Knock the Nuknok  

CategoryThe Moors of Ykesha
Related Zone:
Required Mobs:
Min Coin: 22g, 11s, 70c
Max Coin: 25g, 12s, 77c

Kill 15 Nuknok goarers and 15 Nuknok pounders for Ranger Zim'za'ai. For some reason, Nuknok handlers count randomly as Gorers and Pounders.

Timesaver! This quest has steps, hunting areas, or mob targets in common with the following quest(s).

This quest is a lot easier if you do it while you have the Boarfiend Costume, which comes from Nesbit's quest chain. An Unwelcome Task is the end of that part and the costume goes away when you hand it in.

Soko-Flee Moors of Ykesha
Quest Series
Putting a Spin on the Matter
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This page last modified 2013-10-31 14:35:57.