Sometimes You Feel Like a Knut  

CategoryFrostfang Sea
Related Zone:
Related Items:
Min Coin: 5s, 81c
Max Coin: 6s, 90c
Lucent Gem of Prowess
Halasian high backed chair
New Halasian Courser whistle

Game Update #56
Halas Reborn
May 25, 2010
Game Update #57
August 18, 2010

Speak to Knut Orcbane in Cragged Spine to begin this quest.

  1. Head to the underwater cave at 49.89, -108.66, 380.89 and go through it.
  2. Once on the other side, equip Griz. He counts as a cloth head slot item. He will start talking to you.
  3. Head to 96.03, -67.12, 126.30 until Griz tells you the prey is within striking distance. Click the bag at 93.67, -66.54, 118.82 .
  4. Now head to 245.91, -53.54, 53.43 and click the wagon.
  5. Return to Knut Orcbane to complete the quest.


Flawless Core Chore Frostfang Sea
Quest Series
Cragged Spine
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Categories: GU56 | GU57 | EQ2 Quests | EverQuest II
This page last modified 2010-08-14 15:47:38.