eq2 quest:Document Recovery (Neriak)  

EverQuest II
[Scales] Document Recovery (Neriak) (Solo)
Category: Betrayal
To start: ( -481, 44,99 )

Carvox M'Laeren sends you to distract a clerk at The Spires of Innoruuk and steal some papers.

The clerk, Pellankiira S'Xemtor, can be found at -329, 28, 173 .

Hail her and tell her you were sent for a diversion requisition form and she will turn around. Click the papers on the left side of the counter to steal them. Return to Carvox to complete the quest.

Enemies to the Crown Neriak Betrayal and Citizenship
Quest Series
Evil Aligned City to Neriak
Paperwork and Fees
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This page last modified 2012-08-30 08:19:22.