A crude gnoll map leads me to believe that the gnolls are interested in a farmer named Walcott. I will go and find this Walcott in Antonica and speak to him of this.
Stage 1
I must find a person named Walcott in Antonica. The map suggests near the North Gates of Qeynos.
Start: | Speak to Walcott |
Complete: | Spoke to farmer Walcott |
I found farmer Walcott standing at his fields in Antonica.Stage 2
I need a pristine witherstraw scarecrow cap.
Start: | Slay some witherstraw scarecrows. |
Complete: | Slew some witherstraw scarecrows. |
I found a pristine witherstraw scarecrow cap.Stage 3
I need to hunt down Darkpaw mystics in hopes of finding a spool of Darkpaw sinew thread.
Start: | Slay Darkpaw mystics. |
Complete: | Found the spool. |
I found a spool of Darkpaw sinew thread on one of the Darkpaw mystics in Antonica.Stage 4
I need to find a hay bale of quiverstraw in Antonica. Who would be using enchanted straw?
Start: | Inspect a bale of hay for enchanted quiverstraw. |
Complete: | I have some quiverstraw. |
I found a bundle of gnoll quiverstraw in Antonica.Stage 5
I need to slay some sparrow hawks in Antonica in hopes of finding a rare rainbow feather.
Start: | Slay some sparrow hawks. |
Complete: | Slew some sparrow hawks. |
I found a rare rainbow feather on a sparrow hawk in Antonica.Stage 6
I need to return to farmer Walcott in Antonica to deliver his components.
Start: | Speak to farmer Walcott. |
Complete: | Spoke to farmer Walcott. |
I delivered the components to farmer Walcott. I helped farmer Walcott gather the components necessary to construct a magical scarecrow that might help defend his crops from gnoll intrusions.