Gardy Ex-Giftgiver  

Zone:Frostfell Wonderland Village
Difficulty:v v v
Classifications:Dark Elf, Humanoid, Living, Old World, Organic, Terrestrial, Warmblooded

In 2013 Gardy moved to 224, -29, -1403

Gardy used to give players a different present each day during the annual Frostfell festivities. Now he's out of work, and players should see Santa Glug.

Gifts received Frostfell 2007:

  1. The Fae Snowglobe
  2. Frostfell Snowglobe
  3. The Bixie Snowglobe
  4. The Dervish Snowglobe
  5. The Everling Snowglobe
  6. The Fae Snowglobe
  7. The Gorowyn Snowglobe
  8. The Mystical Snowglobe
  9. The Neriak Snowglobe
  10. The Thulian Snowglobe
  11. The Volcanic Snowglobe
  12. a blue and gold gift box

Gifts received in previous events:

  1. Red and Green Candles
  2. Blue and Silver Candles
  3. Evil Dirge Music Box
  4. Legendary Theme Music Box
  5. Freeport Theme Music Box
  6. Ak'Anon Beats Music Box
  7. Faydark Melody Music Box
  8. Rivervale Shanty Music Box
  9. Qeynos Theme Music Box
  10. Felwithe Aria Music Box
  11. 5 Festive Fruitcake and 5 Nyla's Holiday Eggnog
  12. 5 Schmenko's Warm Spiced Cider and 5 Jumjum Snap Cookies
  13. A Green Stocking
  14. A Red Stocking
  15. A Red and Gold Stocking

Which item you get each day is totally random, and you may get the same gift more than once. If a lore item is placed in your home, you can receive another.

Occurs annually during the winter holiday season.

Introduced for Frostfell 2005.

Other Resources: EQ2i LootDB Human-Readable Link:
This page last modified 2013-12-11 11:15:38.