The Freeport Militia  

The Freeport Militia is the defensive force of Freeport. This merciless fighting force defends the walls of Freeport as well as the borderlands of the great city.

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This page last modified 2008-07-06 20:44:05.
NameLevelZoneGrants AA
A Courageous Defender12-15   The RuinsNo
A Courageous Defender12-15   The RuinsNo
A Courageous Defender12-15   The RuinsNo
A Courageous Defender12-15   The RuinsNo
A Courageous Defender12-15   The RuinsNo
A Fanged Sentinel65   The City of FreeportNo
A Fanged Sentinel55-59   The City of FreeportNo
A Fanged Sentinel25-27   The City of FreeportNo
A Fanged Sentinel46   The City of FreeportNo
A Freeport Militia Cellmaster75-77   West FreeportNo
A Freeport Militia Cellmaster75-77   The City of FreeportNo
A Guard Dog25   East FreeportNo
A Militia Patroller23   Outpost of the OverlordNo
A Militia Patroller23   Outpost of the OverlordNo
A Militia Patroller23   Outpost of the OverlordNo
A Militia Patroller20-23   Outpost of the OverlordNo
A Militia Patroller23   Outpost of the OverlordNo
A Plaza Watcher66   The City of FreeportNo
A Prisoner Guard12-13   The RuinsNo
A Prisoner Guard12-13   The RuinsNo
A Prisoner Guard12-13   The RuinsNo
A Prisoner Guard12-13   The RuinsNo
A Prisoner Guard12-13   The RuinsNo
A Seasoned Defender14-15   The RuinsNo
A Seasoned Defender14-15   The RuinsNo
A Seasoned Defender14-15   The RuinsNo
A Seasoned Defender14-15   The RuinsNo
A Seasoned Defender14-15   The RuinsNo
Agar45   The City of FreeportNo
Agar35   East FreeportNo
Amulius Gorgonius29   East FreeportNo
Amulius Sarrius36   South FreeportNo
Amulius Sarrius36   The City of FreeportNo
Annia Fontia36   South FreeportNo
Aquila17   Beggar's CourtNo
Ari40   The CommonlandsNo
Arwain56   West FreeportNo
Arwain56   The City of FreeportNo
Asyl Lysarz21   Outpost of the OverlordNo
Ateius Aratus45   The City of FreeportNo
Ateius Aratus34   East FreeportNo
Athgar36   South FreeportNo
Athgar36   The City of FreeportNo
Atilus Crassus29   The City of FreeportNo
Atilus Crassus29   East FreeportNo
Atria Silana46   The City of FreeportNo
Atria Silana46   North FreeportNo
Aulus Cittinus46   The City of FreeportNo
Aulus Cittinus46   North FreeportNo
Aurelia Faustina36   South FreeportNo
Azrog Eyegouger66   The City of FreeportNo
Azrog Eyegouger66   West FreeportNo
B'Rak49   North FreeportNo
B'Rak49   The City of FreeportNo
B'Ryk49   North FreeportNo
B'Ryk49   The City of FreeportNo
Bailther Kanar59   The City of FreeportNo
Baron Dracious25   East FreeportNo
Baron D`Unnar67   West FreeportNo
Baron Narrog Bloodgulper95   West FreeportNo
Baron ZafimusThe City of FreeportNo
Baron ZafimusWest FreeportNo
Barra Gutsplitter36   South FreeportNo
Bezedd Headcrusher36   The City of FreeportNo
Bezedd Headcrusher36   South FreeportNo
Boshank Dracious25   The City of FreeportNo
Brutis16   Stonestair BywayNo
Bruttia Polla29   East FreeportNo
Caesonia95   South FreeportNo
Caladon59   West FreeportNo
Calidius Sellic66   West FreeportNo
Calidius Sellic65   The City of FreeportNo
