Reverent Controller | 26 ^ ^ Heroic | The Roekillik Excavation | Yes | 5.4138% |
A Bloodsworn Soldier | 39 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen: Endless Twilight | No | 5.4138% |
A Tidesylph Lamentor | 22-23 v v v to - | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 5.4138% |
A Bloodsworn Soldier | 39 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen | No | 5.4138% |
A Nightwretch Sentinel | 28 v v v to - | The Maid for the Mist | No | 5.4138% |
A Darkflight Patroller | 28 v v v | The Maid for the Mist | No | 5.4138% |
A Tidesylph Shriller | 23 - | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 5.4138% |
An Irresistible Siren | 27-28 v | The Thundering Steppes | No | 5.4138% |
Loyalist Erityire | 27 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Nektulos Forest | No | 5.4138% |
A Captured Evil Eye | 22 ^ ^ Heroic | The Drowned Caverns: Arena of Heroes | No | 5.4138% |
Queen Dyleena | 29 ^ | Nektulos Forest | Yes | 5.4138% |
An Alluring Siren | 24-26 v to ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | No | 5.4138% |
A Sister Of Sorrow | 26 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | Yes | 5.4138% |
An Entrancing Siren | 22-23 v | The Thundering Steppes | No | 5.4138% |
Queen Thayilia | 29 ^ | Nektulos Forest | No | 5.4138% |
A Tidesylph Fouler | 23 - | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 5.4138% |
A Mindless Corpse | 20 ^ ^ Heroic | Fallen Gate | No | 5.4138% |
An Alluring Siren | 24-25 v | The Thundering Steppes | No | 5.4138% |
A Sister Of Sadness | 23 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | Yes | 5.4138% |
An Asilian Vandal | 25-26 - | Nektulos Forest | No | 5.4138% |
A Tidesylph Idolator | 22-23 v v v to - | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 5.4138% |
A Bloodless Thrall | 36 ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen: Endless Twilight | No | 5.4138% |
A Bloodsworn Confessor | 39 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen | No | 5.4138% |
A Bloodsworn Theurgist | 39 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen: Endless Twilight | No | 5.4138% |
A Bloodsworn Champion | 39 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen: Endless Twilight | No | 5.4138% |
A Boogeyman | 30 ^ ^ Heroic | Shard of Fear | No | 5.4138% |
An Irresistible Siren | 27-29 - to ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | No | 5.4138% |
A Nightwretch Soother | 28 v v v to - | The Maid for the Mist | No | 5.4138% |
A Bloodsworn Altar Protector | 38 v | The Crypt of T'haen | No | 5.4138% |
Reverent Controller | 26 ^ ^ Heroic | The Roekillik Excavation | Yes | 5.4138% |
A Circle Keeper | 25 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Fallen Gate | No | 5.4138% |
A Darkflight Pixie | 28 v v v | The Maid for the Mist | No | 5.4138% |
A Thrall Of Byzola | 24 - | Fallen Gate | No | 5.4138% |
A Tidesylph Ritualist | 25 v v v to v v | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 5.4138% |
A Bloodsworn Champion | 39 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen | No | 5.4138% |
A Bloodsworn Theurgist | 39 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen | No | 5.4138% |
A Boogeyman | 30 ^ ^ Heroic | The Feerrott | No | 5.4138% |
A Bloodless Thrall | 36 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen | No | 5.4138% |
A Bloodsworn Confessor | 39 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen: Endless Twilight | No | 5.4138% |
A Bloodsworn Backbiter | 39 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen: Endless Twilight | No | 5.4138% |
A Bloodsworn Backbiter | 39 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen | No | 5.4138% |
A Bixiefire Wanderer | 27 v v v | The Maid for the Mist | No | 5.4138% |
A Tidesylph Temptress | 22-23 v v v to - | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 5.4138% |
An Arialla Castaway | 27-28 ^ | The Maid for the Mist | No | 5.4138% |
A Tidesylph Ritualist | 23 v v to - | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 5.4138% |
An Entrancing Siren | 22-23 v to ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | No | 5.4138% |
Azameil Luresong | 29 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | Yes | 5.4138% |
A Champion Of Tseralith | 25 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Fallen Gate | No | 5% |
A Decrepit Wraith | 23-25 v to ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | No | 5% |
An Aged Tome Guardian | 21-20 v v v | Darklight Wood | No | 5% |
A Rotheart Treant | 26-28 - | Nektulos Forest | No | 5% |
Summoned Water Elemental | 18 v | The Three Towers | No | 5% |
A Quarry Abomination | 26-27 - | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 5% |
A Spark Of Growth | 20 ^ ^ ^ Epic x4 | Antonica | No | 5% |
A Water Elemental | 25 v | Greater Faydark | No | 5% |
A Strangleroot Aggressor | 20-22 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Firemyst Gully: A Gallant Confrontation | No | 5% |
A Decrepit Wraith | 23-24 v | The Thundering Steppes | No | 5% |
A Strangleroot Vicar | 20-22 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Firemyst Gully: A Gallant Confrontation | No | 5% |
A Summoned Watcher | 23-30 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Crushbone Keep | No | 5% |
A Blacktimber Treant | 26-28 - | Nektulos Forest | No | 5% |
A Summoned Construct | 27 v | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 5% |
A Wailing Spirit | 24-25 ^ ^ Heroic | The Cauldron Hollow | No | 5% |
Rogtog Corpsemaker | 20 v v v | Maj'Dul | No | 5% |
Summoned Fire Elemental | 18 v | The Three Towers | No | 5% |
A Summoned Shadow | 23-30 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Crushbone Keep | No | 5% |
A Construct Of Malice | 24 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Fallen Gate | No | 5% |
A Strangleroot Aggressor | 22-24 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Firemyst Gully: A Gallant Confrontation | No | 5% |
A Shadesire Vanquisher | 27-28 - | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 5% |
A Strangleroot Weaver | 20-22 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Firemyst Gully: A Gallant Confrontation | No | 5% |
A River Stone | 25-27 - | Nektulos Forest | No | 5% |
A Shadesire Handler | 27-28 - | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 5% |
A Rampaging Elemental | 29 ^ | A Gnoll Cave | Yes | 5% |
An Unbound Construct | 25 v | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 5% |
A Dissipated Toiler | 21 ^ ^ Heroic | Sundered Splitpaw | No | 5% |
A Strangleroot Sapling | 20-22 ^ ^ Heroic | The Firemyst Gully: A Gallant Confrontation | No | 5% |
A Warlock Orb | 27 v | The Thundering Steppes | No | 5% |
Dravix's Guide | 20 v | Nektulos Mini 02 | No | 5% |
A Spirited Orb | 25 v | The Thundering Steppes | No | 5% |
Watcher Of The Horde | 23-24 ^ ^ Heroic | Stormhold | Yes | 5% |
A Shadesire Watcher | 27-28 - | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 5% |
A Wailing Spirit | 24 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Cauldron Hollow | No | 5% |
A Mesmerized Toiler | 21 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Sundered Splitpaw | No | 5% |
An Illusionary Protector | 20-21 v v v | Sundered Splitpaw | No | 5% |
Summoned Earth Elemental | 19 v | The Three Towers | No | 5% |
A Voice On The Wind | 25 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 5% |
A Metamorphic Animation | 27-28 - | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 5% |
Marrow, The Broken | 20 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Commonlands | Yes | 5% |
A Strangleroot Vicar | 22-24 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Firemyst Gully: A Gallant Confrontation | No | 5% |
An Inimical Phantasm | 20 v v to v | Sundered Splitpaw | No | 5% |
An Accursed Rock Heap | 25 - | The Thundering Steppes | No | 5% |
A Pulsing Essence | 23-24 - | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 5% |
An Unsanctified Rock Heap | 26 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | No | 5% |
A Strangleroot Butcher | 22-24 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Firemyst Gully: A Gallant Confrontation | No | 5% |
The Murk | 22 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Drowned Caverns: Arena of Heroes | Yes | 5% |
An Enraged Toiler | 21 ^ | Sundered Splitpaw | Yes | 5% |
A Harbinger Of Serilis | 21-22 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Sundered Splitpaw | Yes | 5% |
Eellii Tenderbranch | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Greater Faydark | No | 5% |
A Strangleroot Butcher | 20-22 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Firemyst Gully: A Gallant Confrontation | No | 5% |
Summoned Air Elemental | 17 v | The Three Towers | No | 5% |
A Spark Of Growth | 20 ^ ^ ^ Epic x4 | The Commonlands | No | 5% |
Tilberbous | 29 ^ | Nektulos Forest | Yes | 5% |
A Wandering Essence | 24 - | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 5% |
A Strangleroot Weaver | 22-24 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Firemyst Gully: A Gallant Confrontation | No | 5% |
A Released Elemental | 26-28 v to - | A Gnoll Cave | No | 5% |
A Dilapidated Wraith | 25 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | Yes | 5% |
A Lightning Elemental | 25 v | The Thundering Steppes | No | 5% |
Pamoja | 28 v | South Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Chonax Bonedancer | 21 v | East Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Urak Eyegouge | 21 v | South Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
A Starving Dervish Footpad | 21-24 v v v to - | The Prison of Admiral Grimgadget | No | 2.4138% |
Apollonia Vibenius | 26 v | South Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Kayben Eatny | 20 v | South Qeynos | No | 2.4138% |
A Militia Guard | 19 - | The Commonlands | No | 2.4138% |
Captain Ronia | 25 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Scale Yard | No | 2.4138% |
Nahirra Usharva | 28 v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Prince Mianja | 22-24 ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | The Firemyst Gully: A Gallant Confrontation | Yes | 2.4138% |
House K'Frerahel Slave | 25-30 - | Darklight Wood | Yes | 2.4138% |
Adjutant Trepka | 26 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Roekillik Excavation | Yes | 2.4138% |
A Bloodsaber Assassin | 24-25 v | The Crypt of Betrayal | No | 2.4138% |
Kirsteh The Witch | 25 v | East Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Lucanic Knight Initiate | 19 ^ ^ Heroic | The Commonlands | Yes | 2.4138% |
Ian Cathlan | 25 v | Qeynos Harbor | No | 2.4138% |
A Vile Scoundrel | 25-26 ^ ^ Heroic | The Cauldron Hollow | No | 2.4138% |
Gadko | 25 v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
A Dreadnaught Thug | 20 ^ | The Commonlands | No | 2.4138% |
An Ashen Order Captive | 20 v | Deathfist Citadel | No | 2.4138% |
Gierasa Kulnovich | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Commonlands | No | 2.4138% |
A Thexian Wizard | 24 - | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 2.4138% |
Jerimiah Halstetter | 25 - | The Commonlands | No | 2.4138% |
A Bandit | 20 - | The Password | No | 2.4138% |
A Bloodsaber Ruffian | 24-25 v | The Crypt of Betrayal | No | 2.4138% |
A Murkwater Steward | 20-21 - | The Serpent Sewer | No | 2.4138% |
A Starving Dervish Footpad | 24 - | The Prison of Admiral Grimgadget | No | 2.4138% |
Irontoe Bodyguard | 26 v v v to v v | Antonica | Yes | 2.4138% |
A Thexian Excavator | 20 v to ^ ^ Heroic | Fallen Gate | No | 2.4138% |
Otus | 29 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Haven | Yes | 2.4138% |
Hazrulin Vextrik | 21 v | North Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Ubaj | 23 v | North Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
A Bloodsaber Agent | 20 - | Antonica | No | 2.4138% |
Korong Shatterjaw | 22 v | West Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Druzan Elite Warrior | 27 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Roekillik Excavation | No | 2.4138% |
Eralok Riz'Rok | 20 v v v | Timorous Deep | No | 2.4138% |
V'tal Narin | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Commonlands | No | 2.4138% |
Hazrulin Vextrik | 21 v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
A Lost Sentry | 20 ^ ^ Heroic | Nektulos Forest | No | 2.4138% |
A Bloodsaber Highguard | 24-25 v | The Crypt of Betrayal | No | 2.4138% |
Antdrin R'Viniath | 25-30 - | Darklight Wood | Yes | 2.4138% |
Sergeant Cornelius | 20 ^ ^ Heroic | Nektulos Forest | No | 2.4138% |
A Wood Elf Scout | 25-26 - | Nektulos Forest | No | 2.4138% |
A Thexian Assassin | 20-28 - | Nektulos Forest | No | 2.4138% |
Thravk The Wretched | 20 v | West Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Carpenter Paddock | 22 v | Qeynos Harbor | No | 2.4138% |
Anders Blackhammer | 20 ^ | The Commonlands | Yes | 2.4138% |
Rustam The Vile | 21 - | The Sepulcher of Jhanda | No | 2.4138% |
A D'Vinnian Dragoon | 25-30 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Crushbone Keep | No | 2.4138% |
Blythe | 23 - | Fallen Gate | Yes | 2.4138% |
Madame Kisa | 25 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Murkwater Nook | Yes | 2.4138% |
Hunter Vannil | 20 v | The Willow Wood | No | 2.4138% |
A Bloodsaber Inquisitor | 24-25 v | The Crypt of Betrayal | No | 2.4138% |
Mother Znedari | 22-24 ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | The Eternal Gorge: A Daring Confrontation | Yes | 2.4138% |
Corporal Sergius Mordanticus | 24 v | West Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Aleyna McMallon | 27 v | Vermin's Snye | No | 2.4138% |
P.T. Irontoe | 22 v | North Qeynos | No | 2.4138% |
A Roekillik Digger | 21 v v | The Commonlands | No | 2.4138% |
Narek Bonecarver | 25 ^ | Nektulos Forest | Yes | 2.4138% |
Astrynia Burnwynd | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | South Qeynos | No | 2.4138% |
Scout Captain Underwood | 27 ^ | Nektulos Forest | No | 2.4138% |
Franco | 20 - | Antonica | Yes | 2.4138% |
Zarla Vinlo | 25-30 - | Antonica | Yes | 2.4138% |
An Abhorrent Recreant | 28 v v v to - | The Lair of the Necromancer | No | 2.4138% |
Sparrow Cogcarrier | 20 v v v | Antonica | No | 2.4138% |
Zaen Kalystir | 25 v | Vermin's Snye | No | 2.4138% |
A Frostfell Elf | 20 v v v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Disciple Telas`velle | 29 - | North Qeynos | No | 2.4138% |
Mugwump | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Nektulos Forest | Yes | 2.4138% |
A Dwarven Gladiator | 21 v v | Sundered Splitpaw: Gladiator's Triumph | No | 2.4138% |
Observer Galadn | 22 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Oakmyst Forest | No | 2.4138% |
Diometria Oppius | 25 v | South Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Ihieer Scytheleaf | 20 - | Greater Faydark | No | 2.4138% |
Taskmaster Lynette | 28 v | Antonica | No | 2.4138% |
A Parser Disciple | 20 - | Timorous Deep | No | 2.4138% |
Jerzeel Brishan | 16 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Stormhold | Yes | 2.4138% |
