Finally all of the fighting is over! This is the last step and you do not need anyone to help you with it. Return to Juna and turn in whatever quest steps you have completed and you will get a new step and an item. You will notice your quest is now an actual HQ and it will show your reward along with your 75,000 status.
"Use" the item to summon a pair of goggles and then wear the goggles and head to Greater Faydark. You will be looking for spider silks. You can only see these if you are wearing the goggles! So make sure you use that item to create them. When you have the goggles on, the spider silks will appear like normal collectible items, but instead of a "?", it will say, "minuscule spider silks". The summoned goggles are tradable; other members of your party can help you look for silks.
Harvest 20 miniscule spider webs.
The highest concentration of spawn points is around -825, 80, -143 . Fewer, but still some are around -451, 19, 109 . A lot of Giant spiders wander this area along the river, and as far as the spires. There is also a small concentration of miniscule spider webs near the entrance to New Tunaria.
You can use a Gnomish Divining Rod (250 Tinkering or purchase off the broker) to track the spider webs. Once you have collected all 20 spider silks, return to Juna for your reward.
BTW, for those of you who like the HQ titles, even though all the sub quests for the CoF are called HQ quests, only the final quest will count toward the 5, 10, 20 or 30 HQ's to get a new Suffix Title.
I found them all over the GF area, but most concentrated areas seemed to be right under Kelethin and on the way to Crushbone near wear you pickup the pieces of Dwarven War Artifacts to the Honor and Service HQ.
I also recommend making (or buying from the vendor if you don't have a tinker) some Gnomish Diving Rods. These things are like scouts tracking for harvestables and saved me a ton of time on this step. They are usually 5gp-20gp on the vendor and each one will track 5 times.
I agree, it's a wonderful addition. The only thing is, I'd like to see some of these HQ rewards that were a HUGE part of eq1, be more useful in the high end game... Perhaps be a fabled item and require a few big named kills so they are a bit harder to get. =-)
Here's another great example of an EQ1 classic getting it's due. Man, anyone whoever played through an EQ1 Naggy raid really learned the worth of this item. We had such a high demand for this that my old guild had a 10 raid minimum to be qualified for this. You had to have present at 10 other Naggy raids (from fire giant clearing to killing, no late showers!) just to be allowed to roll on this. Of course, this was before we ever heard of DKP, but hey, it still rewarded the faithful.
I'm glad to see another great historical piece getting it's due. I'm still waiting for a cold iron morning star for my priest. :D
Juna now needs minuscule silk from tiny spiders in the Greater Faydark. To see their silk webs I will need to use Juna's Lense Manufactory to create some Minute Reflection Amplifiers. While wearing the Minute Reflection Amplifiers I will be able to see and collect the silk to bring it back to Juna.
Stage 1
Juna needs me to collect thread from the minuscule spiders of Greater Faydark.
I need to collect minuscule spider silk from Greater Faydark.
I have collected the spider silk.
I need to return to Juna.
Juna has crafted the Cloak of Flames for me.
I have brought Juna the thread.
I have brought Juna the silk and she has sewn together the completed cloak of the Fourth Warrior.