Frog Stew  

CategoryFens of Nathsar
Related Zone:
Required Mobs:
Min Coin: 8g, 11s, 18c
Max Coin: 9g, 12s, 19c
Faction Changes:

  1. Collect ingredients for the stew that keeps the Krupp slaves passive:
    • Kill 5 dragonhawks for their gooey innards. These are found around the Eastern Pens of Riliss
    • Kill 5 carrion recluses for their soft segments. These are found near rocks in the swamp.
      a spotted budling
      a spotted budling
    • Gather 10 spotted budlings from the area near the mushrooms
      • These can be found growing on logs at the base of the long-stalked mushrooms in the area near -275,-85,1342 . You may have to be in first-person to see them!
      • They do appear on other logs, and sometimes on the ground, throughout the southern part of the swamp. Look for the clumps of long-stalked mushrooms and a budling may be at the base.
  2. Return the ingredients to Pen Keeper Valjik

Fens of Nathsar
Quest Series
Sathir's Span

Other Resources: EQ2i Human-Readable Link:
Categories: EQ2 Quests | EverQuest II
This page last modified 2008-08-25 00:00:42.