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NameTierClassificationNode TypeSkillFound In
Everfrost World Bell0Point of InterestOtherN/AThe Feerrott
Bitterwind Trench Horse Station0Point of InterestOtherN/AEverfrost
Hollowfrost Grove Horse Station0Point of InterestOtherN/AEverfrost
Icegill Lake Horse Station0Point of InterestOtherN/AEverfrost
Frostfang Sea World Bell0Point of InterestOtherN/AFrostfang Sea
Kylong Plains World Bell0Point of InterestOtherN/AKylong Plains
Hammers' Rest0Point of InterestOtherN/AFrostfang Sea
Erronson's Furs And Leathers0Point of InterestOtherN/AFrostfang Sea
Moors Of Ykesha World Bell0Point of InterestOtherN/AMoors of Ykesha
Kelethin Horse Station0Point of InterestOtherN/AGreater Faydark
Steamfont Horse Station0Point of InterestOtherN/AGreater Faydark
New Tunaria Horse Station0Point of InterestOtherN/AGreater Faydark
Butcherblock And Greater Faydark Travel Disc0Point of InterestOtherN/ASteamfont Mountains
Loping Plains Travel Disc0Point of InterestOtherN/ASteamfont Mountains
Gnomeland Security Travel Disc0Point of InterestOtherN/ASteamfont Mountains
Klak'Anon Travel Disc0Point of InterestOtherN/ASteamfont Mountains
Port Of Tears Magic Carpet0Point of InterestOtherN/AThe Sinking Sands
Camp D'Sas Magic Carpet0Point of InterestOtherN/AThe Sinking Sands
Emperor Atreme's Labratory Sokokar Post0Point of InterestOtherN/AFens of Nathsar
Dragon's Rest Sokokar Post0Point of InterestOtherN/AFens of Nathsar
Timorous Deep World Bell0Point of InterestOtherN/ATimorous Deep
Near Residential Aerie Teleport Pad0Point of InterestOtherN/AGreater Faydark
Far Residential Aerie Teleport Pad0Point of InterestOtherN/AGreater Faydark
Jysolin's Pub Teleport Pad0Point of InterestOtherN/AGreater Faydark
Old Kelethin Acorn Lift Teleport Pad0Point of InterestOtherN/AGreater Faydark