 2.4138% |
Captain Corrigan | 45 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Maid for the Mist | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Pupil | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Artificer | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Historian | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Commissioner Dogweed | 40 v v v | Rivervale | No | 2.4138% |
A Disciple Of Fear | 44-45 ^ to ^ ^ Heroic | The Feerrott | No | 2.4138% |
Captain Beltho | 45 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Antonica | No | 2.4138% |
Deputy Spurrfire | 42 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Dark Negotiator | 41-43 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
A Bitterwind Explorer | 45 v | Everfrost | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Librarian | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Dark Negotiator | 41-43 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Fredwen Goldsyrup | 39 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Teacher | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Historian | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Mashara Tiogran | 40 - | The Feerrott | Yes | 2.4138% |
Lissa Warmwind | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 2.4138% |
Cythan The Last | 45 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Feerrott | Yes | 2.4138% |
An Academy Proctor | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Surveyor | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Writer | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Surveyor | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Tarnis | 44 v | The Feerrott | No | 2.4138% |
An Elder Theurgist | 40 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Alchemist | 40 ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Ponchy Shorttoe | 40 - | Antonica | Yes | 2.4138% |
An Academy Teacher | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
A Shadowed Halfling | 43 ^ to ^ ^ Heroic | Enchanted Lands | No | 2.4138% |
Watchman Plarg | 40 ^ ^ Heroic | Steamfont Mountains | Yes | 2.4138% |
A Spirit Monk | 40-42 v | The Feerrott | No | 2.4138% |
A Rook Slayer | 40 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | D'Morte Burial Chambers: Veiled Hollow | No | 2.4138% |
Academy Theurgist Skarzrinya | 44 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Assistant | 41-43 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Blaesra The Nightwalker | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Dire Hollow: Barrow Ruins | Yes | 2.4138% |
Deputy Stonewall | 45 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 2.4138% |
Norma Vineweaver | 39 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 2.4138% |
Deputy Hillview | 42 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 2.4138% |
Myhrna McMarrin | 49 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Everfrost | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Assistant | 41-43 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Professor | 41-43 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
An Elite Samiel Guard | 46 v v v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2.4138% |
Cvaka Zichovani | 38 - | The Feerrott | Yes | 2.4138% |
An Academy Researcher | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Lingualogian Roosey | 40 - | Steamfont Mountains | No | 2.4138% |
An Elder Confessor | 40 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen: Endless Twilight | No | 2.4138% |
A Rook Confessor | 40 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | D'Morte Burial Chambers: Veiled Hollow | No | 2.4138% |
Lieutenant Darrius | 45 v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Protege Of Feyd | 40 ^ | Dire Hollow: Barrow Ruins | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Researcher | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Pupil | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
A Rook Champion | 40 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | D'Morte Burial Chambers: Veiled Hollow | No | 2.4138% |
An Expedition Archaeologist | 46 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Solusek's Eye | No | 2.4138% |
Nemar Gadgetglow | 41 v | The Temple of Cazic-Thule | No | 2.4138% |
Deputy Oakstout | 42 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 2.4138% |
A Samiel Negotiator | 45 v v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2.4138% |
Bellendis Tempestcall | 40 v | Enchanted Lands | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Pupil | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
A Fanatical Sentry | 40-42 ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | The Unkempt Vale: A Lordly Confrontation | No | 2.4138% |
A Modinite Fugitive | 38-40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Feerrott | Yes | 2.4138% |
An Academy Ritualist | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
A Shade Of Tobrin | 45 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Miragul's Menagerie | No | 2.4138% |
Shan | 40-50 - | Maj'Dul | No | 2.4138% |
Tobi Wanderhill | 38 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 2.4138% |
Sorris Grubbelly | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 2.4138% |
Barmaid Rosaline | 37 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 2.4138% |
Boulden Smitestone | 40 v | Qeynos Harbor | No | 2.4138% |
Janna Windleaf | 37 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Historian | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
An Ancient Cadaver | 48 v | The Temple of Cazic-Thule | No | 2.4138% |
A Soulstripper | 48-50 v to ^ ^ Heroic | The Obelisk of Lost Souls | No | 2.4138% |
Thaumaturge G'Lex | 45 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | North Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
A Shadowed Halfling | 40-42 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 2.4138% |
A Corrupted Bandit | 36-37 ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Appraiser | 40-42 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Assistant | 41-43 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
An Elder Confessor | 40 v | The Crypt of T'haen: Endless Twilight | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Chemist | 40 ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Hired Cutthroat | 45 v v | a room | No | 2.4138% |
An Elder Backbiter | 40 - to ^ | Dire Hollow: Barrow Ruins | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Chemist | 40 ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Arcanist | 41-43 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Scribe | 41-43 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Writer | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Geologist | 40-42 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
A Dervish Corpse | 45-48 v v v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2.4138% |
A Young Froglok Refugee | 42 ^ | A Maj'Dul Residence | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Alchemist | 40 ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
A Rook Sentry | 40 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | D'Morte Burial Chambers: Veiled Hollow | No | 2.4138% |
Te'Toa The Terrible | 40-50 - | Maj'Dul | No | 2.4138% |
A Decrepit Ghoul | 46 - | The Sinking Sands | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Pupil | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Blight Sage Destroz | 45 - | North Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Proctor | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Deputy Grovewander | 41 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Geologist | 40-42 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
A D'Zok Bodyguard | 48 v v v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2.4138% |
Varo Z'Kaz | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Dire Hollow: Barrow Ruins | Yes | 2.4138% |
Hired Cutthroat | 45 v v | a room | No | 2.4138% |
A Bitterwind Explorer | 41-42 ^ ^ Heroic | Everfrost | No | 2.4138% |
Baker Brandie | 47 - | The Pillars of Flame | Yes | 2.4138% |
A Highwayman | 41 - | Antonica | No | 2.4138% |
Academy Archmage Valkotar | 44 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Blight Sage Destroz | 45 - | The City of Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
A Bitterwind Pioneer | 45 v | Everfrost | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Arcanist | 41-43 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Infiltrator Stryjin | 40 v | Deathfist Citadel | No | 2.4138% |
Alchemist Yallessul | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Deathfist Citadel | Yes | 2.4138% |
An Academy Administrator | 41-43 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Oglethorpe | 45 - | Steamfont Mountains | No | 2.4138% |
A Fanatical Ranger | 40-42 ^ ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | The Unkempt Vale: A Lordly Confrontation | No | 2.4138% |
Felderin Beddleknopps | 38 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 2.4138% |
A Rook Raider | 40 ^ | D'Morte Burial Chambers: Veiled Hollow | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Arcanist | 41-43 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Researcher | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Scholar | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Emery | 45 - | Steamfont Mountains | No | 2.4138% |
Antiquitor Kantus Mor'Tael | 40-50 - | Maj'Dul | No | 2.4138% |
General Ginlo | 45-50 ^ | North Qeynos | Yes | 2.4138% |
Emery Seastrider | 42 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Everfrost | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Alchemist | 40 ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
A Concubine | 52-53 - to ^ | Deathfist Citadel: Assault | No | 2.4138% |
A Samiel Pillager | 45-46 v v v to - | The Sinking Sands | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Historian | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Teacher | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
A Broken Skull | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Zek, the Orcish Wastes | No | 2.4138% |
Summoner Of The Flame | 48 ^ ^ ^ Epic x4 | Maiden's Gulch | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Professor | 41-43 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Librarian | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Zealot Fahid | 40 - | The Temple of Cazic-Thule | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Professor | 41-43 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Franny | 40 v | Rivervale | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Apprentice | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
A Fleshrot Construct | 42-43 ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Hucklethin Gorsefoot | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Antonica | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Librarian | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
A Fanatical Defender | 40-42 ^ ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | The Unkempt Vale: A Lordly Confrontation | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Writer | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Nibnoggin The Sensational | 40 v v | Boat Freeport/Qeynos | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Assistant | 41-43 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Bartender Berrystein | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Geologist | 40-42 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Proctor | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Lodo Bightn | 42-43 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | North Qeynos | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Ritualist | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Oodan The Tranquil | 43 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Enchanted Lands | Yes | 2.4138% |
