Freeing the Dain  


    1. Speak to Captain Gunnhilde Bluebeard in Great Divide
    2. Complete all of the Tower of Frozen Shadows(TOFS) Heroic Quest Line
    • Tower of Frozen Shadows: Shadowed Corridors: (Which includes the following floors)
      1. Submergence: First Floor
      2. The Shadow Barracks: Third Floor
      3. Frozen Library: Second Floor
      • Tower of Frozen Shadows: Umbral Halls (Which includes the following floors)
        1. Darkness Rising: Fourth Floor
        2. Stewardship of VhalSera: Sixth Floor
        3. A Brids Scorn: Fifth Floor
        • Tower of Frozen Shadows: Haunt of Syl'Tor (Which includes the following floors)
          1. The Palindrome: Seventh Floor
          2. Investagate First Floor: (Different version of the First Floor)
          3. The Haunt of Syl'Tor: 8th Floor

        Collected all 6 Mirrors from all Floors

          • A mirror from the Palindrome
          • A mirror from A Bride's Scorm
          • A mirror from The Shadow Barracks
          • A mirror from The Frozen Library
          • A mirror from VhalSera Dominion
          • A mirror from Darkness Rising

        February 22, 2011

        After completing the prerequisites speak again to Captain Gunnhilde Bluebeard in Great Divide he will send you to Dain Ulrinn Frostreaver the VII 86, -277, 226 in Thurgadin Dain Ulrin Frostreaver will then send you back to the Tower of Frozen Shadows to defeat Tserrina and free his father Dain Kalus Frostreaver the VI.

        When you click on the Mirror to enter Tower of Frozen Shadow you will have a new option to pick from labled Tower of Frozen Shadow select that to enter the zone. (NOTE: This is now the TOFS Epic x2 Zone - It has all the same floors as the heroic version but modified and more difficult encounters. Once you complete this entire zone you will have access to TOFS Epic x4 version)

        1. Defeat Tserrina Syl'tor inside Tower of Frozen Shadow
        2. Speak with Dain Kalus Frostreaver the VI at 74.02, 777.40, 28.09 8th floor of Tower of Frozen Shadow
        3. Speak to Dain Ulrinn Frostreaver the VII 86, -277, 226 in Thurgadin

        I returned the Dain of Thurgadin to Dain Ulrinn Frostreaver the VII to much acclaim.

        Finding the Dain Tower of Frozen Shadow
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        This page last modified 2011-10-26 22:41:23.