A Bloodsworn Soldier | 39 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen: Endless Twilight | No | 0.275% |
An Elder Persecutor | 40 - to ^ | Dire Hollow: Barrow Ruins | No | 0.275% |
An Elder Theurgist | 40 - to ^ | Dire Hollow: Barrow Ruins | No | 0.275% |
A Soul Parasite | 33-34 ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
An Adherant Satiator | 34-36 v v to ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
A Bloodsworn Soldier | 39 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen | No | 0.275% |
A Pestilent Imp | 37 ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen | No | 0.275% |
Dryxl T'Rath | 37 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | Yes | 0.275% |
A Rotting Watcher | 37 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen: Endless Twilight | No | 0.275% |
T'rath The Usurper | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen: Endless Twilight | Yes | 0.275% |
A Mist Grinnin Fisher | 31-32 ^ to ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
A Pestilent Watcher | 37 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen: Endless Twilight | No | 0.275% |
An Eventide Sycophant | 37 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen | No | 0.275% |
Gulp | 34 ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | Yes | 0.275% |
An Eventide Flayer | 37 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen: Endless Twilight | No | 0.275% |
A Savage Hellhound | 39 ^ | Dire Hollow: Barrow Ruins | No | 0.275% |
A Mist Grinnin Sporechanter | 33 v to ^ | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
An Adherant Ravager | 37-38 v to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen | No | 0.275% |
An Adherant Satiator | 38 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen: Endless Twilight | No | 0.275% |
An Elder Theurgist | 40 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen | No | 0.275% |
An Adherant Seer | 35 v v v to - | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
A Flesh Draped Swordsman | 33-34 ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
A Razorwing Skinshredder | 38 ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen: Endless Twilight | No | 0.275% |
A Neonate Slayer | 33-36 v v to ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
A Rook Slayer | 40 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | D'Morte Burial Chambers: Veiled Hollow | No | 0.275% |
Blaesra The Nightwalker | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Dire Hollow: Barrow Ruins | Yes | 0.275% |
A Razorwing Skinshredder | 38 ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen | No | 0.275% |
Rien N'lilrien | 39 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen | Yes | 0.275% |
An Elder Confessor | 40 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen: Endless Twilight | No | 0.275% |
A Bloodsworn Slayer | 35-37 v v v to ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
A Rook Confessor | 40 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | D'Morte Burial Chambers: Veiled Hollow | No | 0.275% |
Dvith N'Zur | 36 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | Yes | 0.275% |
Protege Of Feyd | 40 ^ | Dire Hollow: Barrow Ruins | No | 0.275% |
A Mist Grinnin Fisher | 31-32 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
A Razorwing Spiritist | 38 ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen | No | 0.275% |
A Rook Champion | 40 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | D'Morte Burial Chambers: Veiled Hollow | No | 0.275% |
A Bloodsworn Diabolist | 35-37 v v v to ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
A Neonate Seer | 33-36 v v v to ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
Sheya T'Lorn | 36 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | Yes | 0.275% |
An Eventide Cryptkeeper | 37 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen | No | 0.275% |
Chief Strongarm | 35 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | Yes | 0.275% |
A Razorwing Fairy | 38 ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen: Endless Twilight | No | 0.275% |
A Blood Gorged Bat | 38 v v | The Crypt of T'haen | No | 0.275% |
A Bloodsworn Satiator | 35-37 v v v to ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
Deiga Q'Rin | 37 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen | No | 0.275% |
A Flesh Draped Knight | 33-34 ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
A Fleshgoyle | 33-34 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
Lureclaw The Angler | 33 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | Yes | 0.275% |
An Elder Confessor | 40 v | The Crypt of T'haen: Endless Twilight | No | 0.275% |
An Adherant Vanquisher | 35 v v v to - | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
An Adherant Slayer | 37-38 v to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen | No | 0.275% |
An Elder Backbiter | 40 - to ^ | Dire Hollow: Barrow Ruins | No | 0.275% |
A Possessed Hellhound | 36 ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen: Endless Twilight | No | 0.275% |
A Flesh Draped Mage | 33-34 ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
