Mysterious Stones  

This quest is available to those who have completed either Sunwalker and Stones or Intercepting Stones. It is initiated by examining a stone on the wall at the pyramid where the Stonesetters are located. The tablet is on the eastern side of the temple at 255.75, 11.32, -87.34 .

Once you examine the tablet you find it is partially broken and missing parts and you have to kill 4 stonesetters to find the missing parts.

You are then sent to locate the temple on the isle of eye beasts.

Go to the centre of the temple on Gazer isle for a quest update. A Ravenous Gazer there has more information. He tells you that his name is Glutton. He is non-aggro and will talk to you. Spot the icon above his head.

He then sends you off to speak to Grumglub back at the temple grounds.

Gumglub sends you back to Gazer isle to find his precious recipes carved onto the stone benches on Gazer Isle.

Benches :

  • 838.56, 463.16, -81.73
  • 760.56, 459.01, -118.33
  • 913.78, 456.26, -32.92
  • 937.45, 456.55, -25.98
  • 856.37, 454.30, 91.18
  • 1014.61, 467.76, -121.56
  • 982.73, 468.28, -128.74

The quest then updates automatically and you have a number of mobs to kill on Gazer Isle for the recipe ingredients:

  • 10 Dragon Fly Fairies
  • 6 Evil eyes
  • 5 Gazers

If you are not already kos to the faeries, it will cost you 1000 faction to kill 10 of them. If you are above -39,000, you will not be kos after killing them.

You give these ingredients back to Glutton the Ravenous Gazer and he sends you back to your "Empire Agent"

Returning to the Freeport Emissary (barbarian named Spearhead if you are of good alignment) I received a choice of Level 70 food (with additional stats)

  • Flatbread Fairy Fondue or ale cheese soup

The next quest in the series is A Path Revealed. It suggests that you look at an aviak temple in the islands and take the sacred stones with you.

Intercepting Stones
Sunwalker and Stones
Tenebrous Tangle
Quest Series
Sacred Stones
A Path Revealed
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Categories: EQ2 Quests | EverQuest II
This page last modified 2011-12-29 08:15:15.