EQ2 Quest:Rockpaw Digger Defeat  

EverQuest II
Game Update #64
Qeynos Rises
July 24, 2012
[Scales] Rockpaw Digger Defeat (Solo)
Category: The City of Qeynos
To start: ( 715, -20, -446 )
You must be at least Level 10 to start this quest.

Speak to Shireen Faren-Delnara and her parents to get this quest.

  1. Go back to The Willow Wood: Besieged Hamlet.
  2. Investigate Gnoll Dig Points. There's one at 875, -17, -601
  3. Kill six Rockpaw diggers. Some spawn near the hole at 875, -19, -614 . When you've killed six you receive an Ensorcelled Gear
  4. Find a way to seal the tunnels. Next to each tunnel is a rock that glows when you mouseover it. Click them to close four tunnels.
  5. Return to Milo Faren.

Fire and Bite City of Qeynos
Quest Series
Half Elf
Ayr'Dal in The Forest Ruins
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Other Resources: EQ2i Human-Readable Link: http://eq2.zam.com/wiki/EQ2_Quest:Rockpaw_Digger_Defeat
This page last modified 2012-07-27 11:07:09.