
I have been playing WoW since late April 2008. As a late-comer to WoW all I knew was that I wanted to play a Paladin since that was my favorite D2 toon. I started several Paladins actually and got one as high as 35, but hit a wall at that point. I was levelling as Ret with a friend who was a shadow Priest, so it wasn't hard, but the particular toon just wasn't right for some reason. My wife also started several toons about the same time I did and finally settled on a Draenei Hunter as her "main".

I knew all of the human zone lowbie quests and the dwarf-zone low/intermediate quests by heart at this point, and figured I would roll a new Human Paladin with different features and appearance just to make him more "my own". I don't know why this was necessary, but it was psychologically important at some sub-conscious level.

It helped a lot that I got this new toon into a guild that I really liked early on, and I levelled to 40 VERY quickly, so my friend who played the Priest came to the guild that this new toon of mine was in and my wife's hunter also joined the guild and we started questing together as a group of 3 as much as we could.

We got to 60 pretty quickly, and at 61 I respecced Prot so I could start tanking TBC dungeons. I found this to be tremendous fun! The guild I was in kinda broke up when we were all around 64 since the guild leader was away from the game for about 40 days without contacting anyone regarding what was going on, so some of us formed our own guild and moved on. My wife, my friend and I all got to 70 shortly after the formation of the new guild, and several of our guildies also hit 70 shortly thereafter.

I eventually became guild leader, and now our guild has about 115 members with 36 70s as of 11/6/08. Not bad considering the guild just started in late July of '08. We managed before WOTLK to have Kara on farm, but haven't progressed into 25-man TBC content since we still have difficulty getting 25 70s all on at one time who want to raid. We still hope to do a little raiding of TBC 25-man content now and after WOTLK comes out since a lot of us in guild only have 1 70 and have not seen the TBC endgame content.

We now have only 109 guild members due to some changes, and only 26 80s so far, and for a while we were struggling to even do 10-mans at 80. Now we are on the verge of finally doing 25-man guild-only runs and looking forward to Ulduar and beyond!

This page last modified 2009-03-26 12:21:59.