Complex Rime  

CategoryGreat Divide
Related Zones:
Related Items:
Mazni's Summoning Stone
Min Coin: 29g, 85s, 79c
Max Coin: 32g, 94s, 88c

Speak to Mazni Nah'fal at 1056, -425, 758 in Storm Gorge in the Great Divide to begin this quest.

  1. Use Mazni's Summoning Stone (must be equipped) to bring Mazni's effigy with you (lasts for 40 minutes, then must be re-cast).
  2. Kill 12 Rime in Storm Gorge. (Groups count as one update and the groups are Heroic, singles are Soloable)
  3. Return to Mazni.
  4. Speak to Mazni at -1231,-538,3188 in Nipik's Haven in the Eastern Wastes.
  5. Go south to either the Walk of Glory or Wakening Lands.
  6. Use Mazni's Summoning Stone to bring his effigy with you.
  7. Kill 10 Kromzek in the area.
  8. Speak to Mazni in Nipik's Haven to complete the quest.

Great Divide
Quest Series
Storm Gorge

Other Resources: EQ2i Human-Readable Link:
Categories: EQ2 Quests | EverQuest II
This page last modified 2013-11-18 14:46:08.