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Conditioned Elddar Round Shield 0Shield 
alderwood fiber tome 0Shield 
Fashioned Black Sapphire Orb 0Shield 
Bulwark of Elementaling 0Shield 
bronze symbol 0ShieldDropped
Shaped Conditioned Elddar Round Shield 0Shield 
Crude Conditioned Elddar Kite Shield 0Shield 
Conditioned Elddar Tower Shield 0Shield 
Crude Conditioned Elddar Round Shield 0Shield 
Shaped Conditioned Elddar Kite Shield 0Shield 
Crude Conditioned Elddar Tower Shield 0Shield 
Conditioned Elddar Tower Shield 0Shield 
Conditioned Elddar Kite Shield 0Shield 
Conditioned Elddar Round Shield 0Shield 
Antiquated Buckler 0ShieldDropped
Fashioned Black Sapphire Orb 0Shield 
Shaped Fashioned Black Sapphire Orb 0Shield 
Conditioned Elddar Kite Shield 0Shield 
Crude Fashioned Black Sapphire Orb 0Shield 
Shaped Conditioned Elddar Tower Shield 0Shield 
Emblem of Exorcism 0Shield 
Dragonflame Scale 0Shield 
Shell Studded Buckler 0ShieldDropped
Turtle Shell Buckler 0Shield 
Adrium's Guard 0ShieldDropped
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