Ghi'Zard The Worg Master | 18 ^ ^ Heroic | The Wailing Caves | Yes | 5.500% |
A Necrosis Shrew | 19-20 ^ ^ Heroic | Antonica | No | 5.500% |
A Sabertooth Mongrel | 16-18 v v to - | Antonica | No | 5.500% |
A Brokentusk Guard | 11-12 - | The Ruins | No | 5.500% |
A Darkpaw Youth | 11 - | Antonica | No | 5.500% |
A Bloodskull Myrmidon | 15 v v v | Bloodskull Valley: The Excavation Site | No | 5.500% |
A Crushbone Oracle | 18-19 v v to - | Greater Faydark | No | 5.500% |
A Sabertooth Neophyte | 12 - | Antonica | No | 5.500% |
A Darkpaw Tribal Elder | 13 ^ | Antonica | No | 5.500% |
A Gruttooth Witch Doctor | 6 v v v | A Dark Cave | No | 5.500% |
G'shugahplum Gigglegibber | 10 v | Neriak, City of Hate | No | 5.500% |
A Brokentusk Defender | 10-11 - | The Ruins | No | 5.500% |
Gh'lad Tydingz Gigglegibber | 10 v | North Qeynos | No | 5.500% |
A Crushbone Emissary | 18 v v | Greater Faydark | No | 5.500% |
A Crushbone Watchman | 17 v v | Greater Faydark | No | 5.500% |
Grolven Chiptooth | 17-11 ^ | Antonica | Yes | 5.500% |
A Dustpaw Lookout | 10 v v v | The Caves | No | 5.500% |
A Crushbone Conscript | 10 ^ ^ Heroic | Greater Faydark | No | 5.500% |
A Bloodskull Grunt | 17 ^ ^ Heroic | Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold | No | 5.500% |
A Sabertooth Sentry | 15-16 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Blackburrow | No | 5.500% |
A Bloodskull Excavator | 15-16 v v to v | Bloodskull Valley: The Excavation Site | No | 5.500% |
A Crushbone Lieutenant | 18-19 v v | Greater Faydark | No | 5.500% |
Gh'lad Tydingz Gigglegibber | 10 v | The City of Freeport | No | 5.500% |
A Brokentusk Warrior | 13-14 - | The Ruins | No | 5.500% |
Fippy Darkpaw, The 4th | 12 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Crow's Resting Place | No | 5.500% |
G'shugahplum Gigglegibber | 10 v | Frostfang Sea | No | 5.500% |
Orug Deathmaker | 14 v | Cave of Illboding Dark | No | 5.500% |
Gilby Gigglegibber | 10 v | The Future | No | 5.500% |
A Frenzied Ry'Gorr | 14 - | Frostfang Sea | No | 5.500% |
A Ry'Gorr Invader | 14-15 - | Frostfang Sea | No | 5.500% |
A Ry'Gorr War Shaman | 15-16 v v to v | Frostfang Sea | No | 5.500% |
An Orc Emissary | 15 v | The Commonlands | No | 5.500% |
A Darkpaw Youth | 12 - | Antonica | No | 5.500% |
A Gruttooth Protector | 5 v v v | A Dark Cave | No | 5.500% |
A Crushbone Centurion | 18 v v | Greater Faydark | No | 5.500% |
A Ry'Gorr Shock Trooper | 15-16 - | Frostfang Sea | No | 5.500% |
A Sabertooth Oracle | 16-17 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Blackburrow | No | 5.500% |
A Sabertooth Warpack Captain | 16-18 - | Antonica | Yes | 5.500% |
A Sabertooth Whelp Leader | 15 - | The Shattered Vale | Yes | 5.500% |
G'shugahplum Gigglegibber | 10 v | The City of Freeport | No | 5.500% |
A Ree Recruit | 15 ^ | The Wailing Caves | No | 5.500% |
A Ry'Gorr Reanimator | 13 v v | Cave of Illboding Dark | No | 5.500% |
A Ry'Gorr Raider | 10-11 v v to v | Frostfang Sea | No | 5.500% |
A Brokentusk Shaman | 12-13 - | The Ruins | No | 5.500% |
A Sabertooth Camp Guard | 15-18 - | Antonica | No | 5.500% |
A Sabertooth Darkstrider | 14-18 v v v to v | Antonica | No | 5.500% |
A Ree Protector | 16 v v to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Wailing Caves | No | 5.500% |
A Crushbone Camp Builder | 15 - | Greater Faydark | No | 5.500% |
A Sabertooth Champion | 16-17 - | The Shattered Vale | No | 5.500% |
A Sabertooth Hero | 16 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Blackburrow | Yes | 5.500% |
A Sabertooth Chanter | 15-16 v to ^ ^ Heroic | Blackburrow | No | 5.500% |
A Sabertooth Miner | 12-14 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Blackburrow | No | 5.500% |
A Sabertooth Spiritist | 18 v v v to v | The Shattered Vale | No | 5.500% |
Lord Ree | 18 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Wailing Caves | Yes | 5.500% |
A Dustpaw Armorer | 10 v v v to v v v | The Caves | No | 5.500% |
A Bloodskull Flamethrower | 16-17 v v to v | Bloodskull Valley: The Excavation Site | No | 5.500% |
Fishfang The Angler | 13 ^ | Blackburrow | Yes | 5.500% |
A Bloodskull Mauler | 12-14 ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | The Bloodskull Valley: A Noble Confrontation | No | 5.500% |
Larry | 5-15 v v v | Thunderdome | No | 5.500% |
A Crushbone Oracle | 17 v v | Greater Faydark | No | 5.500% |
Warlock Umnoz | 18 ^ ^ Heroic | The Shattered Vale | Yes | 5.500% |
A Rockpaw Scout | 13-14 - | The Caves | No | 5.500% |
A Crushbone Trainer | 17 v v | Greater Faydark | No | 5.500% |
A Ghostly Orc | 10-12 - | The Commonlands | No | 5.500% |
A Lonetusk Sentry | 13-14 ^ ^ Heroic | The Ruins | No | 5.500% |
A Darkpaw Brigand | 18 v v v | Antonica | No | 5.500% |
A Sabertooth Healer | 14-15 - | Antonica | No | 5.500% |
Ginneldarf Gigglegibber | 10 v v v | Permafrost Crypt: Decorating Retribution | No | 5.500% |
A Crushbone Oracle | 17 v | Greater Faydark | No | 5.500% |
A T'Rethir Thinblood | 14 v | Darklight Wood | No | 5.500% |
A Sabertooth Sentry | 16 - | Antonica | No | 5.500% |
A Bloodskull Soldier | 17 ^ | Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold | No | 5.500% |
A Grunt Of Ree | 15 - | The Commonlands | No | 5.500% |
A Lonetusk Warrior | 14-15 ^ ^ Heroic | The Ruins | No | 5.500% |
Commander Grik'Sna | 15 - | The Commonlands | Yes | 5.500% |
A Darkpaw Shaman | 14-16 - | Antonica | No | 5.500% |
A Burly Sabertooth | 13-14 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Blackburrow | No | 5.500% |
A Bloodskull Architect | 15-16 v v | Bloodskull Valley: The Excavation Site | No | 5.500% |
A Lonetusk Champion | 15-16 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Ruins | No | 5.500% |
A Raider Of Ree | 15 v | The Wailing Caves | No | 5.500% |
Gh'lad Tydingz Gigglegibber | 10 v | Neriak, City of Hate | No | 5.500% |
A Gnoll Machinist | 8 - | The Peat Bog | No | 5.500% |
A Sprinting Ry'Gorr Gatecaller | 11 - | Frostfang Sea | No | 5.500% |
G'shugahplum Gigglegibber | 10 v | Greater Faydark | No | 5.500% |
A Bristlebane Day's Jester | 10 v v v | Neriak, City of Hate | No | 5.500% |
A Bloodskull Zealot | 12-14 ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | The Bloodskull Valley: A Noble Confrontation | No | 5.500% |
Treasure Hunter Bakrok | 17 ^ | Bloodskull Valley: The Excavation Site | Yes | 5.500% |
A Ry'Gorr Invader | 14-15 - | Frostfang Sea | No | 5.500% |
A Gruttooth Sparkcaster | 5 v v v | A Dark Cave | No | 5.500% |
High Priest Gloomcry | 18 v | A Dark Cave | Yes | 5.500% |
A Ry'Gorr Zealot | 11 v v to v | Frostfang Sea | No | 5.500% |
A Lonetusk Warrior | 14-15 ^ ^ Heroic | The Ruins | No | 5.500% |
Ohrgran Foulgore | 15 ^ | The Commonlands | Yes | 5.500% |
Seneschal Vorilon | 15 ^ | Darklight Wood | Yes | 5.500% |
A Brokentusk Sergeant | 14-15 ^ | The Ruins | Yes | 5.500% |
The Devoured | 13 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Caves | Yes | 5.500% |
A Lonetusk Sentry | 13-14 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Ruins | No | 5.500% |
A Crushbone Sparrer | 18 v v to v | Greater Faydark | No | 5.500% |
Grimgash The Black | 6 ^ | A Dark Cave | Yes | 5.500% |
Captain Ogof | 14 - | The Commonlands | No | 5.500% |
A Bloodskull Savage | 17-18 v to - | Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold | No | 5.500% |
A Gullon Brigade Warsmith | 12-13 - | Greater Faydark | No | 5.500% |
A Raider Of Ree | 15 ^ | The Wailing Caves | No | 5.500% |
A T'Rethir Thinblood Fanatic | 15 ^ | Darklight Wood | Yes | 5.500% |
A Crushbone Spy | 11-12 - | Greater Faydark | No | 5.500% |
A Lonetusk Warrior | 14-15 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Ruins | No | 5.500% |
A Bloodskull Thug | 12-14 ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | The Bloodskull Valley: A Noble Confrontation | No | 5.500% |
A Bloodskull High Priest | 16-17 v v to v | Bloodskull Valley: The Excavation Site | No | 5.500% |
A Vengeful Splitpaw Mangler | 15 v v v | Antonica | No | 5.500% |
A Sabertooth Sentry | 16 - | Blackburrow | No | 5.500% |
A Brokentusk Prophet | 13-14 - | The Ruins | No | 5.500% |
A Bloodskull Warrior | 15-17 v v v | The Commonlands | No | 5.500% |
Raid Captain Korzug | 12 ^ | Frostfang Sea | Yes | 5.500% |
A Sabertooth Protector | 10-12 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | The Shattered Vale: A Bold Confrontation | No | 5.500% |
A Cavemaw Tunneler | 16-17 v v v to - | Antonica | No | 5.500% |
A Bloodskull Scout | 12-13 v v v | The Commonlands | No | 5.500% |
A Sabertooth Battler | 18-19 - | Antonica | No | 5.500% |
A Crushbone Emissary | 17 v v | Greater Faydark | No | 5.500% |
A Crushbone Footman | 10 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Greater Faydark | No | 5.500% |
A Sabertooth Whelp | 15 v v v | The Shattered Vale | No | 5.500% |
A Brokentusk Warchief | 11 ^ | The Ruins | No | 5.500% |
A Darkpaw Mongrel | 16 - | Antonica | No | 5.500% |
High Chieftain Grexx | 10 ^ ^ Heroic | Queen's Colony | No | 5.500% |
A Gigglegibber Goblin | 10 ^ ^ ^ Epic x4 | Frostfell Wonderland Village | No | 5.500% |
Bra'ak The Reptile | 18 v | Antonica | Yes | 5.500% |
The Darkpaw Fanglord | 19 ^ | Antonica | Yes | 5.500% |
Curly | 5-15 v v v | Thunderdome | No | 5.500% |
A Ry'Gorr Infiltrator | 15-16 v v to v | Frostfang Sea | No | 5.500% |
A Crushbone Legionnaire | 18-19 v | Greater Faydark | No | 5.500% |
A Ree Channeler | 15 v v | The Wailing Caves | No | 5.500% |
A Loyal Attendant | 17 ^ to ^ ^ Heroic | The Wailing Caves | No | 5.500% |
Slayn Brokentusk | 12-13 ^ | The Ruins | Yes | 5.500% |
A Drained Thrall | 10 v | The Crypt of T'Haen: Vengeance | No | 5.500% |
A Bloodskull Mahut Caller | 18 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold | Yes | 5.500% |
A Crushbone Conscript | 17 v v | Greater Faydark | No | 5.500% |
A Ry'Gorr Infiltrator | 15-16 v v to v | Frostfang Sea | No | 5.500% |
A Bloodskull Supplier | 15-16 - | Bloodskull Valley: The Excavation Site | No | 5.500% |
A Darkpaw Brute | 17-18 - | Antonica | No | 5.500% |
Gh'lad Tydingz Gigglegibber | 10 v | Frostfang Sea | No | 5.500% |
A Sabertooth Guard | 14-15 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Blackburrow | No | 5.500% |
A Raider Of Ree | 16 ^ | The Wailing Caves | No | 5.500% |
A Bloodskull Mystic | 14 v v v | The Commonlands | No | 5.500% |
A Sabertooth Pup | 11 - | Blackburrow | No | 5.500% |
A Bloodskull Cleric | 17-18 - | Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold | No | 5.500% |
A Rockpaw Striker | 13 v | The Caves | No | 5.500% |
Vurog Ma'gar | 18 - | The Commonlands | No | 5.500% |
Lieutenant Vrah'Kna | 19 ^ | The Commonlands | Yes | 5.500% |
A Raid Leader | 13-15 ^ | The Commonlands | No | 5.500% |
A Sabertooth Runt | 12-14 - | Antonica | No | 5.500% |
A Ree Spiritkeeper | 16 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Wailing Caves | No | 5.500% |
A Vengeful Splitpaw Defiler | 15 v | Antonica | Yes | 5.500% |
A Bloodskull Warrior | 12-15 - | The Commonlands | No | 5.500% |
A Ghostly Orc Messenger | 12-13 - | The Commonlands | No | 5.500% |
A Ry'Gorr Tunneler | 17-18 - | Frostfang Sea | No | 5.500% |
Crushbone Expedition Chef | 17 v | Greater Faydark | Yes | 5.500% |
A Bloodskull Miner | 15-16 v v to - | Bloodskull Valley: The Excavation Site | No | 5.500% |
A Sabertooth Shaman | 16-17 - | Antonica | No | 5.500% |
Koduhl Brokentusk | 14-15 ^ | The Ruins | Yes | 5.500% |
Overseer Dentfang | 11 v v v | The Peat Bog | No | 5.500% |
A Crushbone Arsonist | 11 - | Greater Faydark | No | 5.500% |
A Ry'Gorr Bushwhacker | 11 - | Frostfang Sea | No | 5.500% |
Tactician Mengs | 18 v | Antonica | Yes | 5.500% |
Smithy Slampaw | 10 - | The Caves | No | 5.500% |
A Bloodskull Shaman | 17-19 - | The Commonlands | No | 5.500% |
High Shaman Zen'Durath | 14 - | The Caves | Yes | 5.500% |
General Vhar'Taug | 14-15 ^ | The Commonlands | Yes | 5.500% |
A Sabertooth Elder | 18-19 - | Antonica | No | 5.500% |
A Bloodskull Mason | 14-15 - | The Commonlands | No | 5.500% |
A Cavemaw Tamer | 16-17 v v v to - | Antonica | No | 5.500% |
A Gnoll Guard | 10 v v v | The Peat Bog | No | 5.500% |
Pudlonar | 10 - | Neriak, City of Hate | No | 5.500% |
A Crushbone Centurion | 18 v v to - | Greater Faydark | No | 5.500% |
A Bloodskull Seer | 16-17 v v to v | Bloodskull Valley: The Excavation Site | No | 5.500% |
A Bloodskull Lumberjack | 14-15 - | The Commonlands | No | 5.500% |
A Crushbone Supply Runner | 16 - | Greater Faydark | No | 5.500% |
A Gnoll Overseer | 10-12 ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | The Shattered Vale: A Bold Confrontation | No | 5.500% |
A Necrosis Conscript | 18-19 - | Antonica | No | 5.500% |
A Ry'Gorr Spiritcaster | 14 v v v | Cave of Illboding Dark | No | 5.500% |
A Bloodskull Orc | 15 - | The Commonlands | No | 5.500% |
A Crushbone Oracle | 18 v v | Greater Faydark | No | 5.500% |
Advisor Kre'lak | 16 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Wailing Caves | Yes | 5.500% |
A Blackguard | 18 - | The Wailing Caves | No | 5.500% |
A Rockpaw Stonemaster | 15 - | The Caves | Yes | 5.500% |
A Brokentusk Warrior | 13-14 - | The Ruins | No | 5.500% |
Graalwen | 18 v | Antonica | Yes | 5.500% |
Commander Du'Nar | 16 - | The Commonlands | Yes | 5.500% |
A Sabertooth Runt | 10-11 - | Antonica | No | 5.500% |
A Bloodskull Warrior | 16 v v v to ^ | The Commonlands | No | 5.500% |
A Crushbone Herbalist | 8-9 - | Greater Faydark | No | 5.500% |
A Bloodskull Mahout Youth | 17 ^ | Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold | No | 5.500% |
A Bloodskull Mahut Hurler | 18 ^ | Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold | No | 5.500% |
A Crushbone Conscript | 16-18 v v to - | Greater Faydark | No | 5.500% |
G'shugahplum Gigglegibber | 10 v | Timorous Deep | No | 5.500% |
Rear Commander Grokk | 17 ^ | Frostfang Sea | Yes | 5.500% |
G'shugahplum Gigglegibber | 10 v | North Qeynos | No | 5.500% |
A Darkpaw Mystic | 10-12 v v to - | Antonica | No | 5.500% |
Garreg Stonecrusher | 15 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Wailing Caves | No | 5.500% |
A Ree Defender | 15 - to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Wailing Caves | No | 5.500% |
A Cavemaw Rock Melter | 16-17 v v v to - | Antonica | No | 5.500% |
A Sabertooth Neophyte | 10-11 - | Antonica | No | 5.500% |
A Ry'Gorr Grenadier | 15-16 v v to v | Frostfang Sea | No | 5.500% |
A Darkpaw Mystic | 12 - | Antonica | No | 5.500% |
Gwenda Gurgley Gigglegibber | 10 v | Graystone Yard interior | No | 5.500% |
A Ry'Gorr Pathfinder | 15-16 v | Frostfang Sea | No | 5.500% |
A Training Spearfisher | 13 ^ | Blackburrow | No | 5.500% |
A Ree Underguard | 16-17 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Wailing Caves | No | 5.500% |
Mastermind Mon'Tagorr | 19 ^ | Frostfang Sea | Yes | 5.500% |
A Sabertooth Diviner | 16-18 - | Antonica | No | 5.500% |
A Crushbone Footman | 17 v | Greater Faydark | No | 5.500% |
A Necrosis Shrew | 18-19 - | Antonica | No | 5.500% |
A Scout Of Ree | 13-14 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Wailing Caves | No | 5.500% |
Gh'lad Tydingz Gigglegibber | 10 v | Timorous Deep | No | 5.500% |
A Crushbone Trainer | 18 v v | Greater Faydark | No | 5.500% |
