Crates on the Nerves  

To replenish her supply of tracking powder, Tiff needs the dust from five moon wisps. Moon wisps can be found around -12, -47, -417 . When you have five return to Tiff.

Tiff now wants you to mark two crates with the tracking powder. The crates are on the Blackshield docks at -441, -91, -962 .

When you go back to Tiff she will give you a map. The map can be examined periodically to see where the crates are going. Follow the crates to their midway points, examining the map after each update. The points are random:

  • the bridge south of the Kerran village at -155, -46, 220
  • the riverbank west of the Ratongan village at -80, -47, 12
  • the Druid Ring at 654, -60, -86
  • the Path of Tears at 1097, -39, -359
  • the road north of the Hidden Canyon griffin tower at 598, -50, 536
Eventually, the crates will move to a "location in the Yapping Maze". They can now be found on a ledge at the Thexian work site at 1325,-36,-188 .

After inspecting the crates to determine their contents, report back to Tiff.

The crates have now returned to the Blackshield docks. Your journal will tell you to go and examine the crates. However, all you need to do is stand near the two NPC, un-attackable blackshields and listen to their conversation.

Once that is done, return to Tiff to let her know what the Blackshield smugglers are doing and claim your reward.

Smugglers' Secrets Commonlands
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This page last modified 2015-07-31 10:10:09.