Morodag Greenbow, a wood elf in Crushbone Keep, has asked me to help honor his ancestors who fell in the War of Fay by dispatching the orc necromancers who are reanimating elven corpses. I should also release these dead soldiers from their torment.
Stage 1
I must put the corpses of the honored elves to rest and take revenge upon the orcs who reanimated their corpses.
Start: | I must free the spirits of wood elf heroes being enslaved by the orcs. |
Complete: | I have laid to rest the corpses of the wood elf heroes. |
Start: | I must free the spirits of high elf heroes being enslaved by the orcs. |
Complete: | I have laid to rest the corpses of the high elf heroes. |
Start: | I must slay the evil orcs reanimating the bones of the fallen elves. |
Complete: | I destroyed the orcs who had enslaved the fallen elves. |
I have freed the elven corpses from their unholy servitude and slew the necromancers responsible.Stage 2
I should return to Morodag Greenbow at the entrance of Crushbone Keep to inform him that I was successful.
Start: | I should return to Morodag and let him know that the fallen soldiers are at peace. |
Complete: | I informed Morodag that the spirits of his people have been freed and revenge has been taken upon the orcs. |
Morodag Greenbow was pleased that I have honored his people. In return, he gave me a fine cloak. I aided Morodag Greenbow by freeing the spirits of his people and taking revenge on the Crushbone necromancers who enslaved them. In return, I was given a cloak that was apparently worn during the War of Fay.