A Bloodskull Mahut Healer | 18 ^ | Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold | No | 5.500% |
A Sabertooth Oracle | 16-17 ^ ^ Heroic | Blackburrow | No | 5.500% |
A Brokentusk Overseer | 14 ^ | The Ruins | No | 5.500% |
A Ree Jailer | 16 ^ to ^ ^ Heroic | The Wailing Caves | No | 5.500% |
A Portal Jumped Ry'Gorr Raider | 10 - | Frostfang Sea | No | 5.500% |
A Sabertooth Rune Caster | 16-18 v to - | Antonica | No | 5.500% |
Jayl'Krik | 18 v | Antonica | Yes | 5.500% |
A Patrolling Sabertooth | 13 - to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Blackburrow | No | 5.500% |
A Gnoll Machinist | 10 v v v | The Peat Bog | No | 5.500% |
A Bloodskull Negotiator | 15 v v v | The Commonlands | No | 5.500% |
A Ry'Gorr Raider | 10 - | Frostfang Sea | No | 5.500% |
A Lonetusk Pounder | 13-14 ^ ^ Heroic | The Ruins | No | 5.500% |
A Bloodskull Soldier | 14 v v | The Commonlands | No | 5.500% |
A Sabertooth Champion | 11-12 ^ | Antonica | No | 5.500% |
A Dankfur Dock Warden | 14 ^ | Antonica | No | 5.500% |
A Bloodskull Scavenger | 15-16 - | Bloodskull Valley: The Excavation Site | No | 5.500% |
A Bloodskull Tamer | 14-15 v | The Commonlands | No | 5.500% |
A Sabertooth Healer | 14 - | Antonica | No | 5.500% |
A Bloodskull Builder | 16-17 v v | Bloodskull Valley: The Excavation Site | No | 5.500% |
Captain Vulgart | 18 ^ ^ Heroic | The Shattered Vale | Yes | 5.500% |
A Raid Schemer | 17 - | The Wailing Caves | No | 5.500% |
A Crushbone Herb Gatherer | 18-19 - | Greater Faydark | No | 5.500% |
A Crushbone Trainee | 18 v | Greater Faydark | No | 5.500% |
A Crushbone Trainer | 18 v v to - | Greater Faydark | No | 5.500% |
A Bloodskull Architect | 16-17 v | Bloodskull Valley: The Excavation Site | No | 5.500% |
A Raider Of Ree | 14 ^ ^ Heroic | The Wailing Caves | No | 5.500% |
A Raid Leader | 17 - | The Wailing Caves | No | 5.500% |
A Crushbone Centurion | 17 v v | Greater Faydark | No | 5.500% |
A Sabertooth Angler | 12 - | Blackburrow | No | 5.500% |
A Darkpaw Lookout | 10-11 - | Antonica | No | 5.500% |
Mess Sergeant Slogg | 16 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Wailing Caves | Yes | 5.500% |
A Bloodskull Scout | 14-15 - | The Commonlands | No | 5.500% |
A Crushbone Guard | 18-19 v v v | Greater Faydark | No | 5.500% |
A Bloodskull Foreman | 15-16 - | Bloodskull Valley: The Excavation Site | No | 5.500% |
A Dustpaw Guard | 10 v v v to v | The Caves | No | 5.500% |
A Sabertooth Battler | 15-17 - | Antonica | No | 5.500% |
A Darkpaw Rune Caster | 17-18 - | Antonica | No | 5.500% |
Gilby Gigglegibber | 10 v | Mr. McScroogle's Boudoir | No | 5.500% |
A Gnoll Conspirator | 11 v v v | The Peat Bog | No | 5.500% |
A Stalwart Sabertooth | 15-16 ^ ^ Heroic | Blackburrow | No | 5.500% |
A Darkpaw War Leader | 16 - | Antonica | Yes | 5.500% |
A Rockpaw Guard | 13-14 v v to v | The Caves | No | 5.500% |
A Stockpile Protector | 15-16 ^ ^ Heroic | Blackburrow | No | 5.500% |
A Crushbone Conscript | 17 v v | Greater Faydark | No | 5.500% |
A Darkpaw Mystic | 11 - | Antonica | No | 5.500% |
Lieutenant Fa'Rak | 9 - | Greater Faydark | No | 5.500% |
A Sabertooth Elite Guard | 16 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Blackburrow | No | 5.500% |
A Scrawny Sabertooth | 11-12 - | Blackburrow | No | 5.500% |
A Sabertooth Tactician | 16-17 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Blackburrow | No | 5.500% |
A Dead Gnoll | 10 ^ | Blackburrow | No | 5.500% |
A Cavemaw Grub Hunter | 14-16 - | Antonica | No | 5.500% |
A Machinist Assistant | 10 v v v | The Peat Bog | No | 5.500% |
Grimagus Gigglegibber | 10 v v | Elfin Wonderland | No | 5.500% |
Bonduhr Lonetusk | 17-18 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Ruins | Yes | 5.500% |
A Ry'Gorr Invader | 14-15 - | Frostfang Sea | No | 5.500% |
A Sabertooth Brewery Guard | 16 ^ ^ Heroic | Blackburrow | No | 5.500% |
A Necrosis Auger | 18-19 - | Antonica | No | 5.500% |
A Brokentusk Sentry | 12-13 - | The Ruins | No | 5.500% |
A Sabertooth Excavator | 13-14 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Blackburrow | No | 5.500% |
Crushbone Expedition Planner | 17 v | Greater Faydark | Yes | 5.500% |
A Crushbone Oracle | 17 v v | Greater Faydark | No | 5.500% |
Taskmaster Ru'Grof | 18 ^ | Frostfang Sea | Yes | 5.500% |
High Corruptor Gar'Lek | 10 - | Greater Faydark | No | 5.500% |
A Ry'Gorr Portal Caster | 10 - | Frostfang Sea | No | 5.500% |
Commander Gorzok | 12-14 ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | The Bloodskull Valley: A Noble Confrontation | Yes | 5.500% |
Crushbone Expedition Leader | 17 - | Greater Faydark | Yes | 5.500% |
A Bloodskull Priest | 12-13 - | The Commonlands | No | 5.500% |
A Tallon Brigade Warsmith | 19 v | Greater Faydark | No | 5.500% |
A Runner Of Ree | 15 v | The Commonlands | No | 5.500% |
A Bloodskull Engineer | 15-16 v v to v | Bloodskull Valley: The Excavation Site | No | 5.500% |
A Darkpaw Pack Leader | 12 ^ | Antonica | No | 5.500% |
A Sabertooth Oracle | 17 v | The Shattered Vale | No | 5.500% |
Oracle Yagwai | 18 ^ ^ Heroic | The Shattered Vale | Yes | 5.500% |
A Bloodskull Tower Guard | 15 - | The Commonlands | No | 5.500% |
A Sabertooth Battler | 16-17 - | Antonica | No | 5.500% |
A Sabertooth Miner | 13 ^ ^ Heroic | Blackburrow | No | 5.500% |
A Vengeful Splitpaw Mauler | 15 v v v | Antonica | No | 5.500% |
Bucky | 19 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Blackburrow | Yes | 5.500% |
Dustcaller Sleg | 11 ^ ^ Heroic | The Caves | Yes | 5.500% |
A Bloodskull Mage | 12-14 ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | The Bloodskull Valley: A Noble Confrontation | No | 5.500% |
A Crushbone Trainer | 17 v v | Greater Faydark | No | 5.500% |
G'shugahplum Gigglegibber | 10 v | South Freeport | No | 5.500% |
A T'Rethir Sapper | 14-15 v | Darklight Wood | No | 5.500% |
A Brokentusk Guard | 11-12 v | The Ruins | No | 5.500% |
A T'Rethir Battlemaster | 15 v | Darklight Wood | No | 5.500% |
A Stalwart Sabertooth | 15-16 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Blackburrow | No | 5.500% |
A Ry'Gorr Necromancer | 13 - | Frostfang Sea | No | 5.500% |
Trainer Morgok | 18 - | Greater Faydark | No | 5.500% |
A Bloodskull Lieutenant | 18 - | Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold | No | 5.500% |
Jyrok The Stone | 18 - | The Commonlands | No | 5.500% |
Reconnoiterer Malox | 11 v | The Forest Ruins | No | 5.500% |
A Sullon Brigade Warsmith | 16 v | Greater Faydark | No | 5.500% |
A Crushbone Guard | 12-19 v v v to v v | Greater Faydark | No | 5.500% |
Crushbone Expedition Weaponsmith | 17 v | Greater Faydark | Yes | 5.500% |
Moe | 5-15 v v v | Thunderdome | No | 5.500% |
A Swarm Of Bats | 10 v v v | The Moppet Shoppe | No | 5.500% |
A Darkpaw Soldier | 14 - | Antonica | No | 5.500% |
A Sabertooth Warlock | 16-18 v v | Antonica | No | 5.500% |
A Sabertooth Mystic | 16-17 - | The Shattered Vale | No | 5.500% |
Guhtosle Gigglegibber | 10 v v v | Frostfell Wonderland Village | No | 5.500% |
Punisher Kharg | 16 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Wailing Caves | Yes | 5.500% |
A Sabertooth Warrior | 14-15 - | Antonica | No | 5.500% |
A Sabertooth Pack Lord | 20 ^ | Antonica | Yes | 5.500% |
A Crushbone Watchman | 17 v v | Greater Faydark | No | 5.500% |
Gh'lad Tydingz Gigglegibber | 10 v | Greater Faydark | No | 5.500% |
A Crushbone Watchman | 17 v v | Greater Faydark | No | 5.500% |
A Ree Steelworker | 15 - | The Wailing Caves | No | 5.500% |
A Bloodskull Machinist | 15-16 v v to v | Bloodskull Valley: The Excavation Site | No | 5.500% |
A Bloodskull Grunt | 12-14 ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | The Bloodskull Valley: A Noble Confrontation | No | 5.500% |
Animator Rotpaw | 15 - | Antonica | Yes | 5.500% |
A Brokentusk Warrior | 13-14 - | The Ruins | No | 5.500% |
A Sabertooth Warrior | 14 - | Antonica | No | 5.500% |
A Lonetusk Devastator | 17 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Ruins | Yes | 5.500% |
A Derris Brigade Warsmith | 18-19 v | Greater Faydark | No | 5.500% |
Garsleblat Gigglegibber | 10 v v v | Frostfell Wonderland Village | No | 5.500% |
A Bloodskull Protector | 16-17 - | Bloodskull Valley: The Excavation Site | No | 5.500% |
A Sabertooth Tactician | 16-17 ^ ^ Heroic | Blackburrow | No | 5.500% |
A Bloodskull Footman | 15 v v v | Bloodskull Valley: The Excavation Site | No | 5.500% |
Captain Gaer | 17 - | The Commonlands | No | 5.500% |
A Crushbone Oracle | 17 v v | Greater Faydark | No | 5.500% |
A Mudpaw Lookout | 10-11 v v v to v | The Caves | No | 5.500% |
A Ry'Gorr Grenadier | 15-16 v v to v | Frostfang Sea | No | 5.500% |
A Ry'Gorr Lackey | 13 v v v | Cave of Illboding Dark | No | 5.500% |
A Crushbone Watchman | 18 v v | Greater Faydark | No | 5.500% |
A Darkpaw Youth | 10-12 v v to - | Antonica | No | 5.500% |
A Bloodskull Peon | 15-16 - | Bloodskull Valley: The Excavation Site | No | 5.500% |
A Crushbone Brute | 8 ^ | Greater Faydark | No | 5.500% |
A Mudpaw Guard | 11 v v v to - | The Caves | No | 5.500% |
A Crushbone Conscript | 17 v v | Greater Faydark | No | 5.500% |
A Necrosis Conscript | 19-20 ^ ^ Heroic | Antonica | No | 5.500% |
A Crushbone Emissary | 17 v v | Greater Faydark | No | 5.500% |
A Bloodskull Gemseeker | 15 v v v | Bloodskull Valley: The Excavation Site | No | 5.500% |
A Rockpaw Thug | 11 v v v | The Forest Ruins | No | 5.500% |
Gwenda Gurgley Gigglegibber | 10 v | Mr. McScroogle's Boudoir | No | 5.500% |
A Sabertooth Commander | 16-17 ^ ^ Heroic | Blackburrow | No | 5.500% |
An Advanced Scout Of Ree | 15 v v v | The Commonlands | No | 5.500% |
A Crushbone Footman | 16-17 v v v to - | Greater Faydark | No | 5.500% |
A Sabertooth Brewmaster | 16 ^ | Blackburrow | No | 5.500% |
A Lonetusk Sentry | 13-14 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Ruins | No | 5.500% |
A Bloodskull Soldier | 17 v v v | The Commonlands | No | 5.500% |
A Brokentusk Guard | 11-12 - | The Ruins | No | 5.500% |
A Lonetusk Destroyer | 18 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Ruins | No | 5.500% |
A Sabertooth Tactician | 16-17 ^ | Blackburrow | No | 5.500% |
A Sabertooth Sentinel | 11 - | Antonica | Yes | 5.500% |
A Bloodskull Sentinel | 17-18 - | Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold | No | 5.500% |
Corruptor Thurizil | 19 v | Greater Faydark | No | 5.500% |
Animator Z'Apha | 17 - | Antonica | Yes | 5.500% |
A Bloodskull Extractor | 14-15 - | The Commonlands | No | 5.500% |
A Crushbone Centurion | 17 v v | Greater Faydark | No | 5.500% |
A Bloodskull Messenger | 15 - | The Commonlands | No | 5.500% |
A Bloodskull Prospector | 15-16 v v to v | Bloodskull Valley: The Excavation Site | No | 5.500% |
A Gigglegibber Goblin | 10 - | Frostfell Wonderland Village | No | 5.500% |
A Raider Of Ree | 13-15 v | The Commonlands | No | 5.500% |
A Ree Weaponsmith | 15 ^ | The Wailing Caves | No | 5.500% |
A Gruttooth Champion | 6 v v v | A Dark Cave | No | 5.500% |
A Rujarkian Advisor | 16 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Ruins | No | 5.500% |
A Bloodskull Spiritcaller | 15 v v | Bloodskull Valley: The Excavation Site | No | 5.500% |
High Shaman Vascha | 10 ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | The Shattered Vale: A Bold Confrontation | Yes | 5.500% |
A Crushbone Centurion | 17 v v | Greater Faydark | No | 5.500% |
A Bloodskull Guardsman | 15-16 - | Bloodskull Valley: The Excavation Site | No | 5.500% |
A Brokentusk Champion | 13-14 ^ | The Ruins | No | 5.500% |
A Crushbone Emissary | 17 v v | Greater Faydark | No | 5.500% |
A Crushbone Messenger | 11 - | Greater Faydark | No | 5.500% |
A Crushbone Trainer | 17 v v | Greater Faydark | No | 5.500% |
A Necrosis Auger | 19-20 ^ ^ Heroic | Antonica | No | 5.500% |
Dregh Brokentusk | 11 ^ | The Ruins | Yes | 5.500% |
A Scrawny Sabertooth | 12-13 v v | Blackburrow | No | 5.500% |
A Crushbone Destroyer | 11-12 v to - | Greater Faydark | No | 5.500% |
A Bloodskull Treasure Hunter | 15 v v v | Bloodskull Valley: The Excavation Site | No | 5.500% |
A Ry'Gorr Invader | 10 - | Frostfang Sea | No | 5.500% |
A Crushbone Polluter | 18 - | Greater Faydark | No | 5.500% |
A Sabertooth Lookout | 12-13 v v to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Blackburrow | No | 5.500% |
Gatecaller Skullcracker | 11 ^ | Frostfang Sea | Yes | 5.500% |
Nantglas The Cold | 15-16 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Blackburrow | Yes | 5.500% |
A Bloodskull Carpenter | 16-17 v v to v | Bloodskull Valley: The Excavation Site | No | 5.500% |
A Sabertooth Curate | 10-12 ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | The Shattered Vale: A Bold Confrontation | No | 5.500% |
A Bloodskull Grunt | 15-16 - | Bloodskull Valley: The Excavation Site | No | 5.500% |
A Sabertooth Neophyte | 12-14 - | Antonica | No | 5.500% |
A Stalwart Sabertooth | 15-16 ^ to ^ ^ Heroic | Blackburrow | No | 5.500% |
A Ry'Gorr War Shaman | 15-16 v v to v | Frostfang Sea | No | 5.500% |
A Stockpile Protector | 15-16 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Blackburrow | No | 5.500% |
Giddlenerf Gigglegibber | 10 v v v | Frostfell Wonderland Village | No | 5.500% |
Crugybar The Rock | 16-17 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Blackburrow | No | 5.500% |
A Ry'Gorr Shock Trooper | 16-17 - | Frostfang Sea | No | 5.500% |
A Sabertooth Spearfisher | 13 ^ ^ Heroic | Blackburrow | No | 5.500% |
A Sabertooth Runt | 12 - | Antonica | No | 5.500% |
Gh'lad Tydingz Gigglegibber | 10 v | South Freeport | No | 5.500% |
A Vallon Brigade Warsmith | 17 v | Greater Faydark | No | 5.500% |
A Sentry Of Ree | 14-15 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Wailing Caves | No | 5.500% |
A Bloodskull Mahut Mangler | 18 ^ | Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold | No | 5.500% |
A Sabertooth Watcher | 10-12 ^ ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | The Shattered Vale: A Bold Confrontation | No | 5.500% |
A Sapswill Soothsayer | 10 v v v | Queen's Colony | No | 5.500% |
A Brokentusk Crusher | 13-14 - | The Ruins | No | 5.500% |
A Bloodskull Domesticator | 16-17 v v to v | Bloodskull Valley: The Excavation Site | No | 5.500% |
A Ry'Gorr Marauder | 11 v v to v | Frostfang Sea | No | 5.500% |
A Ree Armorer | 15 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Wailing Caves | No | 5.500% |
Susan Stout | 10 v v v | North Qeynos | No | 2.500% |
A Coalition Guard | 9 v to ^ | a three room apartment, version 1 | No | 2.500% |
Entertainer Faeadaen | 7 v | Castleview Hamlet | No | 2.500% |
A Thexian Historian | 18 v v | Fallen Gate | No | 2.500% |
A Seasoned Defender | 14-15 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Ruins | No | 2.500% |
Gunda Firehammer | 11 ^ ^ Heroic | Greater Faydark | No | 2.500% |
Gornit Penwiggle | 7 v | The Baubbleshire | No | 2.500% |
Jendan Greenthorn | 8 v | The Willow Wood | No | 2.500% |
Slinko | 16 v | West Freeport | No | 2.500% |
A Heroes' Festival Jester | 10 v v v | Neriak, City of Hate | No | 2.500% |
Metilia Arcavius | 17 v | North Freeport | No | 2.500% |
A Pile Of Fresh Bones | 15 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
