A Sleeping Stone: Restoring Valor  

This quest is part 7 of 9 for the Fabled version of the Mystic-only Epic Weapon, Cudgel of Obviation.

  1. Takk sends you to seek out the Elder Truespirit Rel'Dekk. His altar is at 475, 0, 741 in Thundering Steppes. Right click it to zone into A Spiritual Pocket.
  2. Speak to Rel'Dekk.
  3. You are sent to The Defiled Tomb of Valor in Stormhold (it shares the entrance to Tomb of Valor. Bring a group.
  4. Clear the zone, including the named Serrin Trelmist (82^^^).
  5. Return to Rel'dekk, who sends you to find an earthvine stalk.
  6. Go to Kunzar Jungle. You're looking for "a stalk of earthvine", which looks just like the T8 root nodes. A gnomish divining rod might speed up your search. The quest completes when you find the earthvine.

You must also complete A Sleeping Stone: Dark Enlightenment and A Sleeping Stone: Great Beasts before the final quest.

A Sleeping Stone: Dark Shadows Mystic Epic Weapon
Quest Series
A Sleeping Stone: The Cudgel Of Obviation
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ZAM would like to thank The Brasse for some of the information in this article.

This page last modified 2010-11-12 11:29:14.