Atraxas Bhotlis | 45-50 ^ | West Freeport | Yes | 2.4138% |
A Soulstripper | 50 v to ^ ^ Heroic | The Vestibule | No | 2.4138% |
Xilla Beetlebinder | 47 ^ | The Sinking Sands | Yes | 2.4138% |
Captain Sturman | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | No | 2.4138% |
Arthial The Protector | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Nektulos Forest | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Administrator | 41-43 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Captain Corrigan | 45 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Nektulos Forest | No | 2.4138% |
Deputy Shallowfoot | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 2.4138% |
Clay Trodden | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Surveyor | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
An Elder Backbiter | 40 v | The Crypt of T'haen: Endless Twilight | No | 2.4138% |
An Elder Vanquisher | 47-48 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | The Crypt of T'Haen: Vengeance | No | 2.4138% |
A Menagerie Guardian | 45 - | Miragul's Menagerie | No | 2.4138% |
Jiang Li | 40 ^ ^ Heroic | The Cave of Knowledge | Yes | 2.4138% |
T'Rath The Usurper | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'Haen: Vengeance | Yes | 2.4138% |
A Valve Operator | 49 - | The Obelisk of Lost Souls | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Appraiser | 40-42 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Anrev Kaelyna | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Feerrott | No | 2.4138% |
An Elder Slayer | 47-49 ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | The Crypt of T'Haen: Vengeance | No | 2.4138% |
An Arena Spectator | 52 - to ^ | Deathfist Citadel: Assault | No | 2.4138% |
Lieutenant Darrius | 45 v | West Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Writer | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Librarian | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
A Samiel Marauder | 45-46 v v v to - | The Sinking Sands | No | 2.4138% |
Kayl Of The Circle | 40 ^ ^ Heroic | The Circle of Elders | Yes | 2.4138% |
Dryxl T'rath | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | Yes | 2.4138% |
Missionary Jenson | 41 - | North Qeynos | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Teacher | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
An Elder Champion | 40 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen | No | 2.4138% |
An Expedition Supplier | 46 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Solusek's Eye | No | 2.4138% |
Sprella Rushwater | 42 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 2.4138% |
The Eye Of Thule | 40 - | The Feerrott | No | 2.4138% |
Merchant Timbertop | 38 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 2.4138% |
Lo'volonus | 43 v | Enchanted Lands | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Proctor | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
An Elder Champion | 47-48 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'Haen: Vengeance | No | 2.4138% |
Captain Vrondell | 45 v | West Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
An Elder Theurgist | 40 v | The Crypt of T'haen: Endless Twilight | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Historian | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Hergla The Wretch | 46 ^ ^ Heroic | The Pillars of Flame | Yes | 2.4138% |
Darly Brookwaters | 39 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 2.4138% |
Gretchen Spiritstorm | 40 - | The Feerrott | Yes | 2.4138% |
Historian Elderoak | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | Yes | 2.4138% |
Juno Oakbranch | 37 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 2.4138% |
An Undying Hound | 45-46 - | Steamfont Mountains | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Geologist | 40-42 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Bartender Blestbarrel | 41 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 2.4138% |
A Terrorantula Thug | 40-50 v v | Maj'Dul | No | 2.4138% |
An Elder Confessor | 40 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Appraiser | 40-42 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
An Elven Ranger | 45 v to - | Enchanted Lands | No | 2.4138% |
A Fanatical Defender | 40-42 ^ ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | The Unkempt Vale: A Lordly Confrontation | No | 2.4138% |
Dockmaster Waulon | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 2.4138% |
An Expedition Guard | 46 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Solusek's Eye | No | 2.4138% |
Yoru The Old | 40 v | Antonica | No | 2.4138% |
Hethren Silvershire | 43 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 2.4138% |
Yewon Martrcle | 45-50 ^ | The City of Freeport | Yes | 2.4138% |
Malkin X'Davai | 40 - | The Feerrott | Yes | 2.4138% |
An Elder Theurgist | 40 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen: Endless Twilight | No | 2.4138% |
A Bitterwind Pioneer | 41-42 ^ ^ Heroic | Everfrost | No | 2.4138% |
Nerrith Underroot | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 2.4138% |
Elder Clurg | 43 v | North Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Proctor | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
An Elder Champion | 40 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen: Endless Twilight | No | 2.4138% |
Burdop | 43 v | Rivervale | No | 2.4138% |
Marvan Honeyjum | 45-50 ^ | Qeynos Harbor | Yes | 2.4138% |
A Froglok Refugee | 37-40 v to ^ | A Maj'Dul Residence | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Apprentice | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
A Fanatical Defender | 40-42 ^ ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | The Unkempt Vale: A Lordly Confrontation | No | 2.4138% |
Grimble Blumble | 35 - | The Feerrott | Yes | 2.4138% |
A Samiel Buccaneer | 46 v v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2.4138% |
Ikile Harmonia | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Greater Faydark | No | 2.4138% |
A Boogeyman | 44-45 ^ to ^ ^ Heroic | The Feerrott | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Librarian | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Royal Accountant Fowler | 41 v | Qeynos Harbor | No | 2.4138% |
Taryn D`Vat | 40 v v v | The Feerrott | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Artificer | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
A Samiel Outcast | 46 v v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2.4138% |
Augurer Vharlan | 40 v v | South Qeynos | Yes | 2.4138% |
A Ghoul | 48 v to - | The Sinking Sands | No | 2.4138% |
A Fanatical Defender | 40-42 ^ ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | The Unkempt Vale: A Lordly Confrontation | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Scholar | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Appraiser | 40-42 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
An Elder Deathdealer | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Dire Hollow: Barrow Ruins | No | 2.4138% |
Deputy Strongroot | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 2.4138% |
Garin Guzzle | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Maid for the Mist | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Chemist | 40 ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Scribe | 41-43 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Torvis Nebarius | 45-50 ^ | The City of Freeport | Yes | 2.4138% |
An Academy Alchemist | 40 ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Chemist | 40 ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Writer | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
A Samiel Pirate | 45-46 v v v to v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Geologist | 40-42 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Scholar | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Slaughtergrott The Vigilant | 40 v | East Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Deputy Underthorn | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 2.4138% |
Deputy Bristletoe | 44 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Dark Negotiator | 41-43 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Atraxas Bhotlis | 45-50 ^ | The City of Freeport | Yes | 2.4138% |
An Academy Appraiser | 40-42 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Lucas | 47 - | The Pillars of Flame | Yes | 2.4138% |
An Academy Researcher | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Ivy Dewshine | 43 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Teacher | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Baron Zafimus | 42 - | West Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Tufar The Mangler | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Dire Hollow: Barrow Ruins | Yes | 2.4138% |
Mistress V'ram | 52 ^ ^ Heroic | Deathfist Citadel: Assault | Yes | 2.4138% |
Sartar The Unrivaled | 44 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Feerrott | Yes | 2.4138% |
A Rook Bonedancer | 40 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | D'Morte Burial Chambers: Veiled Hollow | No | 2.4138% |
Brother Raster | 44 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Zek, the Orcish Wastes | Yes | 2.4138% |
Veneficus | 45 ^ | Steamfont Mountains | Yes | 2.4138% |
A Fanatical Ranger | 40-42 ^ ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | The Unkempt Vale: A Lordly Confrontation | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Writer | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Ritualist | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Aesthetic Winchester | 43 - | South Qeynos | No | 2.4138% |
A Bitterwind Pioneer | 45 v | Everfrost | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Scholar | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Baron Zafimus | 42 - | The City of Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Deputy Crookfellow | 43 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 2.4138% |
Shalwyn Sparroweye | 45 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Enchanted Lands | No | 2.4138% |
Lord Bennet | 42 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Antonica | No | 2.4138% |
An Elder Backbiter | 40 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen: Endless Twilight | No | 2.4138% |
Torvis Nebarius | 45-50 ^ | North Freeport | Yes | 2.4138% |
An Enthralled Warrior | 39-40 ^ | The Thundering Steppes | No | 2.4138% |
An Elder Champion | 40 - to ^ | Dire Hollow: Barrow Ruins | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Assistant | 41-43 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Tomekeeper Sunto | 45-50 ^ ^ Heroic | Lavastorm | No | 2.4138% |
Pyzjn | 44 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Portal to the Past: Qeynos Ruins | Yes | 2.4138% |
An Academy Librarian | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Apprentice | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Grimleech The Mutated | 48 ^ | The Sinking Sands | Yes | 2.4138% |
