The Yha-lei fishmen seem to have begun worshiping the Leviathan as a god. This new heretical faith insults the gods and threatens the sanctity of religion on Norrath. I should seek out the individual in Teren's Grasp who is responsible for the leaflet I found among the fishmen and see what I can do to help.
Stage 1
I need to seek out an individual within Teren's Grasp who can confirm the source of the leaflet.
Start: | I should seek out an individual in Teren's Grasp who will confirm the source of the leaflet I found among the fishmen. |
Complete: | I have found Isa Fernandi in Teren's Grasp. |
I have found Isa Fernandi in Teren's Grasp. She and her ex-partner were responsible for the leaflets, and I have agreed to join in her cause.Stage 2
I need to make my way to Chelsith to do the work of the gods.
Start: | I need to retrieve the Rock Disassembler from Poggleboddy. |
Complete: | I have retrieved the Rock Disassembler from Poggleboddy. |
Start: | I should make my way to Chelsith to do the work of the gods. I should speak with Yothe K'lohgk on the way. |
Complete: | Along the way to Chelsith, I stopped and spoke with a Yha-lei named Yothe K'lohgk. |
Start: | I should collect the rotted fish barrels to feed to the Leviathan. |
Complete: | I have collected the rotted fish barrels from the Yha-lei encampments. |
Start: | I should find my contact in Chelsith, Uguaz Tysk. |
Complete: | I have found Uguaz Tysk. |
I have assembled what I need to do the work of the gods in Chelsith.Stage 3
I need to disrupt the idols of the heretical Vei-Yha-lei.
Start: | I should use a Rock Disassembler to disrupt 'The Idol of Dominion'. |
Complete: | I have disrupted 'The Idol of Dominion'. |
Start: | I should use a Rock Disassembler to disrupt 'The Idol of Sustenance'. |
Complete: | I have disrupted 'The Idol of Sustenance'. |
Start: | I should use a Rock Disassembler to disrupt 'The Idol of Obedience'. |
Complete: | I have disrupted 'The Idol of Obedience'. |
Start: | I should use a Rock Disassembler to disrupt 'The Idol of Exaltation'. |
Complete: | I have disrupted 'The Idol of Exaltation'. |
I have disrupted the idols of the heretics.Stage 4
Yothe has suggested that if the Leviathan eats rotten fish and grows ill, his mortality will be proven to the vei-Yha-lei.
Start: | I should place the rotten fish barrels where they will be fed to the Leviathan. |
Complete: | I have placed the rotten fish barrels around the Feeding Chamber. |
I have placed rotten fish around the Feeding Chamber.Stage 5
Uguaz Tysk has recommended that I kill the Mucus of the Deep One to distance the vei-Yha-lei from the Leviathan.
Start: | I should slaughter the Mucus of the Deep One. |
Complete: | I have slaughtered the Mucus of the Deep One. |
I have killed the Mucus of the Deep to remove that connection to the Leviathan.Stage 6
Having done what I can to shake the heretical vei-Yha-lei, I should return to Isa Fernandi.
Start: | I should return to Isa Fernandi in Teren's Grasp. |
Complete: | I have returned to Isa Fernandi in Teren's Grasp. |
I have returned to Isa Fernandi and received an interesting reward. I have helped to stem the worship of the Leviathan among the vei-Yha-lei.