A Jagmouth | 33-34 ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
A Rook Sentry | 40 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | D'Morte Burial Chambers: Veiled Hollow | No | 0.275% |
Varo Z'Kaz | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Dire Hollow: Barrow Ruins | Yes | 0.275% |
A Mist Grinnin Brute | 31-32 ^ to ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
A Mist Grinnin Ruffian | 34 v to ^ | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
A Larval Feeder | 31-32 ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
Viil N'Rahn | 35 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
A Bloodsworn Vanquisher | 35-36 v v v to ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
A Rook Raider | 40 ^ | D'Morte Burial Chambers: Veiled Hollow | No | 0.275% |
Khasra D'Han | 35 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
A Bloodsworn Sanguine | 37 v v | The Crypt of T'haen | No | 0.275% |
An Eventide Flayer | 37 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen | No | 0.275% |
An Eventide Sycophant | 37 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen: Endless Twilight | No | 0.275% |
A Blood Frenzied Bat | 38 v v | The Crypt of T'haen | No | 0.275% |
A Frenzied Fleshgoyle | 32-34 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
A Pale Feedling | 36-37 ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen | No | 0.275% |
An Albino Cave Snake | 33-34 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
A Ravenous Feeder | 33-34 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
The Leucous Maw | 33 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
An Adherant Slayer | 38 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen: Endless Twilight | No | 0.275% |
A Razorwing Beguiler | 38 ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen: Endless Twilight | No | 0.275% |
An Adherant Vanquisher | 34-36 v v to ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
A Mist Grinnin Cultivator | 33-34 v to - | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
An Eventide Cryptkeeper | 37 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen: Endless Twilight | No | 0.275% |
A Rotting Watcher | 37 ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen | No | 0.275% |
A Flesh Draped Swordsman | 33-34 ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
A Flesh Draped Mage | 33-34 ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
A Hellhound Ravager | 36 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen | No | 0.275% |
An Adherant Ravager | 34-36 v v to ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
An Adherant Diabolist | 34-36 v v to ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
A Pestilent Watcher | 37 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen | No | 0.275% |
Zig The Bloodletter | 38 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen: Endless Twilight | Yes | 0.275% |
The Mold Reaper | 33 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | Yes | 0.275% |
A Neonate Vanquisher | 33-36 v v to ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
A Neonate Satiator | 33-36 v v to ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
A Pale Feedling | 36-37 ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen: Endless Twilight | No | 0.275% |
An Elder Backbiter | 40 v | The Crypt of T'haen: Endless Twilight | No | 0.275% |
A Neonate Seer | 34-35 v v v to ^ | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
A Bloodless Thrall | 36 ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen: Endless Twilight | No | 0.275% |
An Elder Champion | 40 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen | No | 0.275% |
A Frenzied Fleshgoyle | 32-34 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
An Eventide Proselyte | 37 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen | No | 0.275% |
A Savage Hellhound | 36-37 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen | No | 0.275% |
A Bloodsworn Seer | 35-36 v v v to ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
An Adherant Satiator | 37-38 v to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen | No | 0.275% |
A Bloodsworn Confessor | 39 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen | No | 0.275% |
A Bloodsworn Theurgist | 39 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen: Endless Twilight | No | 0.275% |
An Elder Theurgist | 40 v | The Crypt of T'haen: Endless Twilight | No | 0.275% |
A Hellhound | 32-34 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
A Razorwing Spiritist | 44-45 ^ ^ ^ Epic x3 | The Crypt of T'Haen: Vengeance | No | 0.275% |
A Razorwing Skinshredder | 44-45 ^ ^ ^ Epic x3 | The Crypt of T'Haen: Vengeance | No | 0.275% |
A Bloodsworn Champion | 39 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen: Endless Twilight | No | 0.275% |
A Razorwing Fairy | 38 ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen | No | 0.275% |
An Elder Confessor | 40 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen | No | 0.275% |
The Blood Reaver | 42 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen | Yes | 0.275% |