Karakiat Bonewalker | 8 v | Big Bend | No | 2.500% |
Mr. McScroogle | 10 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Graystone Yard interior | No | 2.500% |
Brashk | 11 v | Temple Street | No | 2.500% |
Galla Lentula | 10 v | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
Apprentice Boggi | 9 v | Castleview Hamlet | No | 2.500% |
Captain Feralis | 15 v v v | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
Frethe Zizlop | 10 v v v | Neriak, City of Hate | No | 2.500% |
Talia | 14 v | The Ruins | No | 2.500% |
A Kerran Vagrant | 15-16 - | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
Lakosha Maera | 9 v | Nettleville | No | 2.500% |
Davis Fredericks | 10 v v v | Graystone Yard interior | No | 2.500% |
Skal Vethiz | 7 v | Scale Yard | No | 2.500% |
A Spicerunner Gale Bringer | 10-12 - | The Tomb of Valor | No | 2.500% |
Taggan Brookrich | 5 v | Starcrest Commune | No | 2.500% |
A Blackshield Pirate | 11-12 - | Timorous Deep | No | 2.500% |
A Heroes' Festival Magician | 10 v v v | Neriak, City of Hate | No | 2.500% |
A Blackshield Brute | 14-15 - | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
Gimit Delerg | 10 v v v | North Qeynos | No | 2.500% |
Helna Irongut | 11 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Greater Faydark | No | 2.500% |
A Murkwater Infiltrator | 10-11 - | The Thieves' Way | No | 2.500% |
Innkeeper Naroob | 18 - | Antonica | No | 2.500% |
A Bristlebane Day's Minstrel | 10 v v v | Frostfang Sea | No | 2.500% |
A Highwayman | 10-17 v v v to - | Antonica | No | 2.500% |
A Qeynosian Rebel | 10 v v v | Freeport Militia House | No | 2.500% |
Kivas Levine | 15 - | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
A Dervish Cutthroat | 17 - | The Wailing Caves | No | 2.500% |
Talanakiat | 8 v | Big Bend | No | 2.500% |
Disciple Varlox | 10 v v v | The Mediation Chamber | No | 2.500% |
Lyssia Delnara | 9 v | The Willow Wood | No | 2.500% |
Dasicar T'Lys | 8 v | an Academy antechamber | Yes | 2.500% |
Mariana Gizmofidget | 16 v | North Qeynos | No | 2.500% |
Dyerth Shiraz | 7 v | Scale Yard | No | 2.500% |
Algan Tinmizer | 10 v | The Baubbleshire | No | 2.500% |
A Thexian Evoker | 12-13 ^ | a six room house, version 1 | No | 2.500% |
A Bloodsaber Specialist | 15-16 - to ^ ^ Heroic | Vermin's Snye | No | 2.500% |
Sleeble Gimblesled | 15 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Forest Ruins | Yes | 2.500% |
Sinyaz V'rix | 10 ^ ^ Heroic | The Darkblade Den of Assassins | Yes | 2.500% |
Rand Urnall | 1 v v v | The Burning Cauldron | No | 2.500% |
A Huntsman | 16-17 - | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
Mariana Darkleaf | 9 v | Beggar's Court | No | 2.500% |
Gustave Roberts | 10 v v v | North Qeynos | No | 2.500% |
Nashii | 8 v | Stonestair Byway | No | 2.500% |
Seafury Skysearch | 17 v | East Freeport | No | 2.500% |
A Vigilant Gauntlet Defender | 10 ^ | Frostfang Sea | No | 2.500% |
Salinia Brooklily | 9 v | The Willow Wood | No | 2.500% |
A House X'Rzheduis Slave | 10 - | Neriak, City of Hate | No | 2.500% |
Brink Trudger | 10 - | Greater Faydark | No | 2.500% |
Blat Berisen | 10 v v v | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
A Highwayman Campfire | 18 - | Antonica | No | 2.500% |
An Unkempt Harbinger | 16 - | Antonica | Yes | 2.500% |
A Thexian Interrogator | 18 v v | Fallen Gate | No | 2.500% |
Lozoria Shinkicker | 9 v | The Baubbleshire | No | 2.500% |
Dante Sewershank | 14 ^ | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
A Militia Initiate | 9-10 v to - | Freeport Militia House | No | 2.500% |
A Bristlebane Day's Jester | 10 v v v | Greater Faydark | No | 2.500% |
Moirae Nalascos | 19 v | East Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Augurer Valgus | 18 v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Lathiss Dektate | 10 v | Neriak, City of Hate | No | 2.500% |
Deianeira | 10 v v v | Queen's Colony | No | 2.500% |
A Knight Of Truth | 11 - | The Graveyard | No | 2.500% |
Chef Schmenko | 8 v | Temple Street | No | 2.500% |
A Bristlebane Day's Jester | 10 v v v | West Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Ferius Mentus | 15 v v v | The Peat Bog | No | 2.500% |
Jonny Brede | 10 v v v | Graystone Yard interior | No | 2.500% |
A Prisoner Guard | 12-13 ^ ^ Heroic | The Ruins | No | 2.500% |
Damar G`Thez | 17 v | East Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Durkix Kizzkin | 15 v v v | The Graveyard | No | 2.500% |
Archaeologist Elurad | 10 - | Stormhold | No | 2.500% |
Melenia Scantus | 18 v | East Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Sallus Irontread | 11 ^ ^ Heroic | Greater Faydark | No | 2.500% |
A Brigand Blacksmith | 9 v | Qeynos Interior (irontoes) | No | 2.500% |
Velisarr Morningdew | 15 v | The Elddar Grove | No | 2.500% |
A Dark Coven Witch | 16-18 - | Antonica | No | 2.500% |
A Plains Hunter | 16-17 - | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
A Bloodsaber Adept | 14-15 v | Vermin's Snye | No | 2.500% |
Mordin Rageblade | 19 v | North Freeport | No | 2.500% |
A High Seas Lyricist | 10-12 - | The Tomb of Valor | No | 2.500% |
Barb Islenet | 10 v v v | Greater Faydark | No | 2.500% |
A Vagabond | 10 v v v | Neriak, City of Hate | No | 2.500% |
Lynsia T'Kanix | 11 v | Longshadow Alley | No | 2.500% |
A Farmer | 13-14 - | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
A Derelict Mercenary | 17-18 - | Valley of the Rogue Magi | No | 2.500% |
Grazzgrat | 7 v | Big Bend | No | 2.500% |
A Dregs Vagrant | 13-14 - | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
Calda Terrokbane | 10 v | Greater Faydark | No | 2.500% |
Modian K`Jarr | 9 v | Longshadow Alley | No | 2.500% |
Bahati Linnxar | 10 v | Nettleville | No | 2.500% |
Plotter Nicolai | 7 v | Scale Yard | No | 2.500% |
Watcher Curmogliel Kar`thal | 8 - | Graystone Yard | No | 2.500% |
Gemellus Sperasius | 10 v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.500% |
A Bristlebane Day's Jester | 10 v v v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Advisor Fazzleburn | 19 ^ | Invasion of the Vale | Yes | 2.500% |
Hector Alpalor | 18 v | North Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Dughall Macleod | 10 v | Timorous Deep | No | 2.500% |
Carpenter Jorgie Icearmor | 10 v | Graystone Yard | No | 2.500% |
A Blackshield Brute | 14-15 - | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
A Blackshield Mate | 12 v | Timorous Deep | No | 2.500% |
Jenthis Viridar | 10 v v v | Greater Faydark | No | 2.500% |
A Heroes' Festival Jester | 10 v v v | West Freeport | No | 2.500% |
A Distraught Farmer | 15 ^ ^ Heroic | Antonica | No | 2.500% |
Fallsworth | 15 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Nettleville | No | 2.500% |
Etholiya Highvalor | 10 v | Greater Faydark | No | 2.500% |
Kalib Mal | 10 v | Frostfang Sea | No | 2.500% |
Hoan Seastrider | 11 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Greater Faydark | No | 2.500% |
A Blackshield Brute | 14-15 - | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
A Darkblade Assassin | 10 - | The Darkblade Den of Assassins | No | 2.500% |
A Dervish Thug | 17-18 - | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
Susan Stout | 10 v v v | West Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Seafury Felvonitor | 18 v | East Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Imnat D`Vren | 8 v | Longshadow Alley | No | 2.500% |
Frund The Big Grin | 18 ^ | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
Bobble Whirlwidget | 10 ^ | Outpost of the Overlord | No | 2.500% |
A Lonely Guard | 9 v | Qeynos Interior (irontoes) | No | 2.500% |
A Militia Initiate | 10 v v | Freeport Militia House | No | 2.500% |
A Deserter | 5-10 - | a Freeport storehouse | No | 2.500% |
A Bristlebane Day's Jester | 10 v v v | North Qeynos | No | 2.500% |
Mac Windstreaker | 17 v | South Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Marius Darkblade | 12 ^ | The Thieves' Way | No | 2.500% |
Farnsby Dunworth | 6 v | Starcrest Commune | No | 2.500% |
Statia Viatrix | 6 v | Beggar's Court | No | 2.500% |
A Thexian Deathknight | 16-17 - | Darklight Wood | No | 2.500% |
Brother Bolerg | 18 v | The Firemyst Gully | No | 2.500% |
A Bristlebane Day's Caster | 10 v v v | Greater Faydark | No | 2.500% |
Arnisu Tobian | 15 v v v | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
A White Headband Initiate | 9 v | Sanctum interior | No | 2.500% |
Grull Silverstump | 10 - | Greater Faydark | No | 2.500% |
A Freeport Privateer | 10-13 - to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Tomb of Valor | No | 2.500% |
A Seasoned Defender | 14-15 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Ruins | No | 2.500% |
Cordius Sejanius | 8 v | Beggar's Court | No | 2.500% |
Madrethal Summerspeak | 17 v | The Elddar Grove | No | 2.500% |
Zentomaron Croosinaden | 5 v | Starcrest Commune | No | 2.500% |
Kenyatta | 16 v | North Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Zelina T`Von | 8 v | Longshadow Alley | No | 2.500% |
Rakshar Bucha | 10 - | Neriak, City of Hate | No | 2.500% |
Gustave Roberts | 10 v v v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Drizzcopper | 13 v | The Baubbleshire | No | 2.500% |
Pathfinder Silentstride | 13 v | Graystone Yard | No | 2.500% |
A Broken Skull Mystic | 10-12 - | The Tomb of Valor | No | 2.500% |
Seafury Felvonitor | 18 v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Amoora | 17 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Commonlands | Yes | 2.500% |
Yanari Cyellann | 14 v | Castleview Hamlet | No | 2.500% |
An Angry Brigand | 9 - | Qeynos Interior (irontoes) | No | 2.500% |
Deputy Splitshin | 15-10 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Baubbleshire | No | 2.500% |
A Wind Rider Privateer | 10-12 - | The Tomb of Valor | No | 2.500% |
Fichman | 17 v | East Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Loowoonla | 15 v | South Qeynos | No | 2.500% |
A Heroes' Festival Magician | 10 v v v | Frostfang Sea | No | 2.500% |
A Black Magi Elder | 19 - | Invasion of the Vale | No | 2.500% |
Acorn Kornelius | 10 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Frostfell Wonderland Village | No | 2.500% |
Belazzor Fribles, The Inept | 15-20 - | Antonica | No | 2.500% |
Kelryne V'Ziath | 10 v v v | Neriak, City of Hate | No | 2.500% |
Tawli Whiskwind | 13 v | The Baubbleshire | No | 2.500% |
Belazzor Fribles, The Inept | 15-20 - | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
A Singer | 5 v v v | a four room house, version 2 | No | 2.500% |
Scholar Moiek | 19 ^ | Invasion of the Vale | Yes | 2.500% |
Crispin Luvinius | 9 v | The Sprawl | No | 2.500% |
Crantik The Crazed | 6 v | Big Bend | No | 2.500% |
Mina | 18 v | The Elddar Grove | No | 2.500% |
A Seafury Buccaneer | 9 ^ | a six room house, version 1 | No | 2.500% |
Waitress Brooak | 10 v | Castleview Hamlet | No | 2.500% |
A Dervish Cutthroat | 16-17 v v | Freeport Sewer Epic07 | No | 2.500% |
A Foreign Worker | 10 v | Frostfang Sea | No | 2.500% |
Willim Barclay | 7 v | Nettleville | No | 2.500% |
Somdoq | 10 v | Big Bend | No | 2.500% |
A Dregs Sneak | 13-14 - | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
A Second Circle Initiate | 7 v | Sanctum interior | No | 2.500% |
Captain Redspit | 12 - | Timorous Deep | No | 2.500% |
Kamilis Shrezil | 9 v | Tradeskill Instance | No | 2.500% |
Fisherman Safiya | 10 - | The Commonlands | Yes | 2.500% |
Matsy Rollingpin | 10 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Antonica | Yes | 2.500% |
Jayla Midhop | 9 v | The Baubbleshire | No | 2.500% |
A Concordium Novitiate | 9-10 v to - | The Three Towers | No | 2.500% |
Initiate Tara | 19 v | The Elddar Grove | No | 2.500% |
Lurina Galla | 9 v | Beggar's Court | No | 2.500% |
Jebula Marrsing | 14 v | South Qeynos | No | 2.500% |
Philosopher Nyek | 19 ^ | Invasion of the Vale | Yes | 2.500% |
Gumpy Gritstone | 11 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Greater Faydark | No | 2.500% |
Mergott Mizzlefig McScroogle | 10 ^ ^ ^ Epic x4 | The Future | No | 2.500% |
Colin Stoutfist | 7 v | Scale Yard | No | 2.500% |
Barb Islenet | 10 v v v | North Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Kendi Wiggletail | 10 v | Frostfang Sea | No | 2.500% |
A Brotherhood Enforcer | 9 v | Beggar's Court | No | 2.500% |
Dawson Magnificent | 16 v | North Qeynos | No | 2.500% |
A Spicerunner Trafficker | 10-12 - to ^ ^ Heroic | The Tomb of Valor | No | 2.500% |
A Larvae Infested Carcass | 10 v v v | Antonica | No | 2.500% |
A Gratified Merchant | 15 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Enchanted Lands | No | 2.500% |
N`Almia The Corruptor | 11 - | Oakmyst Forest | Yes | 2.500% |
A Windstalker Constable | 17 - | Antonica | No | 2.500% |
A Grime Covered Savage | 16-18 - | Antonica | No | 2.500% |
Dima Fahim | 10 v | Timorous Deep | No | 2.500% |
A Grime Covered Savage | 16-17 - | Antonica | No | 2.500% |
Zoe Hertzflip | 10 v v v | Greater Faydark | No | 2.500% |
Thaylwin Redleaf | 11 ^ ^ Heroic | Greater Faydark | No | 2.500% |
A Plains Hunter | 16-17 - | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
Graverobber | 11-12 - | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
Thabit Kalila | 10 v | West Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Jhultyrr D'Vethiurden | 10 - | Neriak, City of Hate | No | 2.500% |
A Prisoner Guard | 12-13 ^ ^ Heroic | The Ruins | No | 2.500% |
Lucius Vulso | 8 v | Beggar's Court | No | 2.500% |
Packhandler Jerit | 19 - | Invasion of the Vale | Yes | 2.500% |
Barb Islenet | 10 v v v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.500% |
A Heroes' Festival Jester | 10 v v v | Greater Faydark | No | 2.500% |
A Seafury Buccaneer | 9 - | a six room house, version 1 | No | 2.500% |
A Bristlebane Day's Minstrel | 10 v v v | Haven | No | 2.500% |
Graystone Courier Dirvel | 9 v | Graystone Yard | No | 2.500% |
A Seasoned Defender | 14-15 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Ruins | No | 2.500% |
Scholar Obidudyn | 12 v | Starcrest Commune | No | 2.500% |
Ezria M'Linar | 9 v | Longshadow Alley | No | 2.500% |
A Pirate Sailor | 7-8 - | Graystone Yard interior | No | 2.500% |
Barmaid Krasa | 10 v | Temple Street | No | 2.500% |
An Apprentice Of The Dismal Rage | 18 - | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
Rolan Sunstar | 9 v | Beggar's Court | No | 2.500% |
Katenka | 10 v | Neriak, City of Hate | No | 2.500% |
Rollus The Sly | 12 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Crow's Resting Place | Yes | 2.500% |
Riki | 17 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Commonlands | Yes | 2.500% |
A Summoned Coldain Spirit | 11 ^ | Frostfang Sea | No | 2.500% |
Glycon Duronius | 14 v | South Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Hrenga Heartcrush | 18 v | South Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Barb Islenet | 10 v v v | Timorous Deep | No | 2.500% |
Aeris Lightwind | 18 v | Qeynos Harbor | No | 2.500% |
Painter Brushwuttle | 19 v | North Freeport | No | 2.500% |
A Mausoleum Pilgrim | 10 v v v to v v v | The Stonebrunt Highlands | No | 2.500% |
Burt Everett | 15 v | Starcrest Commune | No | 2.500% |