An Academy Professor | 41-43 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Augurer Simias | 40 ^ | South Qeynos | Yes | 2.4138% |
A Samiel Arsonist | 46 v v v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2.4138% |
A Samiel Outlaw | 45-46 v v v to v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Artificer | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
A Corrupted Brigand | 37 - to ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 2.4138% |
Angremar The Black | 48 ^ ^ ^ Epic x4 | The Crypt of T'Haen: Vengeance | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Administrator | 41-43 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Cru Naseto | 45 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Antonica | No | 2.4138% |
Mister Jumtum | 40 v | Antonica | No | 2.4138% |
An Elder Persecutor | 40 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen: Endless Twilight | No | 2.4138% |
Nor'sona A'tyel | 45-50 ^ | The Elddar Grove | Yes | 2.4138% |
An Academy Arcanist | 41-43 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Kreglebop Yekl | 40 v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Scribe | 41-43 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Chemist | 40 ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Captain Sorio | 42 v | Big Bend | No | 2.4138% |
Academy Counselor Ranolioona | 44 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Yania Wanderhill | 42 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 2.4138% |
A Fanatical Ranger | 40-42 ^ ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | The Unkempt Vale: A Lordly Confrontation | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Geologist | 40-42 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Liddy Bobick | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 2.4138% |
Rath'Adran | 38-40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Zek, the Orcish Wastes | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Appraiser | 40-42 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Cythan | 45 v | The Feerrott | No | 2.4138% |
Murial Silvershire | 41 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 2.4138% |
Tarin Varinbade | 40 - | The Feerrott | Yes | 2.4138% |
Academy Academician Neverinia | 44 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
A Soulless Assistant | 42 ^ ^ Heroic | The Obelisk of Lost Souls | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Assistant | 41-43 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Historian | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Niloo Riverbend | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 2.4138% |
Thaumaturge Ranollious | 42 - | The City of Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Researcher | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Lady Samiel | 47 ^ | The Sinking Sands | Yes | 2.4138% |
Edwyn Oakshire | 37 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 2.4138% |
T'Lys's Minion | 45 - to ^ | Miragul's Menagerie | No | 2.4138% |
An Elite Samiel Guard | 46 v v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2.4138% |
Sergeant Tillin | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Antonica | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Scholar | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Administrator | 41-43 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Apprentice | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Deputy Slyfoot | 41 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 2.4138% |
Tweedle Dee (state On Handler) | 40 - | Thunderdome | No | 2.4138% |
Seamus Longtoe | 45-50 ^ | Enchanted Lands | Yes | 2.4138% |
An Academy Dark Negotiator | 41-43 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Maecenus | 45 ^ ^ Heroic | a room | No | 2.4138% |
Larg Buchanan | 45 v v v | The Feerrott | No | 2.4138% |
A Bitterwind Firestarter | 41-42 ^ ^ Heroic | Everfrost | No | 2.4138% |
City Registrar Glamis | 41 v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Seelya Spoolfingers | 41 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Scholar | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
The Sage Of Shadows | 46-47 - | The Sinking Sands | No | 2.4138% |
A Blood Cult Prophetess | 41-42 - | The Forbidden Sepulcher | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Professor | 41-43 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Reza | 41 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Feerrott | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Artificer | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
A Fanatical Sentry | 40-42 ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | The Unkempt Vale: A Lordly Confrontation | No | 2.4138% |
Rath'Adran | 42 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Fanged Sea | Yes | 2.4138% |
An Academy Geologist | 40-42 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
An Elder Champion | 40 v | The Crypt of T'haen: Endless Twilight | No | 2.4138% |
Lesly Riverwhisper | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Proctor | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Proctor | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Feyd The Slayer | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Dire Hollow: Barrow Ruins | Yes | 2.4138% |
Messenger D'Zok | 48 v | The Sinking Sands | Yes | 2.4138% |
An Academy Chemist | 40 ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Apprentice | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
An Elder Backbiter | 40 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen | No | 2.4138% |
An Elder Confessor | 40 - to ^ | Dire Hollow: Barrow Ruins | No | 2.4138% |
Rando Vineweaver | 41 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Dark Negotiator | 41-43 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
A Deceptive Thief | 36-37 v | Rivervale | No | 2.4138% |
An Elder Theurgist | 47 ^ ^ ^ Epic x3 | The Crypt of T'Haen: Vengeance | No | 2.4138% |
T'Lys's Minion | 45 - to ^ | Miragul's Menagerie | No | 2.4138% |
Nedrin Deeppockets | 41 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 2.4138% |
Witgizzle The Brain | 40 v v | Boat Freeport/Qeynos | No | 2.4138% |
A Concubine | 52-53 - to ^ ^ Heroic | Deathfist Citadel: Assault | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Researcher | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Ritualist | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Scribe | 41-43 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Lute | 30-40 v v | Zek, the Orcish Wastes | No | 2.4138% |
Deputy Greenhill | 41 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 2.4138% |
Celsar Vestagon | 40 v v v | Tomb of Celsar Vestagon | No | 2.4138% |
An Emaciated Thrall | 46-47 v v v | The Crypt of T'Haen: Vengeance | No | 2.4138% |
Grumbumble The Great | 40 v v | Boat Freeport/Qeynos | No | 2.4138% |
Thaumaturge G'Lex | 45 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The City of Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Biddy Bobick | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Enchanted Lands | No | 2.4138% |
A Fanatical Ranger | 40-42 ^ ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | The Unkempt Vale: A Lordly Confrontation | No | 2.4138% |
Deputy Humblefoot | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 2.4138% |
A Rook Elder | 40 ^ | D'Morte Burial Chambers: Veiled Hollow | No | 2.4138% |
A Rook Sergeant | 40 ^ ^ Heroic | D'Morte Burial Chambers: Veiled Hollow | No | 2.4138% |
Nillipuss | 45 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | Yes | 2.4138% |
Dusty Gustrin | 42 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 2.4138% |
Bodyguard Of The Nightwalker | 40 ^ ^ Heroic | Dire Hollow: Barrow Ruins | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Appraiser | 40-42 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Merrin Northfield | 38 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Historian | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
A Hired Assassin | 38-40 ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of Betrayal | No | 2.4138% |
Goz Hepplewhite | 42 - | Steamfont Mountains | No | 2.4138% |
The Cobbler | 30-40 v v | Zek, the Orcish Wastes | No | 2.4138% |
Tallas Windrider | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Greater Faydark | No | 2.4138% |
Yewon Martrcle | 45-50 ^ | East Freeport | Yes | 2.4138% |
Mraugl Stonecrusher | 40 v v | Bar of Brell | Yes | 2.4138% |
An Academy Scribe | 41-43 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Librarian | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Thaumaturge T'bor | 45 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The City of Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Captain Rillian | 42 v | West Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Teacher | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Tweedle Dumb (state On Flavor Callout) | 40 - | Thunderdome | No | 2.4138% |
Deputy Guraffin | 42 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 2.4138% |
Vashazdar Manoisti | 42 - | The Feerrott | Yes | 2.4138% |
An Academy Surveyor | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
A Crazed Thief | 36-37 ^ | Rivervale | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Administrator | 41-43 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Daelic Coldbrow | 44 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Everfrost | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Alchemist | 40 ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Alchemist | 40 ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Tilla Oakshire | 37 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Ritualist | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
A Fanatical Sentry | 40-42 ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | The Unkempt Vale: A Lordly Confrontation | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Pupil | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Arcanist | 41-43 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
An Eventide Punisher | 46-47 v v v | The Crypt of T'Haen: Vengeance | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Surveyor | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Treedin Merrythorn | 40 v | Enchanted Lands | Yes | 2.4138% |
An Academy Artificer | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Rankle Clanghammer | 45 v v v | The Feerrott | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Chemist | 40 ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Corrig Stonecutter | 40 - | Greater Faydark | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Arcanist | 41-43 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
A Soulless Assistant | 41-42 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Obelisk of Lost Souls | No | 2.4138% |
A Fanatical Defender | 40-42 ^ ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | The Unkempt Vale: A Lordly Confrontation | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Ritualist | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
A Fanatical Sentry | 40-42 ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | The Unkempt Vale: A Lordly Confrontation | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Administrator | 41-43 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
An Evenited Overseer | 47 ^ ^ ^ Epic x4 | The Crypt of T'Haen: Vengeance | No | 2.4138% |
Grunthik | 48 - | The Pillars of Flame | Yes | 2.4138% |