Zig The Bloodletter | 38 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen | Yes | 0.275% |
A Mist Grinnin Witchclaw | 33-34 v to - | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
An Albino Cave Snake | 33-34 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
An Elder Theurgist | 40 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen: Endless Twilight | No | 0.275% |
A Pestilent Imp | 37 ^ to ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen: Endless Twilight | No | 0.275% |
A Hellhound Ravager | 36 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen: Endless Twilight | No | 0.275% |
An Elder Champion | 40 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen: Endless Twilight | No | 0.275% |
A Mist Grinnin Netslinger | 33 v v to ^ | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
A Savage Hellhound Alpha | 39 ^ | Dire Hollow: Barrow Ruins | No | 0.275% |
A Mist Grinnin Ruffian | 33-34 ^ | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
A Mist Grinnin Witchclaw | 33-34 ^ to ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
An Adherant Vanquisher | 38 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen: Endless Twilight | No | 0.275% |
An Elder Deathdealer | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Dire Hollow: Barrow Ruins | No | 0.275% |
Sheya T'Lorn | 36 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | Yes | 0.275% |
A Ravenous Feeder | 33-34 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
A Hellhound | 32-34 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
A Bloodsworn Satiator | 35-36 v v v to ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
A Bloodsworn Altar Protector | 38 v | The Crypt of T'haen | No | 0.275% |
Vieya N'Larn | 36 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
Ruenok G'Koz, The Rook Lord | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | D'Morte Burial Chambers: Veiled Hollow | Yes | 0.275% |
V'nya The Unclean | 38 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen: Endless Twilight | Yes | 0.275% |
A Mist Grinnin Savage | 33-34 ^ to ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
A Mist Grinnin Angler | 33-34 ^ to ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
Tufar The Mangler | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Dire Hollow: Barrow Ruins | Yes | 0.275% |
A Rook Bonedancer | 40 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | D'Morte Burial Chambers: Veiled Hollow | No | 0.275% |
An Albino Hatchling | 31-32 ^ to ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
An Adherant Seer | 34-36 v v to ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
An Eventide Punisher | 37 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen | No | 0.275% |
Guardian Of The Altar | 38 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen | Yes | 0.275% |
A Mist Grinnin Theurgist | 31-32 ^ to ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
An Elder Backbiter | 40 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen: Endless Twilight | No | 0.275% |
An Elder Champion | 40 - to ^ | Dire Hollow: Barrow Ruins | No | 0.275% |
A Bloodsworn Ravager | 35-36 v v v to ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
An Adherant Prophet | 36 - | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
An Adherant Nightkeeper | 37 v | The Crypt of T'haen | No | 0.275% |
A Disturbed Shroudsoul | 37 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen | No | 0.275% |
Vesicator | 38 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen: Endless Twilight | Yes | 0.275% |
An Elder Persecutor | 40 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen: Endless Twilight | No | 0.275% |
A Blood Viper | 32-33 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
Nilth T'Feyd | 36 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | Yes | 0.275% |
A Bloodsworn Seer | 35-37 v v v to ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
A Blood Viper | 32-33 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
A Mist Grinnin Cultivator | 33-34 ^ to ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
A Netherous Homunculus | 40 - | Dire Hollow: Barrow Ruins | No | 0.275% |
A Mist Grinnin Angler | 33-34 v to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
A Bloated Muckfly | 31-33 ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
An Eventide Punisher | 37 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen: Endless Twilight | No | 0.275% |
An Adherant Ravager | 35 v v v to - | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
An Adherant Slayer | 35 v v v to - | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
A Bloodsworn Champion | 39 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen | No | 0.275% |
An Adherant Ravager | 38 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen: Endless Twilight | No | 0.275% |
A Larval Feeder | 31-32 ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
A Disturbed Shroudsoul | 37 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen: Endless Twilight | No | 0.275% |
An Elder Champion | 40 v | The Crypt of T'haen: Endless Twilight | No | 0.275% |
