The Savage Deepening of Spirit  

This quest is for the Mythical version of the Beastlord-only Epic Weapon.

To complete the Claws of Khati Sha, they require the energy or spirit of a unmatched warrior. Who within all of this material plane has such energy?

  1. Slay the Statue of Rallos Zek
  2. Draw the power from the fallen Statue of Rallos Zek.
  3. Use the power of the Claws of Khati Sha once again and summon Ralissk, the Keeper of Wisdom.

I locked claws with the Statue of Rallos Zek. A being empowered by the God of War himself! Such energy is unmatched and so shall for ever be the Inspirited Claws of Khati Sha!

A Chance for Redemption Beastlord Epic Weapon
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ZAM would like to thank Slippery of EQ2 Flames for some of the information in this article.

This page last modified 2012-01-10 16:06:54.