An Academy Artificer | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
An Elder Confessor | 47-48 ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'Haen: Vengeance | No | 2.4138% |
Klogg Bindgear III | 40 v v v | Lavastorm | No | 2.4138% |
Marta Terrilon | 46 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Everfrost | No | 2.4138% |
City Registrar Glamis | 41 v | East Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Administrator | 41-43 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Treedin Merrythorn | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | Yes | 2.4138% |
An Elder Persecutor | 40 v | The Crypt of T'haen: Endless Twilight | No | 2.4138% |
An Elder Persecutor | 40 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Assistant | 41-43 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
A Bitterwind Firestarter | 41-42 ^ ^ Heroic | Everfrost | No | 2.4138% |
Shady Swashbuckler XVIII | 40 ^ | Nektulos Forest | No | 2.4138% |
Vernus Windrider | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Greater Faydark | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Apprentice | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
A Green Hood Tracker | 40 v v | The Feerrott | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Scholar | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Professor | 41-43 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Surveyor | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Orca | 30-40 v v | Zek, the Orcish Wastes | No | 2.4138% |
A Corrupted Thief | 36-37 v | Rivervale | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Arcanist | 41-43 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
A Trap Setter | 45-46 v v to v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2.4138% |
A Samiel Plunderer | 45-46 v v to v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2.4138% |
Watchman Vaughn | 40 - | Steamfont Mountains | No | 2.4138% |
Thaumaturge Prebor | 45 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | North Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Augurer Ortasco | 40 v v | South Qeynos | Yes | 2.4138% |
Deputy Carver | 43 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 2.4138% |
An Expedition Explorer | 46 ^ ^ Heroic | Solusek's Eye | No | 2.4138% |
Knight-Lieutenant Ilgar | 45 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | South Qeynos | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Professor | 41-43 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Apprentice | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Chani Northfield | 38 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 2.4138% |
Sheriff Anrey Scarfoot | 47 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 2.4138% |
Stablehand Poppy | 46 - | The Pillars of Flame | Yes | 2.4138% |
An Academy Dark Negotiator | 41-43 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Academy Provost Donovan | 44 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Hound Master T'kry | 49 ^ ^ ^ Epic x3 | The Crypt of T'Haen: Vengeance | Yes | 2.4138% |
Partisan Keladerouo | 48 - | North Qeynos | No | 2.4138% |
Kai Vhri'Jah | 40 v v v | The Feerrott | Yes | 2.4138% |
Kreglebop Yekl | 40 v | West Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Seth McMannus | 34 - | Everfrost | Yes | 2.4138% |
A Samiel Plunder Guard | 46 v v to v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2.4138% |
A Samiel Corsair | 45-46 v v to v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2.4138% |
Zan Filis | 44 v | Zek, the Orcish Wastes | No | 2.4138% |
Historian Andrews | 41 v | Haven | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Pupil | 41-43 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Captain Vrondell | 45 v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
An Ensorcelled Mariner | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Zek, the Orcish Wastes | No | 2.4138% |
An Oasis Bandit | 45 v v v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2.4138% |
Slaughtergrott The Vigilant | 40 v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Deputy Hawkeye | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 2.4138% |
Trubba Golden | 41 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 2.4138% |
An Academy Alchemist | 40 ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 2.4138% |
Marcbas Craete | 45-50 ^ | South Qeynos | Yes | 2.4138% |
Beanna Inktoes | 39 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 2.4138% |
Walking Corpse Of Akuf | 48 - | The Sinking Sands | No | 2.4138% |
Banker Fargrove | 44 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 2.4138% |
Fendaris K'Lorn | 40-50 ^ ^ Heroic | Lavastorm | Yes | 2.4138% |
A Maj'Dul Courtesan | 36-38 ^ | A Maj'Dul Residence | No | 2% |
An Alliz Raef Ew Shaman | 49-50 v v v to v v v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
A Balespring Raider | 48-49 v | Steamfont Mountains | No | 2% |
A Hafasal Camel Herder | 48-50 v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
An Unliving Trooper | 49 v v v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
A Captive Poet | 63 ^ | The Poets Palace | No | 2% |
A Dervish Thug | 38-40 v v v to v v | A Maj'Dul Residence | No | 2% |
A Dervish Pit Regulator | 49-50 v v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
Hatar | 46 ^ | The Sinking Sands | Yes | 2% |
Khabu The Fish | 45-46 v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
A Rujarkian Highwayman | 47-48 v v to v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
A Kromtorr Diplomat | 55 v | The Pillars of Flame | No | 2% |
An Alliz Raef Ew Prophet | 50 v v v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
A Kromtorr Magi | 55 v v | The Pillars of Flame | No | 2% |
An Unliving Tracker | 48-49 v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
A Burdened Rujarkian Raider | 45 v v v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
A Dervish Competitor | 49-50 ^ | Blades' Arena | No | 2% |
Naji Uday | 50 v v v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
A Captive Merchant | 50 v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
A Maj'Dul Resident | 36-38 v | A Maj'Dul Residence | No | 2% |
A Rujarkian Brute | 47-48 v v to v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
A Dervish Thug | 49-50 v v v to v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
Harbinger Siyuth | 50 ^ | The Sinking Sands | Yes | 2% |
An Alliz Raef Ew Scout | 49-50 v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
A Glyphskull Skeleton | 46-47 - | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
A Selfish Patrician | 39-40 ^ | A Maj'Dul Residence | No | 2% |
An Alliz Raef Ew Knight | 50 v v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
Sumixum The Arena Master | 100 ^ ^ ^ Epic x4 | Maj'Dul | No | 2% |
A Pit Bouncer | 49-50 v to - | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
A Raj'Dur Raider | 47-49 v v v to v v v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
A Dervish Beachcomber | 45-46 v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
An Alliz Raef Ew Raider | 48 v v v to v v v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
The Sage Of Sea Winds | 46 - | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
A Coastal Caller | 45 - | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
A Balespring Siren | 47-49 - | Steamfont Mountains | No | 2% |
An Alliz Raef Ew Defender | 49-50 v v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
An Alliz Raef Ew Zealot | 50 v v v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
A Kromtorr Magi | 57-59 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Pillars of Flame | No | 2% |
A Dervish Croc Hunter | 46-47 v v v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
A Dervish Cutthroat | 49-50 v v v to v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
An Exiled Kromtorr | 48 ^ | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
Devotee Sornith | 50 ^ | The Sinking Sands | Yes | 2% |
A Dervish Tomb Raider | 54 ^ ^ Heroic | The Living Tombs | No | 2% |
A Poet | 53 ^ ^ Heroic | The Shimmering Citadel | No | 2% |
A Rujarkian Gambler | 49-50 v v v to v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
An Alliz Raef Ew Slaver | 48 v v v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
An Exiled Kromtorr | 50 ^ | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
Broog The Banished | 52 ^ | The Sinking Sands | Yes | 2% |
Captain Samiel | 47 ^ | The Sinking Sands | Yes | 2% |
An Unliving Healer | 48-49 v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
A Kromtorr Raider Corpse | 54 v v v | The Pillars of Flame | No | 2% |
An Alliz Raef Ew Champion | 49-50 v v v to v v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
An Escaped Rujarkian Pitfighter | 45 v v v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
An Awaiting Pit Fighter | 49-50 v v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
A Rujarkian Pit Guard | 49-50 v v v to v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
A Kromtorr Archmagi | 58-59 ^ ^ Heroic | The Pillars of Flame | Yes | 2% |
A Raj'Dur Scoundrel | 45 v v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
An Expedition Leader | 46-47 v v v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
A Balespring Broodmother | 48 - | Steamfont Mountains | No | 2% |
A Baldoras Hunter | 48-50 v v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
A Baldoras Gravedigger | 48-50 v v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
A Dervish Croc Hunter | 46-47 v to - | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
Khalhan Al-Azhar | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
Proselyte Sitheer | 50 ^ | The Sinking Sands | Yes | 2% |
A Lesser Mummy | 47 - | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
A Baldoras Seer | 48-50 v v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
Cazel The Mad | 64 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Cazel's Mesa | Yes | 2% |
A Dervish Guard | 39-41 v to - | A Maj'Dul Residence | No | 2% |
A Dervin Thief | 50-51 - | Maj'Dul | No | 2% |
A Treasured Artist | 63 ^ | The Poets Palace | No | 2% |
A Tower Nightwatchman | 55-57 v v v to v v | The Tower of the Moon | No | 2% |
An Unliving Lieutenant | 49 v v v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
A Rujarkian Collaborator | 49-50 v v v to v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
A Waiting Contestant | 50 - | Blades' Arena | No | 2% |
Ain'Afya | 49 ^ | Steamfont Mountains | Yes | 2% |
A Balespring Witch | 48-49 - | Steamfont Mountains | No | 2% |
A Kromtorr Soldier | 57-59 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Pillars of Flame | No | 2% |
Scout Irfam | 50 v v v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
A Dervish Trader | 51 ^ ^ Heroic | The Clefts of Rujark | No | 2% |
Mythwail Hullcrasher | 46 ^ | The Sinking Sands | Yes | 2% |
A Dervish Excavator | 54 ^ ^ Heroic | The Living Tombs | No | 2% |
An Awaiting Pit Fighter | 49-50 v v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
A Dervish Guide | 48 v v v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
A Baldoras Camel Herder | 48-49 v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
Darantar The Tamer | 64 ^ ^ Heroic | Cazel's Mesa | No | 2% |
A Hired Ringleader | 55 ^ ^ Heroic | The Court of Truth: Riddle of the Sphinx | Yes | 2% |
A Balespring Raider | 47-49 - | Steamfont Mountains | No | 2% |
A Rujarkian Raider | 45 v v v to v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
