The Legend of Roger Goldie: Booty Abound!  

Related Zone:
Roger Goldie's Straw Hat
Carue the Parrot

Game Update #55
February 16,2010

This is it. No, really! Speak to Ol' Man Silvers at 852, 2, 373 in Kylong Plains and follow his instructions and dig up the treasure.

  1. Roger's destination was at the base of a waterfall. Look for a mound of dirt in the lake bed.
    • Look in Ryjesium Lake at 1149, 40, -401 , up by the waterfall.
  2. Take the treasure box back to Silvers.


The Legend of Roger Goldie: Quality Time in the Overrealm The Legend of Roger Goldie
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This page last modified 2011-06-02 11:39:52.