Hoptor Thagglor  

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Zone:The Ruins of Guk: The Lower Corridors
Possible Classes:Brigand
Difficulty:^ ^ ^ Heroic
Purpose:The Ghoul Lord
Classifications:Biped, Lower Guk Cursed, Noblooded, Nocharm, Organic, Terrestrial, Undead, Zombie
Grants AA

<The Ghoul Lord>

In spite of clearing the room first, two more hand things will appear to assist Haptor: The Crusher and The Burner. Both are 81^^ Heroic.

Other Resources: EQ2i LootDB Human-Readable Link: http://eq2.zam.com/wiki/EQ2_Mob:Hoptor_Thagglor
This page last modified 2008-12-22 13:38:18.