Some Teir'Dal may have a begrudging respect for the amygdalan race, but the Ebon Mask still sees a good opportunity in turning a profit off of them.
Stage 1
Divimar G`Zule, a member of the secretive scout guild in Neriak, demands I lend my services by hunting the Thulian fiends and lifestealers in the Cazic-Thule Temple for their Thulian icons.
Start: | I need to kill any Thulian fiends or Thulian lifestealers that I find within the Temple of Cazic-Thule. |
Complete: | I killed many dangerous Thulian fiends and lifestealers. |
I obtained enough Thulian icons to meet the demand. I obtained enough of the Thulian icons for the Ebon Mask to sell to collectors for further profit.