Defending Harold Winemaster  

Grants AA
CategoryNektulos Forest
Related Zones:
Min Coin: 27s, 67c
Max Coin: 29s, 97c

This quest is given by Harold Winemaster at the docks in Netkulos 807, 2, -169 . You might have to have been given The Case of the Poisoned Wine quest to receive it.

You must visit three locations:

  • Pride Lake in Commonlands: Near Nektulos Station 634.5, -46.13, -446.33
  • Black Water Lake in Nektulos: -462, -3, -993
  • Behemoth Pond in Nektulos, to find a bottle at -195, 3, -258 (right-click to pick it up)

Nektulos Forest
Quest Series

Categories: EQ2 Quests | EverQuest II
This page last modified 2011-09-13 09:28:10.