Dalonalis | 13 v | Castleview Hamlet | No | 2.500% |
A Concubine | 18 v | The Wailing Caves | No | 2.500% |
Blat Berisen | 10 v v v | Timorous Deep | No | 2.500% |
Maid Patricia | 15 v | North Qeynos | No | 2.500% |
A Concordium Novitiate | 9-10 v to - | The Three Towers | No | 2.500% |
Arthur Waterway | 13 v | The Elddar Grove | No | 2.500% |
A Curious Patron | 10 v v v | Graystone Yard interior | No | 2.500% |
A Thexian Guard | 11-13 v to ^ | a six room house, version 1 | No | 2.500% |
Proprietor Blagard | 8 v | Starcrest Commune | No | 2.500% |
Mirin Zilishia | 6 v | Scale Yard | No | 2.500% |
Gowan Macgillivray | 10 v | The Elddar Grove | No | 2.500% |
A Grime Covered Savage | 16-17 - | Antonica | No | 2.500% |
Blat Berisen | 10 v v v | Darklight Wood | No | 2.500% |
Sekou | 17 v | West Freeport | No | 2.500% |
A Crazed Channel Mender | 18-19 - | The Serpent Sewer | No | 2.500% |
Kroota Gukbutcher | 10 v | Big Bend | No | 2.500% |
A Blackshield Quartermaster | 12 v | Timorous Deep | No | 2.500% |
Sulpiciao Mallius | 15 v | North Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Haddek Vimki | 10 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Antonica | Yes | 2.500% |
Bupipa Guryup | 5 v | Castleview Hamlet | No | 2.500% |
A Prisoner Guard | 12-13 ^ ^ Heroic | The Ruins | No | 2.500% |
An Ethernere Defender | 11 v v v | The Graveyard | No | 2.500% |
Cailee Bluesheaf | 10 - | Oakmyst Forest | Yes | 2.500% |
Skeld Brewbeard | 9 v | Tradeskill Instance | No | 2.500% |
Missionary G`Zule | 17 v | North Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Thenatren Lightarrow | 15 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Forest Ruins | Yes | 2.500% |
Tecera Valnos | 15 v v v | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
Trevor Minturn | 16 v | South Qeynos | No | 2.500% |
A Bloodsaber Ritualist | 18-20 v to ^ | Mizan's Cellar | No | 2.500% |
Frizi Figglesnip | 15 v | Temple Street | No | 2.500% |
A Blackshield Cleric | 14-15 - | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
Jaurl Simetral | 12 v | Haven | No | 2.500% |
Junala | 11 v | The Elddar Grove | No | 2.500% |
Kezlack Cogturner | 9 v | Tradeskill Instance | No | 2.500% |
A Windstalker Citizen | 16-18 - | Antonica | No | 2.500% |
Oolimeminoso Pindiliana | 14 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Starcrest Commune | No | 2.500% |
Marcus Cantarius | 11 v | Beggar's Court | No | 2.500% |
Magia D`Noxn | 17 v | West Freeport | No | 2.500% |
A Heroes' Festival Magician | 10 v v v | Haven | No | 2.500% |
Frerin | 15 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Graystone Yard | No | 2.500% |
Orpheus Maxanoius | 16 v | West Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Orudormo | 14 v | Starcrest Commune | No | 2.500% |
Putad Bloodrinker | 16 v | East Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Drunk Artorius | 8 v | Beggar's Court | No | 2.500% |
Lady Darkblade | 11 ^ | The Thieves' Way | No | 2.500% |
Thayare Faystrider | 12 v | The Willow Wood | No | 2.500% |
A Virulent Leper | 15-16 - | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
A Dervish Negotiator | 15 v v v | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
A Bristlebane Day's Minstrel | 10 v v v | Haven | No | 2.500% |
A Pirate Cutter | 8 v v v | Graystone Yard interior | No | 2.500% |
Toppa Doppster | 15 v v v | Oakmyst Forest | No | 2.500% |
Commandant Sergio | 10 - | Freeport Militia House | Yes | 2.500% |
A Bristlebane Day's Caster | 10 v v v | Haven | No | 2.500% |
A Blackshield Brute | 14-15 - | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
Foorog Gallantblade | 10 v | Castleview Hamlet | No | 2.500% |
Iulus U`Vas | 16 v | North Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Gimit Delerg | 10 v v v | West Freeport | No | 2.500% |
A Dervish Assassin | 17-18 - | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
Johfrit Gythell | 10 v | Nettleville | No | 2.500% |
A Blackshield Assassin | 11-12 - | Timorous Deep | No | 2.500% |
Josef | 19 v | East Freeport | No | 2.500% |
An Injured Sect Member | 17 v | Mizan's Cellar | No | 2.500% |
Galenus Vatia | 11 v | Stonestair Byway | No | 2.500% |
A Vagabond | 10 v v v | Neriak, City of Hate | No | 2.500% |
Bendeer Toronga | 9 v | Tradeskill Instance | No | 2.500% |
Breeno Messpie | 4 v | The Elddar Grove | No | 2.500% |
Innurae V`Tarris | 6 v | Longshadow Alley | No | 2.500% |
Hardunk Breathstealer | 17 v | North Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Tinkerer Spindlecog | 11 v | The Baubbleshire | No | 2.500% |
A Blackshield Brute | 10-12 v | Timorous Deep | No | 2.500% |
Tarakh | 10 v | Temple Street | No | 2.500% |
Aadalian Farenair | 5 v | Castleview Hamlet | No | 2.500% |
Abner Siblet | 10 v v v | Greater Faydark | No | 2.500% |
Mirf Guinders | 11 v | The Baubbleshire | No | 2.500% |
Pirnook Valewine | 12 v | The Baubbleshire | No | 2.500% |
Mav Boilfist | 9 v | Graystone Yard | No | 2.500% |
An Unruly Patron | 10 v v v | Qeynos Interior (Voleens) | No | 2.500% |
Zoe Hertzflip | 10 v v v | Timorous Deep | No | 2.500% |
Lanice | 18 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Antonica | No | 2.500% |
A Blackshield Thug | 12 v v to v | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
Hanif | 10 v | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
Lamados Dinaris | 9 v | Tradeskill Instance | No | 2.500% |
Fawn Starstone | 11 v | Starcrest Commune | No | 2.500% |
Lucretias Domna | 10 v | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
Vandis | 12 v | Starcrest Commune | No | 2.500% |
Rainus Canton | 15 v v v | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
A Vagabond | 10 v v v | Neriak, City of Hate | No | 2.500% |
Faye Dawnsinger | 17 v | The Elddar Grove | No | 2.500% |
Vasraena K'Aleanzin | 10 - | Neriak, City of Hate | No | 2.500% |
Crilt Browbeat | 19 v | South Freeport | No | 2.500% |
A Gratified Merchant | 15 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Sinking Sands | No | 2.500% |
A Pile Of Rubbish | 15 v | Antonica | No | 2.500% |
Delma Messpie | 13 v | The Elddar Grove | No | 2.500% |
Talwith Darkcloud | 9 v | Tradeskill Instance | No | 2.500% |
Narron Corgtec | 18 v | West Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Tiff Squeelunkle | 10 v | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
Feane Cor'Then | 10 v v v | Graystone Yard interior | No | 2.500% |
Venetia Galatea | 18 v | North Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Qwergo Togglesmeet | 13 v | Temple Street | No | 2.500% |
Wiggle Tindercog | 10 v v v | Graystone Yard interior | No | 2.500% |
Daruk "Granite Nose" Dobbson | 10 v v v | Greater Faydark | No | 2.500% |
Gilriel Cypria | 7 v | Beggar's Court | No | 2.500% |
Gnor Farven | 9 v | Graystone Yard | No | 2.500% |
Antryne T'Zirret | 10 - | Neriak, City of Hate | No | 2.500% |
Salonina Matidia | 16 v | West Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Arms Dealer Shinska | 15 v | Temple Street | No | 2.500% |
A Courageous Defender | 12-15 ^ to ^ ^ Heroic | The Ruins | No | 2.500% |
Gurna Hadel | 9 v | Graystone Yard | No | 2.500% |
Lulien Leafven | 10 - | Oakmyst Forest | Yes | 2.500% |
Fhara Hanford | 19 v | North Qeynos | No | 2.500% |
A House De'Tretlar Slave | 10 v | Neriak, City of Hate | No | 2.500% |
Figgle Tindercog | 10 v v v | Graystone Yard interior | No | 2.500% |
A Forest Warden | 12-14 - | Antonica | No | 2.500% |
Blinik Belestro | 10 v v v | Greater Faydark | No | 2.500% |
A Dervish Thaumaturge | 17-18 - | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
A Darkblade Bodyguard | 9-10 v | The Thieves' Way | No | 2.500% |
Scout Spelunkle | 10 - | Greater Faydark | No | 2.500% |
A Blackshield Pirate | 11-12 - | Timorous Deep | No | 2.500% |
Historian Rotpaw | 13 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Antonica | No | 2.500% |
Mirowi Burrah | 16 v | East Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Antius Vedrix | 8 v | Beggar's Court | No | 2.500% |
Alamara Luthanyia | 8 v | Starcrest Commune | No | 2.500% |
Elliasenka Croosinaden | 7 v | Starcrest Commune | No | 2.500% |
A Bloodsaber Proficient | 15-16 - to ^ ^ Heroic | Vermin's Snye | No | 2.500% |
Augurer Vharlan | 10 - | The Three Towers | Yes | 2.500% |
Tsabrar De'Kenmtor | 10 v v v | Neriak, City of Hate | No | 2.500% |
Poggle Fizzpop | 11 ^ | Greater Faydark | No | 2.500% |
A Blackshield Smuggler | 14-15 - | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
Monteh Furthread | 10 v | Oakmyst Forest | Yes | 2.500% |
Linst Tincobble | 10 v | South Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Rootka | 15 v v v | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
Rilius Shadowsiege | 7 v | Beggar's Court | No | 2.500% |
A Heroes' Festival Magician | 10 v v v | West Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Therven Senshun | 15 v v v | The Forest Ruins | No | 2.500% |
Lilly Ironforge | 15 v | North Qeynos | No | 2.500% |
A Frightened Barmaid | 10 v | Qeynos Interior (Voleens) | No | 2.500% |
Hargan Icethaw | 8 v | Graystone Yard | No | 2.500% |
Adjunct-Captain Rommuls | 9 v | Beggar's Court | No | 2.500% |
Vitya | 10 v | a room | No | 2.500% |
A Blackshield Dockhand | 10 v | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
Yola Sindlefop | 13 v | The Baubbleshire | No | 2.500% |
Bleemeb | 13 v | Castleview Hamlet | No | 2.500% |
A Heroes' Festival Magician | 10 v v v | North Qeynos | No | 2.500% |
A Heroes' Festival Jester | 10 v v v | North Qeynos | No | 2.500% |
A Perplexed Bartender | 10 v v v | Graystone Yard interior | No | 2.500% |
Remo Zigg | 9 v | The Baubbleshire | No | 2.500% |
Yala Z`ret | 19 v | West Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Foreman Asprenus | 18 v | East Freeport | No | 2.500% |
A Blackshield Cleric | 10-12 v | Timorous Deep | No | 2.500% |
Muzmog | 6 v | Big Bend | No | 2.500% |
Gimit Delerg | 10 v v v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.500% |
A Qeynos Guard | 10-12 v v v | The Condemned Catacomb | No | 2.500% |
A Rommuls Loyalist | 5 v v v | Beggar's Court | No | 2.500% |
Cayan Sable | 9 v | Starcrest Commune | No | 2.500% |
Initiate Lo Fan | 17 v | The Elddar Grove | No | 2.500% |
Navigator Helmy | 13 - | Timorous Deep | No | 2.500% |
A Heroes' Festival Magician | 10 v v v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.500% |
A Black Magi Visionary | 17-18 - | Invasion of the Vale | No | 2.500% |
A Dismal Rage Toxxulian | 17-19 v to ^ | Mizan's Cellar | No | 2.500% |
Thavian Destrus | 9 v | Beggar's Court | No | 2.500% |
Alexandria Tal`Azroth | 19 v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Linst Tincobble | 10 v | Greater Faydark | No | 2.500% |
Gilcirith Elensar | 10 v | Castleview Hamlet | No | 2.500% |
A Black Magi Elder | 19 - | Invasion of the Vale | No | 2.500% |
A Militia Clerk | 9 v v | Freeport Militia House | No | 2.500% |
A Crazed Channel Mender | 18-19 v v to - | The Serpent Sewer | No | 2.500% |
Aelis | 9 v | The Willow Wood | No | 2.500% |
Marshal Glorfel | 10 v | Crow's Resting Place | No | 2.500% |
Sage Xoort | 14 v | The Baubbleshire | No | 2.500% |
Krysa | 8 v | Temple Street | No | 2.500% |
Fillzer Fuzzle | 9 v | The Baubbleshire | No | 2.500% |
An Off-duty Guard | 9 - | Qeynos Interior (irontoes) | No | 2.500% |
Larissa Barone | 10 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Antonica | Yes | 2.500% |
Rrak Boldfist | 10 v | Castleview Hamlet | No | 2.500% |
Banwyn Sympronian | 8 v | Beggar's Court | No | 2.500% |
Sergeant At Arms Uthros | 15-10 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Forest Ruins | No | 2.500% |
A Celestial Healer | 9-10 v to - | The Three Towers | No | 2.500% |
A Blackshield Assassin | 11-12 - | Timorous Deep | No | 2.500% |
Captain Icechill | 19 ^ | Invasion of the Vale | Yes | 2.500% |
Noelle Dering | 15 v | North Qeynos | No | 2.500% |
Alissa Cleeway | 19 v | Qeynos Harbor | No | 2.500% |
Gimit Delerg | 10 v v v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Abner Siblet | 10 v v v | South Qeynos | No | 2.500% |
A Blackshield Cleric | 14-15 - | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
A Party Guest | 10 v v v | a four room house, version 2 | No | 2.500% |
A Locked Treasure Chest | 14 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
A Bristlebane Day's Jester | 10 v v v | Frostfang Sea | No | 2.500% |
Quilvyr Z'Setiiryn | 10 - | Neriak, City of Hate | No | 2.500% |
Trooper Bonesaw | 16 v | West Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Warley Theodoric | 18 v | South Qeynos | No | 2.500% |
An Iksar Slave | 6-9 v v v to v v | The Burning Cauldron | No | 2.500% |
An Unresponsive Barbarian | 15 v | Everfrost | No | 2.500% |
Ironmallet | 10 v | Graystone Yard | No | 2.500% |
Brother Bolerg | 18 v | The Firemyst Gully | No | 2.500% |
Wanderer Greencoast | 16 v | The Elddar Grove | No | 2.500% |
Hangman San'toth | 13 ^ | The Graveyard | Yes | 2.500% |
Riason Hanagom | 15-16 ^ ^ Heroic | Antonica | Yes | 2.500% |
A Heroes' Festival Jester | 10 v v v | Frostfang Sea | No | 2.500% |
Convert Y`Ral | 15 v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Blarton Blumble | 17 - | Antonica | Yes | 2.500% |
Orian D`Rak | 7 v | Longshadow Alley | No | 2.500% |
A Flutist | 5 v v v | a four room house, version 2 | No | 2.500% |
A Plains Hunter | 16-17 - | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
Madelyn Tarrad | 5-10 - | a Freeport storehouse | No | 2.500% |
Cryptcleaner Remy | 12 v | Vermin's Snye | No | 2.500% |
Proctor Fergus | 18 v | North Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Zanhass Mossclean | 12 v | The Willow Wood | No | 2.500% |
A Heroes' Festival Jester | 10 v v v | Timorous Deep | No | 2.500% |
Zekvila Dizelk | 8 v | The Graveyard | No | 2.500% |
A Blackshield Assassin | 12 - | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
Luvile Binlee | 8 v | Starcrest Commune | No | 2.500% |
Andret Surtees | 10 v | Nettleville | No | 2.500% |
Zakoyn B'Zazin | 10 - | Neriak, City of Hate | No | 2.500% |
A Giantslayer Basher | 17-18 - | Invasion of the Vale | No | 2.500% |
Gergus Gigglegibber | 10 v | Mr. McScroogle's Boudoir | No | 2.500% |
A Thexian Corsair | 10-12 - to ^ ^ Heroic | The Tomb of Valor | No | 2.500% |
A Giantslayer Messenger | 15 v | Antonica | No | 2.500% |
Chalthara V'Zeraep | 10 v v v | Neriak, City of Hate | No | 2.500% |
Tyvalis V'Sorn | 13-14 ^ ^ Heroic | a six room house, version 1 | Yes | 2.500% |
A Courageous Defender | 12-15 ^ to ^ ^ Heroic | The Ruins | No | 2.500% |
Belazzor Fribles, The Inept | 15-20 - | Timorous Deep | No | 2.500% |
A Traitorous Farmer | 11-12 - | Antonica | No | 2.500% |
Ferink | 17 ^ ^ Heroic | The Commonlands | Yes | 2.500% |
Brother Garvis | 17 v | Vermin's Snye | No | 2.500% |
A Freeport Privateer | 10-13 - to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Tomb of Valor | No | 2.500% |
Larn Kapstoe | 11 v | Haven | No | 2.500% |
Zaynis V'rix | 10 ^ ^ Heroic | The Darkblade Den of Assassins | Yes | 2.500% |
An Unseen Hand Taskmaster | 10 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Crow's Resting Place | No | 2.500% |
