Opal Darkbriar  

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Zone:Darklight Wood
Possible Classes:Coercer
Difficulty:^ ^ ^ Epic x2
Classifications:Dark Elf, Humanoid, Living, Nocharm, Old World, Organic, Terrestrial, Warmblooded
Grants AA

Formerly the Foci of Freeport, Opal was arrested after her part in the theft of Soulfire became known, and was being held in the basement of the Freeport Militia House, awaiting execution.

However, she has recently been seen in Darklight Wood near Nektulos Forest, making her way towards Neriak. Apparently she escaped!

No matter, she has a price on her head, and the Assassins are sure to collect it!

Other Resources: EQ2i LootDB Human-Readable Link: http://eq2.zam.com/wiki/EQ2_Mob:Opal_Darkbriar
Categories: EQ2 Mobs | EverQuest II
This page last modified 2008-02-29 12:45:16.