An Unliving Vision Seeker | 48-49 v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
A Samiel Outfitter | 45 v v v to - | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
A Half-eaten Giant | 52 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
An Orillian Adherent | 48-49 ^ | The Sanctorium | No | 2% |
An Untalented Poet | 55-56 - | The Shimmering Citadel | No | 2% |
An Alliz Raef Ew Oracle | 50 v v v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
Fasul | 45 v | The Sinking Sands | Yes | 2% |
An Amal'an Camel Herder | 48-49 v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
A Raj'Dur Ruffian | 45 v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
A Dervish Pit Fighter | 49-50 v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
A Pit Trainer | 49-50 v v v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
A Dry Bones Skeleton | 49-50 v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
A Dervish Thug | 52-53 v v v to v v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
A Kromtorr Lieutenant | 58-59 ^ ^ Heroic | The Pillars of Flame | Yes | 2% |
A Shriveled Mummy | 49 v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
A Rujarkian Highwayman Leader | 48-49 ^ | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
A Rujarkian Spiritist | 47-48 v v to v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
An Unliving Soldier | 48-49 v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
A Rujarkian Mender | 49-50 v v v to v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
A Maj'Dul Ruffian | 37-39 v | A Maj'Dul Residence | No | 2% |
An Alliz Raef Ew Seer | 49-50 v v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
A Balespring Siren | 48-49 v | Steamfont Mountains | No | 2% |
A Dervish Interrogator | 39-40 ^ | A Maj'Dul Residence | No | 2% |
A Dervish Ringleader | 39-40 v | A Maj'Dul Residence | No | 2% |
A Balespring Witch | 48-49 v | Steamfont Mountains | No | 2% |
A Kromtorr Soldier | 55 v v | The Pillars of Flame | No | 2% |
Jaza | 50 v v v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
Herald Zydul | 50 ^ | The Sinking Sands | Yes | 2% |
A Hired Thug | 55-56 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Court of Truth: Riddle of the Sphinx | No | 2% |
A Dervish Thug | 52-53 v v v to v v | The Pillars of Flame | No | 2% |
A Rujarkian Pit Fighter | 49-50 v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
Darantar The Revived | 64 v | Cazel's Mesa | No | 2% |
An Alliz Raef Ew Lookout | 49-50 - | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
A Rujarkian Protector | 47-48 v v to v | The Sinking Sands | No | 2% |
Khadijah | 48 ^ | Steamfont Mountains | Yes | 2% |
A Maj'Dul Resident | 34-37 v v v | A Maj'Dul Residence | No | 0.500% |
A Safar Of Maj'dul | 45 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Qeynos Harbor | No | 0.500% |
Raniyah | 40 v | The Court of Truth | No | 0.500% |
Raniyah | 40 v | The Court of the Blades | No | 0.500% |
A Maj'Dul Homeowner | 41 - | A Maj'Dul Residence | No | 0.500% |
Umar The Cutpurse | 48 ^ | Maj'Dul | No | 0.500% |
A Fire Spitter | 48-49 ^ | Maj'Dul | No | 0.500% |
A Dervish Trader | 46-47 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Sinking Sands | No | 0.500% |
A Dervish Trader | 46-47 ^ to ^ ^ Heroic | The Sinking Sands | No | 0.500% |
A Safar Of Maj'dul | 45 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | East Freeport | No | 0.500% |
A Desert Madman | 45-46 v | The Sinking Sands | No | 0.500% |
A Maj'Dul Aristocrat | 42 ^ | A Maj'Dul Residence | No | 0.500% |
A Beggar | 47 v v v | Maj'Dul | No | 0.500% |
A Maj'Dul Citizen | 41 ^ | A Maj'Dul Residence | No | 0.500% |
A Poor Beggar | 45-47 - | Maj'Dul | No | 0.500% |
A Dervish Citizen | 39 ^ | A Maj'Dul Residence | No | 0.500% |
A Street Rat Thief | 46-47 ^ | Maj'Dul | No | 0.500% |
A Maj'Dul Outcast | 45-46 - | Maj'Dul | No | 0.500% |
Kalila | 40 - | A Maj'Dul Residence | No | 0.500% |
A Dervish Silk Spinner | 46-47 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Sinking Sands | No | 0.500% |
An Exhausted Dervish Citizen | 41 - | A Maj'Dul Residence | No | 0.500% |
Dharr | 40 v | A Maj'Dul Residence | No | 0.500% |
A Maj'Dul Aristocrat | 40 ^ | A Maj'Dul Residence | No | 0.500% |
A Cheering Fan | 45-50 - | The Arena | No | 0.500% |
A Dervish Worker | 46-47 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Sinking Sands | No | 0.500% |
A Maj'Dul Potentate | 40 ^ | A Maj'Dul Residence | No | 0.500% |
A Sha'ir Investigator | 40 - | A Maj'Dul Residence | No | 0.500% |
A Saracen Fan | 45-50 - | Maj'Dul | No | 0.500% |
An Exhausted Citizen | 38-39 - | A Maj'Dul Residence | No | 0.500% |
A Cheering Fan | 45-50 - | The Arena | No | 0.500% |
Fezi | 45 ^ | Maj'Dul | No | 0.500% |
A Dervish Mercenary | 40 ^ | A Maj'Dul Residence | No | 0.500% |
Ghassan The Trader | 45 v v v | The Sinking Sands | No | 0.500% |
A Cheering Fan | 45-50 - | The Arena | No | 0.500% |
A Palace Sweeper | 49 ^ | Maj'Dul | No | 0.500% |
A Cheering Fan | 45-50 - | Maj'Dul | No | 0.500% |
A Safar Of Maj'dul | 45 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Darklight Wood | No | 0.500% |
Raniyah | 40 v | The Court of the Coin | No | 0.500% |
A Cheering Fan | 45-50 - | The Arena | No | 0.500% |
A Maj'Dul Patrician | 40 ^ | A Maj'Dul Residence | No | 0.500% |
A Snake Charmer | 45-46 - | Maj'Dul | No | 0.500% |
A Dervish Worker | 46-47 ^ to ^ ^ Heroic | The Sinking Sands | No | 0.500% |
A Dervish Silk Spinner | 46-47 ^ to ^ ^ Heroic | The Sinking Sands | No | 0.500% |
A Desert Lunatic | 48 v v | The Sinking Sands | No | 0.500% |
Qwih Gelim | 45 v v | The Sinking Sands | Yes | 0.500% |
Dharr's Corpse | 40 v | A Maj'Dul Residence | No | 0.500% |
A Desert Lunatic | 47-48 - | The Sinking Sands | No | 0.500% |
A Maj'Dul Resident | 34-37 v v v to v | A Maj'Dul Residence | No | 0.500% |
A Kromise Virh Sentry | 47-48 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Permafrost | No | 0.4138% |
A Deathfist Praetorian | 52 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Deathfist Citadel: Assault | No | 0.4138% |
A Bloodhorn Headhunter | 43-44 - | Steamfont Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
A Klakdroid Gate Watcher | 45-46 - | Klak'Anon | No | 0.4138% |
A Thulian Protectorate | 43-45 ^ ^ Heroic | The Feerrott | No | 0.4138% |
A Sootfoot Trixter | 47 - | Lavastorm | No | 0.4138% |
Pontiff Kurzot | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Deathfist Citadel | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Darkflight Deathwisher | 41-42 ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 0.4138% |
A Drunder Trooper | 39-40 - | Zek, the Orcish Wastes | No | 0.4138% |
A Greenmist First Mate | 39-40 v v v | Zek, the Orcish Wastes | No | 0.4138% |
A Sootfoot Champion | 47-48 v v | Lavastorm | No | 0.4138% |
A Evol Ew Healer | 37 ^ | The Feerrott | No | 0.4138% |
A Sootfoot Gatherer | 45-46 - | Lavastorm | No | 0.4138% |
An Undying Rallosian Magi | 36 v v v | the QSS Bootstrutter | No | 0.4138% |
A Kromise Virh Savage | 48-49 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Permafrost | No | 0.4138% |
A Fallen Solusek Orebender | 46-47 v v v to ^ | Solusek's Eye | No | 0.4138% |
A Darkflight Reaper | 40-41 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 0.4138% |
A Mist Grinnin Thrall | 46-47 v v v | The Crypt of T'Haen: Vengeance | No | 0.4138% |
An Oculus Coercer | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Chamber of Rulgax | No | 0.4138% |
A Deathfist Royal Praetorian | 40 ^ to ^ ^ Heroic | Deathfist Citadel | No | 0.4138% |
A Vessel Retriever | 47-49 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Obelisk of Lost Souls | No | 0.4138% |
A Goblin Bookie | 51 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Deathfist Citadel: Assault | No | 0.4138% |
Xychlzys | 42 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Obelisk of Lost Souls | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Deathfist Soothsayer | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Deathfist Citadel | No | 0.4138% |
A Wicked Assassin | 44-46 v | Rivervale | No | 0.4138% |
A Drowned Prisoner | 49 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Deathfist Citadel: Assault | No | 0.4138% |
A Frosthorn Shadowgore | 42-44 v to - | Everfrost | No | 0.4138% |
General Koranug | 36 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | the QSS Bootstrutter | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Kromise Curn Watchman | 46 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Permafrost | No | 0.4138% |
Dukriz | 45 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The City of Freeport | No | 0.4138% |
A Greenmist Marauder | 39-40 v v v | Zek, the Orcish Wastes | No | 0.4138% |
A Froglok Ghoul Assassin | 40 ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | Nektropos Castle | No | 0.4138% |
A Gigglegibber Scout | 40 v v | Qeynos Harbor | No | 0.4138% |
A Sootfoot Sage | 47-48 v v | Lavastorm | No | 0.4138% |
A Deathfist Bone Construct | 53 - | Deathfist Citadel: Assault | No | 0.4138% |
A Klakdroid Tunnel Guard | 49-50 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Klak'Anon | No | 0.4138% |
A Grikbar Outcast | 45 - | Steamfont Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
An Evol Conscript | 38-39 ^ ^ Heroic | The Feerrott | No | 0.4138% |
An Enslaved Scamp | 40-41 v v | Steamfont Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
An Enslaved Battler | 40-41 v v | Steamfont Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
A Mazkeen Raider | 39-40 v v | Steamfont Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
A Glitched Clockwork Spider | 45 - | Klak'Anon | No | 0.4138% |
Foomby Slopdigger | 38 v | Enchanted Lands | No | 0.4138% |
An Elite Thulian Fanatic | 48 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Sanctum of Fear | No | 0.4138% |
Clockwork Watchman Prynn | 45 ^ | Steamfont Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
A Tae Ew Sentinel | 40-41 ^ | The Feerrott | No | 0.4138% |
A Disciple Of Fireclaw | 49 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Solusek's Eye | No | 0.4138% |
Clockwork Watchman Prenn | 45 ^ | Steamfont Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
General Slonnoth | 36 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | the QSS Bootstrutter | Yes | 0.4138% |
Eye Of Thule Subservient | 42 v v v | The Feerrott | No | 0.4138% |
Slave Pechmooka | 45 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Steamfont Mountains | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Bloodhorn Hunter | 40-43 - | Steamfont Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
An Impaired Clockwork Gnome | 45 - | Klak'Anon | No | 0.4138% |
A Deathfist Magistrate | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Deathfist Citadel | No | 0.4138% |
Lord Crana | 50 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Solusek's Eye | Yes | 0.4138% |
Aliz Tae Sacrifice | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Trembling Lagoon | No | 0.4138% |
A Clockwork Assembler | 49-50 ^ | Klak'Anon | No | 0.4138% |
A Tae Ew Judicator | 45-46 - to ^ ^ Heroic | The Temple of Cazic-Thule | No | 0.4138% |
A Deathfist Praetorion Catapultist | 53 ^ ^ Heroic | Deathfist Citadel: Assault | No | 0.4138% |
A Lesser Skeleton | 44 ^ to ^ ^ Heroic | Portal to the Past: Qeynos Ruins | No | 0.4138% |
Bloodrage | 44 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Everfrost | Yes | 0.4138% |
High Priest Of Thule | 42 - | The Feerrott | Yes | 0.4138% |