A First Circle Adept | 8 v | Sanctum interior | No | 2.500% |
A Tired Assassin | 9 - | Qeynos Interior (irontoes) | No | 2.500% |
Squire Henk | 9-10 - | The Shattered Vale | No | 2.500% |
Aroof Wolfchaser | 10 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Antonica | Yes | 2.500% |
Skagga | 14 v | Big Bend | No | 2.500% |
Jaharin | 17 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Commonlands | Yes | 2.500% |
Brigand Lieutenant | 9 - | Qeynos Interior (irontoes) | No | 2.500% |
An Unlucky Adventurer | 16-17 v | Invasion of the Vale | No | 2.500% |
A Bloodsaber Specialist | 17-20 v v to ^ | Mizan's Cellar | No | 2.500% |
An Unseen Hand Intiate | 10 v | Crow's Resting Place | No | 2.500% |
Laura Ironforge | 17 v | North Qeynos | No | 2.500% |
Sir Wembly | 10 v v v | The Sepulcher of Jhanda | Yes | 2.500% |
A Thexian Inquisitor | 11-13 ^ | a six room house, version 1 | No | 2.500% |
A Concentrating Chess Player | 10 v v v | Graystone Yard interior | No | 2.500% |
A Grime Covered Savage | 16-18 - | Antonica | No | 2.500% |
Vlenka Nightstalker | 16 v | South Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Brutis | 16 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Stonestair Byway | No | 2.500% |
Brother Gimeft | 19 v | The Firemyst Gully | No | 2.500% |
Nerl Vannis | 6-5 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
A Bristlebane Day's Minstrel | 10 v v v | Timorous Deep | No | 2.500% |
A Dervish Negotiator | 15 v v v | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
A Blackshield Recruit | 10 v | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
Barry Viceheart | 5 v | Graystone Yard | No | 2.500% |
A Heroes' Festival Magician | 10 v v v | Greater Faydark | No | 2.500% |
Slaver Brona | 11 v | Big Bend | No | 2.500% |
A Thexian Wave Crasher | 10-12 - | The Tomb of Valor | No | 2.500% |
A Blackshield Smuggler | 14-15 - | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
Meldrath The Malignant | 11 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Mines of Meldrath | No | 2.500% |
Street Witch Azreana | 9 v | Stonestair Byway | No | 2.500% |
Maliz T`Raan | 7 v | Longshadow Alley | No | 2.500% |
A Gratified Merchant | 15 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | No | 2.500% |
Vorshar L`Faz | 7 v | Longshadow Alley | No | 2.500% |
A Vengeful Bloodsaber Brigand | 15 v v v to v v v | Antonica | No | 2.500% |
Inana's Honor Guardian | 14 ^ | a six room house, version 1 | No | 2.500% |
A Bristlebane Day's Minstrel | 10 v v v | Frostfang Sea | No | 2.500% |
A Huntsman | 16-17 - | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
Frethe Zizlop | 10 v v v | Timorous Deep | No | 2.500% |
A Thexian Dragoon | 19 ^ | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
Pupil Adept Wazzlefop | 16 v | South Qeynos | No | 2.500% |
Delcairn Sebastian | 9 v | Beggar's Court | No | 2.500% |
Nightingale Brede | 10 v v v | Graystone Yard interior | No | 2.500% |
A Bristlebane Day's Minstrel | 10 v v v | Timorous Deep | No | 2.500% |
Gimit Delerg | 10 v v v | South Qeynos | No | 2.500% |
A Hopeless Mercenary | 17-19 - | Valley of the Rogue Magi | No | 2.500% |
A Bloodsaber Proficient | 15-16 - to ^ ^ Heroic | Vermin's Snye | No | 2.500% |
Manius Galla | 8 v | Sunken City | No | 2.500% |
An Ethernere Undertaker | 11 v | The Graveyard | No | 2.500% |
A Blackshield Assassin | 14-15 - | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
Alexandria Tal`Azroth | 19 v | South Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Kouryick | 13 v | Longshadow Alley | No | 2.500% |
Initiate Lunaru | 17 v | The Elddar Grove | No | 2.500% |
Blat Berisen | 10 v v v | Antonica | No | 2.500% |
A Celestial Champion | 9-10 v to - | The Three Towers | No | 2.500% |
Zoe Hertzflip | 10 v v v | West Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Nezzka S`Tai | 7 v | Longshadow Alley | No | 2.500% |
A Thexian Grand Inquisitor | 12-13 ^ | a six room house, version 1 | No | 2.500% |
Gunta | 9 v | Nettleville | No | 2.500% |
Nithask Syrthiss | 8 v | Scale Yard | No | 2.500% |
Jana Windstream | 9 v | The Willow Wood | No | 2.500% |
Ephram Firebrand | 13 ^ | Darklight Wood | Yes | 2.500% |
Kroona Skinflayer | 15 v | West Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Sir Antylus Teraeth | 10 v | Castleview Hamlet | No | 2.500% |
Taval Zane | 9 v | The Willow Wood | No | 2.500% |
Thabit Kalila | 10 v | The Elddar Grove | No | 2.500% |
Drammer Quickblade | 12-13 v v v | The Commonlands | Yes | 2.500% |
Ugarin Farwind | 12 v | Scale Yard | No | 2.500% |
Tala McMorgan | 19 v | Qeynos Harbor | No | 2.500% |
Mr. McScroogle | 10 ^ | Frostfell Wonderland Village | No | 2.500% |
Rikantus | 10-20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Antonica | No | 2.500% |
Leldwana | 15 v v v | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
Constable Arathur | 9 v | Nettleville | No | 2.500% |
A Giantslayer Tracker | 17-18 - | Invasion of the Vale | No | 2.500% |
Fisherman Zogz | 19 v | East Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Boomcast | 12 v | Graystone Yard | No | 2.500% |
A Mysterious Contact | 10 v | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
Verin Ithelz | 9 v | Scale Yard | No | 2.500% |
A Blackshield Brute | 11-12 - | Timorous Deep | No | 2.500% |
Virginia Strongarms | 10 v | Frostfang Sea | No | 2.500% |
A Dervish Outlander | 17-18 - | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
An Assassin Leader | 8 v | Qeynos Interior (irontoes) | No | 2.500% |
Abner Siblet | 10 v v v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Electra J`ventius | 19 v | North Freeport | No | 2.500% |
A Courageous Defender | 12-15 ^ to ^ ^ Heroic | The Ruins | No | 2.500% |
Lia Serene | 9 v | The Willow Wood | No | 2.500% |
Acquisitions Expert Kyri Velkyn | 10 v v v | Neriak, City of Hate | No | 2.500% |
Brother Gimeft | 19 v | The Firemyst Gully | No | 2.500% |
A Broken Skull Deathbringer | 10-12 - | The Tomb of Valor | No | 2.500% |
Venal T`Lar | 18 v | North Freeport | No | 2.500% |
A Guardsman | 9 - | Qeynos Interior (irontoes) | No | 2.500% |
Missionary G`Zule | 17 v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.500% |
A Courtesan | 10 v v v | Neriak, City of Hate | No | 2.500% |
A Circle Intiate | 10 v to - | Crow's Resting Place | No | 2.500% |
Sempronia Gallus | 11 v | Temple Street | No | 2.500% |
Althrae T'Vivirr | 10 - | Neriak, City of Hate | No | 2.500% |
Zukogg | 10 v | Big Bend | No | 2.500% |
A Bloodsaber Specialist | 17-20 v v to ^ | Mizan's Cellar | No | 2.500% |
Kronasoo | 15 v | East Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Zever Tzizzink | 10 v | Scale Yard | No | 2.500% |
Barb Islenet | 10 v v v | South Qeynos | No | 2.500% |
Percivous | 16 v | South Qeynos | No | 2.500% |
Mnemir | 15 v v v | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
Squab Kalina | 15 v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.500% |
A Bloodsaber Seditionist | 17-18 - | Antonica | No | 2.500% |
A Grime Covered Savage | 16-18 - | Antonica | No | 2.500% |
A Seasoned Defender | 14-15 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Ruins | No | 2.500% |
A Grime Covered Savage | 16-18 - | Antonica | No | 2.500% |
A Dismal Rage Draconist | 17-18 - | Mizan's Cellar | No | 2.500% |
A Cowering Bard | 5 v v v | Graystone Yard interior | No | 2.500% |
A Blackshield Cleric | 14-15 - | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
Alyda Vlonniss | 10 - | Neriak, City of Hate | No | 2.500% |
Abner Siblet | 10 v v v | Neriak, City of Hate | No | 2.500% |
Amazu Kharliko | 10 v | Nettleville | No | 2.500% |
A Dervish Negotiator | 15 v v v | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
A Blackshield Smuggler | 14-15 - | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
Kualdin Swoonsong | 13 v | The Willow Wood | No | 2.500% |
A Blackshield Pirate | 10-12 v | Timorous Deep | No | 2.500% |
Dahar Negaru | 9 v | Tradeskill Instance | No | 2.500% |
Julia Florens | 18 v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.500% |
A Thexian Guard | 18 v v to v | Thexian Hideaway | No | 2.500% |
A Battle-hardened Brigand | 8 v | Qeynos Interior (irontoes) | No | 2.500% |
Chrna | 12 v | Temple Street | No | 2.500% |
A Blackshield Pirate | 10-12 v | Timorous Deep | No | 2.500% |
A Moonfield Resident | 10 v v v | The Stonebrunt Highlands | No | 2.500% |
Gerun Pontian | 15 v v v | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
Bryson | 19 v | The Elddar Grove | No | 2.500% |
Voula Redeye | 15 v | South Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Giidib Of The First Circle | 15 v v v | Antonica | Yes | 2.500% |
Sparzit Cogsnibble | 9 v | Temple Street | No | 2.500% |
A Black Magi Initiate | 17-18 - | Invasion of the Vale | No | 2.500% |
A Bloodsaber Adept | 14-15 v | Vermin's Snye | No | 2.500% |
Davyn Thornbranch | 9 v | The Willow Wood | No | 2.500% |
Captain Pegrinos | 8 v v v | Graystone Yard interior | Yes | 2.500% |
Burk Stoneshatter | 9 v | Graystone Yard | No | 2.500% |
Ilztrak J'Xyliath | 10 - | Neriak, City of Hate | No | 2.500% |
Lady Faideth | 16-18 ^ | Antonica | Yes | 2.500% |
Mardyp Prunt | 15 v v v | The Ruins | No | 2.500% |
Grevak Stonecatcher | 16 v | West Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Cuhtrah | 14 v | Haven | No | 2.500% |
A Darkblade Assassin | 10 - | The Darkblade Den of Assassins | No | 2.500% |
Tobial | 7 v | Stonestair Byway | No | 2.500% |
Captain Boil | 13 - | Timorous Deep | No | 2.500% |
A Giantslayer Leasher | 17-19 - | Invasion of the Vale | No | 2.500% |
Thabit Kalila | 10 v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Divton T'Szelyl | 10 v v v | Neriak, City of Hate | No | 2.500% |
Vesta Hesperus | 16 v | North Freeport | No | 2.500% |
A Bloodsaber Proficient | 15-16 - to ^ ^ Heroic | Vermin's Snye | No | 2.500% |
A Courtesan | 10 v v v | Neriak, City of Hate | No | 2.500% |
Frethe Zizlop | 10 v v v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.500% |
A Windstalker Citizen | 16-18 v to - | Antonica | No | 2.500% |
Ventar T'Kal | 15 v v v | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
A Bristlebane Day's Jester | 10 v v v | Haven | No | 2.500% |
A Militia Initiate | 9-10 v to - | Freeport Militia House | No | 2.500% |
A Plains Hunter | 16-17 - | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
A Quel'ule Researcher | 10 v v v | The Stonebrunt Highlands | No | 2.500% |
A Pirate Swabby | 7-8 v | Graystone Yard interior | No | 2.500% |
A Mining Lookout | 11 ^ ^ Heroic | Greater Faydark | No | 2.500% |
A Distressed Merchant | 15 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Enchanted Lands | No | 2.500% |
Scipia Nailbind | 15 v | North Freeport | No | 2.500% |
A Blackshield Assassin | 14-15 - | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
A Bloodsaber Thug | 17-20 v v to ^ | Mizan's Cellar | No | 2.500% |
Talis Eventide | 10 v | Greater Faydark | No | 2.500% |
Sicangu Wi | 19 v | South Freeport | No | 2.500% |
A Coldain Defender | 15 - | Frostfang Sea | No | 2.500% |
Zezaghar D'Arkenth | 10 v v v | Neriak, City of Hate | No | 2.500% |
A Hired Assassin | 8 v v v | an Academy antechamber | No | 2.500% |
Irian | 12 v | Stonestair Byway | No | 2.500% |
A Seafury Gambler | 9 - | a six room house, version 1 | No | 2.500% |
A Bloodsaber Specialist | 15-16 - to ^ ^ Heroic | Vermin's Snye | No | 2.500% |
Justina Goldenbranch | 18 v | West Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Ratcatcher Zarbt | 6 v | Big Bend | No | 2.500% |
Arthegos Alethros | 8-9 v | Qeynos Interior (irontoes) | Yes | 2.500% |
Klaessa L'tek | 10 v | West Freeport | No | 2.500% |
A Drummer | 5 v v v | a four room house, version 2 | No | 2.500% |
Ralianazz Skullcracker | 7 v | Big Bend | No | 2.500% |
Crattok | 10 v | Big Bend | No | 2.500% |
House V'Freervs Slave | 10 v | Neriak, City of Hate | No | 2.500% |
Hunter Lathar Forestdeep | 15 v | The Willow Wood | No | 2.500% |
Gustave Roberts | 10 v v v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Dondl Fuzzlecutter | 14 v | The Baubbleshire | No | 2.500% |
Sergeant Kug | 19 ^ | Invasion of the Vale | Yes | 2.500% |
A Rogue Vizier | 17-19 ^ | Valley of the Rogue Magi | Yes | 2.500% |
Briac Tundrafire | 9 v | Scale Yard | No | 2.500% |
A Mandolin Player | 5 v v v | a four room house, version 2 | No | 2.500% |
Kamaria Cheefar | 10 v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Squire Rufus | 9-10 - | The Shattered Vale | No | 2.500% |
Susan Stout | 10 v v v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Lotni K`Iria | 8 v | Longshadow Alley | No | 2.500% |
Kryva | 7 v | North Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Muzzammil | 1 v v v | The Burning Cauldron | No | 2.500% |
A Pirate Sailor | 7 - | Graystone Yard interior | No | 2.500% |
Squire Mehina | 9-10 v | The Shattered Vale | No | 2.500% |
Pythus | 14 - | The Commonlands | Yes | 2.500% |
A Relaxing Brigand | 9 v | Qeynos Interior (irontoes) | No | 2.500% |
Mayor Woodbridge | 16-18 v v v to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Antonica | Yes | 2.500% |
Sileni T`Rhizius | 17 v | East Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Regias Flutzrubble | 7 v | Temple Street | No | 2.500% |
An Apprentice Magus | 17-18 - | Valley of the Rogue Magi | No | 2.500% |
Jistarr | 15 v | East Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Pavo Nightfire | 9 v | Beggar's Court | No | 2.500% |
Bhaltair Tanicus | 10 v | Timorous Deep | No | 2.500% |
Belazzor Fribles, The Inept | 15-20 - | Darklight Wood | No | 2.500% |
Augurer Galain | 10 v v v | The Three Towers | Yes | 2.500% |
Fredrick Losce | 11 v | South Qeynos | No | 2.500% |
Rori | 8 v | Stonestair Byway | No | 2.500% |
Hartok Woolyman | 18 - | Antonica | Yes | 2.500% |
Torga Anun | 18 v | North Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Gimit Delerg | 10 v v v | North Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Alkham | 19 v | West Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Caretaker Nogfizzle | 17 v | North Qeynos | No | 2.500% |
Tullia Domna | 6 v | Beggar's Court | No | 2.500% |
Akeera Sneakshot | 10 v | Oakmyst Forest | Yes | 2.500% |
A Bloodsaber Adept | 17-19 v v v | The Down Below | No | 2.500% |
Urania Helvonius | 19 v | East Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Fidnub Wobblecog | 1 v v v | The Burning Cauldron | No | 2.500% |
Frethe Zizlop | 10 v v v | Greater Faydark | No | 2.500% |
A Distressed Merchant | 15 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Everfrost | No | 2.500% |
Mr. McScroogle | 10 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Future | No | 2.500% |
A Putrid Thug | 9 - | Qeynos Interior (irontoes) | No | 2.500% |
Captain Gaurk | 15-17 ^ | Valley of the Rogue Magi | Yes | 2.500% |
Hurska | 8 v | Big Bend | No | 2.500% |
Lieutenant Darvus | 17-19 ^ | Valley of the Rogue Magi | Yes | 2.500% |
Abner Siblet | 10 v v v | North Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Merchant Mallius Otho | 16 v | West Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Pona | 6 v | Stonestair Byway | No | 2.500% |
Shipping Coordinator Hando | 9 v | Graystone Yard | No | 2.500% |
