Lyrical Composure  

  • (2) +10 int, +10 agi
  • (3) onAnyHit this spell has a 9% chance to cast Lyricist's Lilt
    Increase str of target by 50
    Increase int of target by 50
    Increases Spell and Combat Art damage of group members by 80.
  • (5) onAnyHit this spell has a 9% chance to cast Mistarget
    Decrease Accuracy of target by 3
Lyrical Chain Leggings 80Armor
Lyrical Chain Gloves 80Armor
Lyrical Chain Boots 80Armor
Lyrical Chain Hauberk 80Armor
Lyrical Chain Spaulders 80Armor
Lyrical Chain Coif 80Armor

This is a Legendary Tier 1 shard armor set. See: Shadow Odyssey Legendary Shard Armor

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This page last modified 2010-11-12 15:27:45.