Triumph in the Temple  

Corrin Ruadh has asked that I return to the Throne of Storms and activate the Kromzek teleporter which should take me to the Temple of Rallos Zek. From there I need to locate Gavin Campbell, a leader of the Ragebourne.

  1. Activate the Kromzek teleporter in the Throne of Storms.
  2. Find Gavin Campbell, who's at -372, 159, -1890 .
  3. Unlock the temple doors from within.
  4. Return to Caerwyn Thomlin to complete the quest.

I successfully made contact with Gavin Campbell and found a way to unlock the massive gates leading to the temple.

Kael Drakkel
Quest Series
Kael Drakkel (Contested)

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Categories: EverQuest II | EQ2 Quests
This page last modified 2011-04-04 12:06:16.