Ginaluniaus | 18 v | West Freeport | No | 2.500% |
A Party Guest | 10 v v v | a four room house, version 2 | No | 2.500% |
A Qeynosian Agent | 10 v v v | Freeport Militia House | No | 2.500% |
Daelyn Twinstar | 9 v | The Willow Wood | No | 2.500% |
Zoe Hertzflip | 10 v v v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Taneranthalis Nedaiveren | 8 v | Castleview Hamlet | No | 2.500% |
House Z'Xiett Slave | 10 v | Neriak, City of Hate | No | 2.500% |
Sorcerer Oofala | 10 ^ ^ Heroic | Queen's Colony | No | 2.500% |
Flavia Domitilla Fulvia | 8 v | Beggar's Court | No | 2.500% |
Varkazza Bonedust | 15 v | West Freeport | No | 2.500% |
A Bristlebane Day's Minstrel | 10 v v v | Greater Faydark | No | 2.500% |
A Bristlebane Day's Jester | 10 v v v | Timorous Deep | No | 2.500% |
Frethe Zizlop | 10 v v v | Qeynos Harbor | No | 2.500% |
Ystana Mirefaith | 10 v v v | Greater Faydark | No | 2.500% |
Bendl Fizztuzzle | 16 v | West Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Sister Shoren | 10 v v v | The Mediation Chamber | No | 2.500% |
Ariana Neovra | 17 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Wailing Caves | No | 2.500% |
Nilniar Ursus | 7 v | Beggar's Court | No | 2.500% |
A Bristlebane Day's Caster | 10 v v v | Frostfang Sea | No | 2.500% |
Frethe Zizlop | 10 v v v | West Freeport | No | 2.500% |
A Vengeful Bloodsaber Thief | 15 v v v | Antonica | No | 2.500% |
A Grouping Of Seaweed | 12 v | Antonica | No | 2.500% |
A Thexian Excavator | 19 ^ | Fallen Gate | No | 2.500% |
Carpenter Goroop | 10 v | Castleview Hamlet | No | 2.500% |
Siricus Calventius | 7 v | Beggar's Court | No | 2.500% |
A Distressed Merchant | 15 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | No | 2.500% |
Bastian Eledan | 9 v | Tradeskill Instance | No | 2.500% |
Driseyl V'Tazizin | 10 - | Neriak, City of Hate | No | 2.500% |
A Blackshield Smuggler | 14-15 - | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
Philosopher Orrinalanya | 15 v | Starcrest Commune | No | 2.500% |
Kadek | 15 v v v | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
Deputy Cliffordson | 15 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Baubbleshire | No | 2.500% |
Bendl Fizztuzzle | 16 v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.500% |
A Belligerent Patron | 10 v v v | Qeynos Interior (Voleens) | No | 2.500% |
Faviln Cobbleblork | 10 - | Neriak, City of Hate | No | 2.500% |
Administrator Frugi | 16 v v v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Graac Justheart | 10 v | Castleview Hamlet | No | 2.500% |
Zoe Hertzflip | 10 v v v | Neriak, City of Hate | No | 2.500% |
An Insidious Instigator | 8 v | Qeynos Interior (Voleens) | No | 2.500% |
A Thexian Overseer | 19 ^ | Fallen Gate | No | 2.500% |
A Blackshield Brute | 14-15 - | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
Syrinis H`Gez | 17 v | East Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Myrvyll T'Verret | 10 v | Neriak, City of Hate | No | 2.500% |
A Bristlebane Day's Minstrel | 10 v v v | West Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Chuggle Valvesplitter | 10 v | Temple Street | No | 2.500% |
A Militia Guard | 10 v v | Freeport Militia House | No | 2.500% |
Jublx | 17 v | North Qeynos | No | 2.500% |
Tsuul Nyghtfallow | 9 v | Beggar's Court | No | 2.500% |
A Seasoned Defender | 14-15 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Ruins | No | 2.500% |
Farmer Walcott | 10 v v v | Antonica | No | 2.500% |
Tarven J'Oussana | 10 - | Neriak, City of Hate | No | 2.500% |
A Thexian Excavator | 19 ^ | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
Dunn Coldbrow | 8 v | Scale Yard | No | 2.500% |
A Qeynos Guard | 10 v v v | The Three Towers | No | 2.500% |
A Darkblade Assassin | 10 - | The Darkblade Den of Assassins | No | 2.500% |
A Huntsman | 16-17 - | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
A Blackshield Dock Officer | 15 v v v | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
A Blackshield Cleric | 14-15 - | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
A Windstalker Lumberjack | 16-18 - | Antonica | No | 2.500% |
Raugal | 18 v | West Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Assistant D`Verin | 10 - | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
Neophyte Jhanov | 17 v | North Freeport | No | 2.500% |
A Dervish Negotiator | 15 v v v | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
Katia Aruzia | 9 v | Tradeskill Instance | No | 2.500% |
Jodi | 9 v | Graystone Yard | No | 2.500% |
Javvy | 15 v | East Freeport | No | 2.500% |
A Spicerunner Deck Hand | 10-12 - to ^ ^ Heroic | The Tomb of Valor | No | 2.500% |
Zoe Hertzflip | 10 v v v | Qeynos Harbor | No | 2.500% |
A Slain Inhabitant | 10 v v v | The Isle of Refuge: Darathar's Flight | No | 2.500% |
Oomitelmora | 14 v | Starcrest Commune | No | 2.500% |
A Dismal Rage Draconist | 17-18 - | Mizan's Cellar | No | 2.500% |
Commandant Bloodsole | 9 - | Freeport Militia House | Yes | 2.500% |
Arms Dealer Blort | 15 v | Big Bend | No | 2.500% |
Jezrina | 8 v | Stonestair Byway | No | 2.500% |
Nosno | 9 v | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
Twergo Togglesmeet | 12 v | Temple Street | No | 2.500% |
Drundo Parn | 9 v | The Baubbleshire | No | 2.500% |
Bendeer Toronga | 9 v | Tradeskill Instance | No | 2.500% |
Grommluk Oognee | 7 v | Castleview Hamlet | No | 2.500% |
Kazar | 7 v | Stonestair Byway | No | 2.500% |
A Bloodsaber Brigand | 10-15 v v v to v v v | Antonica | No | 2.500% |
Steward Tredo | 10 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Oakmyst Forest | No | 2.500% |
Namarie Aurorabloom | 10 v | Greater Faydark | No | 2.500% |
A Blackshield Assassin | 14-15 - | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
A Dervish Go-between | 17 - | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
Medic Brendan | 18 v | North Qeynos | No | 2.500% |
A Blackshield Cleric | 10-12 v | Timorous Deep | No | 2.500% |
A Bloodsaber Seditionist | 18 - | Antonica | No | 2.500% |
Brackus Firehammer | 11 ^ ^ Heroic | Greater Faydark | No | 2.500% |
Spiritist Laharn Rahai | 9 v | Nettleville | No | 2.500% |
A Coaltion Guard | 9 ^ | a three room apartment, version 1 | No | 2.500% |
Gnottle Flangebang | 10 v | Timorous Deep | No | 2.500% |
Gemellus Sperasius | 10 v | North Qeynos | No | 2.500% |
Cizra J`Yax | 8 v | Longshadow Alley | No | 2.500% |
T`Val | 11 v | Longshadow Alley | No | 2.500% |
Caltar D'Zauett | 10 - | Neriak, City of Hate | No | 2.500% |
Vibia Valens | 18 v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Ganla Dindlenod | 14 v | The Baubbleshire | No | 2.500% |
A Recently Killed Magus | 10 v v v | Grand Inquisitor's Chamber | No | 2.500% |
Rebeka Lori | 10 v | The Willow Wood | No | 2.500% |
Licha | 16 - | Antonica | Yes | 2.500% |
A Bristlebane Day's Caster | 10 v v v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Alypia Damian | 18 v | East Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Ralkesh Orto | 9 v | Nettleville | No | 2.500% |
Sicangu Wi | 19 v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Linst Tincobble | 10 v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Meribert Jumbelly | 10 v v v | Graystone Yard interior | No | 2.500% |
Gavin Ironforge | 18 v | North Qeynos | No | 2.500% |
A Plains Hunter | 16-17 - | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
A Thexian Honor Guard | 12-14 v to ^ ^ Heroic | a six room house, version 1 | No | 2.500% |
Squire Juturna | 9-10 v | The Shattered Vale | No | 2.500% |
Harbormaster Grimm | 5-15 v v v | Thunderdome | No | 2.500% |
A Blackshield Assassin | 10-12 v | Timorous Deep | No | 2.500% |
A Blackshield Brute | 11-12 - | Timorous Deep | No | 2.500% |
Kellarra Cloudsend | 16 v | South Qeynos | No | 2.500% |
Ubani | 5 v | Graystone Yard | No | 2.500% |
Kethelrune | 12 v | The Elddar Grove | No | 2.500% |
Quilafein H'Tyhaduis | 10 v v v | Neriak, City of Hate | No | 2.500% |
A Militia Initiate | 10 v v | Freeport Militia House | No | 2.500% |
Susan Stout | 10 v v v | West Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Trainer Lucien Laurel | 12 ^ | Greater Faydark | No | 2.500% |
Savas Dranak | 9 v | Scale Yard | No | 2.500% |
A Giantslayer Thug | 17-18 - | Invasion of the Vale | No | 2.500% |
A Desperate Defender | 13 v v v to v v v | The Caves | No | 2.500% |
Belazzor Fribles, The Inept | 15-20 - | Greater Faydark | No | 2.500% |
Landwyn Velamir | 10 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Antonica | Yes | 2.500% |
A Blackshield Cleric | 11-12 - | Timorous Deep | No | 2.500% |
Zninki Flatzazzle | 8 v | Temple Street | No | 2.500% |
Dori | 12 v | Graystone Yard | No | 2.500% |
A Blackshield Brute | 10-12 v | Timorous Deep | No | 2.500% |
Juma | 11 v | Stonestair Byway | No | 2.500% |
Susan Stout | 10 v v v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Rondo "The Belly" Roundstew | 9 v | The Baubbleshire | No | 2.500% |
Thaen Sevellos | 9 v | Beggar's Court | No | 2.500% |
A Dervish Heretic | 17-18 - | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
A Bristlebane Day's Minstrel | 10 v v v | North Qeynos | No | 2.500% |
Maharai | 15 v v v | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
Raban | 8 v | Stonestair Byway | No | 2.500% |
A Windstalker Citizen | 16-18 v to - | Antonica | No | 2.500% |
Marcus Levidius | 8 v | Beggar's Court | No | 2.500% |
A Blackshield Brute | 11-12 - | Timorous Deep | No | 2.500% |
The Keeper Of Ethernere | 11 ^ | The Graveyard | Yes | 2.500% |
Kaitlin Stonesmith | 9 v | Tradeskill Instance | No | 2.500% |
Dane Steelfist | 9 v | Graystone Yard | No | 2.500% |
A Concordium Novitiate | 9-10 v to - | The Three Towers | No | 2.500% |
Sestius Buccio | 8 v | Beggar's Court | No | 2.500% |
Boulden Smitestone | 15 v v v | the QSS Bootstrutter | Yes | 2.500% |
A Darkblade Assassin | 10 - | The Darkblade Den of Assassins | No | 2.500% |
Slaughtergrott The Vigilant | 15 v v v | the LMS Intruder | Yes | 2.500% |
Acolyte Lin'Val | 9-10 - | Grand Inquisitor's Chamber | Yes | 2.500% |
Laudine Shardalow | 10 v | Nettleville | No | 2.500% |
A Dark Thexian Ritualist | 12-13 ^ | a six room house, version 1 | No | 2.500% |
A Broken Skull Buccaneer | 10-12 - to ^ ^ Heroic | The Tomb of Valor | No | 2.500% |
Bolo Brassharp | 9 v | The Baubbleshire | No | 2.500% |
Keguhei Taroon | 12 v | Haven | No | 2.500% |
Ommanoden | 12 v | Starcrest Commune | No | 2.500% |
Julia Florens | 18 v | North Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Barb Islenet | 10 v v v | Neriak, City of Hate | No | 2.500% |
Gustave Roberts | 10 v v v | North Qeynos | No | 2.500% |
Papilius Ahala | 12 v | Big Bend | No | 2.500% |
Sir Orm | 16 v | a four room house, version 3 | Yes | 2.500% |
Administrator Frugi | 16 v | North Freeport | No | 2.500% |
A Heroes' Festival Jester | 10 v v v | Haven | No | 2.500% |
Gustave Roberts | 10 v v v | West Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Maareona Ludimintium | 9 v | Starcrest Commune | No | 2.500% |
Va'ljss Z'Szear | 10 - | Neriak, City of Hate | No | 2.500% |
Trooper Bonesaw | 16 v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Shungi | 15 ^ | The City of Freeport | No | 2.500% |
A Blackshield Assassin | 10-12 v | Timorous Deep | No | 2.500% |
Harry | 5-15 ^ ^ Heroic | Thunderdome | Yes | 2.500% |
Gustave Roberts | 10 v v v | West Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Brice Strongmend | 5 v | Graystone Yard | No | 2.500% |
Glip Mightblade | 10 v | Frostfang Sea | No | 2.500% |
A Dark Coven Conjuror | 16-18 ^ | Antonica | No | 2.500% |
A Blackshield Cleric | 11-12 - | Timorous Deep | No | 2.500% |
A Bristlebane Day's Caster | 10 v v v | West Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Nethet | 15 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
A Crazed Sect Member | 17-18 v v | Mizan's Cellar | No | 2.500% |
Convert Y`Ral | 15 v | North Freeport | No | 2.500% |
A Gratified Merchant | 15 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Everfrost | No | 2.500% |
A Bristlebane Day's Minstrel | 10 v v v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.500% |
A Crazed Sect Member | 17-18 v v | Mizan's Cellar | No | 2.500% |
Dolthyryr Helyanwe | 10 v | Castleview Hamlet | No | 2.500% |
A Qeynosian Sympathizer | 10 v v v | Freeport Militia House | No | 2.500% |
Bloodsaber Obeczan | 19-20 ^ | Mizan's Cellar | Yes | 2.500% |
A Bloodsaber Agent | 16-18 - | Antonica | No | 2.500% |
Kenika | 15 v | South Qeynos | No | 2.500% |
Marcus | 15 v v | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
A Focus Of Decay | 10 - | Antonica | No | 2.500% |
Shanda Tierbold | 17 v | Qeynos Harbor | No | 2.500% |
A Blackshield Brute | 14-15 - | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
Spezi The Street Hag | 9 v | Temple Street | No | 2.500% |
A Prisoner Guard | 12-13 ^ ^ Heroic | The Ruins | No | 2.500% |
Fulkoir Haggleton | 13 ^ | The Caves | Yes | 2.500% |
Irena | 18 v | East Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Rinduil Flintflight | 10 - | Oakmyst Forest | Yes | 2.500% |
Kwa Stalwart | 10 v | Castleview Hamlet | No | 2.500% |
A Brigand Cook | 9 v | Qeynos Interior (irontoes) | No | 2.500% |
Trade Merchant | 5-15 v v v | Thunderdome | No | 2.500% |
A Huntsman | 16-17 - | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
Gar Smolten | 9 v | The Willow Wood | No | 2.500% |
A Coldain Defender | 15 - | Frostfang Sea | No | 2.500% |
A Militia Guard | 10 v v | Freeport Militia House | No | 2.500% |
A Thexian Hypnotist | 16-17 - | Darklight Wood | No | 2.500% |
Vornd B'Texineld | 10 - | Neriak, City of Hate | No | 2.500% |
A Granite Hills Miner | 11 ^ ^ Heroic | Greater Faydark | No | 2.500% |
A Bloodsaber Seditionist | 17-18 - | Antonica | No | 2.500% |
Zipiff Clamorclang | 15 v | The Baubbleshire | No | 2.500% |
A Thexian Reaver | 16-17 - | Darklight Wood | No | 2.500% |
Lookout Venylle | 18 ^ ^ Heroic | The Elddar Grove | No | 2.500% |
Gemellus Sperasius | 10 v | South Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Sharnar D'Zauer | 10 - | Neriak, City of Hate | No | 2.500% |
A Seafury Gambler | 9 - | a six room house, version 1 | No | 2.500% |
A Prisoner Guard | 12-13 ^ ^ Heroic | The Ruins | No | 2.500% |
A Kerran Rogue | 15-16 - | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
Molly Daysun | 3 - | Starcrest Commune | No | 2.500% |
A Masked Ayr'Dal | 9 - | The City of Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Festus Septimius | 8 v | Beggar's Court | No | 2.500% |
A Bloodsaber Thug | 17-20 v v to ^ | Mizan's Cellar | No | 2.500% |
A Blackshield Master | 12 v | Timorous Deep | No | 2.500% |
Lieutenant Cervaen | 9 v | Beggar's Court | No | 2.500% |
Elowyn Equitus | 8 v | Beggar's Court | No | 2.500% |
Maggie Swellswalker | 1 v v v | The Burning Cauldron | No | 2.500% |
Susan Stout | 10 v v v | North Qeynos | No | 2.500% |
Favonius Seneca | 7 v | Beggar's Court | No | 2.500% |
Kahla Ulno | 15 v v v | The Caves | No | 2.500% |
Rebik Sprocketrock | 15 v | The Baubbleshire | No | 2.500% |
A Courageous Defender | 12-15 ^ to ^ ^ Heroic | The Ruins | No | 2.500% |
A Quel'ule Analyst | 10 v v v | The Stonebrunt Highlands | No | 2.500% |