A Bloodsworn Theurgist | 39 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen | No | 0.275% |
Feyd The Slayer | 40 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Dire Hollow: Barrow Ruins | Yes | 0.275% |
An Elder Backbiter | 40 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen | No | 0.275% |
An Elder Confessor | 40 - to ^ | Dire Hollow: Barrow Ruins | No | 0.275% |
Rhayn T`Dax | 35 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | Yes | 0.275% |
Burnbreath | 37 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen: Endless Twilight | Yes | 0.275% |
A Bloodless Thrall | 36 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen | No | 0.275% |
A Neonate Diabolist | 33-36 v v to ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
A Bloodsworn Confessor | 39 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen: Endless Twilight | No | 0.275% |
Vaera L'Far | 37 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen | No | 0.275% |
An Adherant Vanquisher | 37-38 v to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen | No | 0.275% |
A Rook Elder | 40 ^ | D'Morte Burial Chambers: Veiled Hollow | No | 0.275% |
A Rook Sergeant | 40 ^ ^ Heroic | D'Morte Burial Chambers: Veiled Hollow | No | 0.275% |
A Mist Grinnin Summoner | 34 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | Yes | 0.275% |
A Neonate Satiator | 34 ^ | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
A Bloodsworn Backbiter | 39 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen: Endless Twilight | No | 0.275% |
A Mist Grinnin Fisher | 31-32 ^ to ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
A Bloodsworn Backbiter | 39 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen | No | 0.275% |
A Mist Grinnin Sporechanter | 33 v to ^ | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
Bodyguard Of The Nightwalker | 40 ^ ^ Heroic | Dire Hollow: Barrow Ruins | No | 0.275% |
A Bloodsworn Diabolist | 35-36 v v v to ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
Remia Starshifter | 39 ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen | Yes | 0.275% |
A Razorwing Beguiler | 38 ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen | No | 0.275% |
A Putrid Homunculus | 40 - | Dire Hollow: Barrow Ruins | No | 0.275% |
An Adherant Satiator | 35 v v v to - | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
A Mist Grinnin Savage | 33-34 ^ | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
A Soul Parasite | 33-34 ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
A Mist Grinnin Cultivator | 33-34 ^ | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
A Neonate Slayer | 34 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
An Adherant Diabolist | 35 v v v to - | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
A Savage Hellhound | 36-37 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen: Endless Twilight | No | 0.275% |
A Neonate Vanquisher | 34 ^ | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
Nilth T'Feyd | 36 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | Yes | 0.275% |
A Fleshgoyle | 32-34 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
An Albino Hatchling | 31-32 ^ to ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
A Mist Grinnin Herbalist | 31-32 ^ to ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
A Mist Grinnin Theurgist | 31-32 ^ to ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
Vashyn T'Reyn | 37 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen | Yes | 0.275% |
N'alla D'virz | 39 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen | Yes | 0.275% |
A Possessed Hellhound | 36 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen | No | 0.275% |
A Mist Grinnin Witchclaw | 33-34 ^ | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
Greth Q'Daena | 37 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen | No | 0.275% |
Ruen T'Dax | 36 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
An Eventide Proselyte | 37 ^ to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen: Endless Twilight | No | 0.275% |
A Mist Grinnin Savage | 33-34 v to - | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
A Bloodsworn Slayer | 35-36 v v v to ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
A Mist Grinnin Fisher | 31-32 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
A Mist Grinnin Herbalist | 31-32 ^ to ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
A Neonate Diabolist | 34 ^ | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
A Razorwing Beguiler | 44-45 ^ ^ ^ Epic x3 | The Crypt of T'Haen: Vengeance | No | 0.275% |
A Mist Grinnin Angler | 32 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
A Neonate Ravager | 34 ^ | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
Grimjaw | 40 ^ ^ Heroic | Dire Hollow: Barrow Ruins | No | 0.275% |
An Elder Persecutor | 40 v | The Crypt of T'haen: Endless Twilight | No | 0.275% |
An Elder Persecutor | 40 ^ ^ Heroic to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen | No | 0.275% |
A Mist Grinnin Brute | 31-32 ^ to ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
A Pale Guardian | 39 - | The Crypt of T'haen | No | 0.275% |
