The Legend of Roger Goldie: Sandblasted  

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Game Update #55
February 16,2010

Ol' Man Silvers at -1457, -225, -381 in The Sinking Sands wants you to get stronger by helping the locals while he looks into the next riddle.

  1. Help the locals until you ding 57.
    • If you are already 57 or higher just rehail him again immediately.
  2. Return to Silvers.
  3. Meet Silvers in Tenebrous Tangle. The only way to Tenebrous Tangle is by way of Wizard Spires.

The Legend of Roger Goldie: Silvers Versus the Volcano The Legend of Roger Goldie
Quest Series
The Legend of Roger Goldie: Quality Time in the Overrealm
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Categories: GU55 | EverQuest II | EQ2 Quests
This page last modified 2011-06-02 11:27:55.