Initiate Thomas | 21 v | The Elddar Grove | No | 2.4138% |
Rusty Sails | 20 ^ ^ Heroic | Antonica | No | 2.4138% |
Jojo Karanja | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The City of Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Thanatos Kividius | 23 v | East Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Wundil Brakus | 25 - | The City of Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Reinkor McCollin | 26 v v v | The Thundering Steppes | Yes | 2.4138% |
A Freeport Militia Sentry | 20 ^ ^ Heroic | Nektulos Forest | No | 2.4138% |
Danak Dhorentath | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 2.4138% |
A Pestilent Ratonga | 20-21 v | The Serpent Sewer | No | 2.4138% |
Archivist Severina | 24 v | North Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Heron Cogcarrier | 20 v v v | The Commonlands | No | 2.4138% |
Overseer Melicinn | 20 ^ | The Commonlands | No | 2.4138% |
Orwen Neovra | 25 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Commonlands | No | 2.4138% |
Kiriana Northsky | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | North Qeynos | No | 2.4138% |
Drund Mordgraahl Skullsprain | 21 v | North Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
A Murkwater Warrior | 20-25 v to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Murkwater Nook | No | 2.4138% |
A Rowdy Patron | 20 v v v | Bar of Brell | No | 2.4138% |
Captain Steelforge | 20 - | Greater Faydark | No | 2.4138% |
Jonas Rollings | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Outpost of the Overlord | No | 2.4138% |
A Rowdy Patron | 20 v v v | Bar of Brell | No | 2.4138% |
Drappi Oakheart | 25 v | South Qeynos | No | 2.4138% |
Oracle Porcia Aponius | 29 v | North Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Atticus Merula | 24 v | North Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Naturalist Tummyfill | 27 - | The Elddar Grove | No | 2.4138% |
A Pirate | 26-27 ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | No | 2.4138% |
A Thexian Scout | 20-28 - | Nektulos Forest | No | 2.4138% |
A Thexian Warlock | 24 - | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 2.4138% |
Chronicler Steelwill | 28 - | South Qeynos | No | 2.4138% |
Master Jaedra | 29 - | The Commonlands | No | 2.4138% |
Sister Dowssha | 22-24 ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | The Eternal Gorge: A Daring Confrontation | Yes | 2.4138% |
Sister Melfind | 22-24 ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | The Eternal Gorge: A Daring Confrontation | Yes | 2.4138% |
Phyriara N'Rhirae | 25-30 - | The Commonlands | Yes | 2.4138% |
A Militia Patroller | 23 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Outpost of the Overlord | No | 2.4138% |
Lord Ak`Tarnis | 21 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Fallen Gate | Yes | 2.4138% |
Captain D'Resyth | 28 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Crushbone Keep | Yes | 2.4138% |
Commander Ralio | 20 ^ | The Commonlands | No | 2.4138% |
A Crypt Robber | 21 v | The Sepulcher of Jhanda | No | 2.4138% |
Kouryick | 20 v | East Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Trainer Ilya | 29 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Roekillik Excavation | Yes | 2.4138% |
Selwyn Oakheart | 25 v | South Qeynos | No | 2.4138% |
Mina O`Grady | 21 v | North Qeynos | No | 2.4138% |
Ol' Greasy | 23 - | The Prison of Admiral Grimgadget | No | 2.4138% |
Brawler Bently | 23 v | Vermin's Snye | No | 2.4138% |
A Dreadnaught Thug | 20 ^ | The Commonlands | No | 2.4138% |
Outlander Vaughn | 25 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Forest Ruins | No | 2.4138% |
A Murkwater Thief | 23 v to - | The Serpent's Lair | No | 2.4138% |
A Murkwater Brute | 27 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Murkwater Nook | No | 2.4138% |
A Plaguebringer Acolyte | 18 ^ | Antonica | No | 2.4138% |
A Frostfell Elf | 20 v v v | West Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Kaemon | 23 v | The Elddar Grove | No | 2.4138% |
A D'Vinnian Arcanist | 23-30 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Crushbone Keep | No | 2.4138% |
A Commoner | 25-20 v v v | Darklight Wood | No | 2.4138% |
Enyo Vivaron | 24 v | North Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Jaeta H'arn | 25 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Nektulos Forest | Yes | 2.4138% |
A High Elf Planetologist | 25-26 - | Nektulos Forest | No | 2.4138% |
Heron Cogcarrier | 20 v v v | The Prison of Admiral Grimgadget | No | 2.4138% |
Szin Te'val | 25 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Nektulos Forest | Yes | 2.4138% |
J.P. Feterman | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Commonlands | Yes | 2.4138% |
A Patrolman | 24 - | a Qeynos residence | No | 2.4138% |
Jetsam Anchorwash | 28 v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Squire Mikkel | 23 v v v | North Qeynos | No | 2.4138% |
Captain Mjarstak | 29 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Roekillik Excavation | Yes | 2.4138% |
A Haoaeran Advancer | 21-22 v v v to v v | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 2.4138% |
A Bloodsaber Negotiator | 18-19 v v | The Shattered Vale | Yes | 2.4138% |
Mooboya Tailtwister | 25-30 - | The Commonlands | Yes | 2.4138% |
Minty Frostbeard | 25 v | The Thundering Steppes | No | 2.4138% |
Bulvar Rakgam | 20 v v v | Antonica | No | 2.4138% |
A Thexian Dragoon | 20 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Fallen Gate | No | 2.4138% |
Gadko | 25 v | North Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Bruccius Capito | 21 v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
A Terrified Villager | 20 v v v | The Shattered Vale | No | 2.4138% |
Drunah Skycaller | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | North Qeynos | No | 2.4138% |
Guard N'Garen | 30 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Commonlands | No | 2.4138% |
Lin'Val Zar'trax | 25-30 ^ | Nektulos Forest | Yes | 2.4138% |
Shikhin | 20 v v v | Timorous Deep | No | 2.4138% |
Vassi Darkscale | 25 v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Scholar Demini | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | North Qeynos | No | 2.4138% |
Marius Ironflint | 25 v | Qeynos Harbor | No | 2.4138% |
Torlig The Alchemist | 26 v | North Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Nahirra Usharva | 28 v | North Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
A Bloodsaber Surveyor | 24-25 ^ ^ Heroic | The Cove of Decay | No | 2.4138% |
Oracle Nysalia | 27 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Roekillik Excavation | Yes | 2.4138% |
Trystar Nightfire | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Greater Faydark | Yes | 2.4138% |
Loche V'Lys | 25 v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Crewman Blezab | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Maid for the Mist | No | 2.4138% |
Captain Abella Coranis | 25 v | The Thundering Steppes | No | 2.4138% |
Gutter | 20 v v v | The Commonlands | Yes | 2.4138% |
A Murkwater Henchman | 24-25 - | Edgewater Drains | No | 2.4138% |
Euphemius Granius | 22 v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Speculator Montanlooa | 23 v | North Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
A Militia Patroller | 23 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Outpost of the Overlord | No | 2.4138% |
A Roekillik Digger | 23-25 v v | The Thundering Steppes | No | 2.4138% |
Olivia Pugnacious | 26 - | North Qeynos | No | 2.4138% |
A Haoaeran Engineer | 20 - | Timorous Deep | No | 2.4138% |
A Dervish Craftsman | 20 - | The Commonlands | No | 2.4138% |
Statilia Messalina | 27 v | West Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
A Windstalker Fisherman | 18-20 - | Antonica | No | 2.4138% |
A Thexian Berserker | 24 - | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 2.4138% |
Donovan O`Mallery | 24 v | West Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Voltari Il'Ferceri | 17-18 v | a Qeynos residence | Yes | 2.4138% |
Glendarion The Unkempt | 25 - | The Thundering Steppes | No | 2.4138% |
Magus Geofry Marus | 19-20 ^ | Valley of the Rogue Magi | Yes | 2.4138% |
Divin Thiss | 22 v | West Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Rusty Sails | 20 v | The Prize of Prexus | No | 2.4138% |
Noa Sails | 20 v | The Prize of Prexus | No | 2.4138% |
Anaaj Greenblade | 20 - | Greater Faydark | No | 2.4138% |
Tullia Sulla | 24 v | North Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
A Frostfell Elf | 20 v v v | West Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Tychus Zeksworn | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 2.4138% |
Xvithith Gik | 27 v | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 2.4138% |
A Zealot Of War | 20 - | Deathfist Citadel | No | 2.4138% |
Penny Goodhearth | 22 v | North Qeynos | No | 2.4138% |
Trinny Sweetdough | 20 v v v | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 2.4138% |
A Faithless Necromancer | 28 v v v to - | The Lair of the Necromancer | No | 2.4138% |
A Bloodsaber Sentinel | 24-25 v | The Crypt of Betrayal | No | 2.4138% |
An Upset Assassin | 29-30 v v v | No Content | No | 2.4138% |
A Bloodsaber Laborer | 24-25 ^ to ^ ^ Heroic | The Cove of Decay | No | 2.4138% |
Vissa D`Dbth | 23 v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Qalantir | 20 v | North Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
A Militia Patroller | 23 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Outpost of the Overlord | No | 2.4138% |
An Elderly Hermit | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | No | 2.4138% |
Greedu The Cabin Boy | 22 v v v | The Prison of Admiral Grimgadget | No | 2.4138% |
Smith The Cook | 23 v v v | The Prison of Admiral Grimgadget | No | 2.4138% |
Lasarian Nasin | 20 v v v | a four room house, version 2 | No | 2.4138% |
Sir Thothur Dorarr | 25 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Firemyst Gully | No | 2.4138% |
Mooshga | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Commonlands | Yes | 2.4138% |
Aelia Catus | 21 v | West Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
A Pirate Guard | 23 ^ | Heroic: Rumbler Caves | No | 2.4138% |
Eenekie Blazdine | 23 - | Antonica | No | 2.4138% |
Chronicler Paracog | 24 v | North Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
A Fallen Blackguard | 20 v | The Commonlands | Yes | 2.4138% |
Rujic Kerdala | 20 v v v | a four room house, version 2 | No | 2.4138% |
Duvo | 26 v | The Elddar Grove | No | 2.4138% |
Factor Kai Ferdinand | 27 v | North Qeynos | No | 2.4138% |
Chipido | 20 - | Antonica | Yes | 2.4138% |
Xaurb Grengar | 18-19 v | The Sepulcher of Jhanda | Yes | 2.4138% |
Sirraw Swiftpaw | 25 v | East Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Grandpa Blumble | 20 - | Heroic: Rumbler Caves | Yes | 2.4138% |
A Distracted Guard | 29-30 v | No Content | No | 2.4138% |
Deacon Danerous | 20 v | East Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
A Vile Witchdoctor | 25-26 ^ ^ Heroic | The Cauldron Hollow | No | 2.4138% |
A Nerius Commander | 22 - | Nektulos Forest | No | 2.4138% |
A Bloodsaber Courier | 20 - | Antonica | No | 2.4138% |
A Bloodsaber Medic | 24-25 ^ to ^ ^ Heroic | The Cove of Decay | No | 2.4138% |
Bruggo | 20 v v v | Sundered Splitpaw: Captive Audience | Yes | 2.4138% |
Tish Tickers | 20 - | The Thundering Steppes | Yes | 2.4138% |
A Dead Militia Guard | 19 v v v | Nektulos Forest | No | 2.4138% |
A Gydak Elite | 27-28 v v | Stormhold | No | 2.4138% |
Arconicus | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Commonlands | No | 2.4138% |
Lavic N'Gam | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | South Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Zemke The Wolf | 20 - | Greater Faydark | No | 2.4138% |
Pruk Skullpound | 24 ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | Outpost of the Overlord | No | 2.4138% |
An Antonican Grove Caretaker | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Antonica | No | 2.4138% |
A Gydak Elite | 27-28 v v | Stormhold | No | 2.4138% |
A Murkwater Veteran | 25 - | Edgewater Drains | No | 2.4138% |
Pinchy Presentpeeler | 20 v | Qeynos Harbor | No | 2.4138% |
A Griffin Tamer | 25 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Commonlands | No | 2.4138% |
Jabbuk T'Ziate | 25-30 - | Fallen Gate | Yes | 2.4138% |
Aren Firerain | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | North Qeynos | No | 2.4138% |
A D'Vinnian Seer | 23-30 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Crushbone Keep | No | 2.4138% |
Knight-Captain Elgrondeth | 20 ^ ^ ^ Epic x3 | Nettleville | No | 2.4138% |
A Frostfell Elf | 20 v v v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Gregor Earthstride | 23 v | The Elddar Grove | No | 2.4138% |
A Bandit | 20 - | The Password | No | 2.4138% |
Barbarian | 25 ^ | Frostfang Sea | No | 2.4138% |
Prelate Lorhym Ithpsym | 27 v | North Qeynos | No | 2.4138% |
Khai Lightfall | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Elddar Grove | No | 2.4138% |
Kaeso Polluvius | 20 v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Kazek | 25-30 - | The Commonlands | Yes | 2.4138% |
A Bloodsaber Medic | 24-25 v | The Crypt of Betrayal | No | 2.4138% |
Obere Warrain | 25 ^ | Nektulos Forest | Yes | 2.4138% |
Vassi Darkscale | 25 v | North Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Lieutenant Kaneth | 20 ^ ^ Heroic | Nektulos Forest | No | 2.4138% |
A Bloodsaber Medic | 24-25 v | The Crypt of Betrayal | No | 2.4138% |
Adjutant Sliepal | 27 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Roekillik Excavation | Yes | 2.4138% |
Smithe Bluth | 25-30 - | Antonica | Yes | 2.4138% |
A Thexian Vin Chosen | 20-28 - | Nektulos Forest | No | 2.4138% |
A Pirate Guard | 23 v v v | Heroic: Rumbler Caves | No | 2.4138% |
A Bloodsaber Guard | 19-21 - | a Qeynos residence | No | 2.4138% |
A Qeynos Gravewatcher | 25 v v | Antonica | No | 2.4138% |
A Haoaeran Lightchanter | 21-22 v v v to v v | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 2.4138% |
Anchorman Zeego | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Maid for the Mist | No | 2.4138% |
Librarian Motius Feldarn | 23 v | North Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
A Bloodsaber Ritualist | 25 - | The Crypt of Betrayal | No | 2.4138% |
Faerz'un'arr N'Viurden | 25-30 - | Nektulos Forest | Yes | 2.4138% |
A Bloodsaber Assassin | 24-25 v | The Crypt of Betrayal | No | 2.4138% |
Blendrap The Engineer | 26 v v v | Aboard the Smarmy Sprocket | No | 2.4138% |
Guss | 29 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Haven | Yes | 2.4138% |
Sirraw Swiftpaw | 25 v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
A Bodyguard | 25 v v v | Nektulos Forest | No | 2.4138% |
Quargos De'Vazin | 25-30 - | Nektulos Forest | Yes | 2.4138% |
Ocalu Glonus | 20 v v v | a four room house, version 2 | No | 2.4138% |
A Captive Wood Elf | 20 - | Crushbone Keep | No | 2.4138% |
Sean Wellfayer | 23 v | Qeynos Harbor | No | 2.4138% |
