I am at the second one and well i have gone to the loc and he is not on the wood, i have check all the hives and he is in none, i have the one on the wax, one by the ent (door) but this secondone is not there for love or money. I have been looking for 3 hours and getting mad at this point for it was thee for my other 3 chars.
Note just found it, might have wanted to mention that they are triggers and you must stand in just the right loc or it will not spawn so you can see it.
1- Rrun up the rock ramp near this location, you find the stick at 1636,231,-1904) Grip the stick and inside the honeycomb on left has a insect in it near 1628, 274, -1912 When I pick it up I get the quest: "A Strange Creature" which says bring it back to Traiga.
2- Find the stick at 1553, 210, -1837 Grip the stick and inside the honeycomb at 1537,249,-1852, it's hard to see it,it's near the wood almost straight ahead from the door is the insect which gives "Another Strange Creature".
3- Hive rock ramp 1506, 236, -1-1916, Hive entrance: Grip the stick get the insect in the door on left to the hive at 1508, 277, -1916 to get quest: "Yet Another Strange Creature".
Hive Entrance 1636, -1904 (run up the rock ramp near this location) Honeycomb on left side has a creature in it. When I pick it up I get the quest: "A Strange Creature" which says bring it back to Traiga.
Hive rock ramp 1480, 213, -1870, Hive entrance: 1508, 277, -1916 Get the insect in the door to the hive to get quest: "Yet Another Strange Creature".
Hive Entrance: 1553, 210, -1837 (on the ground) In side near the wood almost straight ahead from the door is the insect which gives "Another Strange Creature".