A Green Hood named Lute has discovered an orc ship called 'Greenmist' holds the Branch of Woodone, but we don't know where the ship is anchored. Lute has asked me to discover its location before we lose the Branch of Woodone to the orcs.
Stage 1
I need to search for any area where 'Greenmist' crew members may visit and seek out how to discover the location of the 'Greenmist.'
Start: | I need to search areas where the 'Greenmist' crew frequents. |
Complete: | I discovered the Prime Enforcer's notice. |
I discovered that the 'Greenmist' crew members may be called in if some of the local brigade troopers continue to lose numbers.Stage 2
If the local troopers of the Drunder, Gorynn and Derris brigades lose more numbers 'Greenmist' crew members will be called in as reinforcements. I need to lower the number of those troopers.
Start: | I need to lower the local Derris trooper population. |
Complete: | I lowered the local Derris trooper population. |
Start: | I need to lower the local Gorynn trooper population. |
Complete: | I lowered the local Gorynn trooper population. |
Start: | I need to lower the local Drunder trooper population. |
Complete: | I lowered the local Drunder trooper population. |
I lowered the numbers of the local troopers of Drunder, Gorynn and Derrris brigades. I am sure they will call for 'Greenmist' reinforcements.Stage 3
I should ambush any 'Greenmist' raider reinforcements headed for Deathfist Citadel. I should head to Split Rock Pass in south eastern Zek. That would be the perfect place for an ambush.
Start: | I need to ambush the 'Greenmist' reinforcements at Split Rock Pass. |
Complete: | I ambushed the 'Greenmist' reinforcements. |
On the road to Deathfist Citadel I ambushed some of the 'Greenmist' raiders called in as reinforcements.Stage 4
I gained a key from the First Mate of the 'Greenmist.' Perhaps the chest it belongs to holds a clue as to where I can find the ship's location.
Start: | I must find the chest that the first mate key belongs to. |
Complete: | I found a map! |
The key from first mate belonged to a 'Greenmist' landing locker box. Inside I searched for clues.Stage 5
I should inspect any items I obtained in the landing locker box of the 'Greenmist.'
Start: | I need to examine the map I found in the locker box. |
Complete: | The map is coded! |
I inspected the map to find it uses some sort of new orc code.Stage 6
I should take the coded map to Lute. She may be able to make sense of it
Start: | I must return the coded map to Lute. |
Complete: | I returned the coded map to Lute. |
I took the coded map to Lute. She may be able to make sense of it. I uncovered a coded map taken from a landing locker box of the 'Greenmist' crew. It may hold the key to the location of the ship of Captain Vulis and the Branch of Woodone. I gave the map to Lute for decoding.