Returning to Captain Feralis (Tecera Valnos)  

Related Zone:
Min Coin: 14s, 13c
Max Coin: 14s, 37c
Choice Of:
Darkpaw Trinket of Wisdom
Bauble of Windstalkers Fortitude
Darkpaw Casting Bone
Mangled Darkpaw Ear
Faction Changes:

There are two quests by this name.

Given by Ventar T'Kal

Ventar sends you back to Captain Feralis at -432,-44,-280 to continue your service to the Freeport Militia.

The Skeleton Key Commonlands
Quest Series
West Freeport Gate
Tecera Valnos
<< previous next >>

Given by Tecera Valnos

Return to Captain Feralis at the Crossroads ( -428, -44, -281 ) to complete this series and choose your reward.

The Bloodskull Threat Commonlands
Quest Series
West Freeport Gate
<< previous  

Categories: EQ2 Quests | EverQuest II
This page last modified 2009-04-18 23:30:16.