a ticking tinkerer  

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Zone:Erudin Research Halls
Possible Classes:Assassin
Classifications:Gnome, Hoverer, Humanoid, Living, Nocharm, Old World, Organic, Warmblooded

Not quite a boss, but worth mentioning. They are in the next room along from V'lad Olkeen. There is a big group of them, and when they agro, they will fly at you, and die, casting an AoE that does alot of damage and knocks you back. You are near an edge, so be careful or you might get knocked off and die.

ZAM would like to thank Aceshot for some of the information in this article.

Other Resources: EQ2i LootDB Human-Readable Link: http://eq2.zam.com/wiki/EQ2_Mob:a_ticking_tinkerer
This page last modified 2010-03-01 01:19:25.