Snapfang | 40 ^ | Dire Hollow: Barrow Ruins | No | 0.275% |
A Soul Parasite | 33-34 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
A Bloodsworn Vanquisher | 35-37 v v v to ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
A Mist Grinnin Angler | 33-34 ^ | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
A Razorwing Fairy | 44-45 ^ ^ ^ Epic x3 | The Crypt of T'Haen: Vengeance | No | 0.275% |
A Neonate Ravager | 33-36 v v to ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
A Bloated Muckfly | 31-33 ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
An Anemic Thrall | 36-37 - to ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen | No | 0.275% |
Rhayn T`Dax | 35 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | Yes | 0.275% |
An Anemic Thrall | 36-37 - to ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen: Endless Twilight | No | 0.275% |
A Razorwing Spiritist | 38 ^ ^ Heroic | The Crypt of T'haen: Endless Twilight | No | 0.275% |
A Bloodsworn Ravager | 35-37 v v v to ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
A Mist Grinnin Netslinger | 33 ^ | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
A Jagmouth | 33-34 ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
Vadil N'Torth | 35 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | Yes | 0.275% |
An Adherant Slayer | 34-36 v v to ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
Lureclaw The Angler | 34 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | Yes | 0.275% |
A Flesh Draped Knight | 33-34 ^ ^ Heroic | The Tombs of Night | No | 0.275% |
A Nefarious Homunculus | 40 - | Dire Hollow: Barrow Ruins | No | 0.275% |
A Grinnin Dew Harvester | 34-35 ^ | Nektulos Mini 02 | No | 0.2583% |
An Ebon Ritualist | 38 v | The Underrot Caverns | No | 0.2583% |
Digmaster Gorf | 35 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Nektulos Mini 02 | Yes | 0.2583% |
An Ebon Neonate | 38 v v v | The Underrot Caverns | No | 0.2583% |
A Muddy Wolf | 36 v | The Underrot Caverns | No | 0.2583% |
A Stone Sniper | 33-35 - to ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Nektulos Mini 02 | No | 0.2583% |
Snapsnout | 37-38 ^ | The Underrot Caverns | Yes | 0.2583% |
A Disturbed Fossil | 33-35 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Nektulos Mini 02 | No | 0.2583% |
A Stippled Bonesnapper | 38 v | The Underrot Caverns | No | 0.2583% |
A Bloodstone Gargoyle | 37-38 v | The Underrot Caverns | No | 0.2583% |
Fossilbone The Foul | 35 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Nektulos Mini 02 | Yes | 0.2583% |
A Muddy Pup | 35 v v v to v | The Underrot Caverns | No | 0.2583% |
Slagtooth | 35 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Nektulos Mini 02 | Yes | 0.2583% |
An Ebon Python | 37 v | The Underrot Caverns | No | 0.2583% |
A Pit Striker | 36 v v v to v | The Underrot Caverns | No | 0.2583% |
Mustcoat | 39 ^ | The Underrot Caverns | Yes | 0.2583% |
An Emaciated Cadaver | 35 v | The Underrot Caverns | No | 0.2583% |
A Visebeak Bonebreaker | 39 v v v to v | The Underrot Caverns | No | 0.2583% |
Chieftain Klob | 36 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Nektulos Mini 02 | Yes | 0.2583% |
A Blotchfur Grizzly | 38 v v v to v | The Underrot Caverns | No | 0.2583% |
A Funereal Spectre | 39 v | The Underrot Caverns | No | 0.2583% |
A Mottled Grizzly | 37 v v v to v | The Underrot Caverns | No | 0.2583% |
A Cave Condensation | 34-35 ^ | Nektulos Mini 02 | No | 0.2583% |
An Ebon Adherant | 39 v | The Underrot Caverns | No | 0.2583% |
A Crusty Skeleton | 36 v v v to v | The Underrot Caverns | No | 0.2583% |
The Den Mother | 37 ^ | The Underrot Caverns | Yes | 0.2583% |
A Quivering Zombie | 37-38 v | The Underrot Caverns | No | 0.2583% |
A Moldering Gargoyle | 36 v | The Underrot Caverns | No | 0.2583% |
A Rumbleroot Descender | 35 ^ | Nektulos Mini 02 | No | 0.2583% |
A Ruinous Skeleton | 37 v v v to v | The Underrot Caverns | No | 0.2583% |
A Dreary Revenant | 38 v | The Underrot Caverns | No | 0.2583% |
A Spectral Pup | 38 v v v | The Underrot Caverns | No | 0.2583% |
An Underroot Disciple | 36 v v to v | Nektulos Mini 02 | No | 0.2583% |
An Underroot Digger | 34-35 v to ^ ^ Heroic | Nektulos Mini 02 | No | 0.2583% |
An Undergoyle | 33-35 ^ to ^ ^ Heroic | Nektulos Mini 02 | No | 0.2583% |
A Spectral Den Mother | 38 v v v | The Underrot Caverns | No | 0.2583% |
A Young Bonesnapper | 38 v v v | The Underrot Caverns | No | 0.2583% |
A Dingy Bear | 36 v v v to v | The Underrot Caverns | No | 0.2583% |
A Matted Direwolf | 37-39 v v v to v | The Underrot Caverns | No | 0.2583% |
A Deathweaver Spider | 34-35 v v v | Nektulos Mini 02 | No | 0.1917% |
A D'Morte Operative | 30-32 v | D'Morte Burial Chamber | No | 0.1417% |
A D'Morte House Guard | 30-32 v | D'Morte Burial Chamber | No | 0.1417% |
A Decayed Corpse | 33-35 v | D'Morte Burial Chamber | No | 0.1417% |
A D'Morte House Vizier | 30-32 v | D'Morte Burial Chamber | No | 0.1417% |
A Shambling Corpse | 33-35 v | D'Morte Burial Chamber | No | 0.1417% |
A Risen D'Morte | 33-35 v | D'Morte Burial Chamber | No | 0.1417% |
A D'Morte Cleanser | 30-32 v | D'Morte Burial Chamber | No | 0.1417% |