A Thexian Diviner | 21 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Fallen Gate | No | 2.4138% |
A Patrol Leader | 24 - | a Qeynos residence | Yes | 2.4138% |
A Frostfell Elf | 20 v v v | West Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Lathergust | 20 v | South Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Qalantir | 20 v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
A Dreadguard Observer | 25-30 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Crushbone Keep | No | 2.4138% |
Assistant Wilabus | 21 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Blackburrow | No | 2.4138% |
Sasha | 22 v | South Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
A Treasure Hoarder | 25 ^ | Heroic: Rumbler Caves | No | 2.4138% |
Stom Bluntblade | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | North Qeynos | No | 2.4138% |
Liege Helvanica | 27 - | The City of Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Ghadah | 23 v | South Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
An Intoxicated Pirate | 24 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Heroic: Rumbler Caves | No | 2.4138% |
A Bandit | 20 - | The Password | No | 2.4138% |
A Thexian Overseer | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Fallen Gate | No | 2.4138% |
A Frostfell Elf | 20 v v v | Qeynos Harbor | No | 2.4138% |
Daria | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Nektulos Forest | No | 2.4138% |
Clara Maius | 28 v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Bassam | 29 v | South Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Vissa D`Dbth | 23 v | West Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Huntmaster Krell | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Oakmyst Forest | No | 2.4138% |
A Pirate Guard | 23 ^ | Heroic: Rumbler Caves | No | 2.4138% |
A Morose Guard | 25-20 v | a Qeynos residence | No | 2.4138% |
Tarr Stoneaxe | 16 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Stormhold | Yes | 2.4138% |
A Thexian Operative | 24 - | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 2.4138% |
Vasiliy | 25-20 v v v | Edgewater Drains | No | 2.4138% |
A Bandit | 20 - | The Password | No | 2.4138% |
Custodian Zaddar Sullissia | 20 v v v | The Graveyard | Yes | 2.4138% |
Feagon Jornstoff | 27 - | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 2.4138% |
Archivist Jindlefog | 29 - | The City of Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Albrecht Tesilah | 23 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | South Qeynos | No | 2.4138% |
Entertainer Zagat | 22 v | North Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Sian D'ior | 25 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Commonlands | No | 2.4138% |
Courtesan Aconia Angelus | 25 v | North Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
A Captured Froglok | 20 - | No Content | No | 2.4138% |
A Thexian Vin Guard | 20-28 - | Nektulos Forest | No | 2.4138% |
A Bloodsaber Laborer | 24-25 ^ ^ Heroic | The Cove of Decay | No | 2.4138% |
Stilus | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Overlord's Office | No | 2.4138% |
Dwarf_coldain | 25 ^ | Frostfang Sea | No | 2.4138% |
A Dwarf Toiler | 20 v v | Greater Faydark | No | 2.4138% |
A D'Vinnian Elite Dragoon | 25-30 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Crushbone Keep | No | 2.4138% |
Wick | 19 ^ | The Commonlands | Yes | 2.4138% |
Tayil N'Velex | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | a four room house, version 3 | No | 2.4138% |
A Roekillik Excavator | 23-25 v | The Thundering Steppes | No | 2.4138% |
Venkarus N'Tan | 20 v v v | a four room house, version 2 | No | 2.4138% |
Gnawer Anklechewer | 25-30 v v v | The Commonlands | Yes | 2.4138% |
Sergeant Borus | 25 v v v | The Commonlands | No | 2.4138% |
A Cleric Of Hate | 23-30 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Crushbone Keep | No | 2.4138% |
A Bandit | 20 - | The Password | No | 2.4138% |
A Frostfell Elf | 20 v v v | Qeynos Harbor | No | 2.4138% |
Carolyn Wu | 22 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Elddar Grove | No | 2.4138% |
Marcen Quillfingers | 23 v | South Qeynos | No | 2.4138% |
Mizzog The Sighted | 21 v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Dyric Pire | 25 v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Boatswain Fomas | 27 v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Elghinyrress Do'Texith | 25-30 - | Fallen Gate | Yes | 2.4138% |
A Murkwater Fanatic | 24-25 v to - | Edgewater Drains | No | 2.4138% |
Grum Zoomly | 25 v | West Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Logan Belchbottom | 20 v | Fallen Gate | No | 2.4138% |
Flizzle Cogplume | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Elddar Grove | No | 2.4138% |
Grandmaster Kawayzer | 20 v v v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Plow | 19 ^ | The City of Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Keeper Varacus T`Kur | 20 ^ ^ Heroic | The Graveyard | Yes | 2.4138% |
Hwal Rucksif | 25 v | Antonica | No | 2.4138% |
A Disillusioned Gnome Slave | 21 v v | Sundered Splitpaw: Gladiator's Triumph | No | 2.4138% |
A Bloodsaber Negotiator | 18 v | a Qeynos residence | No | 2.4138% |
A Griffin Tamer | 25 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Antonica | No | 2.4138% |
A Bodyguard | 25 v v v | Nektulos Forest | No | 2.4138% |
Felion Shadoweater | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | South Qeynos | No | 2.4138% |
A Militia Patroller | 23 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Outpost of the Overlord | No | 2.4138% |
Frup Groaak | 25 - | Castleview Hamlet | No | 2.4138% |
Bard Loganius | 22 v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
A Bored Guard | 25 v | a Qeynos residence | No | 2.4138% |
A Hired Guard | 20-22 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | The Firemyst Gully: A Gallant Confrontation | No | 2.4138% |
A Murkwater Thief | 20-25 v to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Murkwater Nook | No | 2.4138% |
A Crazed Architect | 23 ^ ^ Heroic | The Serpent's Lair | No | 2.4138% |
A Slain Guard | 20 v v v | Antonica | No | 2.4138% |
A Dreadnaught Thug | 20 ^ | The Commonlands | No | 2.4138% |
Wundil Brakus | 25 - | East Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Zizwold | 27 v | East Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Bouncer Flotsam | 29 v | West Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Captain Vertas | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Commonlands | Yes | 2.4138% |
Bouhla | 23 - | Fallen Gate | Yes | 2.4138% |
Ashilda MacHinry | 22 v | Qeynos Harbor | No | 2.4138% |
A Treasure Hoarder | 25 v v v | Heroic: Rumbler Caves | No | 2.4138% |
Juna Crankfizz | 20 v v v | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 2.4138% |
Borden Mannus | 22 v | Qeynos Harbor | No | 2.4138% |
High Guard Morel | 22-24 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Firemyst Gully: A Gallant Confrontation | Yes | 2.4138% |
Kleron Asana | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Nektulos Forest | No | 2.4138% |
Bizrik Gebble | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Nektulos Forest | No | 2.4138% |
Stilus | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | a four room house, version 3 | No | 2.4138% |
Preceptor Nyjuss | 20 v | North Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Kraofla | 25 v | The Commonlands | Yes | 2.4138% |
A Frostfell Elf | 20 v v v | Qeynos Harbor | No | 2.4138% |
A Haoaeran Venturer | 20 - | Timorous Deep | No | 2.4138% |
Asyl Lysarz | 21 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Outpost of the Overlord | No | 2.4138% |
A Weakened Dervish Footpad | 21-24 v v v to - | The Prison of Admiral Grimgadget | No | 2.4138% |
A Frostfell Elf | 20 v v v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Blendrap The Engineer | 26 v v v | The Prison of Admiral Grimgadget | No | 2.4138% |
Karmen The Swindler | 27 - | The Commonlands | No | 2.4138% |
Jereth Blackshield | 20 ^ | The Commonlands | Yes | 2.4138% |
A Nomad Merchant | 25 - | Antonica | No | 2.4138% |
A Bloodsaber Emissary | 27 - | The Cove of Decay | No | 2.4138% |
A Wandering Minstrel | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Antonica | No | 2.4138% |
Magnon Baelvurn | 20 v v v | Antonica | No | 2.4138% |
Viragos, Assassin Of The Hand | 28-29 - | Antonica | Yes | 2.4138% |
Cordun | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | a four room house, version 3 | No | 2.4138% |
Plow | 19 ^ | West Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Sergeant Nominus | 28 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | South Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
A Kelethin Defender | 20 - | Greater Faydark | No | 2.4138% |
A Windstalker Citizen | 16-18 - | Antonica | No | 2.4138% |
Grandmaster Zyrythius | 20 v v v | Neriak, City of Hate | No | 2.4138% |
Priscilla Stoneguard | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | North Qeynos | No | 2.4138% |
Impelia Abettus | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Commonlands | No | 2.4138% |
Slayd Lancet | 23 v | Qeynos Harbor | No | 2.4138% |
Baelhyme | 23 - | Fallen Gate | Yes | 2.4138% |
A Bloodsaber Surveyor | 24-25 ^ to ^ ^ Heroic | The Cove of Decay | No | 2.4138% |
Sister Halyous | 22-24 ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | The Eternal Gorge: A Daring Confrontation | Yes | 2.4138% |
Liege Aquila | 25 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Sprawl | No | 2.4138% |
An Extractor Of Truth | 29-30 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Crushbone Keep | No | 2.4138% |
Boatswain Fomas | 27 v | South Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
A Pirate Guard | 23 ^ | Heroic: Rumbler Caves | No | 2.4138% |
Tome Warden K'Narn | 10-30 ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | North Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Gildas Cedartree | 25 v | The Elddar Grove | No | 2.4138% |
Smith The Cook | 23 v v v | Aboard the Smarmy Sprocket | No | 2.4138% |
Drizas N'Ryt | 25-30 v v v | Darklight Wood | No | 2.4138% |
Traylo Leafsway | 25 v | The Elddar Grove | No | 2.4138% |
Dalal Akilia | 25 v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Gretta Steinbeard | 21 v | North Qeynos | No | 2.4138% |
Cannix Silverflame | 19 v | The Commonlands | Yes | 2.4138% |
Elrea Na'tulrae | 19 v | The Shattered Vale | Yes | 2.4138% |
A Qeynos Guardsman | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Queen's Colony | No | 2.4138% |
Kaeso Polluvius | 20 v | South Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
A Pirate | 26-27 ^ | The Thundering Steppes | No | 2.4138% |
The Great Galabo | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 2.4138% |
Boomba | 28 v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
A Hateful Teir'Dal Slave | 21 v v | Sundered Splitpaw: Gladiator's Triumph | No | 2.4138% |
Cog Burn | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Wailing Caves | No | 2.4138% |
Thardrin Steeleye | 23 v | North Qeynos | No | 2.4138% |
Nibbcog Gonble | 20 v v v | Sundered Splitpaw: Captive Audience | Yes | 2.4138% |
Royal Attendant Fade | 22-24 ^ | The Firemyst Gully: A Gallant Confrontation | Yes | 2.4138% |
Squire Rion Rolana | 23 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | South Qeynos | No | 2.4138% |
Waylon March | 25 ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | No | 2.4138% |
Sister Oolinkp | 22-24 ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | The Eternal Gorge: A Daring Confrontation | Yes | 2.4138% |
Lord Kylar | 20 v v v | Antonica | No | 2.4138% |
Brulten Hiltstill | 25-26 v v v | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 2.4138% |
A Highwayman | 17 - | Antonica | No | 2.4138% |
A Murkwater Kingpin | 23 ^ ^ Heroic | The Serpent's Lair | No | 2.4138% |
Roselia Goldencrust | 20 - | Enchanted Lands | No | 2.4138% |
Tristan Galliway | 22 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | South Qeynos | No | 2.4138% |
Archivist Jindlefog | 29 - | North Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
A Dead Spiroc Researcher | 20 v v v | Timorous Deep | No | 2.4138% |
A Supply Vigilante | 21 - | Nektulos Forest | No | 2.4138% |
Tilliana Steamsieve | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | South Qeynos | No | 2.4138% |
A Haoaeran Emissary | 22 v | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 2.4138% |
Taskmaster Deldrin | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | No | 2.4138% |
A D'Vinnian Deathmage | 23-30 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Crushbone Keep | No | 2.4138% |
Toban Cogscamper | 22 v | East Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
A Bloodsaber Diver | 26 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Cove of Decay | No | 2.4138% |
Harron Griswald | 22 v | Qeynos Harbor | No | 2.4138% |
Keerah | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Commonlands | No | 2.4138% |
Captain L`Nek | 25 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Longshadow Alley | No | 2.4138% |
Squire Marcos | 20 - | Freeport Militia House | No | 2.4138% |
Enursin Nightstalker | 23 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | North Qeynos | No | 2.4138% |
Amren Talbot | 22 v | South Qeynos | No | 2.4138% |
Dillan Bolefreg | 26 - | Antonica | No | 2.4138% |
Jacques | 20 - | The Thundering Steppes | Yes | 2.4138% |
Priestess Allora Reed | 23 v | North Qeynos | No | 2.4138% |
Bramble Thornhead | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Greater Faydark | Yes | 2.4138% |
A D'Vinnian Sorcerer | 23-30 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Crushbone Keep | No | 2.4138% |
Oolar Omafa | 19 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Outpost of the Overlord | No | 2.4138% |
Rask Helstot | 23 v | The Elddar Grove | No | 2.4138% |
Sir Thothur Dorarr | 25 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Firemyst Gully | No | 2.4138% |
A Terrified Villager | 20 v v v | The Shattered Vale | No | 2.4138% |
Amandio Sepunius | 22 v | South Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Liege Helvanica | 27 - | West Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Tyllia Navar | 20 v v v | Antonica | No | 2.4138% |
Trainer Dyjus | 29 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Roekillik Excavation | Yes | 2.4138% |
Boulden Smitestone | 25 v | The Thundering Steppes | No | 2.4138% |
A Murkwater Onlooker | 24-25 v to - | Edgewater Drains | No | 2.4138% |
A Pirate | 27 - | The Thundering Steppes | No | 2.4138% |
Feagon Jornstoff | 20 ^ | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 2.4138% |
A Bloodsaber Ritualist | 25 - | The Crypt of Betrayal | No | 2.4138% |
A Bloodsaber Ruffian | 24-25 v | The Crypt of Betrayal | No | 2.4138% |
A Haoaeran Assaulter | 21-22 v v v | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 2.4138% |
Dancer | 25 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Antonica | No | 2.4138% |
