Mei-mei Ventur is a busy young woman in the Village of Shin. She's been tasked with recreating a legendary weapon amongst her people -- the Silken Sword. Unfortunately, she can't remember what it should look like as everyone she spoke with gave her a different description of the weapon. I will do some investigating myself to help define the Silken Sword's appearance for her.
Stage 1
I'll need to speak with some of the people in the Village of Shin to get a better description of the Silken Sword.
Start: | Mei-mei suggested I start my research with her brother, Ping Ventur. |
Complete: | I've spoken with Ping Ventur. |
Start: | Ping suggested I speak with his cousin, Gai Ge Ventur. |
Complete: | I've spoken with Gai Ge Ventur. |
Start: | Gai Ge suggested I speak with Kim Nurwin to find out about the wooden aspect of the Silken Sword. |
Complete: | I've spoken with Kim Nurwin. |
I've spoken to several people in the Village of Shin and obtained some items that may help Mei-mei Ventur recreate the legendary weapon.Stage 2
Now that I've gathered a bit of information concerning the Silken Sword, I think I can inspire Mei-mei Ventur by bringing her some of the items that people remember specifically about it.
Start: | I'll need to find a turtle shell that Mei-mei can use as a model for the hilt of the Silken Sword. |
Complete: | I've located a suitable turtle shell. |
Start: | The grip of the Silken Sword was wrapped in red and black silk. There are several containers of cloth around Outsider's Landing in which I'll be sure to find what I need. |
Complete: | I've located some red and black silk. |
Start: | Kim Nurwin said that no one makes fancy lacquered scabbards any longer. But if they used to make them, there's likely to be an antique scabbard someplace around the village that Mei-mei can draw inspiration from. |
Complete: | I've found an old lacquered scabbard. |
Start: | While she may have some metal to work with, I'd like to present Mei-mei with some iron ore that she can use to create the steel blade of the Silken Sword. There must be iron ore near the village. |
Complete: | I've located some iron ore. |
I've gathered some items to help inspire Mei-mei Ventur.Stage 3
These items should help Mei-mei get a better picture of how she can recreate the Silken Sword.
Start: | I must take the results of my research to Mei-mei Ventur in the Village of Shin. |
Complete: | I've delivered the items to Mei-mei Ventur. |
I've returned to the Village of Shin and gave the items to Mei-mei. The items I gathered after hearing the villagers' stories about the Silken Sword inspired Mei-mei Ventur. Though no one person remembers what the sword actually looks like, each of them remembered a single detail that will allow Mei-mei to create a Silken Sword that everyone will recognize.