Rattamus has recruited me to help him filch grain from the sacks around Gunthak's Shanty and cheese from the plates of the trolls.
Stage 1
I need to collect food stuffs from around Gunthak's Shanty for the rats.
Start: | I need to filch grain from the sacks. |
Complete: | I have filched grain from the sacks. |
Start: | I need to filch cheese from their platters. |
Complete: | I have filched cheese from the platters. |
I have collected food stuffs for the rats.Stage 2
I need to return to Rattamus with the food I have filched.
Start: | I need to return all that I have filched to Rattamus. |
Complete: | I have returned all that I filched to Rattamus. |
I have returned to Rattamus with the food I have filched. I have filched for the rats.