Pickle Velvetleaf | 20 - | Greater Faydark | No | 2.4138% |
Master Of The Hunt | 25 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Commonlands | No | 2.4138% |
Knight-Captain Gerathalas | 20 ^ ^ ^ Epic x3 | Castleview Hamlet | No | 2.4138% |
Decius Dekarn | 25 v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
A Bloodsaber Inquisitor | 24-25 v | The Crypt of Betrayal | No | 2.4138% |
Fadia Coggles | 22 v | East Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Elma Lowe | 29 v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
A Highwayman | 18-19 - | Antonica | No | 2.4138% |
A Bandit | 20 - | The Password | No | 2.4138% |
A Pirate Guard | 23 v v v | Heroic: Rumbler Caves | No | 2.4138% |
High Guard Nien | 22-24 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Firemyst Gully: A Gallant Confrontation | Yes | 2.4138% |
Talvrae T'Zyth | 25 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 2.4138% |
Kixizor Z'Nast | 25-27 - | Nektulos Forest | Yes | 2.4138% |
A Nerius Pirate | 22 - | Nektulos Forest | No | 2.4138% |
Caius Brucci | 25 v | South Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
A Crazed Gnome Builder | 23 v to - | The Serpent's Lair | No | 2.4138% |
Greedu The Cabin Boy | 22 v v v | Aboard the Smarmy Sprocket | No | 2.4138% |
A Nerius Tactician | 22 - | Nektulos Forest | No | 2.4138% |
Kirsteh The Witch | 25 v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Decius Dekarn | 25 v | East Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
A Roekillik Miner | 23-25 v v v to v v | The Thundering Steppes | No | 2.4138% |
Anessa Bonefetter | 23 v | West Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
A Tired Mercenary | 29-30 v | No Content | No | 2.4138% |
Deacon Danerous | 20 v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Grandma Twirlwhizzer | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Commonlands | No | 2.4138% |
Bosun Patches | 28 v v v | Aboard the Smarmy Sprocket | No | 2.4138% |
Breeza Harmet | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Antonica | No | 2.4138% |
Morgessa | 22 v | South Qeynos | No | 2.4138% |
Abram Calvern | 28 - | Antonica | No | 2.4138% |
Handla Taseela | 22 v | South Qeynos | No | 2.4138% |
Denter Lepidus | 25-30 - | The Commonlands | Yes | 2.4138% |
Zizwold | 27 v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Jetsam Anchorwash | 28 v | South Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Priest Ian Turner | 26 v | North Qeynos | No | 2.4138% |
Remy | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | a four room house, version 3 | No | 2.4138% |
A Door Guard | 19-21 - | a Qeynos residence | No | 2.4138% |
Neskavul | 23 v | East Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Lieoonlioo Croosinian | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Elddar Grove | No | 2.4138% |
A Pirate Guard | 23 v v v | Heroic: Rumbler Caves | No | 2.4138% |
A Tired Guard | 25 v | a Qeynos residence | No | 2.4138% |
A Thexian Vin Chosen | 26-27 - | Nektulos Forest | No | 2.4138% |
A Bandit | 20 - | The Password | No | 2.4138% |
Grenn Stiles | 20 v | The Thundering Steppes | No | 2.4138% |
Darin Hufftin | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Nektulos Forest | No | 2.4138% |
Kalja Songstress | 20 - | Greater Faydark | No | 2.4138% |
Velena Weezlecog | 23 v | West Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Dirki Gerika | 20 - | Greater Faydark | No | 2.4138% |
Elona Shawnasy | 24 v | South Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Clara Maius | 28 v | South Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
A Qeynos Guardsman | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Queen's Colony | No | 2.4138% |
A Mean Brigand Cook | 15 v | Qeynos Interior (irontoes) | No | 2.4138% |
Brianna | 20 - | The Thundering Steppes | Yes | 2.4138% |
Sandrik Ignol | 25-30 - | The Commonlands | Yes | 2.4138% |
Elendia Starleaf | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Elddar Grove | No | 2.4138% |
A Qeynos Guardsman | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Queen's Colony | No | 2.4138% |
Bahzule | 23 - | Fallen Gate | Yes | 2.4138% |
Grandmaster Feldmanus | 20 v v v | Greater Faydark | No | 2.4138% |
Squire Chandra | 20 ^ | Freeport Militia House | No | 2.4138% |
Pinchy Presentpeeler | 20 v | West Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Pelle Shinkicker | 23 v | The Elddar Grove | No | 2.4138% |
Roekillik Elite Guard | 29 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Roekillik Excavation | Yes | 2.4138% |
Cassius Bruccius | 25 v | West Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Overseer Targon | 28 v | North Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Emma Healtoe | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | North Qeynos | No | 2.4138% |
A Bloodsaber Sentinel | 24-25 v | The Crypt of Betrayal | No | 2.4138% |
Guard Moor | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Peat Bog | No | 2.4138% |
Murg Leechtongue | 25 ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | Outpost of the Overlord | No | 2.4138% |
Medic Rowena | 21 v | North Qeynos | No | 2.4138% |
Torq De'Rech | 25 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Nektulos Forest | Yes | 2.4138% |
Darkelf | 25 ^ | Darklight Wood | No | 2.4138% |
Grum Zoomly | 25 v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Ronicus The Red | 21 ^ | The Sepulcher of Jhanda | Yes | 2.4138% |
Knight-Captain Santis | 20 ^ ^ ^ Epic x3 | Starcrest Commune | No | 2.4138% |
Consternator Soulinus | 25 v | North Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
A Treasure Hoarder | 25 ^ | Heroic: Rumbler Caves | No | 2.4138% |
Bruccius Capito | 21 v | East Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Captain Molacus | 25 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Temple Street | No | 2.4138% |
Rashja | 21 v | East Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
House V'Kenate Slave | 25-30 - | Darklight Wood | Yes | 2.4138% |
A Bloodsaber Highguard | 24-25 v | The Crypt of Betrayal | No | 2.4138% |
Barstan Rheyble | 20 v v v | Antonica | No | 2.4138% |
A Thexian Wizard | 22 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Fallen Gate | Yes | 2.4138% |
A Vile Summoner | 25-26 ^ ^ Heroic | The Cauldron Hollow | No | 2.4138% |
A Nerius Dockhand | 22-23 - | Nektulos Forest | No | 2.4138% |
A Nerius Scoundrel | 24 - | Nektulos Forest | No | 2.4138% |
A Dress Merchant | 20 - | The Thundering Steppes | No | 2.4138% |
A Murkwater Abettor | 20-21 - | The Serpent Sewer | No | 2.4138% |
A Bit Of Flotsam | 21-22 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Nektulos Forest | No | 2.4138% |
A Militia Patroller | 20-23 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Outpost of the Overlord | No | 2.4138% |
Geologist Fribden | 25 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Blackburrow | No | 2.4138% |
Aelia Catus | 21 v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Gladiator Skullgrind | 24 v | East Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Clergy Sejanus | 24 v | North Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Tobel Patadash | 20 v v v | Enchanted Lands | No | 2.4138% |
Bruhn K'Viir | 25 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Nektulos Forest | Yes | 2.4138% |
A Bandit | 20 - | The Password | No | 2.4138% |
Inim Candychewer | 20 v v v | West Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Tome Warden K'Narn | 10-30 ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | The City of Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Dockmaster Wilson | 24 v v v | Antonica | No | 2.4138% |
Shakan Notebend | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Elddar Grove | No | 2.4138% |
Dyric Pire | 25 v | East Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Kenjedeau | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | a four room house, version 3 | No | 2.4138% |
Noa Sails | 20 ^ ^ Heroic | Antonica | No | 2.4138% |
Bleog Healbog | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | North Qeynos | No | 2.4138% |
A Treasure Sorter | 22-23 v v v | Heroic: Rumbler Caves | No | 2.4138% |
Isdemus Hamest | 20 v v | Antonica | No | 2.4138% |
Selinda Whispersong | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Antonica | No | 2.4138% |
Theodorus Volcatius | 28 v | South Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Boomba | 28 v | West Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
A Bloodsaber Elite Guard | 26 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Cove of Decay | No | 2.4138% |
An Intoxicated Pirate | 24 ^ | Heroic: Rumbler Caves | No | 2.4138% |
Nevisie Amonrae | 20 ^ ^ ^ Epic x4 | Antonica | No | 2.4138% |
Dalal Akilia | 25 v | East Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Drund Mordgraahl Skullsprain | 21 v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Grandmaster Kawayzer | 20 v v v | West Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
A Qeynos Guardsman | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Queen's Colony | No | 2.4138% |
A Subversive Fanatic | 28 v v v to - | The Lair of the Necromancer | No | 2.4138% |
A Murkwater Henchman | 23-24 - | Edgewater Drains | No | 2.4138% |
N'Fyre Guardian | 25 ^ | Darklight Wood | No | 2.4138% |
A Treasure Hoarder | 25 ^ | Heroic: Rumbler Caves | No | 2.4138% |
Drinna The Pirate | 27 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | Yes | 2.4138% |
Geologist Quardifle | 23 v | The Baubbleshire | No | 2.4138% |
A Bloodsaber Guard | 24-27 v to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Cove of Decay | No | 2.4138% |
A Bloodsaber Medic | 24-25 ^ ^ Heroic | The Cove of Decay | No | 2.4138% |
Bella Ward | 20 v | South Qeynos | No | 2.4138% |
Rennigal Telgard | 20 v v v | a four room house, version 2 | No | 2.4138% |
Innkeeper Galsway | 22 v | Qeynos Harbor | No | 2.4138% |
A Haoaeran Escort | 20 - | Timorous Deep | No | 2.4138% |
A Thexian Explorer | 20 ^ ^ Heroic | Fallen Gate | No | 2.4138% |
Captain Abella Coranis | 25 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Prize of Prexus | No | 2.4138% |
Jonovan The Young | 20 v v v | Nektulos Forest | No | 2.4138% |
Faunus Belicius | 22 v | North Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
A Treasure Sorter | 22-23 v v v | Heroic: Rumbler Caves | No | 2.4138% |
Eoradalanu Otuden | 29 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | South Qeynos | No | 2.4138% |
A Thexian Prisoner | 20 v v v | Fallen Gate | No | 2.4138% |
Preceptor Nyjuss | 20 v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Oshar Grahl | 22 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Queen's Colony | Yes | 2.4138% |
Guard Black | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Peat Bog | No | 2.4138% |
An Oracle Of Hate | 23-30 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Crushbone Keep | No | 2.4138% |
A Bloodsaber Guard | 24-25 ^ to ^ ^ Heroic | The Cove of Decay | No | 2.4138% |
A Windstalker Citizen | 16-18 - | Antonica | No | 2.4138% |
A Camp Fire | 23-24 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Nektulos Forest | No | 2.4138% |
Telamoninioon Orinsidian | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | South Qeynos | No | 2.4138% |
Executioner Selindi | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Overlord's Office | No | 2.4138% |
Tullia Sulla | 24 v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Engineer Ximmix Wobblecog | 25 v v v | The Prize of Prexus | No | 2.4138% |
A Halfling Explorer | 25-26 - | Nektulos Forest | No | 2.4138% |
A Desperate Villager | 20 v v v | The Shattered Vale | No | 2.4138% |
Pinchy Presentpeeler | 20 v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Torlig The Alchemist | 26 v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
A D'Vinnian Archmage | 24 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Crushbone Keep | No | 2.4138% |
Consternator Soulinus | 25 v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Inim Candychewer | 20 v v v | Qeynos Harbor | No | 2.4138% |
Entertainer Zagat | 22 v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Rilkrik | 20 v v v | The Commonlands | No | 2.4138% |
Yuri | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Antonica | No | 2.4138% |
Gurgrog The Carver | 21 - | Deathfist Citadel | Yes | 2.4138% |
A Treasure Hoarder | 25 v v v | Heroic: Rumbler Caves | No | 2.4138% |
Loche V'Lys | 25 v | East Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Halcien | 20 - | The Commonlands | Yes | 2.4138% |
Revyl Kylar | 20 v v v | Antonica | No | 2.4138% |
A Thexian Ruffian | 20-28 - | Nektulos Forest | No | 2.4138% |
Bard Loganius | 22 v | North Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Blerton Blumble | 20 - | The Thundering Steppes | Yes | 2.4138% |
Slaughtergrott The Vigilant | 25 v | The Thundering Steppes | No | 2.4138% |
Marinae Laesear | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Commonlands | Yes | 2.4138% |
Jojo Karanja | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Stonestair Byway | No | 2.4138% |
A Crypt Robber | 21 v | The Sepulcher of Jhanda | No | 2.4138% |
Annia Velithe | 27 v | East Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Euphemius Granius | 22 v | North Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Clint Gilcrush | 20 ^ | The Thundering Steppes | No | 2.4138% |
Sparrow Cogcarrier | 20 v v v | The Prison of Admiral Grimgadget | No | 2.4138% |
Recruit Clive | 25-20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Ruins of Varsoon | No | 2.4138% |
Elma Lowe | 29 v | North Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Inim Candychewer | 20 v v v | The City of Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
A Dreadguard Knight | 25-30 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Crushbone Keep | No | 2.4138% |
A Murkwater Induct | 20-21 v to - | The Serpent Sewer | No | 2.4138% |
A Bandit | 20 - | The Password | No | 2.4138% |
Executioner Selindi | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | a four room house, version 3 | No | 2.4138% |
Taskmaster D'Zran | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Nektulos Forest | No | 2.4138% |
Mizzog The Sighted | 21 v | North Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Inquisitor Irizan | 30 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Commonlands | No | 2.4138% |
A Weakened Dervish Footpad | 24 - | The Prison of Admiral Grimgadget | No | 2.4138% |
A Treasure Hoarder | 25 v v v | Heroic: Rumbler Caves | No | 2.4138% |
Commander Dvin L'Crit | 21 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Fallen Gate | Yes | 2.4138% |
Assault Captain Frazykyr | 20 - | Timorous Deep | No | 2.4138% |
Girafer L`Un | 26 v | North Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Engineer Ximmix Wobblecog | 20 v | The Thundering Steppes | No | 2.4138% |
An Insurgent Demagogue | 28 v v v to - | The Lair of the Necromancer | No | 2.4138% |
Sergeant Nominus | 28 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The City of Freeport | No | 2.4138% |