Bulka Bloodhorn | 44 ^ | Steamfont Mountains | Yes | 0.4138% |
An Elite Rallosian Templar | 38 ^ | The Feerrott | No | 0.4138% |
A Tae Ew Protector | 44-45 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Temple of Cazic-Thule | No | 0.4138% |
An Icy Shiver | 47 v | Everfrost | No | 0.4138% |
A Tortured Servant | 41 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Obelisk of Lost Souls | No | 0.4138% |
A Tae Ew Afflicter | 42-43 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Feerrott | No | 0.4138% |
Dreadscrew The Scrapper | 46 ^ | Klak'Anon | Yes | 0.4138% |
Master Loader Gurzog | 53 ^ ^ Heroic | Deathfist Citadel: Assault | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Gigglegibber Scout | 40 v v | The City of Freeport | No | 0.4138% |
Blademaster Gromgak | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Deathfist Citadel | Yes | 0.4138% |
An Elder Thulian Proselyte | 48 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Sanctum of Fear | No | 0.4138% |
A Rallosian Captain | 36 v | the LMS Intruder | No | 0.4138% |
A Tae Ew Warder | 44-45 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Temple of Cazic-Thule | No | 0.4138% |
A Tae Ew Warder | 45-46 - to ^ ^ Heroic | The Temple of Cazic-Thule | No | 0.4138% |
A Gigglegibber Scout | 40 v v | West Freeport | No | 0.4138% |
Avangorok The Chosen | 48 ^ | Steamfont Mountains | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Spectral Sentry | 42 ^ ^ Heroic | The Obelisk of Lost Souls | No | 0.4138% |
A Bloodhorn Headhunter | 43-44 - | Steamfont Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
A Primeval Clockwork Laborer | 45 - | Klak'Anon | No | 0.4138% |
Opolla | 42 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Blackburrow | Yes | 0.4138% |
High Priest Kuzbak | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Deathfist Citadel | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Tae Ew Assassin | 40-41 v to ^ | The Feerrott | No | 0.4138% |
A Mazkeen Savage | 39-40 v v to v | Steamfont Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
A Tae Ew Pillager | 40 v v v | The Feerrott | No | 0.4138% |
A Cinderfoot Lookout | 47-49 v to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Solusek's Eye | No | 0.4138% |
A Sootfoot Channeler | 47-48 v v | Lavastorm | No | 0.4138% |
A Vallon Scout | 40 v | Zek, the Orcish Wastes | No | 0.4138% |
General Koranug | 36 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | the LMS Intruder | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Senescent Lorekeeper | 42 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Obelisk of Lost Souls | No | 0.4138% |
A Smokehorn Harbinger | 46-47 - | Steamfont Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
A Tae Ew Gatherer | 41-42 ^ ^ Heroic | The Temple of Cazic-Thule | No | 0.4138% |
Griblic Flametosser | 49 ^ | Lavastorm | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Greenmist Raider | 39-40 v v | Boat Freeport/Qeynos | No | 0.4138% |
An Underworld Guard | 50 ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | Solusek's Eye | No | 0.4138% |
A Frosthorn Executioner | 43 v v to v | Everfrost | No | 0.4138% |
A Fallen Solusek Miner | 46-47 v v v to ^ | Solusek's Eye | No | 0.4138% |
A Mazkeen Savage | 39-40 - | Steamfont Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
A Smokehorn Seer | 46-47 v | Steamfont Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
A Scrapmetal Salvager | 45-46 - | Klak'Anon | No | 0.4138% |
A Glee Figment | 39 ^ | Shimmering Citadel: Inside the Bottle | No | 0.4138% |
A Fallen Solusek Tinkerer | 46-47 v v v to ^ | Solusek's Eye | No | 0.4138% |
A Deathfist Centurion | 50-51 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Deathfist Citadel: Assault | No | 0.4138% |
An Anchor Channeler | 48-50 v to ^ ^ Heroic | The Obelisk of Lost Souls | No | 0.4138% |
A Warlock Of Thyr | 51 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Solusek's Eye | No | 0.4138% |
A Sootfoot Laborer | 45-46 - | Lavastorm | No | 0.4138% |
A Clockwork Shredder | 45-46 - | Klak'Anon | No | 0.4138% |
A Deathfist Stone Slinger | 53 ^ | Deathfist Citadel: Assault | No | 0.4138% |
An Unseelie Portal Protector | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 0.4138% |
An Undying Rallosian Magi | 36 v v v | the LMS Intruder | No | 0.4138% |
A Tae Ew Defender | 41-42 - to ^ ^ Heroic | The Temple of Cazic-Thule | No | 0.4138% |
Master Brewer Snikklash | 53 ^ ^ Heroic | Deathfist Citadel: Assault | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Collection Prognosticator | 42-44 - | Steamfont Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
A Guardian Of Thyr | 50 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Solusek's Eye | No | 0.4138% |
A Sootfoot Gatherer | 45-47 v v to v | Lavastorm | No | 0.4138% |
Paroxroz | 43 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Obelisk of Lost Souls | Yes | 0.4138% |
The Speaker Of Fates | 49 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Solusek's Eye | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Primeval Clockwork Cleaner | 46 ^ | Klak'Anon | No | 0.4138% |
A Ghastly Sentry | 41 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Obelisk of Lost Souls | No | 0.4138% |
Redak | 44 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Stormhold | Yes | 0.4138% |
Rallosian Tactician | 40 - | The Feerrott | No | 0.4138% |
Arena Champion Kraz'k | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Deathfist Citadel | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Diviner Of Thyr | 49 v to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Solusek's Eye | No | 0.4138% |
Eye Of Thule Subservient | 42 v v v | The Feerrott | No | 0.4138% |
A Thulian Lifestealer | 47-48 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Temple of Cazic-Thule | No | 0.4138% |
A Tae Ew Herald | 40-41 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Temple of Cazic-Thule | No | 0.4138% |
A Deathfist Equite | 38-40 v v | Zek, the Orcish Wastes | No | 0.4138% |
An Elder Thulian Zealot | 48-49 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Sanctum of Fear | No | 0.4138% |
A Defender Of Thyr | 49 - | Solusek's Eye | No | 0.4138% |
A Tae Ew Hunter | 41-42 ^ ^ Heroic | The Temple of Cazic-Thule | No | 0.4138% |
Opticron | 42 ^ | Steamfont Mountains | Yes | 0.4138% |
Bouncer Fug | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Feerrott | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Kromise Pack Tamer | 47-48 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Permafrost | No | 0.4138% |
A Sootfoot Peon | 45-46 - | Lavastorm | No | 0.4138% |
A Tae Ew Mystic | 40-41 - | The Feerrott | No | 0.4138% |
A Protector Of Thyr | 49-51 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Solusek's Eye | No | 0.4138% |
A Bloodhorn Thrall | 42-43 - | Steamfont Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
A Derris Trooper | 39-40 - | Zek, the Orcish Wastes | No | 0.4138% |
A Bastion Keeper | 49 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Solusek's Eye | No | 0.4138% |
A Servant Of Varsoon | 45 - | The Ruins of Varsoon | No | 0.4138% |
A Bloodhorn Oppressor | 43-44 - | Steamfont Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
An Anaz Mal Carcass | 49-50 v to - | The Sinking Sands | No | 0.4138% |
An Arena Spectator | 52 - to ^ | Deathfist Citadel: Assault | No | 0.4138% |
A Klakdrone Ward | 45-46 - | Klak'Anon | No | 0.4138% |
Bron Frosthorn | 43 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Everfrost | Yes | 0.4138% |
Veela Chi' Neh | 41 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Feerrott | No | 0.4138% |
A Master Brewer | 53 ^ ^ Heroic | Deathfist Citadel: Assault | No | 0.4138% |
An Assistant Alchemist | 53 - | Deathfist Citadel: Assault | No | 0.4138% |
A Congregation Of Screams | 44 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Everfrost | No | 0.4138% |
A Cinderfoot Seer | 47-49 v to ^ ^ Heroic | Solusek's Eye | No | 0.4138% |
Lord Rulgax | 43 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Chamber of Rulgax | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Tae Ew Justicar | 41-42 - to ^ ^ Heroic | The Temple of Cazic-Thule | No | 0.4138% |
Master Of The Guard | 41 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Runnyeye | No | 0.4138% |
A Razorwing Beguiler | 48 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'Haen: Vengeance | No | 0.4138% |
A Kromise Royal Guard | 49-50 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Drayek's Chamber | No | 0.4138% |
An Enraged Frosthorn | 43 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Everfrost | No | 0.4138% |
A Tae Ew High Guard | 40-42 ^ | The Feerrott | No | 0.4138% |
A Captured Cinderfoot | 48 v v v | The Oratorium of Thyr | No | 0.4138% |
An Icegill Oracle | 47-49 v v v to ^ | Everfrost | No | 0.4138% |
A Rallosian Footman | 38-41 v v v to v v | The Feerrott | No | 0.4138% |
A Sootfoot Wizard | 47 ^ | Lavastorm | No | 0.4138% |
A Mazkeen Raider | 39-40 - | Steamfont Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
An Awaiting Traveler | 50 ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | Solusek's Eye | No | 0.4138% |
General Slonnoth | 36 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | the LMS Intruder | Yes | 0.4138% |
An Elder Thulian Proselyte | 48-49 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Sanctum of Fear | No | 0.4138% |
Dalgin B'Dynn | 47 - | The Sinking Sands | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Primeval Clockwork Duster | 45 - | Klak'Anon | No | 0.4138% |
A Kromise Curn Templar | 46 ^ | Permafrost | No | 0.4138% |
A Blacksmith Of Thyr | 50 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Solusek's Eye | No | 0.4138% |
Ambassador Of The Mist | 42-44 ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | The Unkempt Vale: A Lordly Confrontation | Yes | 0.4138% |
Master Stormgill | 49 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Everfrost | Yes | 0.4138% |
An Icegill Maker | 47 ^ | Permafrost | No | 0.4138% |
A Frosthorn Stormcaller | 44 v | Everfrost | No | 0.4138% |
A Razorwing Fairy | 48 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'Haen: Vengeance | No | 0.4138% |
The Soloist | 51 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Obelisk of Lost Souls | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Clockwork Heavy Toiler | 49-50 ^ ^ Heroic | Klak'Anon | No | 0.4138% |
The Prophet | 49 ^ | The Sinking Sands | Yes | 0.4138% |
Gudrun | 46 - | Everfrost | No | 0.4138% |
Grozmag The Trainer | 40 v | Zek, the Orcish Wastes | No | 0.4138% |
A Glaring Taskmaster | 47 ^ ^ Heroic | The Trembling Lagoon | No | 0.4138% |
Heavymetal Guardian Bruticus | 48 ^ ^ Heroic | Klak'Anon | Yes | 0.4138% |
Emperor Fyst | 42 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Deathfist Citadel | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Fetid Rallosian Page | 38-39 ^ to ^ ^ Heroic | The Feerrott | No | 0.4138% |
Lord Fengak | 50 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Solusek's Eye | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Razorwing Spiritist | 44-45 ^ ^ ^ Epic x3 | The Crypt of T'Haen: Vengeance | No | 0.4138% |
A Razorwing Skinshredder | 44-45 ^ ^ ^ Epic x3 | The Crypt of T'Haen: Vengeance | No | 0.4138% |
Mitalla The Voice | 50 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Obelisk of Lost Souls | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Deathfist Shaman | 53 ^ ^ Heroic | Deathfist Citadel: Assault | No | 0.4138% |
A Sylph Guardian | 38 v to - | The Feerrott | No | 0.4138% |
