Gloom Chevalier Faris  

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Zone:Royal Palace of Erudin
Possible Classes:Brigand
Difficulty:^ ^ ^ Heroic
Purpose:Prime Architect
Classifications:Erudite, Hoverer, Humanoid, Living, Nocharm, Old World, Organic, Warmblooded
Grants AA

This fight is actually a very easy one if you have alot of AoEs and can burn fast. Stand on the platform and pull to start this fight.

When you pull the mob, have everyone stand right on the edge of his disk, but don't auto attack him. This will allow you to avoid the worse of the AoEs. As the platform you stand on moves around, groups of three books will spawn and need to be killed. This books, when killed, will damage the named. You basically keep burning books until he reaches 5%, at which point, start to burn him the last little bit.

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This page last modified 2010-08-03 16:41:00.