Knight-Captain Salomar | 20 ^ ^ ^ Epic x3 | Graystone Yard | No | 2.4138% |
Wesaelan Brookshadow | 22 v | The Elddar Grove | No | 2.4138% |
A Murkwater Abettor | 20-21 v | The Serpent Sewer | No | 2.4138% |
Bosun Patches | 28 v v v | The Prison of Admiral Grimgadget | No | 2.4138% |
Cargomaster Libertius | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Commonlands | No | 2.4138% |
Thaumaturge Zumzum | 29 ^ ^ Heroic | The Condemned Catacomb | Yes | 2.4138% |
A Crushbone Watchman | 23-24 - to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Crushbone Keep | No | 0.4138% |
Dragoon L'Na | 27 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Vault of the Fallen | No | 0.4138% |
Cookie | 29 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Gobblerock's Hideout | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Deathbone Theurgist | 27-28 v v to ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
Amma Ilaari | 20 - | Greater Faydark | No | 0.4138% |
A Varsoon Scourge | 27 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Ruins of Varsoon | No | 0.4138% |
A Sabertooth Diviner | 20-22 - to ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
A Nocturnal Ambusher | 19-20 - | Sundered Splitpaw | No | 0.4138% |
Trainer Mukluk | 29 ^ ^ Heroic | Gobblerock's Hideout | Yes | 0.4138% |
Lady Astaar Evinien | 20 - | Greater Faydark | No | 0.4138% |
An Unearthed Settler | 20 v to - | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
A Mucus Zombie | 21-22 v v v | Antonica | No | 0.4138% |
An Aqua Goblin Wizard | 23 v v v | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
A Crushbone Trainer | 19-20 - | Greater Faydark | No | 0.4138% |
A Nightfall Shaman | 30 ^ | Nektulos Forest | No | 0.4138% |
A Scavenging Ghoul | 26-28 - | Nektulos Forest | No | 0.4138% |
Dragoon G'Zel | 27 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Vault of the Fallen | No | 0.4138% |
A Fallen Champion | 20 v v v | The Commonlands | No | 0.4138% |
Svini Ferlink | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Greater Faydark | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Briarstone Ancient | 20 - | Darklight Wood | No | 0.4138% |
A Spectral Rosch Mas | 19-20 v v v | Sundered Splitpaw | No | 0.4138% |
A Bloodtooth Forestrunner | 23 ^ | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
A Crushbone Thaumaturgist | 23-24 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Crushbone Keep | No | 0.4138% |
A Sabertooth Negotiator | 18 v | a Qeynos residence | No | 0.4138% |
Lord J'Narus | 29 ^ | Nektulos Forest | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Gul'Thex Lieutenant | 29-30 - | Nektulos Forest | No | 0.4138% |
A Bloodskull Soldier | 20 - | Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold | No | 0.4138% |
A Krulkiel Archer | 27 - | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
A Crushbone Legionnaire | 25-30 - to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Crushbone Keep | No | 0.4138% |
A Necrosis Seer | 29-30 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Condemned Catacomb | No | 0.4138% |
A Tae'Ew Acolyte | 29-30 v | No Content | No | 0.4138% |
Archmagus Naerius D'Lyle | 20 ^ | Valley of the Rogue Magi | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Deathfist Warrior | 20-24 v v v to - | Deathfist Citadel: Prison Break | No | 0.4138% |
A Bloodskull High Command | 24-25 ^ ^ Heroic | Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Necrosis Guard | 29 v | The Condemned Catacomb | No | 0.4138% |
A Crushbone Armorer | 22 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Crushbone Keep | No | 0.4138% |
A Gobblerock Brute | 29-30 ^ ^ Heroic | Gobblerock's Hideout | No | 0.4138% |
Master H'arn | 27 v | a Temple chamber | No | 0.4138% |
Dragoon Z'Talis | 27 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Vault of the Fallen | No | 0.4138% |
A Rotting Skeleton | 24-25 - | Edgewater Drains | No | 0.4138% |
Ch'Uman The Forgotten | 28 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Condemned Catacomb | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Dead River Knight | 25 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
A Deathfist Shaman | 20-24 v v v to - | Deathfist Citadel: Prison Break | No | 0.4138% |
A Traitor's Remains | 29-30 ^ | Crushbone Keep | No | 0.4138% |
An Awoken Devotee | 27 - | The Lair of the Necromancer | No | 0.4138% |
One Eyed Charlie | 23 v | The Prison of Admiral Grimgadget | Yes | 0.4138% |
Nerial T'Rek | 23 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Fallen Gate | Yes | 0.4138% |
Thana Rumblehoof | 25-20 ^ ^ Heroic | The Ruins of Varsoon | No | 0.4138% |
High Priest Of Val`Marr | 20 - | The Commonlands | Yes | 0.4138% |
Garby Gingham Gigglegibber | 20 - | Enchanted Lands | No | 0.4138% |
A Crushbone Oracle | 25-28 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Crushbone Keep | No | 0.4138% |
Trader Martok | 22 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Fallen Gate | Yes | 0.4138% |
Ghost Of Vhalen | 20 ^ | Antonica | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Drowned Veteran | 25 - | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
Scrounge | 28 ^ | Nektulos Forest | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Dragoon Sentinel | 26-28 - | Nektulos Forest | No | 0.4138% |
An Aqua Goblin Wizard | 22-23 v v v to - | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
Erkki Of The Dew | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Greater Faydark | No | 0.4138% |
A Sabertooth Chanter | 22 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
A Kragploom Hunter | 23 v v | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
A Dragoon Captain | 26-28 - | Nektulos Forest | No | 0.4138% |
A Fallen Giant | 27-28 v v | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
A Drowned Footsoldier | 25 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Heroic: Rumbler Caves | No | 0.4138% |
A Steelhoof Raider | 27-20 v v | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
A Necrosis Beldame | 29-30 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Condemned Catacomb | No | 0.4138% |
Gugrut | 28 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Gobblerock's Hideout | Yes | 0.4138% |
Gnoll Spook | 25 ^ | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
Murnog The Tactician | 26 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Crushbone Keep | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Deathfist Marauder | 27-28 v | The Prize of Prexus | No | 0.4138% |
A Bloodskull Lookout | 20 ^ | Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold | No | 0.4138% |
A Chosen Bloodskull Herald | 21-22 v to ^ | Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold | No | 0.4138% |
A Bloodskull Savage | 23 ^ ^ Heroic | Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold | No | 0.4138% |
A Wailing Spirit | 24-25 ^ ^ Heroic | The Cauldron Hollow | No | 0.4138% |
A Skindancer Defiler | 26-27 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
Gurndundl | 29 ^ | Nektulos Forest | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Gnoll Guardian | 25-28 - | Antonica | No | 0.4138% |
General Linarius | 25-27 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Necrosis Guard | 28-29 - to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Condemned Catacomb | No | 0.4138% |
Geldrani A'Zhi'Tel | 25 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
Warlord Zumok | 25 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Fallen Gate | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Damned Tesch Mas | 20-21 - to ^ | Sundered Splitpaw | No | 0.4138% |
A Brittle Bones | 26 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Condemned Catacomb | No | 0.4138% |
A Defiled Tempest | 25 ^ to ^ ^ Heroic | Stormhold | No | 0.4138% |
A Defiled Squall | 24 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Stormhold | No | 0.4138% |
A Disembodied Nisch Mas | 19-20 v v v | Sundered Splitpaw | No | 0.4138% |
Quiora T'Las | 26 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Fallen Gate | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Deathbone Berserker | 27-28 - to ^ | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
A Flesh Corrupter | 26-29 ^ to ^ ^ Heroic | The Cove of Decay | No | 0.4138% |
A Defiled Acolyte | 23-24 ^ to ^ ^ Heroic | Stormhold | No | 0.4138% |
A Crushbone Conscript | 19-20 - to ^ | Greater Faydark | No | 0.4138% |
A Deathfist Marauder | 25 v | The Crypt of Betrayal | No | 0.4138% |
A Skeletal Veteran | 27-30 v | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
An Elite Bloodskull Mahut Trainer | 21 v to - | Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold | No | 0.4138% |
A Lost Dragoon | 24-25 - | Nektulos Forest | No | 0.4138% |
Captain Ganwail | 26 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Sea-swept Farmer | 22 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
Fip Slytail | 22-23 - | Sundered Splitpaw: Gladiator's Triumph | No | 0.4138% |
Gnoll Ghost | 25 v v v to - | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
A Feign Zombie | 23-24 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Stormhold | No | 0.4138% |
Illasko Silktree | 20 - | Greater Faydark | No | 0.4138% |
A Tortured Toiler | 24-25 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Fallen Gate | No | 0.4138% |
A Scrounging Ghoul | 24-25 - | Nektulos Forest | No | 0.4138% |
Bruuhl Firerock | 29 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Crushbone Torturer | 29-30 ^ ^ Heroic | Crushbone Keep | No | 0.4138% |
A Deathbone Knight | 27-28 v to ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
A Fanatic Inquisitor | 25 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Stormhold | No | 0.4138% |
Dragoon V'Ghen | 27 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Vault of the Fallen | No | 0.4138% |
Guard Menelaar | 20 - | Greater Faydark | No | 0.4138% |
A Dragoon Sentry | 25 - | Nektulos Forest | No | 0.4138% |
A Sabertooth Harvester | 25 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
A Skeletal Lieutenant | 25-27 v to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
A Skeletal Captain | 27-30 ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
A Crushbone Centurion | 19-20 - to ^ | Greater Faydark | No | 0.4138% |
Gargnarg | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Greater Faydark | No | 0.4138% |
A Deathfist Elite Guard | 21 v | Deathfist Citadel | No | 0.4138% |
A Fallen Defender | 20-24 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | The Eternal Gorge: A Daring Confrontation | No | 0.4138% |
An Unfortunate Explorer | 23 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Fallen Gate | No | 0.4138% |
A Drowned Assassin | 25 ^ | Heroic: Rumbler Caves | No | 0.4138% |
A Skeletal Trooper | 27-30 v | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
A Creeping Dead | 21-23 - to ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
A Steelhoof Pariah | 23-27 v v to ^ | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
A Drowned Priest | 25 ^ | Heroic: Rumbler Caves | No | 0.4138% |
The Orator | 25 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Stormhold | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Skeletal Trooper | 25-27 v v | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
A Bloodskull Witch | 23 ^ ^ Heroic | Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold | No | 0.4138% |
A Muckflick Flogger | 29-30 - | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
Chieftain Merzog | 25 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Fallen Gate | Yes | 0.4138% |
Lady Anyanka Polevshi | 20 ^ | The Commonlands | Yes | 0.4138% |
An Aqua Goblin Mystic | 23 v v v | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
An Elect Bloodskull Heretic | 21-22 v to - | Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold | No | 0.4138% |
A Drowned Footsoldier | 25 ^ | Heroic: Rumbler Caves | No | 0.4138% |
Taurook Thump | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Guardian Mist Grinnin | 25-27 - | Nektulos Forest | No | 0.4138% |
A Deathfist Conscript | 19 v | Deathfist Citadel | No | 0.4138% |
An Arisen Inducer | 25 v | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
A Gobblerock Butcher | 28-29 v to ^ ^ Heroic | Gobblerock's Hideout | No | 0.4138% |
The Corpse Hunter | 25 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Stormhold | Yes | 0.4138% |
An Enraptured Gnoll | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Sundered Splitpaw: Splitpaw Den | No | 0.4138% |
A Bloodskull Spotter | 23 ^ ^ ^ Epic x3 | Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Drowned Assassin | 25 v v v | Heroic: Rumbler Caves | No | 0.4138% |
A Reanimated Corpse | 19-21 - | Antonica | No | 0.4138% |
Locksmith Jarl | 20 ^ ^ Heroic | Stormhold | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Portal Abhorrent | 20 ^ | Invasion of the Vale | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Fallen Mercenary | 20-22 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: A Daring Confrontation | No | 0.4138% |
A Skeletal Footsoldier | 24-25 v | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
A Firerock Giant | 24-29 - to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
Guardmaster Grush'ul | 20 ^ | Greater Faydark | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Crushbone Emissary | 23-24 - to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Crushbone Keep | No | 0.4138% |
A Kragploom Scavenger | 28-29 v | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
Orcish Mercenary | 26-27 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Roekillik Excavation | No | 0.4138% |
A Gobblerock Haruspex | 28-29 v to ^ ^ Heroic | Gobblerock's Hideout | No | 0.4138% |
Drekak The Spinebreaker | 25 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Fallen Gate | Yes | 0.4138% |
Athinae Panteraas | 20 - | Greater Faydark | No | 0.4138% |
A Steelhoof Invader | 23 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
A Deathfist Orc | 20-23 - | Deathfist Citadel: Prison Break | No | 0.4138% |
Guard Maardek | 20 - | Greater Faydark | No | 0.4138% |
A Sneaky Egg Snatcher | 16 v v v | Greater Faydark | No | 0.4138% |
Hyznar The Rotting Brute | 20 ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | Stormhold | Yes | 0.4138% |
Gawar The Bad | 25 ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of Betrayal | Yes | 0.4138% |
Gruktarn Redfist | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold | Yes | 0.4138% |
Mirak Thern | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Gnoll Cage Guard | 16 v v | The Shattered Vale | No | 0.4138% |
A Defiled Blacksmith | 18-19 ^ | Stormhold | No | 0.4138% |
A Zombie Handmaiden | 21-22 ^ ^ Heroic | Stormhold | No | 0.4138% |
Dragoon C'Luss | 27 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Vault of the Fallen | No | 0.4138% |
Dragoon V'Lask | 27 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Vault of the Fallen | No | 0.4138% |