Captain ArelliusThe RuinsNo
Captain D'Vall1   West FreeportNo
Captain D'Vall1   The City of FreeportNo
Captain Paullus25   Beggar's CourtNo
Captain Ronia25   Scale YardNo
Ceacilia Velva36   The City of FreeportNo
Ceacilia Velva36   South FreeportNo
Celatius Corbulo25   East FreeportNo
Christina26-28   East FreeportNo
Commandant VatiniusThe City of FreeportNo
Commandant VatiniusWest FreeportNo
Conthar95   The City of FreeportNo
Conthar37   South FreeportNo
Cordius Tuticanus66   The City of FreeportNo
Cordius Tuticanus46   North FreeportNo
Cornath65   The City of FreeportNo
Cornath41   South FreeportNo
Cornelia Vecchia46   North FreeportNo
Cornelia Vecchia46   The City of FreeportNo
Corporal Sergius MordanticusThe City of FreeportNo
Corporal Sergius MordanticusWest FreeportNo
Crispina Carius47   North FreeportNo
Crispina Carius47   The City of FreeportNo
D'Ryl29   East FreeportNo
D'Ryl62   The City of FreeportNo
D'za95   The CommonlandsNo
Deborah21-23   East FreeportNo
Decimus Eonus44   The City of FreeportNo
Decimus Eonus44   South FreeportNo
Desia95   West FreeportNo
Desia65   The City of FreeportNo
Didia Jovius23-24   East FreeportNo
Duccius Agorix25   East FreeportNo
Duccius Agorix25   The City of FreeportNo
Dugar22   Sunken CityNo
Durakan95   The City of FreeportNo
Durakan95   South FreeportNo
D`Beph16-17   Longshadow AlleyNo
Eldmargan24   East FreeportNo
Eldmargan34   The City of FreeportNo
Euphemia Lucilla95   West FreeportNo
Euphemia Lucilla66   The City of FreeportNo
Gaius Macrinius29   East FreeportNo
Gaius Macrinius29   The City of FreeportNo
Gatekeeper MaloraThe SprawlNo
Gatekeeper MalrenThe SprawlNo
Ghekk Legbreaker95   West FreeportNo
Ghekk Legbreaker66   The City of FreeportNo
Gigantok95   West FreeportNo
Gigantok66   The City of FreeportNo
Glanald36   South FreeportNo
Glanald65   The City of FreeportNo
Golvana57   West FreeportNo
Golvana57   The City of FreeportNo
Gorgo24   The SprawlNo
Grando Voran46   The City of FreeportNo
Gratus T`Kril28   The City of FreeportNo
Gratus T`Kril28   East FreeportNo
Grolm16-17   Temple StreetNo
Guard Asellio30   The CommonlandsNo
Guard Audaios30   The CommonlandsNo
Guard Bellicus30   The CommonlandsNo
Guard Calog30   The CommonlandsNo
Guard Fimi30   The CommonlandsNo
Guard L'Sek22   The GraveyardNo
Guard Laurio30   The CommonlandsNo
Guard Maro30   The CommonlandsNo
Guard N'Garen30   The CommonlandsNo
Guard N'Ican30   The CommonlandsNo
Guard Navera30   The CommonlandsNo
Guard Pascentius30   The CommonlandsNo
Guard Pokul30   The CommonlandsNo
Guard Quintix30   The CommonlandsNo
Guard Senna30   The CommonlandsNo
Guard T'Crit22   The GraveyardNo
Guard Trimalchio30   The CommonlandsNo
Guard Vindex30   The CommonlandsNo
Guard Viridix30   The CommonlandsNo
Helvia Herminia69   The City of FreeportNo
Helvia Herminia69   West FreeportNo
Herennia Lupula29   East FreeportNo
Herennia Lupula59   The City of FreeportNo
Hermetius55   West FreeportNo
Hodga BlackbloodThe City of FreeportNo
Inventia Fontia36   South FreeportNo
Irek67   West FreeportNo
Irok67   West FreeportNo
