Replenished in the Name of...  

Grants AA
CategorySilent City: The Delving Dead
Level90 (Scales)
Related Zone:
Required Mobs:
Choice Of:
Mark of Manaar
Void Shard
Primal Velium Shard

Game Update #61
August 25, 2011

Examine the Monolith of Tears near the zone-in of Silent City: The Delving Dead at 143, 30, 208 . There are several choices to give quests here. The quests scale to your level. Not all quests may be available dependent on your real level.

Choose Replenish the waters in the name of Anashti Sul to begin this quest.

Decanter and Vessels
Decanter and Vessels
  1. Find the Waning Decanter. We found it on the ledge at the Waning Baths at 439, 8, 483 . It looked like a clay jug.
  2. Use the decanter:
    • Fill 5 vessels. These look exactly like the Waning Decanter. Known locations:
      • 454, 7, 464
      • 440, 7, 441
      • 536, -2, 506
      • 560, 4, 522
      • 570, -2, 502
    • Release those who guard the receptacles. This should be Faro'Nuk enforcers.

Once all the tasks are finished the quest will auto-complete.


The Delving Dead
Quest Series

Categories: EQ2 Quests | EverQuest II | GU61
This page last modified 2011-08-18 14:57:21.