An Offering and Peace  

This quest is initiated by examining the medallion you receive at the end of the Seal of the Sea quest and after completing the Confirming the Right Track quest. It is part of the Peacock Club Quest Series and requires that you have completed the previous ten plus quests.

  1. Inspect two tablets.
    1. One is on Sinking Sands entrance side at 84,30,494
    2. The other is on the Living Tombs entrance platform before you go down at 221,30,345
  2. Collect 6 urns from the Chancellors
  3. Place the urns at the base of the serpent altar ( +148, +7, +306 ).
  4. Examine the weapons rack near the Consulate of War's door ( +210, 0, +395 ).
  5. Collect 5 Scythes from emissaries of war and 3 Scythes from consuls of war.
  6. Place the scythes in the weapons rack
  7. Collect your reward at the rune box at the base of the temple, near the bath of blood.

Confirming the Right Track Peacock Club
Quest Series
Time for a Garden Party
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Categories: EQ2 Quests | EverQuest II
This page last modified 2011-11-10 18:46:51.