Ithias17   Scale YardNo
Jaegan28   East FreeportNo
Jaegan38   The City of FreeportNo
Jonas Rollings20   Outpost of the OverlordNo
Josephine35   East FreeportNo
Julia Livilla36   South FreeportNo
Julia Livilla35   The City of FreeportNo
Justus Cnaeus29   East FreeportNo
Kargh Boneshaker48   North FreeportNo
Kargh Boneshaker48   The City of FreeportNo
Kargh Tripeslicer29   East FreeportNo
Klarna28   The City of FreeportNo
Klarna28   East FreeportNo
Kraz95   West FreeportNo
Krelnath38   South FreeportNo
Krelnath38   The City of FreeportNo
Kruz95   West FreeportNo
Kug17   Big BendNo
K`Lex25   Temple StreetNo
K`Val29   The City of FreeportNo
K`Val25   East FreeportNo
Liege Annia Fontia65   The City of FreeportNo
Liege Celatius Corbulo25   The City of FreeportNo
Liege HelvanicaWest FreeportNo
Liege HelvanicaThe City of FreeportNo
Liege Justus Cnaeus29   The City of FreeportNo
Liege K'Nar98   West FreeportNo
Liege Torn A`Adar49   The City of FreeportNo
Liege Verus Caldus65   The City of FreeportNo
Liege Vistilia Amalthea35   The City of FreeportYes
Liege Vistilia Amalthea95   South FreeportYes
Lieutenant ArgosianThe RuinsNo
Lieutenant Cillian30   The CommonlandsNo
Lieutenant ImperidusThe RuinsNo
Lrak49   The City of FreeportNo
Lrak49   North FreeportNo
Lucanic Knight Mandus BethThe SprawlNo
Lucanic Knight Marcus Rusonius100   The City of FreeportNo
Lucanic Knight Marcus Rusonius95   East FreeportNo
Lucanic Knight Octavia Viventia95   North FreeportNo
Lucanic Knight Spurius Cominius95   West FreeportNo
Lucian56   West FreeportNo
L`Unt24   The SprawlNo
L`Zonn17   Big BendNo
Mucia Dama25   East FreeportNo
Mucia Dama25   The City of FreeportNo
Murg Leechtongue25   Outpost of the OverlordNo
Norm D`Unnar65   The City of FreeportNo
Octavia JovinaBeggar's CourtNo
Oolar Omafa19   Outpost of the OverlordNo
Otacilla Opolio58   The City of FreeportNo
Otacilla Opolio58   West FreeportNo
Ozget Bloodspiller66   The City of FreeportNo
Ozget Bloodspiller66   West FreeportNo
P'Nar39   South FreeportNo
Palan D`Om62   The City of FreeportNo
Palan D`Om42   North FreeportNo
Panilia L`Un65   The City of FreeportNo
Panilia L`Un95   West FreeportNo
Petronax95   The CommonlandsNo
Phillip21-23   East FreeportNo
Pruk Skullpound24   Outpost of the OverlordNo
Quintus Scrofa66   West FreeportNo
Rolius55   The City of FreeportNo
Rolius55   North FreeportNo
Rorg Fangbuster36   South FreeportNo
Rothach37   South FreeportNo
Rothach65   The City of FreeportNo
Rura Legbreaker48   North FreeportNo
Rurg Headbuster66   The City of FreeportNo
Rurg Headbuster66   West FreeportNo
Salonina Aventina36   The City of FreeportNo
Salonina Aventina36   South FreeportNo
Salonina Herminia29   East FreeportNo
Salonina Herminia25   The City of FreeportNo
Salonius Pinarius29   East FreeportNo
Salonius Pinarius25   The City of FreeportNo
Savanuu17   Stonestair BywayNo
Scrapper16   Stonestair BywayNo
Secundus95   North FreeportNo
Secundus Maecilius44   South FreeportNo
Secundus Maecilius44   The City of FreeportNo
Secundus Vestinus66   West FreeportNo
