The Journey is Half the Fun  

This is a Heritage quest. It starts from Cru Naseto in Antonica near the Northern city gates. He will refer you to Selinda Whispersong in Antonica to begin the Antonican race. ( -381, -10, 207 ).

She gives you 14 minutes to visit the following locations and return to her:

  1. Tower of Vhalen: -1300, 38, 45
  2. Keep of the Gnollslayers: -2121, -46, 415
  3. Ruins of Caltorsis: Near the shores, surrounded by undead: -1302.76, -30.16, -786.84
  4. Tower of the Oracles: -1024, 13, -614
  5. Keep of the Ardent Needle: -403, 15, -304 near Knight Grel Stoneshearer
  6. and back to a line between the 2 guard towers where you started. Do not go directly to Selinda Whispersong as you will be short of the line. Just run straight between the towers until you see the update. Then go talk to her.

If you manage to beat the timer she will send you to The Commonlands to speak to Sian D'ior -948, -49, -58 . From Freeport head west along the road until you come to the tower and wall where Sergeant Borus is stationed. Sian D'ior is found on the opposite side of Sergeant Borus, a bit hidden away. Speak to him. He will send you on a race to the following locations:

  1. Crossroads: -488, -45, -317
  2. Lucan's Mount: 10, -15, -741 (Terrathud is at the top of the mount, beware he has a knockback attack, but you can fall safely back into the water).
  3. Zarvonn's Tower: 896, -45, -518
  4. Ring of Nature: 686, -60, -95
  5. Ruins of Valmarr: 378, -47, 338
  6. Turmoil Cemetary: -1301, -70, 320
  7. Return to Sian D'ior at -948, -49, -58

The third leg of this quest starts with Lessa Gentare in the Thundering Steppes. She is located at the docks. You have 13:30 to run it. You must visit:

  1. Thundermist Village: 550, -10, -27
  2. Deadview Pass: 829, 10, 670
  3. Shrine of the Sirens: 1481, -20.4, 239 - Underwater shrine.. about 50m out from western beach.
  4. Shrine of Decay: 309, 0.50, 1174
  5. Coldwind Cove: 235, -22, 1350
  6. Grave Pool: 44, -23, 817
  7. Through starting point on docks -494, -21, -400
  8. Return to Lessa Gentare.

The fourth leg is given by Stro D'Proi in Nektulos Forest at the Commonlands gate -214, 12, 256 . He will give you fourteen and a half minutes to visit:

  1. Behemoth Pond: -208.98, 0.78, -257.73
  2. Gargoyle Gorge: -926.00, 79.00, -1605.00
  3. Nektropos Castle: -1211.94, 119.65, -1839.93 - About a third of the way from the valley entrance to the front door on the road.
  4. N'Marr's Ascent: Near -398, 1, -1235
  5. D'Abbth Bridge: -258.00, 0, -665.00
  6. Port Naythex: Near 661, -1, -271
  7. Return to NPC at -214, 12, 256

The next leg is in Zek from Soci Esign at 484, -40, 223 . This time you will have fifteen minutes and thirty seconds to run to:

  1. Grove Stones: Druid Ring 228, 14, 93
  2. Charred ValeL Scorched area at the Zek bridge -422, -35, -387
  3. Deathfist Lookout: Top of the large winding rock at -21, 75, -365
  4. Access Bridge of Zek: The bridge before Citadel -204.47, -25.29, -544.66
  5. Deathfist Citadel: Near -162.16, -25.11, -615.68
  6. Spirit Lake: -58.5, -3.65, -71.6 - Don't touch the water!
  7. Deathfist Quarry: You must take the elevator down and step out at the mines at 343, -114, -118.5
  8. Return to Soci Esign at 484, -40, 223

If you use the horses, remembering to jump off at the appropriate points, you can finish with more than six minutes on the timer without an evac.

From there you must go to the Enchanted Lands and speak to Banoo Corest at the Granary. You only receive 8 minutes for this leg of the race. Locations are as follows:

  1. Runnyeye Ward: 164.60, 0, -428.59
  2. Tagglefoot Farms: -724, 0, -682.79
  3. Camp Ghobber (Nightblood Tower on your overland map): -790, 0, -939
  4. Goblin Pass: 220, 0, -750
  5. Lookout Stump: 330.93, 0, -420
  6. Back to Granary: 223, 0, -278

The ward is just north of the granary, it's the big totem on the hill before the holes in the Wall. Tagglefoot Farms is along the river, right next to Foomby for the EE bag quest. Camp Ghobber is way to the NE of the map, looks like a tower with a bunch of spike barricades around it and sometimes Overseer Ix (a nasty Evil Eye). Think Orcs in Warcraft type building. From there, as the other poster said, just evac and run the last two steps. Lookout Stump is marked as Halfling Lookout Point on your overland map, and the goblin pass is just north of that, over the ridge and around the edge of the mountain.

The next leg after this is in the Feerrott. This leg is given by Chon Ar'edij -118.63, 7.41, -74.82 . He will not give it to you unless you are level 30+. After exiting the tunnel from the docks you can just hug the left wall to visit him. You must visit:

  1. Temple of Alliz: -301, -7, 819
  2. Ruins of Thule: -729, -2.6, 823
  3. Alliz Tae Outpost: -1221, 2.82, 688
  4. Ulguth Bridge: -1198, -3.8, 430
  5. Tower of Vul: -1018, 0, 488
  6. Altar of the Four Cannons: -719, 6, 195
  7. Murdunk's Fall: -265, 5, 140
  8. Return to Chon! at -118.63, 7.41, -74.82

Heritage Quests
Quest Series

Categories: EQ2 Quests | EverQuest II
This page last modified 2013-03-01 15:28:02.