Watch Out Below!  

CategoryFrostfang Sea
Related Zone:
Related Items:
shard of glowing velium
Min Coin: 12s, 2c
Max Coin: 13s, 3c
Lucent Gem of Fortitude
Round Rug of the Eternal Hunt

Game Update #56
Halas Reborn
May 25, 2010

Speak to Odon Scourgeson in the Cragged Spine to begin this quest.

You must first complete Thirin Veliumdelver's quest, Ry'Gorr Mining Operations, before you can receive this quest.

  1. Head to the underwater cave at 49.89, -108.66, 380.89 and go through it.
  2. Enter the tunnel at -26.47, -67.52, 149.87 and look for crystals in the cave ceiling. Some can be found as follows:
    1. -92.09, -39.67, 41.51
    2. -104.54, -39.81, 32.21
    3. -66.90, -39.73, 25.20
    4. -85.90, -40.28, 1.07
    5. -195.76, -33.12, 126.97
    6. -202.13, -35.05, 85.31
    7. -223.47, -34.84, 109.40
  3. Clicking them knocks them to the floor. Pick them up off the floor for the update. You need 5 in total.
  4. Return to Odon Scourgeson for your reward.

Note: This quest is now repeatable. The house item is the reward every time.

Ry'Gorr Tool Taking Frostfang Sea
Quest Series
Cragged Spine
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Categories: EQ2 Quests | EverQuest II | GU56
This page last modified 2010-08-24 16:57:26.