To receive this quest, enter the public quest region at the great wall of Storm Gorge around 531, 380, 1157 in the Great Divide.
The quest is divided into several stages. The mobs required for the stages are dependent upon the current difficulty of the quest.
For a full walkthrough of how this type of quest works, please see our Public Quests guide.
Windslasher posted this tip for getting the x4 boss to appear on the official forums:
This rumor comes back a lot, so.... spoiler alert!
To get Goredeth Maulhammer to spawn every time: 1) Show up with at least 19 players total. 2) Defeat the first wave (30 storm troopers) in less than 5 minutes from when they start coming. 3) Defeat the second wave (20/20/20 cavalry) in less than 6 minutes from when they start coming. 4) Never let the Siege Marshal die under any circumstance. And that's it. No, these times are not exact. You might have a little bit more wiggle room depending on other factors, but I won't spill all the beans. Just know that if you can pull it off as described, it will always work. Note: For step (3) there used to be a bug that would make the boss spawn more easily if you let the siege marshal die & downgraded difficulty to 12/12/12 cavalry. That was fixed. If you try that now, you're guaranteed to not spawn the boss. So if you hear people shouting to try it, you should shout them down. |
Possible rewards are numerous and dependent upon the difficulty of the PQ and whether you get a common or rare chest.
See Great Divide Public Quest Rewards for the full list of known loot.
Great Divide Quest Series Storm Gorge |