A Prisoner Guard | 16 v v | The Shattered Vale | No | 0.4138% |
Irisor The Insane | 29 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Ruins of Varsoon | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Sabertooth Pack Leader | 20 v v | The Shattered Vale | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Crushbone Cook | 21-22 ^ ^ Heroic | Crushbone Keep | No | 0.4138% |
A Bloodskull Inner Guard | 25 ^ | Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold | No | 0.4138% |
A Fallen Counselor | 20-24 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | The Eternal Gorge: A Daring Confrontation | No | 0.4138% |
A Rallosian Lieutenant | 28-29 - | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
The Pit Champion | 22 - to ^ | Sundered Splitpaw: Gladiator's Triumph | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Perennial Defender | 20 - | Valley of the Rogue Magi | No | 0.4138% |
A Tormented Attendant | 26 v v v | Fallen Gate | No | 0.4138% |
| 20 v v v | Sundered Splitpaw | No | 0.4138% |
A Foulmist Tempest | 27 v v v to - | The Maid for the Mist | No | 0.4138% |
A Necrosis Conscript | 26-28 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Condemned Catacomb | No | 0.4138% |
A Drowned Priest | 27 ^ | Heroic: Rumbler Caves | No | 0.4138% |
A Gobblerock Swindler | 26-28 ^ to ^ ^ Heroic | Gobblerock's Hideout | No | 0.4138% |
A Drowned Guardian | 27 ^ | Heroic: Rumbler Caves | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Sabertooth Hunter | 20-25 v v v to ^ | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
A Rallosian Ghost | 28-29 v | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
A Gobblerock Trickster | 28-29 v to ^ ^ Heroic | Gobblerock's Hideout | No | 0.4138% |
An Amazon Archer | 22-25 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
Defiled Lord Byron | 21 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Stormhold | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Drowned Trooper | 23-24 - | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
A Foulmist Shadewalker | 27 v v v to - | The Maid for the Mist | No | 0.4138% |
A Steelhoof Healer | 25-26 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Cove of Decay | No | 0.4138% |
A Sabertooth Mauler | 16-18 v v v to v v v | The Shattered Vale | No | 0.4138% |
Ambassador Kreyth | 27 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Cove of Decay | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Fascinated Prisoner | 25 ^ | Stormhold | No | 0.4138% |
Irisor The Insane | 25 ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of Betrayal | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Muckflick Tender | 29 v v to - | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
A Sabertooth Shaman | 25 ^ | The Shattered Vale | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Muckflick Runner | 22 - | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
A Gul'Thex Heretic | 29-30 - | Nektulos Forest | No | 0.4138% |
A Blighted Bouncer | 21 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Fallen Gate | No | 0.4138% |
A Crushbone Centurion | 23-24 - to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Crushbone Keep | No | 0.4138% |
A Servitor Of Tseralith | 25 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Fallen Gate | No | 0.4138% |
A Furtive Goblin | 20 - | Timorous Deep | No | 0.4138% |
An Elite Bloodskull Mahut Wringer | 21 v to ^ | Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold | No | 0.4138% |
Dragoon S'Zjin | 27 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Vault of the Fallen | No | 0.4138% |
The Vindicator's Attendant | 26 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Crushbone Keep | No | 0.4138% |
A Crushbone Conscript | 23-24 - to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Crushbone Keep | No | 0.4138% |
A Krulkiel Grunt | 26-27 - | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
A Necrosis Thaumaturge | 29 v | The Condemned Catacomb | No | 0.4138% |
An Inquisitor Of Tseralith | 25 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Fallen Gate | No | 0.4138% |
Outfitter Thrack | 22 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Fallen Gate | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Kragploom Farseer | 23 v v | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
A Sunken Sailor | 22 v v v | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
A Deathfist Trooper | 19 - | Deathfist Citadel | No | 0.4138% |
Galintari The Apocryphal | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Firemyst Gully | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Gul'Thex Mystic | 29-30 - | Nektulos Forest | No | 0.4138% |
A Nightfall Giant | 25-27 ^ | Nektulos Forest | No | 0.4138% |
A Drowned Assassin | 26 v v v | Heroic: Rumbler Caves | No | 0.4138% |
Wraithcaller Ji'Lum | 29 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Condemned Catacomb | Yes | 0.4138% |
Dragoon S'Lon | 27 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Vault of the Fallen | No | 0.4138% |
A Failed Contestant | 25 v v | a Temple chamber | No | 0.4138% |
A Bruised Rujarkian Brute | 21-24 v v v to - | The Prison of Admiral Grimgadget | No | 0.4138% |
An Anguished Feaster | 23-24 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Fallen Gate | No | 0.4138% |
A Sabertooth Looter | 20-22 - to ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
Rythar The Conjuror | 25 ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold | Yes | 0.4138% |
Gurmoz The Hungry | 24 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Fallen Gate | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Yarpsnarl Lookout | 22-23 v | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
A Grobin Mucker | 20 - | Greater Faydark | No | 0.4138% |
An Overseer Personal Guard | 26-27 ^ to ^ ^ Heroic | Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold | No | 0.4138% |
A Bloodskull Bouncer | 25 ^ ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold | No | 0.4138% |
Orcish Mercenary | 27 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Roekillik Excavation | No | 0.4138% |
Phaerdriira Z'Zea'Val | 25-30 v v v | Darklight Wood | No | 0.4138% |
A Defiled Knight | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Stormhold | No | 0.4138% |
A Scorched Skeleton | 16-17 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Stormhold | No | 0.4138% |
A Sabertooth Tactical Defender | 17-19 v v v to v v | The Shattered Vale | No | 0.4138% |
A Skindancer Knight | 27-29 - | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
An Elite Bloodskull Fanatic | 21 - | Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold | No | 0.4138% |
A Steelhoof Pillager | 26-20 v v to ^ | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
Dragoon T'Vex | 27 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Vault of the Fallen | No | 0.4138% |
A Skeletal Captain | 25-27 ^ | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
A Frenzied Bloodskull High Guard | 22 - | Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold | No | 0.4138% |
A Forlorn Sentry | 20-22 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: A Daring Confrontation | No | 0.4138% |
Zeego Miemo | 20 - | Greater Faydark | No | 0.4138% |
Eagereye Mayweed | 20 - | Greater Faydark | No | 0.4138% |
Spirit Of Raegnir | 20 v v v | The Commonlands | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Bloodskull Heretic | 20 - | Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold | No | 0.4138% |
A Krulkiel Scout | 26-27 - | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
An Elder Sabertooth Spirit | 20 v | Antonica | No | 0.4138% |
A Garbage Grinder | 25 - | Edgewater Drains | No | 0.4138% |
A Blighted Savage | 24 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Fallen Gate | No | 0.4138% |
Guard Laelli | 20 - | Greater Faydark | No | 0.4138% |
A Pile Of Ancient Bones | 28 ^ | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
The Sabertooth Defiler | 17-18 v | The Shattered Vale | No | 0.4138% |
Meldrevik Wurlongion | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Greater Faydark | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Mist Grinnin Savage | 25 - | Nektulos Forest | No | 0.4138% |
A Bloodskull Mage | 20-22 ^ | The Bloodskull Valley: A Noble Confrontation | No | 0.4138% |
A Yarpsnarl Ravager | 22-23 v | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
An Anguished Glutton | 24 ^ ^ Heroic | Fallen Gate | No | 0.4138% |
Lieutenant Charg | 29 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Gobblerock's Hideout | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Bloated Skeleton | 21-22 v v | Antonica | No | 0.4138% |
An Elite Bloodskull Mahut Mender | 21 v to - | Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold | No | 0.4138% |
A Crushbone Emissary | 25-30 - to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Crushbone Keep | No | 0.4138% |
An Amazon Archer | 25-27 v | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
A Crushbone Emissary | 20-22 - to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Crushbone Keep | No | 0.4138% |
Advisor Pandrus | 20-21 ^ | Antonica | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Gelatinous Cube | 21-22 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Stormhold | No | 0.4138% |
A Muckflick Shocker | 29 v v to - | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
A Sabertooth Diviner | 20 v | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
A Steelhoof Inspector | 25-26 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Cove of Decay | No | 0.4138% |
Dragoon Din'a | 27 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Vault of the Fallen | No | 0.4138% |
An Undead Caretaker | 23-25 ^ | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
A Tormented Armorsmith | 24-25 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Fallen Gate | No | 0.4138% |
A Sealed Strongbox | 23-24 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Stormhold | No | 0.4138% |
Dragoon V'Resh | 27 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Vault of the Fallen | No | 0.4138% |
A Strongbox | 20 - | Greater Faydark | No | 0.4138% |
Dragoon Z'Den | 27 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Vault of the Fallen | No | 0.4138% |
Tseralith | 28 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Vault of the Fallen | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Vengeful Soul | 28-30 - | Nektulos Forest | No | 0.4138% |
A Dead River Manes | 24 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
A Horde Knight | 23-24 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Stormhold | No | 0.4138% |
Spike | 27 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of Betrayal | Yes | 0.4138% |
Eetu Wisperwind | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Greater Faydark | No | 0.4138% |
A Tortured Ranger | 22-24 - to ^ ^ Heroic | Fallen Gate | No | 0.4138% |
A Necrosis Auger | 26-28 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Condemned Catacomb | No | 0.4138% |
Ikara V'Tahl | 25 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Fallen Gate | Yes | 0.4138% |
An Ire Warlock | 25 v v v | The Crypt of Betrayal | No | 0.4138% |
A Gobblerock Haruspex | 28 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Gobblerock's Hideout | No | 0.4138% |
A Crushbone Conscript | 20-22 - to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Crushbone Keep | No | 0.4138% |
A Defiled Cavalier | 23-24 - | Stormhold | No | 0.4138% |
A Vengeful Lteth Mas | 19-20 v v v | Sundered Splitpaw | No | 0.4138% |
Huntress Trisha | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
An Aqua Goblin Runt | 20-21 - | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
A Deathfist Marauder | 25-26 v v to - | Antonica | No | 0.4138% |
A Defiled Squire | 17-18 - | Antonica | No | 0.4138% |
A Sabertooth Scout | 20-23 v v v to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
A Krulkiel Scout | 28-29 - | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
A Conscripted Koada'Dal | 23-30 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Crushbone Keep | No | 0.4138% |
A Sabertooth Fisher | 25 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
A Bloodskull Mahut Mender | 20 - to ^ | Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold | No | 0.4138% |
A Vengeful Lteth Mas | 20-21 - to ^ | Sundered Splitpaw | No | 0.4138% |
A Fallen Giant | 26 - | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
A Conscripted Feir'Dal | 23-30 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Crushbone Keep | No | 0.4138% |
A Drowned Guardian | 27 v v v | Heroic: Rumbler Caves | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Gobblerock Shaman | 26 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Gobblerock's Hideout | No | 0.4138% |
A Drowned Footsoldier | 25 v v v | Heroic: Rumbler Caves | No | 0.4138% |
A Gul'Thex Cleric | 29-30 - | Nektulos Forest | No | 0.4138% |
Kaalee Inimaari | 20 - | Greater Faydark | No | 0.4138% |
Sezule | 24 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | Yes | 0.4138% |
Gawar The Bad | 25 ^ ^ Heroic | Antonica | Yes | 0.4138% |
Jiaana Kaalikka | 20 - | Greater Faydark | No | 0.4138% |
A Bloodskull Herald | 20 - | Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold | No | 0.4138% |
A Sabertooth Lookout | 20-24 v v v to - | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
Overseer Maulic | 26-27 ^ ^ ^ Epic x3 | Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Restless Corpse | 21-22 - | The Crypt of Betrayal | No | 0.4138% |
A Skeletal Veteran | 25-27 - | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
A Muckflick Flogger | 29 v v to - | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
A Tortured Invader | 20-22 ^ ^ Heroic | Fallen Gate | No | 0.4138% |
A Bloodskull Spotter | 23 ^ ^ ^ Epic x3 | Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Firerock Goliath | 24-28 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
Chef Turrek | 24 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Fallen Gate | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Mist Grinnin | 23-25 - | Nektulos Forest | No | 0.4138% |
A Tormented Weaponsmith | 24-25 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Fallen Gate | No | 0.4138% |
A Bloodskull Reinforcement | 23 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold | No | 0.4138% |
A Barnacle Covered Skeleton | 26-29 ^ to ^ ^ Heroic | The Cove of Decay | No | 0.4138% |
Dragoon J'Len | 27 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Vault of the Fallen | No | 0.4138% |
Galzar Dankfur | 25-30 - | Antonica | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Drowned Assassin | 25 ^ | Heroic: Rumbler Caves | No | 0.4138% |
Hand Of Tseralith | 28 ^ ^ Heroic | The Vault of the Fallen | No | 0.4138% |
A Krulkiel Marauder | 27 - | Butcherblock Mountains | Yes | 0.4138% |
An Elite Bloodskull Mahut Wringer | 21 - | Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold | No | 0.4138% |