Master Sleetskin | 49 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Everfrost | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Magus Of Thyr | 50 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Solusek's Eye | No | 0.4138% |
Meldrath The Iron Lich | 47 ^ | Steamfont Mountains | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Smokehorn Shaman | 45-46 - | Steamfont Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
A Kromise Virh Savage | 48-49 ^ to ^ ^ Heroic | Permafrost | No | 0.4138% |
The Ghost Of Tundra Jack | 50 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Everfrost | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Deathfist Priest | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Deathfist Citadel | No | 0.4138% |
A Distracted Sootfoot Lookout | 47-48 - | Lavastorm | No | 0.4138% |
A Kromise Deacon Watchman | 47 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Permafrost | No | 0.4138% |
A Fallen Solusek Diviner | 47 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Solusek's Eye | No | 0.4138% |
Prince Valtoris | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Deathfist Citadel | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Sootfoot Rockpicker | 45-46 - | Lavastorm | No | 0.4138% |
A Deathfist Tower Lieutenant | 51-53 ^ ^ Heroic | Deathfist Citadel: Assault | No | 0.4138% |
An Oculus Defiler | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Runnyeye | No | 0.4138% |
The Steam Technician | 47 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Solusek's Eye | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Deathfist Tower Lookout | 51-53 ^ | Deathfist Citadel: Assault | No | 0.4138% |
An Elder Thulian Zealot | 48 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Sanctum of Fear | No | 0.4138% |
A Mist Protector | 40-42 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Unkempt Vale: A Lordly Confrontation | No | 0.4138% |
A Clockwork Service Drone | 49-50 ^ | Klak'Anon | No | 0.4138% |
A Tae Ew Healer | 40-41 v to ^ ^ Heroic | The Feerrott | No | 0.4138% |
A Kromise Virh Armsmen | 48-49 v to ^ ^ Heroic | Permafrost | No | 0.4138% |
A Frightfiend | 46-49 - to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Trembling Lagoon | No | 0.4138% |
A Cinderfoot Prisoner | 47 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Oratorium of Thyr | No | 0.4138% |
A Goblin | 41-45 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Vestibule | No | 0.4138% |
An Evol Ritualist | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Feerrott | No | 0.4138% |
A Kromise Rem Watchman | 47-48 ^ | Permafrost | No | 0.4138% |
An Evol Protectorate | 38 - | The Feerrott | No | 0.4138% |
Shadow Of Therik Mu'sah | 38 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Feerrott | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Diviner Of Thyr | 49 - | Solusek's Eye | No | 0.4138% |
Enforcer Muj`fahd | 49 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Solusek's Eye | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Thulian Terrorfiend | 48-49 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Temple of Cazic-Thule | No | 0.4138% |
A Fallen Solusek Scryer | 46-47 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Solusek's Eye | No | 0.4138% |
The Goblin Banker | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Runnyeye | No | 0.4138% |
Khor The Irascible | 43 ^ | Steamfont Mountains | Yes | 0.4138% |
Digmaster Pechpooka | 40 ^ | Steamfont Mountains | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Smokehorn Berserker | 45-46 - | Steamfont Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
A Tae Ew Conscript | 38-41 v v | The Feerrott | No | 0.4138% |
A Pyreduke Of Thyr | 49 v to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Solusek's Eye | No | 0.4138% |
An Enslaved Savage | 40-41 v v | Steamfont Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
A Tae Ew Infiltrator | 40 v v | The Feerrott | No | 0.4138% |
A Bloodhorn Enslaver | 40-43 - | Steamfont Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
A Songstress Assassin | 41 ^ | The Feerrott | No | 0.4138% |
Scout Pechyooka | 47 ^ | Steamfont Mountains | Yes | 0.4138% |
The Rotten Minotaur Hero | 43 ^ | Steamfont Mountains | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Lesser Skeleton | 41-43 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Portal to the Past: Qeynos Ruins | No | 0.4138% |
A Kromise Hermit | 48 v | Everfrost | No | 0.4138% |
A Varsoon Disciple | 45 ^ ^ Heroic | The Ruins of Varsoon | No | 0.4138% |
Bouncer Hurd | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Feerrott | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Kromise Trapper | 49 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Permafrost | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Tae Ew Justicar | 40-41 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Temple of Cazic-Thule | No | 0.4138% |
A Sootfoot Ritualist | 49 v v to v | Lavastorm | No | 0.4138% |
Overlord Baylzuthak | 42 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Overlord's Throne Room | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Clockwork Maintenance Drone | 47-48 v | Klak'Anon | No | 0.4138% |
A Frosthorn Vindicator | 42-44 v to - | Everfrost | No | 0.4138% |
A Thulian Zealot | 44-46 v to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Temple of Cazic-Thule | No | 0.4138% |
A Clockwork Explorer | 46 - | Steamfont Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
Commander Keg | 47-48 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Permafrost | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Rallosian Commander | 36 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | the LMS Intruder | No | 0.4138% |
An Oculus Charmer | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Runnyeye | No | 0.4138% |
An Enslaved Warrior | 40-41 v v | Steamfont Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
The Sage Of Whispering Death | 47 - | The Sinking Sands | No | 0.4138% |
A Deathsong Eye | 50 v to ^ | The Obelisk of Lost Souls | No | 0.4138% |
A Razorwing Spiritist | 48 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'Haen: Vengeance | No | 0.4138% |
An Evol Follower | 40 ^ to ^ ^ Heroic | The Feerrott | No | 0.4138% |
A Defender Of Thyr | 49 v to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Solusek's Eye | No | 0.4138% |
Left Eye Of Thule | 42 v | The Feerrott | No | 0.4138% |
A Void-touched Sootfoot Whelp | 45 - | Lavastorm | No | 0.4138% |
An Elite Thulian Fanatic | 48-49 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Sanctum of Fear | No | 0.4138% |
A Clockwork Assembler | 40 - | Steamfont Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
Bunglegreeder | 44 ^ ^ Heroic | Lavastorm | No | 0.4138% |
A Cinderfoot Guard | 47-49 v to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Solusek's Eye | No | 0.4138% |
A Kromise Curn Seer | 47-48 - | Permafrost | No | 0.4138% |
A Kromise Curn Defender | 47-48 ^ ^ Heroic | Permafrost | No | 0.4138% |
A Rallosian Commander | 36 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | the QSS Bootstrutter | No | 0.4138% |
A Gore Cleaner | 51 ^ ^ Heroic | Deathfist Citadel: Assault | No | 0.4138% |
A Paroxysmal Observer | 43 ^ | The Obelisk of Lost Souls | No | 0.4138% |
A Greenmist Rower | 38-40 v | Zek, the Orcish Wastes | No | 0.4138% |
A Wayward Clockwork Gnome | 40-41 - | Steamfont Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
A Smokehorn Shaman | 45-46 v to - | Steamfont Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
A Deathfist Elite Praetorian | 52 - | Deathfist Citadel: Assault | No | 0.4138% |
Overlord Marrowthroat | 40 ^ | Steamfont Mountains | Yes | 0.4138% |
An Icegill Diviner | 47 ^ | Permafrost | No | 0.4138% |
A Frosthorn Stormcaller | 42-44 v to - | Everfrost | No | 0.4138% |
An Elite Rallosian Allegiant | 38 ^ ^ Heroic | The Feerrott | No | 0.4138% |
A Skeletal Construct | 42-44 ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | The Eternal Gorge: Arcane Scientists Expedition | No | 0.4138% |
A Deathfist Warrior | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Deathfist Citadel | No | 0.4138% |
An Amygdalan Warrior | 43-44 ^ | The Feerrott | No | 0.4138% |
A Flamelord Of Thyr | 50 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Solusek's Eye | No | 0.4138% |
A Deathfist Sentinel | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Deathfist Citadel | No | 0.4138% |
Vigo Cerebus | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Zek, the Orcish Wastes | Yes | 0.4138% |
An Evol Conscript | 38-39 v | The Feerrott | No | 0.4138% |
Tae Ew Tactician | 40 - | The Feerrott | No | 0.4138% |
A Kromise Deacon Watchman | 47-49 v to ^ ^ Heroic | Permafrost | No | 0.4138% |
A Thulian Fanatic | 44-46 v to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Temple of Cazic-Thule | No | 0.4138% |
An Undying Rallosian Soldier | 36 v v v | the LMS Intruder | No | 0.4138% |
Terook Skullsplitter | 47-48 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Permafrost | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Efreeti Shadowknight | 48 ^ | Solusek's Eye | No | 0.4138% |
A Sootfoot Bonecaller | 47-48 v v | Lavastorm | No | 0.4138% |
A Captured Evol Ew | 37-38 ^ ^ Heroic | The Feerrott | No | 0.4138% |
A Smokehorn Warrior | 45-46 - | Steamfont Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
An Icegill Tink | 47 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Permafrost | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Kromise Guard | 48 v to - | Everfrost | No | 0.4138% |
An Evol Ew Mender | 37-40 v v v to ^ ^ Heroic | The Feerrott | No | 0.4138% |
A Potion Tester | 53 - | Deathfist Citadel: Assault | No | 0.4138% |
Gaki Bloodbelt | 45-50 ^ | Zek, the Orcish Wastes | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Refuse Cleaner | 51 ^ | Deathfist Citadel: Assault | No | 0.4138% |
A Frosthorn Nightgore | 43 v v | Everfrost | No | 0.4138% |
A Deathfist Elite Guardsman | 51 v | Deathfist Citadel: Assault | No | 0.4138% |
A Evol Ew Thaumaturge | 37 ^ | The Feerrott | No | 0.4138% |
A Kromise Rem Cassok | 47-48 ^ to ^ ^ Heroic | Permafrost | No | 0.4138% |
A Tae Ew Herald | 41-42 - to ^ ^ Heroic | The Temple of Cazic-Thule | No | 0.4138% |
Master Webclaw | 49 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Everfrost | Yes | 0.4138% |
Shaka-Scathar | 48 ^ | Steamfont Mountains | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Thulian Fanatic | 46-48 - to ^ | The Trembling Lagoon | No | 0.4138% |
An Icegill Sitter | 47 ^ ^ Heroic | Permafrost | No | 0.4138% |
An Efreeti Soulslaver | 47 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Solusek's Eye | No | 0.4138% |
A Kromise Lookout | 48 - | Everfrost | No | 0.4138% |
A Deathfist Watcher | 53 - | Deathfist Citadel: Assault | No | 0.4138% |
A Tae Ew Raider | 40 v v v | The Feerrott | No | 0.4138% |
An Efreeti Prisoner | 48 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Oratorium of Thyr | No | 0.4138% |
A Fetid Rallosian Bouncer | 38-39 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Feerrott | No | 0.4138% |
A Bedchamber Attendant | 44 - | Miragul's Menagerie | No | 0.4138% |
A Primeval Clockwork Tunneler | 48-49 ^ ^ Heroic | Klak'Anon | No | 0.4138% |
An Oculus Mender | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Runnyeye | No | 0.4138% |
A Evol Ew Mystic | 37 ^ | The Feerrott | No | 0.4138% |
A Sootfoot Warrior | 46 - | Lavastorm | No | 0.4138% |
