Level | 60 - 70 |
Type | Instanced Indoor |
Expansion | Desert of Flames |
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* 1 person in raid needs access to this zone: Capturing the Day and Night.
* Six days reentry.
* All named seem to drain power.
* Nameds are worth aa now 2/10/11.
5x large group of heroics remains of failed raiders
Raktash The Low
Health: 420kHP
Resists: Crush
Attack: Crushing, Magic
+ remains of failed raiders
Health: ???HP
Resists: Crush
Attack: Crushing, Heat
Very easy mob.
2x large group of heroics remains of failed raiders
1x group of epics books
2x large group of heroics remains of failed raiders
1x group of epics books
1x large group of heroics remains of failed raiders
Health: 670kHP
Resists: Melee
Attack: Crush, disease
+2x scriptorium assistant
Health: 450kHP
Resists: ??
Attack: Crush, divine, poison
* Drains power
* Not possible to mezz adds probably
* Not possible to keep aggro (even tank gives her 6k dmg and two master taunts he changes her target) - You may want to have off-tank, taunting her all the time, together with MT.
* Main DPS is provided by her adds
* Djinn's ring should help with this encounter but we did not looted it yet. Shimmering Ring of the Djinn - this ring must be equipted in the ring slot in order for it to work. This ring will prevent the massive power drain the Djinn attacks with.
* Good way to tank her is haviing a high T7 Necro / Conj in Raid if u do not happen to have a valuable off-tank. Just put the Necro /Conj in a sep. MT group, let him summon his tank pet and buff it as MT. One Paladin needs to be in this group as well to put Amends on the Necro / Conj. the pet is able to hold aggro pretty well and if the healers should fail to keep it alive with all the aggro trasferred to the paladin he should be able to hold Aggro through the rest of the encounter. This even works on the 3.
Akte'Hut the Eternal
Health: 582kHP
Resists: Divine
Attack: Slash, divine
+2x Eternal Guardian
Health: 150kHP each
Resists: Divine
Attack: Crush, poison
Spawns after clearing "a fallen raider" encounters on the second floor.
a guilded cyclops - sort of a ring event need to keep killing these till you get the named to pop.
Krathuk the Golden
Health: 637kHP
Resists: Divine
Attack: Crush, divine
+4x a guilded cyclops
Health: 210kHP
Attack: Crush
a fallen raiders - small ring event to clear the room to get to the mirror for the 3rd floor
The longest part : a lot of mobs with a big amount of HP each.
Need to clear everything that is alive to get the event continuing : twins spawning and after their death you gain access to the 4th and last floor. Trash mob and trash mob and again trash mob : when u go through a door the whole raid must go with u and never stay back because in some place some trash will spawn again after some kill and u will have some death if they ninja afk.
1x large group of heroics remains of failed raiders
Group of 3, x3 a grand palace guardian spawn after raiders die. Each guardian has 500k hp. After they die, door on far right becomes openable.
1x large group of heroics remains of failed raiders
Group of 5, x3 a grand palace guardian spawn after raiders die. Each guardian has 400k hp. After they die, door on far left becomes openable.
Left side
2 adds. Agro clear.
Encounter can be pulled solo out of the guardian encounter around him. Drains mana. magic/mental/crushing damage
Will not unlock until after you clear all mobs. Very long to clear to this point, but once done, you are almost finished in this zone.
Raneshu & Jenirodi
Gustrom the Guardian
Spawns a safe distance away from zone up. A very easy mob IF you get your debuffs in. Do not underestimate him, even though he is blue. Once debuffed, MT required no heals.
Once dead, proceed past Keeper room to the left for next named.
Uses Wrath of the dinjin (magic) which hits quite hard..up to 7K on ppl with less then 6000 resistance. also hits quite hard for crushing damage. This may be incorrect but he seemed to get more difficult each attempt. (had 3/4 raid force and wiped a few times)
Pull fallen raiders, then Jura'nata spawns in room. Best to pull to stairs outside of room.
2 adds.
Clears agro often. Best to use two tanks. 4/5 of encounter DPS is done by her adds.
2 adds. Did not agro clear for us, but always good to keep two tanks just in case.
2nd Room
2 adds. Agro clear.
Spawns back in the keeper room. Same difficulty as the other two named. Remember your debuffs - priests are probably lazy after coming this far.