Grayl Turfstrider | 25-20 ^ ^ Heroic | The Ruins of Varsoon | No | 0.4138% |
A Kragploom Predator | 28-29 - | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
Dragoon T'Vem | 27 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Vault of the Fallen | No | 0.4138% |
A Crushbone Emissary | 19-20 - | Greater Faydark | No | 0.4138% |
Master Gin'aste | 27 v v | a Temple chamber | No | 0.4138% |
A Decayed Corsair | 26-29 ^ to ^ ^ Heroic | The Cove of Decay | No | 0.4138% |
Orc Zombie | 20 - to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Commonlands | No | 0.4138% |
A Sabertooth Soothsayer | 23-25 v v v to - | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
Watcher Of The Fields | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
A Frightened Sabertooth Gnoll | 25-28 v v to - | A Gnoll Cave | No | 0.4138% |
Gawar The Bad | 27 ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | Yes | 0.4138% |
Dragoon E'Tru | 27 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Vault of the Fallen | No | 0.4138% |
A Drowned Footsoldier | 25-26 v v v to - | Heroic: Rumbler Caves | No | 0.4138% |
A Skeleton Archer | 22 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Stormhold | No | 0.4138% |
A Fae Soldier | 20 - | Greater Faydark | No | 0.4138% |
A Fanatic Inquisitor | 25 ^ ^ Heroic | Stormhold | No | 0.4138% |
A Sabertooth Tracker | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
A Necrosis Crone | 28-29 - to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Condemned Catacomb | No | 0.4138% |
Marksman Trainer Quintos | 23 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Stormhold | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Defiled Cavalier | 23-24 ^ | Stormhold | No | 0.4138% |
Dragoon E`Brona | 27 ^ | Nektulos Forest | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Drained Grinnin | 28 v | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.4138% |
A Prophet Of Zek | 24 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Crushbone Keep | No | 0.4138% |
A Gobblerock Swindler | 26 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Gobblerock's Hideout | No | 0.4138% |
A Skeletal Footsoldier | 24-27 v v v to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
A Kragploom Guardian | 22 v v v | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
A Krulkiel Tracker | 28 - | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
A Crushbone Centurion | 20-22 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Crushbone Keep | No | 0.4138% |
A Sabertooth Tormentor | 20 v v v | Antonica | No | 0.4138% |
An Anguished Prisoner | 25 ^ ^ Heroic | Stormhold | No | 0.4138% |
A Deathbone Savage | 27-28 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Crushbone Oracle | 19-20 - | Greater Faydark | No | 0.4138% |
A Select Bloodskull Gladiator | 24-25 ^ to ^ ^ Heroic | Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold | No | 0.4138% |
A Select Bloodskull Mender | 24-25 ^ | Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold | No | 0.4138% |
A Cowering Sabertooth Gnoll | 26-27 v v v to v v | A Gnoll Cave | No | 0.4138% |
A Sabertooth Bodyguard | 20-21 - | a Qeynos residence | No | 0.4138% |
A Sabertooth Tower Guard | 20-22 ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
An Archaic Fury | 23 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of Betrayal | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Deathfist Scout | 20-24 v v v to - | Deathfist Citadel: Prison Break | No | 0.4138% |
Grelkor The Malignant | 27 ^ | Nektulos Forest | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Crushbone Trainer | 25-30 - to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Crushbone Keep | No | 0.4138% |
A Drowned Footsoldier | 20-21 - to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
A Gul'Thex Lieutenant | 27 v v v | Nektulos Forest | No | 0.4138% |
Captain D'Lex | 27 ^ | Nektulos Forest | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Gobblerock Prophet | 29 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Gobblerock's Hideout | No | 0.4138% |
An Ashland Wisp | 23-25 - | Nektulos Forest | No | 0.4138% |
A Tortured Raider | 20-22 ^ ^ Heroic | Fallen Gate | No | 0.4138% |
A Sabertooth Warrior | 23-25 ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
A Fallen Sorcerer | 20-22 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: A Daring Confrontation | No | 0.4138% |
A Bone Blood Soldier | 27-28 v v | Stormhold | No | 0.4138% |
A Bloodskull Warlock | 23 ^ ^ Heroic | Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold | No | 0.4138% |
A Fleeing Sabertooth Gnoll | 26-28 v v to - | A Gnoll Cave | No | 0.4138% |
A Gul'Thex Sentry | 29-30 - | Nektulos Forest | No | 0.4138% |
A Kragploom Screacher | 23 v v | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
Meeglash Darkpaw | 25-30 - | Antonica | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Small Skeletal Brat | 21-22 v v | Antonica | No | 0.4138% |
A Muckflick Mercenary | 27-28 v v to v | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
A Steelhoof Marauder | 26-27 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
Hamnal Teolofin | 20 - | Greater Faydark | No | 0.4138% |
Mulus Viinikka | 20 - | Greater Faydark | No | 0.4138% |
A Rotting Bodyguard | 22-24 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: A Daring Confrontation | No | 0.4138% |
A Skindancer Legionnaire | 27-29 ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
A Muckflick Shocker | 29-30 - | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
A Fallen Defender | 20-22 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: A Daring Confrontation | No | 0.4138% |
A Revenant Soldier | 23-24 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
A Bone Blood Soldier | 27-28 v v | Stormhold | No | 0.4138% |
Orcish Conscript | 27 ^ ^ Heroic | The Roekillik Excavation | No | 0.4138% |
Glubsunk | 23 ^ | Butcherblock Mountains | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Tae'Ew Manipulator | 29-30 v v v | No Content | No | 0.4138% |
A Boar Beast | 24 - | Crushbone Keep | No | 0.4138% |
A Varsoon Lackey | 27 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Ruins of Varsoon | No | 0.4138% |
Dragoon L'Pazn | 27 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Vault of the Fallen | No | 0.4138% |
A Defiled Crusader | 21-22 ^ | Stormhold | No | 0.4138% |
Keeper Of The Chamber | 27 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Vault of the Fallen | Yes | 0.4138% |
Dragoon K'Gex | 27 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Vault of the Fallen | No | 0.4138% |
A Bloodskull High Priest | 22 v | Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold | No | 0.4138% |
A Gobblerock Hooligan | 29-30 ^ ^ Heroic | Gobblerock's Hideout | No | 0.4138% |
A Defiled Crusader | 21-22 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Stormhold | No | 0.4138% |
A Fallen Explorer | 21-22 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Fallen Gate | No | 0.4138% |
A Knight Of The Beacon | 27-28 v v v to v | Nektulos Forest | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Blighted Patron | 20-21 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Fallen Gate | No | 0.4138% |
A Bloodskull Mender | 23 ^ ^ Heroic | Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold | No | 0.4138% |
Legioneer Gorlak | 20 ^ | Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold | Yes | 0.4138% |
Mistress Val'intra | 28 v v v | a Temple chamber | No | 0.4138% |
A Crushbone Watchman | 19-20 - | Greater Faydark | No | 0.4138% |
Dragoon K'Szan | 27 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Vault of the Fallen | No | 0.4138% |
A Bloodskull Mahut Trainer | 20 v to ^ | Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold | No | 0.4138% |
A Disembodied Nisch Mas | 20-21 - to ^ | Sundered Splitpaw | No | 0.4138% |
A Defiled Cavalier | 23-24 ^ ^ Heroic | Stormhold | No | 0.4138% |
A Deathfist Marauder | 25-27 v v to ^ | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
A Select Bloodskull Zealot | 24-25 ^ | Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold | No | 0.4138% |
A Gobblerock Shaman | 26-28 ^ to ^ ^ Heroic | Gobblerock's Hideout | No | 0.4138% |
General Drull | 22 ^ | Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Frenzied Worshiper | 24 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Crushbone Keep | No | 0.4138% |
A Steelhoof Raid Leader | 27-20 - | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
The Sabertooth Tactician | 18-19 v | The Shattered Vale | No | 0.4138% |
A Drained Grinnin | 28 v | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.4138% |
A Ghoul Canite | 25 ^ to ^ ^ Heroic | Stormhold | No | 0.4138% |
A Rotting Corsair | 26-29 ^ to ^ ^ Heroic | The Cove of Decay | No | 0.4138% |
A Bloodskull High Guard | 22 v | Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold | No | 0.4138% |
A Tormented Taskmaster | 24 ^ ^ Heroic | Fallen Gate | No | 0.4138% |
A Ravaged Storm Caller | 26-29 ^ to ^ ^ Heroic | The Cove of Decay | No | 0.4138% |
A Sabertooth Forager | 25 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
Irisor The Insane | 27 ^ | Antonica | Yes | 0.4138% |
The Bonepile | 20 ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | The Commonlands | No | 0.4138% |
Dragoon N'Malas | 27 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Vault of the Fallen | No | 0.4138% |
A Gobblerock Hooligan | 29 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Gobblerock's Hideout | No | 0.4138% |
A Dragoon Lieutenant | 26-28 - | Nektulos Forest | No | 0.4138% |
Buzz Vitikka | 20 - | Greater Faydark | No | 0.4138% |
A Chest Terror | 23-24 ^ | Stormhold | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Tallon Patroller | 27-28 v to ^ | The Maid for the Mist | No | 0.4138% |
Captain Duranas | 25-26 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | Yes | 0.4138% |
Dragoon J`Rais | 23 ^ | Nektulos Forest | No | 0.4138% |
A Yarpsnarl Marauder | 24 - | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
A Muckflick Tender | 29-30 - | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
A Bloodskull Fanatic | 20 v to - | Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold | No | 0.4138% |
Zail The Smoothmane | 25 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Leatherfoot Tracker | 28-30 - | Nektulos Forest | No | 0.4138% |
Matron Of The Nursery | 20 - | Greater Faydark | No | 0.4138% |
A Traitorous Remnant | 29-30 ^ ^ Heroic | Crushbone Keep | No | 0.4138% |
Priest Of Byzola | 25 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Fallen Gate | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Fallen Mercenary | 20-24 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | The Eternal Gorge: A Daring Confrontation | No | 0.4138% |
An Undead Farmer | 19-20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
A Ghoul Canite | 25 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Stormhold | No | 0.4138% |
Irisor The Insane | 28 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Dragoon Patrolman | 24-26 - | Nektulos Forest | No | 0.4138% |
The Sabertooth Commander | 18-19 v | The Shattered Vale | No | 0.4138% |
A Gul'Thex Patrolman | 29-30 - | Nektulos Forest | No | 0.4138% |
A Varsoon Alchemist | 28 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Ruins of Varsoon | No | 0.4138% |
Murnog The Tactician | 26 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Crushbone Keep | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Skeletal Captain | 25-28 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
A Defiled Cavalier | 23-24 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Stormhold | No | 0.4138% |
An Undead Worker | 20-22 v v v | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
A Steelhoof Mystic | 23-26 v to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
A Varsoon Apprentice | 24 v | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
Dragoon K'Narik | 27 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Vault of the Fallen | No | 0.4138% |
A Deathfist Seer | 20 - | Deathfist Citadel | No | 0.4138% |
A Roaming Dead | 21-23 v | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
A Gul'Thex Captain | 29-30 - | Nektulos Forest | No | 0.4138% |
Holly Windstalker | 20 ^ | Antonica | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Brittle Remanence | 25 - | Edgewater Drains | No | 0.4138% |
Gladion | 27 ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | The Roekillik Excavation | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Defiled Storm Lord | 25 ^ to ^ ^ Heroic | Stormhold | No | 0.4138% |
A Necrosis Thaumaturge | 28-29 - to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Condemned Catacomb | No | 0.4138% |
A Crushbone Watchman | 25-30 - to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Crushbone Keep | No | 0.4138% |
A Bloodskull Gladiator | 23-24 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold | No | 0.4138% |
Dragoon Vyth | 27 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Vault of the Fallen | No | 0.4138% |
An Arisen Inducer | 25-26 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
Sentry Trillis | 20 - | Greater Faydark | No | 0.4138% |
A Witchbone Skeleton | 23-24 ^ ^ Heroic | The Cauldron Hollow | No | 0.4138% |
A Tae'Ew Conspirator | 29-30 v v | No Content | No | 0.4138% |
A Tormented Assassin | 23 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Fallen Gate | No | 0.4138% |
The Sarge | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Fallen Gate | No | 0.4138% |
A Varsoon Sergeant | 27 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Ruins of Varsoon | No | 0.4138% |
Warden Kurgef | 28 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Crushbone Keep | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Blighted Outcast | 20-21 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Fallen Gate | No | 0.4138% |
A Wandering Dead | 21-23 v v | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
A Steelhoof Taskmaster | 25 ^ | The Cove of Decay | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Lifeless Minion | 24-25 v v v | The Lair of the Necromancer | No | 0.4138% |
A Prelate Of Tseralith | 25 ^ ^ Heroic | Fallen Gate | No | 0.4138% |
A Necrosis Crone | 29 v | The Condemned Catacomb | No | 0.4138% |
A Crushbone Conscript | 25-30 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Crushbone Keep | No | 0.4138% |
A Firerock Scout | 24-29 v v to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
An Ire Minion | 25 v v v | The Crypt of Betrayal | No | 0.4138% |
A Martyr Of Tseralith | 25 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Fallen Gate | No | 0.4138% |
Lord Tonmerk | 22 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Sepulcher of Jhanda | No | 0.4138% |
A Witchbone Skeleton | 23 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Cauldron Hollow | No | 0.4138% |
A Fanatical Devotee | 24 ^ ^ Heroic | Crushbone Keep | No | 0.4138% |
A Bloodsaber Construct | 17-19 v v v to - | The Sepulcher of Jhanda | No | 0.4138% |
