Reverence for Unlife  

CategoryGreat Divide
Related Zone:
Min Coin: 29g, 85s, 79c
Max Coin: 32g, 94s, 88c

This quest series is only available to Freebloods. Only Freebloods who already own the Cloud of Bats ability can begin this series.

Speak to Drammind Gul at 349,-14,428 within the Goahmari Village in Great Divide to begin this quest.

  1. Defeat a searching shardhammer at -259,-351,27 . (also reported at -256,353,758 )
  2. Right-click the body and turn it.
  3. Return to Drammind to complete the quest.

ZAM would like to thank Dyadem for the quest walkthrough.

Great Divide
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Goahmari Village
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This page last modified 2011-03-07 22:19:53.