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CategoryThe Stonebrunt Highlands
Related Zone:
Min Coin: 55g, 70s, 61c
Max Coin: 59g, 77s, 68c

Game Update #56
Halas Reborn
May 25, 2010

  1. Finding the cave is the hardest part of this. Go to -327.11, 388.42, 927.60 and use the ramp to get into the mountains. Just follow the path to -524.60, 485.36, 846.74 .
  2. The quest will auto-update around -574.86, 476.28, 894.83 .
  3. Run down to Quel'ule, or drop down, or use your Quel'ule Teleport Pebble. The quest will update around -158.07, 366.09, 614.67 .
  4. Now head to The Marred Plateau. Easiest way is to use the Temporal Pathfinder in Quel'ule to get there.
  5. The update is a clicky sickle on the floor at -441.49, 516.78, 67.38 .
  6. Return to Pantheera to complete the quest.

A Grave Name The Stonebrunt Highlands
Quest Series
Abandoned Kejek Village
A Kejek in the Garden
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Categories: GU56 | EverQuest II | EQ2 Quests
This page last modified 2013-11-16 23:38:18.