Bresiya Tuuri | 20 - | Greater Faydark | No | 0.4138% |
A Wounded Rujarkian Spiritist | 21-24 v v v to - | The Prison of Admiral Grimgadget | No | 0.4138% |
A Mountain Throm | 22-25 ^ ^ Heroic | Timorous Deep | No | 0.4138% |
A Kragploom Emissary | 22 v | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
A Ghostly Apprentice | 25 - | Fallen Gate | No | 0.4138% |
A Crushbone Thaumaturgist | 25-28 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Crushbone Keep | No | 0.4138% |
A Steelhoof Hunter | 23-27 - to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
A Cursed Warrior | 26 - | a Temple chamber | No | 0.4138% |
A Steelhoof Planner | 25-26 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Cove of Decay | No | 0.4138% |
A Yarpsnarl Yapper | 20 v v v | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
A Tortured Essence | 24-25 - | The Crypt of Betrayal | No | 0.4138% |
A Gobblerock Butcher | 28 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Gobblerock's Hideout | No | 0.4138% |
A Gobblerock Grunt | 26-28 ^ to ^ ^ Heroic | Gobblerock's Hideout | No | 0.4138% |
A Supply Crate | 20 v v v | Sundered Splitpaw: Hideout | No | 0.4138% |
A Fallen Champion | 20 v v v | The Commonlands | No | 0.4138% |
A Drowned Assassin | 27 v v v | Heroic: Rumbler Caves | No | 0.4138% |
A Steelhoof Defender | 25-27 v to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Cove of Decay | No | 0.4138% |
A Fallen Sorcerer | 20-24 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | The Eternal Gorge: A Daring Confrontation | No | 0.4138% |
A Crushbone Trainer | 23-24 ^ ^ Heroic | Crushbone Keep | No | 0.4138% |
A Gobblerock Brute | 29 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Gobblerock's Hideout | No | 0.4138% |
Gawar The Bad | 26 ^ | Antonica | Yes | 0.4138% |
Dragoon S'Nez | 27 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Vault of the Fallen | No | 0.4138% |
A Defiled Acolyte | 23-24 v v v | Stormhold | No | 0.4138% |
Ukgry The Trainer | 21 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold | No | 0.4138% |
Gladion | 27 ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | The Roekillik Excavation | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Rallosian General | 30 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Tired Sabertooth Mauler | 15-16 v v | The Shattered Vale | No | 0.4138% |
Dragoon N'Xry | 27 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Vault of the Fallen | No | 0.4138% |
A Foulmist Zerger | 27 v v v to - | The Maid for the Mist | No | 0.4138% |
A Scathe Harbinger | 20 - | The Firemyst Gully | No | 0.4138% |
A Drowned Priest | 25 v v v | Heroic: Rumbler Caves | No | 0.4138% |
A Gnoll Defender | 23-26 v to - | Antonica | No | 0.4138% |
A Yarpsnarl Mystic | 22-23 v | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
A Gobblerock Prophet | 29-30 ^ ^ Heroic | Gobblerock's Hideout | No | 0.4138% |
A Foulmist Oracle | 27 v v v to - | The Maid for the Mist | No | 0.4138% |
A Pile Of Bones | 27 - | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
A Risen Vindicator | 26 - | The Lair of the Necromancer | No | 0.4138% |
A Blighted Shopkeeper | 21-22 ^ ^ Heroic | Fallen Gate | No | 0.4138% |
A Blighted Warmonger | 24 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Fallen Gate | No | 0.4138% |
Sergeant Frakin | 25-30 - | The Commonlands | Yes | 0.4138% |
Elia Redleaf | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Greater Faydark | No | 0.4138% |
A Blighted Denizen | 20-21 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Fallen Gate | No | 0.4138% |
Ott Stompgut | 25 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | Yes | 0.4138% |
Zyvkis The Befouler | 24 ^ | Butcherblock Mountains | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Crushbone Jailer | 28 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Crushbone Keep | No | 0.4138% |
Sergeant Vorshel | 25-30 - | The Commonlands | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Crushbone Watchman | 20-22 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Crushbone Keep | No | 0.4138% |
Dragoon K'Ixl | 27 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Vault of the Fallen | No | 0.4138% |
A Fallen Challenger | 24 v v | a Temple chamber | No | 0.4138% |
A Sabertooth Marauder | 16-18 v v v | The Shattered Vale | Yes | 0.4138% |
An Agonized Essence | 24-25 - | The Crypt of Betrayal | No | 0.4138% |
A Bloodskull Zealot | 20-22 ^ | The Bloodskull Valley: A Noble Confrontation | No | 0.4138% |
Fip Slytail | 20 - | The Drowned Caverns: Arena of Heroes | No | 0.4138% |
A Rallosian Ghost | 28-30 v to ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
Meeha Pekko-Maarit | 20 - | Greater Faydark | No | 0.4138% |
A Necrosis Shrew | 26-28 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Condemned Catacomb | No | 0.4138% |
A Profane Harbinger | 27 - | The Lair of the Necromancer | No | 0.4138% |
A Defiled Squire | 16-17 ^ | Stormhold | No | 0.4138% |
A Meat Stripper | 24 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Fallen Gate | No | 0.4138% |
A Bloodskull Bouncer | 25 ^ ^ ^ Epic x2 | Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold | No | 0.4138% |
A Kobold Captive | 27-28 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Crushbone Keep | No | 0.4138% |
A Sabertooth Captor | 20 v v v | Antonica | No | 0.4138% |
An Aqua Goblin Mystic | 22-23 v v v to - | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
A Bruised Rujarkian Brute | 24 - | The Prison of Admiral Grimgadget | No | 0.4138% |
Leetar The Old Crone | 29 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Condemned Catacomb | Yes | 0.4138% |
Gnoll Geist | 25 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
Dragoon B'Lavin | 27 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Vault of the Fallen | No | 0.4138% |
A Thrall Of Byzola | 24 - | Fallen Gate | No | 0.4138% |
Guard Captain Hess | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Stormhold | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Leatherfoot Trickster | 28-30 - | Nektulos Forest | No | 0.4138% |
A Mountain Throm Charger | 24-27 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Timorous Deep | No | 0.4138% |
An Undead Explorer | 20 ^ to ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
Dragoon T'Kix | 27 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Vault of the Fallen | No | 0.4138% |
A Dragoon Sentry | 24-26 - | Nektulos Forest | No | 0.4138% |
Zithix D'Sarn | 23 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Fallen Gate | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Defiled Cavalier | 23-24 ^ to ^ ^ Heroic | Stormhold | No | 0.4138% |
A Drowned Priest | 25 ^ | Heroic: Rumbler Caves | No | 0.4138% |
A Sabertooth Pack Leader | 15 ^ ^ Heroic | The Shattered Vale | No | 0.4138% |
A Deathfist Mage | 20-24 v v v to - | Deathfist Citadel: Prison Break | No | 0.4138% |
A Cackling Cadaver | 20 - | Nektulos Forest | No | 0.4138% |
A Gul'Thex Revenant | 29-30 - | Nektulos Forest | No | 0.4138% |
A Drowned Priest | 27 v v v | Heroic: Rumbler Caves | No | 0.4138% |
A Spectral Rosch Mas | 20-21 - to ^ | Sundered Splitpaw | No | 0.4138% |
Grand Master V'thal | 28 v | a Temple chamber | No | 0.4138% |
A Steelhoof Prophet | 29-31 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
Steelworker Blargg | 25 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Fallen Gate | Yes | 0.4138% |
Celeg Ixuri | 25 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | Yes | 0.4138% |
The Specter Of Ire | 25 - | The Crypt of Betrayal | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Lingering Remnant | 29-30 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Crushbone Keep | No | 0.4138% |
An Elite Bloodskull Mahut Trainer | 21 v to ^ | Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold | No | 0.4138% |
A Bloodskull Protector | 23 ^ ^ Heroic | Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold | No | 0.4138% |
A Bloodskull Mahut Wringer | 20 v to ^ | Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold | No | 0.4138% |
Battlepriest Alexandria | 23 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Stormhold | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Deathfist Harpooner | 24 v v | The Prize of Prexus | No | 0.4138% |
Dragoon V'Kar | 27 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Vault of the Fallen | No | 0.4138% |
A Gobblerock Trickster | 28 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Gobblerock's Hideout | No | 0.4138% |
Rosch Val Gornas | 23 ^ ^ Heroic | Sundered Splitpaw: Trial of Harclave | Yes | 0.4138% |
An Aqua Goblin | 23 v v v | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
A Horde Knight | 23-24 ^ | Stormhold | No | 0.4138% |
A Thrall Of Byzola | 24 - | Fallen Gate | No | 0.4138% |
A Skeletal Protector | 25 ^ | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
An Elite Bloodskull Soldier | 21 - | Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold | No | 0.4138% |
A Crushbone Centurion | 25-30 - to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Crushbone Keep | No | 0.4138% |
Orcish Conscript | 26-27 ^ ^ Heroic | The Roekillik Excavation | No | 0.4138% |
Allikaatja Piimarik | 20 - | Greater Faydark | No | 0.4138% |
A Fallen Goliath | 27-28 v v | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
The Ghost Of Garanel Rucksif | 25 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Mizan's Cellar | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Gobblerock Grunt | 26 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Gobblerock's Hideout | No | 0.4138% |
A Fallen Counselor | 20-22 ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: A Daring Confrontation | No | 0.4138% |
An Undead Sentinel | 20-22 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Eternal Gorge: A Daring Confrontation | No | 0.4138% |
A Crushbone Quartermaster | 22 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Crushbone Keep | No | 0.4138% |
A Damned Tesch Mas | 19-20 v v v | Sundered Splitpaw | No | 0.4138% |
A Bloodskull Thug | 20-22 ^ | The Bloodskull Valley: A Noble Confrontation | No | 0.4138% |
Eleoona Faleisinae | 20 - | Greater Faydark | No | 0.4138% |
A Krulkiel Looter | 27 - | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
A Defiled Protector | 20 ^ | Stormhold | No | 0.4138% |
A Rotting Follower Of Grelkor | 23-25 v v to - | Nektulos Forest | No | 0.4138% |
A Reaver Of Tseralith | 25 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Fallen Gate | No | 0.4138% |
A Bloodskull Grunt | 20-22 ^ | The Bloodskull Valley: A Noble Confrontation | No | 0.4138% |
A Revenant Scout | 22 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
Engragion The Weathered | 25 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
A Scathe Knight | 20 - | The Firemyst Gully | No | 0.4138% |
A Diseased Corpse | 21-22 - | The Crypt of Betrayal | No | 0.4138% |
Targan Rockstrider | 27 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | Yes | 0.4138% |
The Crushbone Prophet | 24 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Crushbone Keep | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Ghostly Farmer | 21-22 v | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
Battlepriest Greyhorn | 23 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Stormhold | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Wounded Rujarkian Spiritist | 24 - | The Prison of Admiral Grimgadget | No | 0.4138% |
A Kragploom Ambusher | 21-22 v v v | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
An Undead Overseer | 20-22 ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
A Scathe Bishop | 20 - | The Firemyst Gully | No | 0.4138% |
Grunk "Priest Eater" Smashsnout | 21 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Drowned Caverns: Arena of Heroes | Yes | 0.4138% |
Quartermaster Berlon | 20 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Stormhold | No | 0.4138% |
An Amazon Gatherer | 22 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
Scout Moranne | 20 - | Greater Faydark | No | 0.4138% |
Dragoon S'Vol | 27 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Vault of the Fallen | No | 0.4138% |
A Drowned Assassin | 27 ^ | Heroic: Rumbler Caves | No | 0.4138% |
A Kragploom Chick | 20-22 - | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
Dragoon Nezzka | 27 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Vault of the Fallen | No | 0.4138% |
Dragoon L'Abril | 27 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Vault of the Fallen | No | 0.4138% |
An Vengeful Specter | 20-21 ^ | Sundered Splitpaw | No | 0.4138% |
A Skindancer Sentry | 25 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
A Ghostly Farmer | 21-22 v to ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
An Aqua Goblin | 22-23 v v v to - | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
Ternag The Sorcerer | 25 ^ ^ ^ Epic x3 | Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Wailing Spirit | 24 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Cauldron Hollow | No | 0.4138% |
Orc Ghost | 20 - to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Commonlands | No | 0.4138% |
A Select Bloodskull Dirge | 24-25 ^ to ^ ^ Heroic | Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold | No | 0.4138% |
A Necrosis Elite Guard | 29-30 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Condemned Catacomb | No | 0.4138% |
Gnoll | 25 v v v to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
Grik The Protector | 25-28 ^ | Antonica | No | 0.4138% |
Orcish Mercenary | 26-28 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Roekillik Excavation | No | 0.4138% |
An Arisen Evoker | 27 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Thundering Steppes | No | 0.4138% |
Dragoon X`Lottl | 21-24 ^ | Nektulos Forest | No | 0.4138% |
A Portal Atrocity | 20 ^ | Invasion of the Vale | Yes | 0.4138% |
The Crushbone Prophet | 24 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Crushbone Keep | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Defiled Keeper | 16-17 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Stormhold | No | 0.4138% |
Jalmari Keletana | 20 - | Greater Faydark | No | 0.4138% |
A Krulkiel Grunt | 28-29 - | Butcherblock Mountains | No | 0.4138% |
A Bloodskull Gladiator | 23-24 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold | No | 0.4138% |
A Drowned Priest | 26 v v v | Heroic: Rumbler Caves | No | 0.4138% |
A Defiled Torrent | 21-22 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Stormhold | No | 0.4138% |
A Bloodskull Mauler | 20-22 ^ | The Bloodskull Valley: A Noble Confrontation | No | 0.4138% |
Grandma Blumble | 25 - | Nektulos Forest | No | 0.4138% |
A Weakened Grinnin | 25 v v v | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.4138% |
NikVik Darkpaw | 25-30 - | Antonica | Yes | 0.4138% |
A Mimic | 23-24 ^ | Stormhold | No | 0.4138% |
A Select Bloodskull High Guard | 24-25 ^ | Bloodskull Valley: Maulic's Stronghold | No | 0.4138% |