Carrier (STO)  

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Star Trek Online
The pride of the Empire, Carriers are massive vessels that can serve as the flagship for a fleet.

They have expansive crew space, which improves their repair rate. They have some of the most advanced technology in the empire, and Carriers are adept at identifying and exploiting the weaknesses of enemy vessels.

A Carrier's strong Hull keeps it safe from harm, and it can innately target an enemy's subsystems. However, the true worth of a Carrier is in its hangers. Each carrier has two hangers, from which it can launch fighters or other vessels to attack their foes.

Carriers have additional Science Bridge Officer stations and console modification slots.

  • + Hull
  • + Repair Rate
  • + Buffs and Debuffs
  • - Speed and Maneuverability
  • + Power to Auxiliary Systems
  • Can load cannons
  • 2 Hangers

Classes: Vo'quv Carrier (Minimum Rank: General)

Ship Shield FW[1] AF[2] D[3] TS[4] ES[5] SS[6] Hull Crew TR[7]
Vo'quv Carrier 1 3 3 4 2 3 3 ? 4,000 4
  1. ^ Fore Weapon Slots
  2. ^ Aft Weapon Slots
  3. ^ Devices
  4. ^ Tactical Station
  5. ^ Engineering Station
  6. ^ Science Station
  7. ^ Turn Rate

This page last modified 2010-03-04 07:03:16.