Blikritz Bauble-eye | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Runnyeye | Yes | 0.4138% |
Son Of Thunder | 48 v | Steamfont Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
A Primeval Clockwork Miner | 46-47 ^ ^ Heroic | Klak'Anon | No | 0.4138% |
A Clockwork Reclaimer | 42 - | Steamfont Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
A Pyreduke Of Thyr | 49 - | Solusek's Eye | No | 0.4138% |
Keortor Talyse | 51 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Solusek's Eye | Yes | 0.4138% |
An Elation Figment | 39 ^ | Shimmering Citadel: Inside the Bottle | No | 0.4138% |
A Sootfoot Whelp | 45 - | Lavastorm | No | 0.4138% |
A Gorynn Trooper | 39-40 - | Zek, the Orcish Wastes | No | 0.4138% |
Master Mistmaw | 49 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Everfrost | Yes | 0.4138% |
Arnbjorg | 46 - | Everfrost | No | 0.4138% |
An Evol Ew Thulian Neophyte | 37-38 ^ | The Feerrott | No | 0.4138% |
A Thulian Rage | 43-45 ^ ^ Heroic | The Feerrott | No | 0.4138% |
A Kromise Rem Pugilist | 47-48 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Permafrost | No | 0.4138% |
Prince Gluntok | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Deathfist Citadel | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Thulian Proselyte | 44-46 v to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Temple of Cazic-Thule | No | 0.4138% |
A Kromise Curn Fury | 46 ^ | Permafrost | No | 0.4138% |
Riasha | 38 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Feerrott | Yes | 0.4138% |
Rakssath The Refiner Of Fear | 48 ^ ^ Heroic | The Trembling Lagoon | No | 0.4138% |
Foreman Torcog | 46 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Solusek's Eye | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Kromise Curn Templar | 47-48 v v | Permafrost | No | 0.4138% |
A Mazkeen Warrior | 39-40 v v | Steamfont Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
A Thulian Dreadfiend | 48-49 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Temple of Cazic-Thule | No | 0.4138% |
Kerhn Chillwind | 48-49 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Permafrost | Yes | 0.4138% |
Kromok The Acolyte | 42 - | The Feerrott | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Mist Guard | 40-42 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Unkempt Vale: A Lordly Confrontation | No | 0.4138% |
Ambassador Zozor | 40 v v v | The Feerrott | No | 0.4138% |
Charly Ashlash | 48 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Lavastorm | No | 0.4138% |
A Thulian Frightfiend | 48-49 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Temple of Cazic-Thule | No | 0.4138% |
Bouncer Flerb | 38 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Feerrott | Yes | 0.4138% |
Master Windstrike | 49 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Everfrost | Yes | 0.4138% |
An Uninterested Sootfoot Sentry | 45-46 - | Lavastorm | No | 0.4138% |
A Kromise Virh Mender | 48-49 ^ to ^ ^ Heroic | Permafrost | No | 0.4138% |
A Clockwork Collector | 40-44 - | Steamfont Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
A Firelord Of Thyr | 49-51 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Solusek's Eye | No | 0.4138% |
An Undying Rallosian Soldier | 36 v v v | the QSS Bootstrutter | No | 0.4138% |
A Pawn Slaveminer | 49-50 v v v | Deathfist Citadel: Assault | No | 0.4138% |
Emperor Fyst | 42 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Deathfist Citadel | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Klakdroid Aqua Sentinel | 47-48 - | Klak'Anon | No | 0.4138% |
An Oculus Warlock | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Runnyeye | No | 0.4138% |
Soulslaver Djar`veh | 48 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Solusek's Eye | Yes | 0.4138% |
The Sludge Cleaner | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Deathfist Citadel | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Hungry Goblin | 44 - | Lavastorm | No | 0.4138% |
A Deathfist Citizen | 50 ^ ^ Heroic | Deathfist Citadel: Assault | No | 0.4138% |
A Bloodhorn Oppressor | 43-44 - | Steamfont Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
Graderal Shanksplitter | 45-50 ^ | Zek, the Orcish Wastes | Yes | 0.4138% |
Gikuthz | 45 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The City of Freeport | No | 0.4138% |
A Kromise Royal Guard | 49-50 ^ ^ Heroic | Drayek's Chamber | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Rujarkian Emissary | 39-40 v v | Boat Freeport/Qeynos | No | 0.4138% |
An Icegill Lurker | 47-49 v v v to ^ | Everfrost | No | 0.4138% |
A Thulian Fearmonger | 47 - to ^ | The Trembling Lagoon | No | 0.4138% |
The Castigator | 49 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Solusek's Eye | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Glarelord | 43-44 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Feerrott | No | 0.4138% |
A Rallosian Captain | 36 v | the QSS Bootstrutter | No | 0.4138% |
A Halasian Ghost | 43-50 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Everfrost | No | 0.4138% |
Gynok Moltor | 47 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Stormhold | Yes | 0.4138% |
An Ice Fright | 46-47 ^ | Everfrost | No | 0.4138% |
An Evol Ew Defender | 37-38 ^ | The Feerrott | No | 0.4138% |
A Thulian Bloodcaller | 47-48 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Temple of Cazic-Thule | No | 0.4138% |
An Arena Spectator | 52 - to ^ | Deathfist Citadel: Assault | No | 0.4138% |
A Klakdrone Watcher | 45-46 v | Klak'Anon | No | 0.4138% |
A Darkflight Witch | 40-41 ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 0.4138% |
A Songstress Mender | 41 ^ ^ Heroic | The Feerrott | No | 0.4138% |
A Kromise Pack Tamer | 48-49 ^ ^ Heroic | Permafrost | No | 0.4138% |
Flempaunch The Rex | 40 ^ | Steamfont Mountains | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Smokehorn Warrior | 45-46 v to - | Steamfont Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
A Treasure Sorter | 53 ^ | Deathfist Citadel: Assault | No | 0.4138% |
A Tae Ew Judicator | 44-45 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Temple of Cazic-Thule | No | 0.4138% |
A Razorwing Beguiler | 44-45 ^ ^ ^ Epic x3 | The Crypt of T'Haen: Vengeance | No | 0.4138% |
The Underworld Summoner | 51 ^ ^ ^ Epic x4 | Solusek's Eye | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Glare Lord | 46-48 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Temple of Cazic-Thule | No | 0.4138% |
A Bastion Steward | 49 ^ ^ Heroic | Solusek's Eye | No | 0.4138% |
A Kromise Rem Watchman | 47-48 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Permafrost | No | 0.4138% |
A Tae Ew Protector | 45-46 - to ^ ^ Heroic | The Temple of Cazic-Thule | No | 0.4138% |
An Evol Ew Warder | 37-40 ^ | The Feerrott | No | 0.4138% |
A Glare Lord | 46-48 - to ^ ^ Heroic | The Trembling Lagoon | No | 0.4138% |
A Bored Sootfoot Warrior | 46 - | Lavastorm | No | 0.4138% |
An Icegill Master | 47 v to ^ | Permafrost | No | 0.4138% |
A Kromise Curn Defender | 46 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Permafrost | No | 0.4138% |
Chief Torturer Goortz | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Deathfist Citadel | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Tae Ew Defender | 40-41 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Temple of Cazic-Thule | No | 0.4138% |
A Sootfoot Harvester | 45-46 - | Lavastorm | No | 0.4138% |
A Darkflight Painweaver | 41-42 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Rivervale | No | 0.4138% |
Gikuthz | 45 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | North Freeport | No | 0.4138% |
A Thulian Ravage | 39 ^ ^ Heroic | The Feerrott | No | 0.4138% |
An Icegill Angler | 47-49 v v v to ^ | Everfrost | No | 0.4138% |
A Vallon Scout Captain | 40 ^ | Zek, the Orcish Wastes | No | 0.4138% |
A Cargo Clockwork Spider | 40 - | Steamfont Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
A Bloodskull Warrior | 40 - | Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold | No | 0.4138% |
A Clockwork Disassembler | 40-41 - | Steamfont Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
A Tae Ew Thaumaturge | 40-41 v to ^ ^ Heroic | The Feerrott | No | 0.4138% |
A Tae Ew Fury | 40-41 - | The Feerrott | No | 0.4138% |
An Evol Ew Disciple | 37-40 v v to ^ ^ Heroic | The Feerrott | No | 0.4138% |
A Servant Of The Menagerie | 42 - | Miragul's Menagerie | No | 0.4138% |
High Shaman Drixxot | 53 ^ ^ Heroic | Deathfist Citadel: Assault | Yes | 0.4138% |
Duke Zoryll | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Chamber of Rulgax | No | 0.4138% |
A Razorwing Fairy | 44-45 ^ ^ ^ Epic x3 | The Crypt of T'Haen: Vengeance | No | 0.4138% |
A Glare Lord | 44-45 ^ to ^ ^ Heroic | The Feerrott | No | 0.4138% |
A Deathfist Bloodguard | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Deathfist Citadel | No | 0.4138% |
Ubrak The Fierce | 45 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Everfrost | Yes | 0.4138% |
Karg Icebear | 45 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Icespire Summit | No | 0.4138% |
A Evol Ew Assassin | 37 ^ | The Feerrott | No | 0.4138% |
A Deathfist Gladiator | 52 ^ | Deathfist Citadel: Assault | No | 0.4138% |
Troxor The Propigator Of Fear | 49 ^ ^ Heroic | The Trembling Lagoon | No | 0.4138% |
The Arachnomechanicon | 46 ^ | Steamfont Mountains | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Beaten Prisoner | 50 - | Deathfist Citadel: Assault | No | 0.4138% |
A Klakdyne Gearguard | 47-48 ^ | Klak'Anon | No | 0.4138% |
A Sunken Halasian | 49-50 v v v to ^ | Everfrost | No | 0.4138% |
A Smokehorn Berserker | 45-46 v to - | Steamfont Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
A Thulian Torturer | 47-48 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Temple of Cazic-Thule | No | 0.4138% |
A Mazkeen Warrior | 39-40 - | Steamfont Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
A Kromise Deacon Mender | 49 ^ | Permafrost | No | 0.4138% |
A Deranged Clockwork Gnome | 40-41 - | Steamfont Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
Igrah Coldfist | 48-49 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Permafrost | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Deathfist Royal Praetorian | 54 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Deathfist Citadel: Assault | No | 0.4138% |
Duke Zoryll | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Overlord's Throne Room | No | 0.4138% |
Bouncer Prud | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Feerrott | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Tae Ew Devotee | 44-45 ^ | The Feerrott | No | 0.4138% |
Dyrilisia | 35-40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Runnyeye | No | 0.4138% |
A Tae Ew Shifter | 39 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Feerrott | No | 0.4138% |
A Razorwing Skinshredder | 48 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'Haen: Vengeance | No | 0.4138% |
An Anchor Channeler | 50 v to ^ ^ Heroic | The Vestibule | No | 0.4138% |
A Glaring Tormenter | 46 ^ ^ Heroic | The Trembling Lagoon | No | 0.4138% |
An Icegill Shifter | 47-49 v v v to ^ | Everfrost | No | 0.4138% |
A Servant Of Thyr | 48-49 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Solusek's Eye | No | 0.4138% |
Dukriz | 45 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | North Freeport | No | 0.4138% |
A Klakdroid Enforcer | 46 ^ | Klak'Anon | No | 0.4138% |
A Cinderfoot Witch Doctor | 47-49 v to ^ ^ Heroic | Solusek's Eye | No | 0.4138% |
Jeleeta Ariaata | 40 - | Greater Faydark | No | 0.4138% |