The Freeport Militia have been encountering many difficulties in securing the Nektulos Forest. I have offered my services to aid them by clearing out some of the more troublesome local wildlife.
Stage 1
I have been asked to help the Freeport Militia by thinning out the strange little fungus creatures that have appeared in Nektulos Forest.
Start: | I must eliminate a few murkbloom foragers |
Complete: | I have killed enough murkbloom foragers |
Start: | I must eliminate a few murkbloom feeders |
Complete: | I have killed enough murkbloom feeders |
Start: | I must eliminate a few murkbloom defenders |
Complete: | I have killed enough murkbloom defenders |
I have helped the Militia clear out some of the strange little fungus creatures from Nektulos Forest.Stage 2
Lieutenant Kaneth also charged me with bringing back any related items of interest that I may find.
Start: | I should search the area around Behemoth pond to see what may have caused the murkbloom aggressions. |
Complete: | I have found a strange idol. |
Perhaps this strange idol is related to the aggressions of the murkbloom creatures.Stage 3
I must return to the Militia to let them know of my mysterious find.
Start: | I must return to Lieutenant Kaneth with the strange idol. |
Complete: | I have returned to Lieutenant Kaneth with the strange idol. |
I have informed the Militia of my findings. I have helped the Freeport Militia's efforts to secure the Nektulos forest by clearing out some of the murkbloom fungus creatures that have been stealing much needed camp supplies.