A Spicerunner Ember Hurler | 10-12 - | The Tomb of Valor | No | 2.500% |
A Distressed Merchant | 15 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Sinking Sands | No | 2.500% |
A Celestial Healer | 9-10 v to - | The Three Towers | No | 2.500% |
A Bristlebane Day's Minstrel | 10 v v v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Master Luris | 10 v v v | The Mediation Chamber | No | 2.500% |
Cleric Mara'Vaen | 10 ^ ^ Heroic | Queen's Colony | No | 2.500% |
Jekath Veris | 9 v | Tradeskill Instance | No | 2.500% |
Vondorinsarnoo | 8 v | Starcrest Commune | No | 2.500% |
A Militia Guard | 10 v v | Freeport Militia House | No | 2.500% |
Abner Siblet | 10 v v v | Timorous Deep | No | 2.500% |
Madam Vi | 18 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Commonlands | Yes | 2.500% |
Tibby Copperpot | 15 v | South Qeynos | No | 2.500% |
Merkel D'Roun | 15 - | Neriak, City of Hate | No | 2.500% |
Kylanith D`Lar | 12 v | Longshadow Alley | No | 2.500% |
A Militia Initiate | 9-10 v to - | Freeport Militia House | No | 2.500% |
Gillin Blackfist | 13 v | Vermin's Snye | No | 2.500% |
Gergus Gigglegibber | 10 v | Bobby Kritchat's House | No | 2.500% |
Gowan Macgillivray | 10 v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.500% |
A Rebellious Spirit | 8 v | a six room house, version 1 | No | 2.500% |
Barch | 10 v | Big Bend | No | 2.500% |
A Broken Skull Buccaneer | 10-12 - to ^ ^ Heroic | The Tomb of Valor | No | 2.500% |
Nyla Diggs | 7 v | The Baubbleshire | No | 2.500% |
A Brigand Recruit | 8 v v v to - | Qeynos Interior (irontoes) | No | 2.500% |
Shay Tivati | 9-10 v | The Shattered Vale | Yes | 2.500% |
Watcher Ommo | 15 v v v | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
Tabith The Hag | 6 v | Beggar's Court | No | 2.500% |
Odo Gillywump | 10 v v v | Greater Faydark | No | 2.500% |
A Dismal Rage Toxxulian | 17-19 v to ^ | Mizan's Cellar | No | 2.500% |
An Argumentative Patron | 10 v v v | Qeynos Interior (Voleens) | No | 2.500% |
Yohance | 17 v | East Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Captain Gorth | 10 - | Timorous Deep | No | 2.500% |
Helain Conyers | 10 v | Nettleville | No | 2.500% |
A Highwayman | 10-17 v v v to - | Antonica | No | 2.500% |
A Grime Covered Savage | 16-18 - | Antonica | No | 2.500% |
Daryann Stormrider | 7 v | Antonica | No | 2.500% |
A Courageous Defender | 12-15 ^ to ^ ^ Heroic | The Ruins | No | 2.500% |
A Distressed Merchant | 15 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Antonica | No | 2.500% |
Old Man Muckwort | 9 v | Temple Street | No | 2.500% |
A Bristlebane Day's Minstrel | 10 v v v | North Qeynos | No | 2.500% |
Foreman Asprenus | 18 v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.500% |
A Bloodsaber Seditionist | 17-18 - | Antonica | No | 2.500% |
Seafury Skysearch | 17 v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Ethedra R'Vinival | 10 - | Neriak, City of Hate | No | 2.500% |
Livia Drusilla | 7 v | Beggar's Court | No | 2.500% |
A Seafury Drunk | 9 ^ ^ Heroic | a six room house, version 1 | No | 2.500% |
Musician Zwena | 17 v | The Elddar Grove | No | 2.500% |
A Deserter | 5-10 - | a Freeport storehouse | No | 2.500% |
Angelia Clayton | 5 v | Starcrest Commune | No | 2.500% |
Augurer Valgus | 18 v | North Freeport | No | 2.500% |
A Barbarian Prisoner | 7 v | Big Bend | No | 2.500% |
Milo Faren | 9 v | The Willow Wood | No | 2.500% |
A Heroes' Festival Magician | 10 v v v | Timorous Deep | No | 2.500% |
A Bloodsaber Adept | 17-19 v v | The Down Below | No | 2.500% |
Anrean Velvinna | 9 v | Beggar's Court | No | 2.500% |
An Angry Patron | 10 v v v | Qeynos Interior (Voleens) | No | 2.500% |
Uggruk | 8 v | Big Bend | No | 2.500% |
A Parched Nomad | 16 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
Chaszzt J'Rzherae | 10 - | Neriak, City of Hate | No | 2.500% |
Ragil | 12 v | Haven | No | 2.500% |
Vibia Valens | 18 v | North Freeport | No | 2.500% |
A Bloodsaber Cult Leader | 10-15 - | Antonica | Yes | 2.500% |
Fisherman Draylix | 11 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Nektulos Forest | No | 2.500% |
Thekela Gillywump | 10 v v v | Greater Faydark | No | 2.500% |
Fiercecry | 17 v | Graystone Yard | No | 2.500% |
Gimble Cognoggin | 17 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
An Overland Miner | 11-12 - | Antonica | No | 2.500% |
A Dwarven Prisoner | 5-6 v | Big Bend | No | 2.500% |
Saydith Yarr | 11 v | Sunken City | No | 2.500% |
A Qeynos Guard Lieutenant | 9 - | Qeynos Interior (irontoes) | No | 2.500% |
Watcher Daenso | 15 v v v | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
A Dismal Rage Plague Carrier | 17-18 v to - | Mizan's Cellar | No | 2.500% |
Sentius Poisonleaf | 9 v | Beggar's Court | No | 2.500% |
ZaZa Lenska | 11 v | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
Sheena Rockshearer | 10 v v v | Graystone Yard interior | No | 2.500% |
Proctor Fergus | 18 v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.500% |
A Thexian Brine Contaminator | 10-12 - | The Tomb of Valor | No | 2.500% |
A Lute Player | 5 v v v | a four room house, version 2 | No | 2.500% |
A Dervish Zealot | 17-18 - | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
Terithal | 15 ^ ^ Heroic | Bloodskull Valley: The Excavation Site | Yes | 2.500% |
Nikora | 12 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
A Third Circle Initiate | 7 v v v | Sanctum interior | No | 2.500% |
Octavia Jovina | 9 v | Beggar's Court | No | 2.500% |
Meglese Legarl | 12 v | Haven | No | 2.500% |
Zaikik | 15 v v v | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
Blat Berisen | 10 v v v | Greater Faydark | No | 2.500% |
A Dark Coven Conjuror | 16-18 - | Antonica | No | 2.500% |
A Vengeful Bloodsaber Defiler | 15 v | Antonica | Yes | 2.500% |
Listalania Vainederian | 6 v | Castleview Hamlet | No | 2.500% |
Inana V'Sorn | 14 ^ ^ Heroic | a six room house, version 1 | No | 2.500% |
A Bristlebane Day's Caster | 10 v v v | Timorous Deep | No | 2.500% |
A Bristlebane Day's Caster | 10 v v v | North Qeynos | No | 2.500% |
A Brigand Leader | 15-16 - | Antonica | No | 2.500% |
Jacob Thornblade | 9 v | Tradeskill Instance | No | 2.500% |
Taskmaster's Assistant Koz'ma | 15 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
A Dervish Negotiator | 15 v v v | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
A Blackshield Carpenter | 12 v | Timorous Deep | No | 2.500% |
A Qeynosian Spy | 10 v v v | Freeport Militia House | No | 2.500% |
A Blackshield Assassin | 14-15 - | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
Octavia Opus | 13 v | West Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Quintius Calacicus | 12 v | Big Bend | No | 2.500% |
A Blackshield Bosun | 12 v | Timorous Deep | No | 2.500% |
A Courtesan | 10 v v v | Neriak, City of Hate | No | 2.500% |
A Bloodthirsty Mercenary | 15-17 - | Valley of the Rogue Magi | No | 2.500% |
Karg Icemoore | 11 v | Graystone Yard | No | 2.500% |
Gray Magnificent | 15 v | North Qeynos | No | 2.500% |
A Dervish Ruffian | 17-18 - | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
Squab Kalina | 15 v | South Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Habika | 12 v | Stonestair Byway | No | 2.500% |
Brandus Levine | 15 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
Neezer Grund | 9 v | The Baubbleshire | No | 2.500% |
A Deserter | 5-10 - | a Freeport storehouse | No | 2.500% |
Divek L`Narr | 9 v | Longshadow Alley | No | 2.500% |
Mr. McScroogle | 10 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Bobby Kritchat's House | No | 2.500% |
Klaessa L'tek | 10 v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Anteth Z'Vazin | 10 - | Neriak, City of Hate | No | 2.500% |
Molg | 13 v | Big Bend | No | 2.500% |
Mr. McScroogle | 10 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Mr. McScroogle's Boudoir | No | 2.500% |
A Bristlebane Day's Minstrel | 10 v v v | West Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Predator Sha'dur | 10 ^ ^ Heroic | Queen's Colony | No | 2.500% |
Jimmy Runner | 6 v v v | Bar of Brell: Private Lounge | Yes | 2.500% |
Brodo Gillywump | 10 v v v | Greater Faydark | No | 2.500% |
Maleyl D'Aleflor | 10 - | Neriak, City of Hate | No | 2.500% |
Entui | 15 v v v | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
Lochugh | 10 v | Big Bend | No | 2.500% |
A Pirate First Mate | 8 v v v | Graystone Yard interior | No | 2.500% |
A Bristlebane Day's Minstrel | 10 v v v | Greater Faydark | No | 2.500% |
A Qeynosian Operative | 10 v v v | Freeport Militia House | No | 2.500% |
Pavel | 8 v | South Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Atianoo Donicus | 16 v | East Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Modo Gillywump | 10 v v v | Greater Faydark | No | 2.500% |
Gowan Macgillivray | 10 v | West Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Plippi Tailtwist | 10 v v v | Graystone Yard interior | No | 2.500% |
A Rowdy Patron | 10 v v v | Qeynos Interior (Voleens) | No | 2.500% |
A Blackshield Brute | 10-12 v | Timorous Deep | No | 2.500% |
Neophyte Jhanov | 17 v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.500% |
A Courtesan | 10 v v v | Neriak, City of Hate | No | 2.500% |
A Gratified Merchant | 15 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Antonica | No | 2.500% |
Tyeena Baybreeze | 10 v | Timorous Deep | No | 2.500% |
A Locked Treasure Chest | 15 v | Antonica | No | 2.500% |
A Bloodsaber Specialist | 15-16 - to ^ ^ Heroic | Vermin's Snye | No | 2.500% |
Durio Caepio | 10 v | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
A Pirate Swabby | 7 - | Graystone Yard interior | No | 2.500% |
Eireneith Alannia | 13 v | Castleview Hamlet | No | 2.500% |
A Dismal Rage Plague Carrier | 17-18 v to - | Mizan's Cellar | No | 2.500% |
Evelyn Stoutfist | 8 v | Scale Yard | No | 2.500% |
Findle Gimblesled | 15 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Forest Ruins | Yes | 2.500% |
An Overland Woodcutter | 11-12 - | Antonica | No | 2.500% |
Linst Tincobble | 10 v | The Elddar Grove | No | 2.500% |
Nonnie Runtuftle | 10 v | North Qeynos | No | 2.500% |
A Heroes' Festival Jester | 10 v v v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Bernice | 15 v | East Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Yarana D'Ven | 11 v | Longshadow Alley | No | 2.500% |
Andrea Dovesong | 17 v | North Qeynos | No | 2.500% |
A Bloodsaber Ritualist | 18-20 v to ^ | Mizan's Cellar | No | 2.500% |
Phyravin D'Vaar | 10 - | Neriak, City of Hate | No | 2.500% |
A Stealthy Assassin | 9 - | Qeynos Interior (irontoes) | No | 2.500% |
Grand Inquisitor Te'Lex | 9-10 v v v to - | Grand Inquisitor's Chamber | Yes | 2.500% |
A Dervish Cutthroat | 17-18 - | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
A Relaxing Guard | 9 - | Qeynos Interior (irontoes) | No | 2.500% |
Kamaria Cheefar | 10 v | West Freeport | No | 2.500% |
Bizrinn Clamorclang | 12 v | The Baubbleshire | No | 2.500% |
Maela Meadows | 9 v | The Baubbleshire | No | 2.500% |
Siahtra Slenloolian | 10 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Peat Bog | No | 2.500% |
A New Recruit | 8 - | Sunken City | No | 2.500% |
Jezranaz Rottingskin | 8 v | Big Bend | No | 2.500% |
A Huntsman | 16-17 - | The Commonlands | No | 2.500% |
Lieutenant Bompa | 19 ^ | Invasion of the Vale | Yes | 2.500% |
A Thexian Dragoon | 19 ^ | Fallen Gate | No | 2.500% |
A Disturbed Ancestor | 17 v v v to v v v | Antonica | No | 0.500% |
Juho Aulis | 10 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Greater Faydark | No | 0.500% |
A Coldwind Gunner | 15-17 - | Antonica | No | 0.500% |
Brother Morrim | 14 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Firemyst Gully | Yes | 0.500% |
A Sodden Stalker | 19 ^ | Antonica | Yes | 0.500% |
A Tortured Mercenary | 17-19 - | Valley of the Rogue Magi | No | 0.500% |
A Sand Lurker | 15 ^ | Antonica | No | 0.500% |
A Spectral Mausoleum Protector | 10 - | Antonica | No | 0.500% |
Telo Nuneo | 10 v v v | Greater Faydark | No | 0.500% |
A Shadow Lord Attendant | 16 - | Timorous Deep | No | 0.500% |
Jeroel The Famished | 10 v v | The Eternal Gorge | Yes | 0.500% |
Moe | 5-15 v | Thunderdome | No | 0.500% |
A Young Troglodyte | 16-17 - | Bloodskull Valley: The Excavation Site | No | 0.500% |
Shadow Lord Durlak | 17 ^ ^ Heroic | Timorous Deep | No | 0.500% |
A Scathe Bishop | 18-19 - to ^ ^ Heroic | The Firemyst Gully | No | 0.500% |
A Caltorsis Knight | 18 - | Antonica | No | 0.500% |
Breezebloom | 10 - | Greater Faydark | No | 0.500% |
Brother Bolerg | 14 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Firemyst Gully | Yes | 0.500% |
A Crumbling Tomb Priest | 14-15 v | Vermin's Snye | No | 0.500% |
A Charred Magus | 17-18 - | The Firemyst Gully | No | 0.500% |
An Undead Minion | 15-18 v | The Eternal Gorge | No | 0.500% |
Patellor Tibian | 10 - | Neriak, City of Hate | No | 0.500% |
A Restless Caltorsite | 17-18 - | Antonica | No | 0.500% |
A Fallen Crusader | 17-18 - | The Commonlands | No | 0.500% |
Sentry Yurur | 15 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Firemyst Gully | Yes | 0.500% |
A Coldwind Crewman | 15-16 - | Antonica | No | 0.500% |
Sir Whurar Darcal | 15 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Firemyst Gully | Yes | 0.500% |
Alaunnolu D'Xaate | 10 - | Neriak, City of Hate | No | 0.500% |
A Raider Of Gunthak | 14-15 - | The Commonlands | No | 0.500% |
Shadow Lord Raellok | 17 ^ ^ Heroic | Timorous Deep | No | 0.500% |
A Decaying Skeleton | 14-15 - | Antonica | No | 0.500% |
Mon Haoaera | 19 - | Timorous Deep | No | 0.500% |
A Caravan Quartermaster | 12 ^ ^ Heroic | Freeport Sewer Epic 09 Placeholder Name | No | 0.500% |
A Defiled Knight | 17-18 ^ ^ Heroic | Stormhold | No | 0.500% |
An Ancient Sogbone | 14 ^ | Antonica | Yes | 0.500% |
A Caltorsis Backripper | 18 v v | Antonica | No | 0.500% |
A Fallen Crusader | 10-11 v | The Thieves' Way | No | 0.500% |
A Caltorsis Cleric | 18-19 v to - | Antonica | No | 0.500% |
A Cleric Of Gunthak | 14-15 - | The Commonlands | No | 0.500% |
A Charred Acolyte | 15-16 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Firemyst Gully | No | 0.500% |
Chandi Tenderwing | 10 v v v | Graystone Yard interior | No | 0.500% |
Elaana Wingleaf | 10 - | Greater Faydark | No | 0.500% |
A Haoaeran Keeneye | 17-18 v | Timorous Deep | No | 0.500% |
Jilae Ilaya | 10 v v v | Greater Faydark | No | 0.500% |
A Putrid Sathirian Sentry | 13 v | Timorous Deep | No | 0.500% |
The Cogsmasher | 16 ^ ^ Heroic | Greater Faydark | No | 0.500% |
A Haoaeran Clutch Tender | 18 v | Timorous Deep | No | 0.500% |
The Troglodyte Champion | 18 ^ | Bloodskull Valley: The Excavation Site | Yes | 0.500% |
An Oakmyst Fairy | 7-8 v v v to v v | Oakmyst Forest | No | 0.500% |
A Blightwind Follower | 15-16 ^ to ^ ^ Heroic | The Firemyst Gully | No | 0.500% |
Grund | 14 ^ | Timorous Deep | Yes | 0.500% |
Helmi Growthly | 10 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Greater Faydark | No | 0.500% |
A Strongbox Guardian | 18-19 v v v | Greater Faydark | No | 0.500% |
A Captured Mountain Throm | 12 v | Timorous Deep | No | 0.500% |
A Haoaeran Tapper | 17 v | Timorous Deep | No | 0.500% |
