Belazzor Fribles, the Inept  

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Zone:Greater Faydark
Possible Classes:Berserker
Level:15 - 20
Classifications:Humanoid, Living, Organic, Ratonga, Shattered Lands, Terrestrial, Warmblooded

Belazzor's level will scale to your level.

He is a triggered spawn. You have to walk on JUST the right spot, apparently, to spawn him.

  • In Antonica, near The Settler Camp directly south of the Qeynos Tower griffon station near 350.35, -22.59, 618.19 . He should have a tent on top of the hill.
  • In The Commonlands: Go to the northwest gate of The Crossroads, walk southwest along the moat to a rock at -382,-45,-295 , and then walk due west towards the water. Turn and he should pop right behind you.
  • In Darklight Wood, at the southern end of Innoruuk's scar near 536, -54, 51 .
  • In Greater Faydark: go down the Joleena's Restaurant Acorn Lift, turn southwest and walk. He should pop from behind the large tree on your left before you reach The Lesser Faydark, around 697,9,398 .
  • In Gorowyn, the quest will take you to "the rocks south of the Blackshield camp" near 2938.15, 24.33, 999.57 .

He will attack you the moment he spawns.

Bristlebane Day
Occurs annually around April Fool's Day.
Special one-day events on April 1st!

This page last modified 2010-03-31 10:56:47.