Septimus95   North FreeportNo
Snar46   North FreeportNo
Sulpicia95   South FreeportNo
Tacita Vesta29   East FreeportNo
Tacita Vesta29   The City of FreeportNo
Talmudius22   The SprawlNo
Taragg29   East FreeportNo
Taragg29   The City of FreeportNo
Teleth15   Sunken CityNo
Thaguk17   Scale YardNo
Tharg Armbreaker36   South FreeportNo
Thargh Headbuster66   West FreeportNo
Thargh Headbuster66   The City of FreeportNo
Thaumaturge Frostheart55   The City of FreeportNo
Thaumaturge G'Lex45   The City of FreeportNo
Thaumaturge K'Thiz55   The City of FreeportNo
Thaumaturge Pulo55   The City of FreeportNo
Thaumaturge Sadiiz55   The City of FreeportNo
Thaumaturge T'bor45   The City of FreeportNo
Thuram48   North FreeportNo
Thuram48   The City of FreeportNo
Thuz Brainbasher66   West FreeportNo
Tiberius Atilius95   West FreeportNo
Tiberius Atilius59   The City of FreeportNo
Tinidela L`Kar46   North FreeportNo
Tinidela L`Kar46   The City of FreeportNo
Tirnath95   South FreeportNo
Tirnath95   The City of FreeportNo
Titiana Pollio27   The City of FreeportNo
Titiana Pollio28   East FreeportNo
Titius Auspex95   West FreeportNo
Titius Auspex65   The City of FreeportNo
Torg Bonegrinder29   The City of FreeportNo
Torg Bonegrinder29   East FreeportNo
Torn A`Adar49   North FreeportNo
Trooper BonesawThe City of FreeportNo
Trooper BonesawWest FreeportNo
T`Narra16-17   Longshadow AlleyNo
T`Vek16   Longshadow AlleyNo
Ulaka46   The City of FreeportNo
V'Nyr39   The City of FreeportNo
V'Nyr39   South FreeportNo
Varinius Drusus29   The City of FreeportNo
Varinius Drusus35   East FreeportNo
Velna T`Kril25   East FreeportNo
Velna T`Kril29   The City of FreeportNo
Ventora16-17   Beggar's CourtNo
Verus Caldus95   West FreeportNo
Vibius Mansuetus35   The City of FreeportNo
Vibius Mansuetus44   South FreeportNo
Vibullius17-18   Temple StreetNo
Viridia Domna66   The City of FreeportNo
Viridia Domna66   West FreeportNo
Viscount Aulus Vesnius Augendus95   West FreeportNo
Viscount GelvoniusThe City of FreeportNo
Viscount GelvoniusWest FreeportNo
Viscount Lucius Granius Vindex95   North FreeportNo
Viscount Norian25   Stonestair BywayNo
Vivian Matho68   The City of FreeportNo
Vivian Matho68   West FreeportNo
Watcher OmmoThe CommonlandsNo
William Hille65   The City of FreeportNo
Wimba30   East FreeportNo
Wimba29   The City of FreeportNo
Wintolak40   The City of FreeportNo
Wintolak40   North FreeportNo
Wompa25   Big BendNo
Worar Headcrusher29   East FreeportNo
Worar Headcrusher29   The City of FreeportNo
Wozur Headsplitter66   The City of FreeportNo
Wozur Headsplitter95   West FreeportNo
Wug Facemangler36   The City of FreeportNo
Wug Facemangler36   South FreeportNo
Wyatt35   East FreeportNo
Yancy35   East FreeportNo
Yeza Facemangler48   North FreeportNo
Yozar Eyegouger66   The City of FreeportNo
Yozar Eyegouger66   West FreeportNo
Zagokk Skinflayer29   The City of FreeportNo
Zagokk Skinflayer29   East FreeportNo
Zargg Throattearer36   South FreeportNo
ZarggaThe City of FreeportNo
Zurgh Nosemangler66   West FreeportNo
Zurgh Nosemangler66   The City of FreeportNo