A Shin'Ree Spirit | 14-15 ^ ^ Heroic | The Wailing Caves | No | 0.500% |
An Egg Snatcher | 11 v v v | Greater Faydark | No | 0.500% |
A Lost Soul | 10-11 - | The Commonlands | No | 0.500% |
A Defeated Guard | 10 v v v | Greater Faydark | No | 0.500% |
A Brittle Skeleton | 10-11 - | The Commonlands | No | 0.500% |
A Crumbling Tomb Guard | 14-15 v | Vermin's Snye | No | 0.500% |
A Timeworn Sogbone | 14 - | Antonica | No | 0.500% |
A Mountain Throm Sentinel | 16 v | Timorous Deep | No | 0.500% |
A Perennial Champion | 18-19 v | Valley of the Rogue Magi | No | 0.500% |
A Crumbling Tomb Sentry | 13-14 - | Vermin's Snye | No | 0.500% |
Sentry Bofon | 15 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Firemyst Gully | Yes | 0.500% |
Brother Gimeft | 14 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Firemyst Gully | Yes | 0.500% |
A Defiled Priest | 17-18 ^ ^ Heroic | Stormhold | No | 0.500% |
A Cleric Of Gunthak | 14-15 - | The Commonlands | No | 0.500% |
Ambassador Jalanderra | 11 - | Oakmyst Forest | Yes | 0.500% |
An Enthralling Shorecaller | 15-16 v | Timorous Deep | No | 0.500% |
A Snow Minotaur | 10 - | The Future | No | 0.500% |
A Fae Captive | 12-10 - | The Password | No | 0.500% |
A Steelbone Ancestor | 11-12 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Freeport Sewer Epic 09 Placeholder Name | No | 0.500% |
A Drowned Worker | 16-17 v v | Freeport Sewer Epic 05 Placeholder Name | No | 0.500% |
A Haoaeran Archivist | 18 v | Timorous Deep | No | 0.500% |
Diresong The Enthralled | 16 ^ | Timorous Deep | Yes | 0.500% |
Curly | 5-15 v v v | Thunderdome | No | 0.500% |
A Fallen Defender | 19-20 - | The Commonlands | No | 0.500% |
A Strongbox Guardian | 12-19 v v v to v v | Greater Faydark | No | 0.500% |
A Charred Minion | 15-16 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Firemyst Gully | No | 0.500% |
A Shin`Ree Avenger | 14 - to ^ | The Wailing Caves | No | 0.500% |
| 12 - | Frostfang Sea | No | 0.500% |
A Tortured Maid | 17-18 - | The Commonlands | No | 0.500% |
The Grim Reaver | 17 - | Timorous Deep | Yes | 0.500% |
A Foul Spook | 20 ^ | The Chamber of Suffering | No | 0.500% |
A Shin`Ree Spiritist | 14 - to ^ | The Wailing Caves | No | 0.500% |
Tuathil Laeds | 10 v v v | Greater Faydark | No | 0.500% |
A Risen Ry'Gorr | 10-11 - | Frostfang Sea | No | 0.500% |
A Charred Herald | 17-18 - | The Firemyst Gully | No | 0.500% |
A Sand Lurker | 14-15 - | Antonica | No | 0.500% |
A Reanimated Ry'Gorr | 12 - | Frostfang Sea | No | 0.500% |
Captain Gaebrail | 17 ^ | Antonica | Yes | 0.500% |
A Bristlebane Day's Minstrel | 10 v v v | Neriak, City of Hate | No | 0.500% |
A Corruptor | 10-11 v v v to v v | The Thieves' Way | No | 0.500% |
A Briarstone Bloodsipper | 18-19 - | Darklight Wood | No | 0.500% |
A Furious Spirit | 8 v | Qeynos interior (sneeds) | No | 0.500% |
A Charred Magus | 16-17 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Firemyst Gully | No | 0.500% |
Faenelae | 13 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Miragul's Phylactery: The Anathema | Yes | 0.500% |
A Steelbone Ancestor | 11-12 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Sepulcher of Jhanda | No | 0.500% |
Yono Sylnu | 10 v v v | Greater Faydark | No | 0.500% |
A Mountain Throm Shielder | 18 v | Timorous Deep | No | 0.500% |
Head Forman Weatherby | 16-17 ^ ^ Heroic | Freeport Sewer Epic 05 Placeholder Name | Yes | 0.500% |
A Crumbling Tomb Guard | 14-15 v | Vermin's Snye | No | 0.500% |
A Crafty Egg Snatcher | 5 v v v | Greater Faydark | No | 0.500% |
A Festering Zombie | 14-15 v | Vermin's Snye | No | 0.500% |
Shadow Lord Vor | 17 ^ ^ Heroic | Timorous Deep | No | 0.500% |
A Troglodyte Chosen | 15 v v v | Bloodskull Valley: The Excavation Site | No | 0.500% |
A Caravan Trafficker | 10-12 ^ ^ Heroic | Freeport Sewer Epic 09 Placeholder Name | No | 0.500% |
A Bloodsaber Construct | 18 v v v to v v | The Sepulcher of Jhanda | No | 0.500% |
An Iksar Cabin Boy | 8-9 v v v | The Burning Cauldron | No | 0.500% |
A Ravenous Cube | 14-16 - | Vermin's Snye | No | 0.500% |
A Fallen Orc Lieutenant | 12-14 ^ | The Commonlands | No | 0.500% |
A Coldwind Medic | 15-17 - | Antonica | No | 0.500% |
A Fallen Crusader | 16-17 - | The Commonlands | No | 0.500% |
A Caravan Guard | 10-12 ^ ^ Heroic | The Sepulcher of Jhanda | No | 0.500% |
Ulun Miloo | 10 v v v | Greater Faydark | No | 0.500% |
A Rotting Cadaver | 14-15 - | The Commonlands | No | 0.500% |
A Restless Caltorsite | 17 - | Antonica | No | 0.500% |
A Scathe Knight | 17-18 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Firemyst Gully | No | 0.500% |
A Scorched Skeletal Wizard | 13 - | Greater Faydark | No | 0.500% |
A Spectral Shriller | 13-14 - | The Wailing Caves | No | 0.500% |
A Scathe Knight | 18-19 - to ^ ^ Heroic | The Firemyst Gully | No | 0.500% |
A Shin`Ree Pawn | 13 - | The Wailing Caves | No | 0.500% |
A Sodden Skeleton | 18-19 v | Antonica | No | 0.500% |
A Bristlebane Day's Minstrel | 10 v v v | Neriak, City of Hate | No | 0.500% |
Gurok The Old | 19 - | Timorous Deep | No | 0.500% |
An Iksar Sailor | 7-9 v v v to v | The Burning Cauldron | No | 0.500% |
A Loyal Worshiper | 10 v v v | Neriak, City of Hate | No | 0.500% |
A Mountain Throm Fixer | 18 v | Timorous Deep | No | 0.500% |
A Blightwind Follower | 17 - | The Firemyst Gully | No | 0.500% |
A Blightwind Reviver | 17 - | The Firemyst Gully | No | 0.500% |
Moe | 5-15 v v v | Thunderdome | No | 0.500% |
A Caravan Negotiator | 10-12 ^ ^ Heroic | The Sepulcher of Jhanda | No | 0.500% |
An Enraged Spirit | 9 v | Qeynos interior (sneeds) | No | 0.500% |
A Caravan Trafficker | 10-12 ^ ^ Heroic | The Sepulcher of Jhanda | No | 0.500% |
A Charred Minion | 16-17 - | The Firemyst Gully | No | 0.500% |
A Fleshless Guard | 13-14 v | Timorous Deep | No | 0.500% |
Marrit Rootling | 10 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Greater Faydark | No | 0.500% |
Sacrym Ulnas | 10 - | Neriak, City of Hate | No | 0.500% |
A Caltorsis Protector | 18 v v | Antonica | No | 0.500% |
A Conniving Egg Snatcher | 11 v v v | Greater Faydark | No | 0.500% |
A Caravan Quartermaster | 12 ^ ^ Heroic | Freeport Sewer Epic 09 Placeholder Name | No | 0.500% |
A Slain Devout | 15 v | Timorous Deep | No | 0.500% |
A Shin`Ree Augur | 14-15 ^ | The Wailing Caves | No | 0.500% |
A Fallen Orc | 11-12 - | The Commonlands | No | 0.500% |
A Dead Goblin | 10 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Slimy Cave | No | 0.500% |
A Caravan Guard | 10-12 ^ ^ Heroic | The Sepulcher of Jhanda | No | 0.500% |
A Newly Risen Ry'Gorr | 13 - | Frostfang Sea | No | 0.500% |
Captain Garglass | 14 ^ | The Commonlands | Yes | 0.500% |
A Haoaeran Fisher | 17 v | Timorous Deep | No | 0.500% |
Finbert's Salesbot | 10 v v v | Steamfont Mountains | No | 0.500% |
The Risen Ry'Gorr Conqueror | 11 ^ | Frostfang Sea | Yes | 0.500% |
A Bristlebane Day's Caster | 10 v v v | Neriak, City of Hate | No | 0.500% |
A Blightwind Reviver | 15-16 ^ to ^ ^ Heroic | The Firemyst Gully | No | 0.500% |
An Undead Evoker | 15-18 v | The Eternal Gorge | No | 0.500% |
A Caravan Moneylender | 10-12 ^ ^ Heroic | The Sepulcher of Jhanda | No | 0.500% |
Paavali Dewshine | 10 v | The Elddar Grove | No | 0.500% |
A Fayfly | 13 v to - | Greater Faydark | No | 0.500% |
Skeleton | 10 v v v | The Eternal Gorge | No | 0.500% |
Ilphtana V'Vaafin | 10 - | Neriak, City of Hate | No | 0.500% |
Dhala Veera | 10 v v v | Greater Faydark | No | 0.500% |
An Iksar Captain | 8-9 - | The Burning Cauldron | No | 0.500% |
Princess Zhyleen | 10 v v v | Greater Faydark | No | 0.500% |
A Charred Sentry | 17-18 - | The Firemyst Gully | No | 0.500% |
A Caravan Blademaster | 12 ^ ^ Heroic | Freeport Sewer Epic 09 Placeholder Name | No | 0.500% |
Ungruthar The Juggernaut | 19 ^ ^ Heroic | The Shattered Vale | Yes | 0.500% |
A Defiled Squire | 15-16 ^ ^ Heroic | Stormhold | No | 0.500% |
A Charred Diviner | 16-17 - | The Firemyst Gully | No | 0.500% |
Lenya Lightloam | 10 - | Greater Faydark | No | 0.500% |
A Raider Of Gunthak | 14-15 - | The Commonlands | No | 0.500% |
Jilaen | 10 v v v | Greater Faydark | No | 0.500% |
A Shattered Ry'Gorr | 14 v v v | Cave of Illboding Dark | No | 0.500% |
Sir Valinayle | 16 ^ ^ Heroic | Stormhold | No | 0.500% |
A Rotting Sathirian Guard | 14 v | Timorous Deep | No | 0.500% |
Launo Kal | 10 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Greater Faydark | No | 0.500% |
A Caravan Moneylender | 10-12 ^ ^ Heroic | Freeport Sewer Epic 09 Placeholder Name | No | 0.500% |
A Kobold Scamp | 14 - | Greater Faydark | No | 0.500% |
A Snow Minotaur | 10 - | Elfin Wonderland | No | 0.500% |
A Forgotten Resident | 12-17 - | Greater Faydark | No | 0.500% |
A Charred Diviner | 15-16 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Firemyst Gully | No | 0.500% |
A Spectral Resident | 10 v | Sunken City | No | 0.500% |
A Sodden Skeleton | 18-19 - | Antonica | No | 0.500% |
A Caravan Guard | 10-12 v to ^ ^ Heroic | Freeport Sewer Epic 09 Placeholder Name | No | 0.500% |
A Fallen Guardian | 16-17 - | The Commonlands | No | 0.500% |
A Caravan Guard | 10-12 v | Freeport Sewer Epic 09 Placeholder Name | No | 0.500% |
Renux The Undying | 16 ^ | Antonica | Yes | 0.500% |
A Charred Sentry | 16-17 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Firemyst Gully | No | 0.500% |
A Flesh Appellant | 18 v to - | The Chamber of Suffering | No | 0.500% |
A Haoaeran Proven | 17-18 v | Timorous Deep | No | 0.500% |
Selia Rilonya | 10 v v v | Greater Faydark | No | 0.500% |
A Sogbone Skeleton | 13-14 - | Antonica | No | 0.500% |
A Festering Cadaver | 15 ^ | The Commonlands | No | 0.500% |
A Risen Ry'Gorr | 10-11 - | Frostfang Sea | No | 0.500% |
Malleus Incus | 10 - | Neriak, City of Hate | No | 0.500% |
A Risen Ry'Gorr | 13 - | Cave of Illboding Dark | No | 0.500% |
Sentry Delain | 15 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Firemyst Gully | Yes | 0.500% |
A Haunting Form | 15 ^ | No Content | No | 0.500% |
A Scorched Skeletal Apprentice | 13 v v | Greater Faydark | No | 0.500% |
A Dusty Cadaver | 14-15 - | The Commonlands | No | 0.500% |
Filp Glideleaf | 10 v v v | Graystone Yard interior | No | 0.500% |
A Fiendish Ghoul | 10-11 v | The Graveyard | No | 0.500% |
An Iksar Sailor | 7-9 v v | The Burning Cauldron | No | 0.500% |
Enraged Dwarven Briarstone | 18 - | Darklight Wood | No | 0.500% |
A Steelbone Ancestor | 11-12 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Sepulcher of Jhanda | No | 0.500% |
A Coldwind Crewman | 15-17 - | Antonica | No | 0.500% |
Paavali Dewshine | 10 v | Greater Faydark | No | 0.500% |
A Crumbling Tomb Guard | 15-16 - | Vermin's Snye | No | 0.500% |
A Coldwind Medic | 15-16 - | Antonica | No | 0.500% |
A Drowned Foreman | 16-17 ^ ^ Heroic | Freeport Sewer Epic 05 Placeholder Name | No | 0.500% |
A Rotting Sathirian Priest | 15 v | Timorous Deep | No | 0.500% |
Shuffles | 10 - | Neriak, City of Hate | No | 0.500% |
Lord Rison | 18 ^ | Antonica | Yes | 0.500% |
Sentry Falthur | 15 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Firemyst Gully | Yes | 0.500% |
Chief Keizall | 17 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Antonica | Yes | 0.500% |
A Caravan Negotiator | 10-12 ^ ^ Heroic | Freeport Sewer Epic 09 Placeholder Name | No | 0.500% |
Reanimated Nexus Scion | 13 ^ | Greater Faydark | Yes | 0.500% |
A Shin`Ree Avenger | 13-14 - | The Commonlands | No | 0.500% |
Lark Meadowswoon | 10 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Greater Faydark | No | 0.500% |
A Corruptor | 10-11 v v v to v | The Thieves' Way | No | 0.500% |
A Shin`Ree Stalker | 14-15 ^ | The Wailing Caves | No | 0.500% |
Sabisstra Z'Ziett | 10 - | Neriak, City of Hate | No | 0.500% |
A Shin`Ree Aggressor | 14-15 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Wailing Caves | No | 0.500% |
A Deepwater Lurker | 15 ^ | Antonica | Yes | 0.500% |
A Charred Acolyte | 16-17 - | The Firemyst Gully | No | 0.500% |
A Shin'Ree Spirit | 17 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Wailing Caves | No | 0.500% |
Yazhiir H'Xel'Yll | 10 - | Neriak, City of Hate | No | 0.500% |
A Defiled Squire | 17-18 - | Antonica | No | 0.500% |
A Scathe Harbinger | 17-18 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Firemyst Gully | No | 0.500% |
Fendwyn Flitter | 11 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Greater Faydark | No | 0.500% |
A Strongbox Deceiver | 14-15 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Wailing Caves | No | 0.500% |
Sentry Thort | 15 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Firemyst Gully | Yes | 0.500% |
A Haoaeran Skyscreecher | 19 v | Timorous Deep | No | 0.500% |
A Shorecaller Guardian | 16 - | Timorous Deep | No | 0.500% |
A Mountain Throm Gatherer | 13 v | Timorous Deep | No | 0.500% |
A Coldwind Gunner | 15-16 - | Antonica | No | 0.500% |
An Alluring Shorecaller | 15-16 v | Timorous Deep | No | 0.500% |
A Defiled Sentry | 15-16 ^ ^ Heroic | Stormhold | No | 0.500% |
A Scathe Bishop | 17-18 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Firemyst Gully | No | 0.500% |
Glitterpuff | 10 - | Greater Faydark | No | 0.500% |
A Slain Historian | 14 v | Timorous Deep | No | 0.500% |
Taril V'lenial | 19 ^ | Darklight Wood | Yes | 0.500% |
Sir Thothur Dorarr | 15 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Firemyst Gully | Yes | 0.500% |
A Pirate Of Gunthak | 14-15 - | The Commonlands | No | 0.500% |
A Mountain Throm | 13 v | Timorous Deep | No | 0.500% |
Larry | 5-15 v | Thunderdome | No | 0.500% |
A Scathe Harbinger | 18-19 - to ^ ^ Heroic | The Firemyst Gully | No | 0.500% |
A Perennial Deacon | 16-18 - | Valley of the Rogue Magi | No | 0.500% |
A Troglodyte Berserker | 15 v | Bloodskull Valley: The Excavation Site | No | 0.500% |
The Malevolent Knight | 13 ^ | The Graveyard | Yes | 0.500% |
A Perennial Abbot | 18-19 v | Valley of the Rogue Magi | No | 0.500% |
An Angry Spirit | 8 v | Qeynos interior (sneeds) | No | 0.500% |
A Desecrated Remains | 17-18 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Sepulcher of Jhanda | No | 0.500% |
A Tortured Soul | 17-19 - | The Commonlands | No | 0.500% |
A Caravan Blademaster | 12 ^ ^ Heroic | Freeport Sewer Epic 09 Placeholder Name | No | 0.500% |
Larry | 5-15 v v v | Thunderdome | No | 0.500% |
Xunaun H'Texiate | 10 v | Neriak, City of Hate | No | 0.500% |
A Charred Herald | 16-17 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Firemyst Gully | No | 0.500% |
A Ghoulish Nerian | 14 v | Darklight Wood | No | 0.500% |
A Seared Brute | 19 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Firemyst Gully | Yes | 0.500% |
Marcus Angelfire | 10 v | Frostfang Sea | No | 0.500% |
A Risen Shin'Ree | 18 v v v to v v v | A Dark Cave | No | 0.500% |
Curly | 5-15 v | Thunderdome | No | 0.500% |
Forman Durdan | 16-17 ^ ^ Heroic | Freeport Sewer Epic 05 Placeholder Name | Yes | 0.500% |
A Pirate Of Gunthak | 14-15 - | The Commonlands | No | 0.500% |
The Spirit Of General Zherg | 17 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Wailing Caves | Yes | 0.500% |
A Raised Essence | 16 - | No Content | No | 0.500% |
Captain Surestout | 16 ^ | The Commonlands | Yes | 0.500% |